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Author Topic: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel [Over]  (Read 1292 times)


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Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel [Over]
« on: July 06, 2008, 08:01:27 pm »

After a few test forts and some research into these forumns and the wiki, I've decided to commit wholly to one fortress 'till the very end. No back-up saving, no restarting. Do or die, win or cry. Since I also want to practise my writing, I figure I might as well create a chronicle of my project, and maybe get a good chuckle from responses.


I've never been outside the mountain home. It's kinda scary. The traders would tell stories about how the weirdest things grow outside, what with the flowers and the large animals, but they never spoke of the ceiling out here. There isn't one. It just keeps going up. I try not to think about it, but I keep having these nightmares where I keep falling away from the ground forever. But beyond that, it is majestic and beautiful outside. I love the smell of the flowers and tree, the prismatic array of colours reminds me of the beautiful gowns my grandmother used to wear, and the light of the sun warms every part of me it touches.

To think I was becoming a stone crafter just a few weeks ago would have been the most likely future for me. Adulthood was setting in, my parents were getting some apprenticeship project planned out for, and Tanver was looking at me in that funny way Father looks at Mother when he's sober.
I had just become a dwarfette and was about to begin my first labours, when the Queen herself walked up to me and declared me the next great hero of our people. Needless to day, I was elated that Her Majesty though so highly of me after one look, believing my beauty to have pulled in a new perk from an admirer. Humbly I bowed as every head in earshot turned to face this would be hero. I figured she would request me, an aspiring apprentice to craft her some furniture. What she declared next drained my soul of happiness and made me very ill to my stomach, though the thought of being beheaded for insulting the Queen kept me from loosing my breakfast.
"In this young head is the mind of a genius, one that can learn the fissures of the new stone. In his throat is the voice of a leader, one that can command the spirit new stone. In his heart is the courage of a hero, one that can slay the monsters that guard the new stone. We have need of a new mine, out beyond the walls of this mountain. After much divination, I have peered into all our souls and found this gem before me, the leader this new mine will need. Mark today as the beginning of a new era, as this young hero set forth to carve a new stone."

I'm now convinced out Queen is completely mad. I no warrior, nor architect, but I have no choice. At least I won't be going alone. The Royal Administrators have assigned six other dwarves to travel with me to our destination. I can see it now actually, it's such a great distance away across this flat dirt and grass place, but the heat wave of the volcano gives it away. Melbil says we'll reach there tomorrow, the first day of spring. Hmm, day...
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 05:45:29 pm by the_taken »
Totally Unrelated, Shameless Self Promotion: Battles of the Star Angels and Space Devils


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Re: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 04:06:19 am »

I like my teammates. They're more suited to this rough environment that I am.

Zon Crestfloors is one of the three miners assigned to me. He mostly keeps to himself, but he seems nice enough from the few conversations I tried to have with him. He used to dig out caverns for tower caps back home, and he boldly claimed he's was a gourmet chef when he has a kitchen. I would hope so. I would rather chew my arm off than eat another raw turtle.
Unid Tongstangles is another miner from the tower cap farms. I find her rather boring, but she a much better conversationalist than Zon. She eagerly requested to join to start a career as a brewer. I'm glad, as we used up half our brews on the trek here.
Obok Pulleyantics, the third miner, is an neurotic twit, and a glutton. I've had to remind her not to eat more than one ration, or drink 'till she waddles. She also used to work in the tower cap farms, so hopefully she has the same work ethics as the other two.
Melbil Stockadeearth claims herself to be a Lumber Jill, which is some sort of human term for woodcutter. Despite being a big show-off, I like her. Her laid back attitude eases my worries.
Kogan Slingstatic is a lazy hobbo. Well, officially he's a smith, but he spends so much time carving nonsensical shapes into small pebbles I wonder if he even knows how to wield a hammer and anvil. He wastes so much time "not-planning" to do something that I think he may cause problems in the future.
Stukos Pillarvices, an architect. He's an odd one. He paranoid of even the most remote dangers. Yet once assured of his safety, he degenerates into a buffoon. He's not very entertaining either. He has requested that we created a huge tower as a feat of engineering and resource accumulation. I'll think about it, but there are other matters to attend to, first.

Spring 1051
As if one purpose, the waggon broke down right as we reached what I decided would be the entrance to the great new mine. I decided against starting right on top of the volcano to avoid the flaming creatures that spawn in magma.
The first we needed to do was carve out a solid home inside the earth. Stone would have been preferable, but I guessed that beneath my feet would be more of this dirt. Not I could have found out for certain as noone though to bring any picks. Even Melbil seemed to have misplaced her axe. Rummaging thru our supplies, I found some copper bars and rocks. I considered beating everyone to death with them, but though better of my self. I immediately ordered Stukos to design a facility that we could build with our current supplies that would allow us to make picks and axes from the copper bars. I had to remind Kogan that it was his job to deal with stone constructions, and we lost nearly a day of productivity as we waited for Kogan to remember how a rock rolls.
We then loitered around in agony for another weak as Kogan slowly made our much needed tools. The miners where able to dig out the future farm cavern and the food stockpile while Melbil constructed some beds for us to sleep on. About time too. I wasn't going to sleep in the sand.


Half way thru my first dream of platinum caverns filled with golden ale, I was awoken by Zon and Obok testing out their bed springs. I'm going to inquirer to Melbil as to where she obtained to metal to make such noisy springs.


Obok refused to dig strait down to find solid stone as she had found damp dirt. I had her do it anyway, but then the walls of the area she had just dug seeped water in like a squeezed sponge. I immedietly decreed the nned for a pump to pull the water out, in the hopes the the water could be drained faster than it seeped in from the walls. Alas, it was not to be. While the pump could suck out water from below it with incredible speed, even a wall a few steps ways seeped water in above a dwarf's head.


An epiphany struck me. What if the heat from the volcano drys the ground around it? In any case, the obsidian around it is solid and wont let water thru. I just have to make the miners don't carve out a soaked section and flood the whole place by accident.
Also, everything but felled trees is now safely underground.


The farms are ready for summer planting. Plump Helmets or Cave Wheat?
Totally Unrelated, Shameless Self Promotion: Battles of the Star Angels and Space Devils


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Re: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 05:45:08 pm »

Summer 1051

Zon is a good cook. These Rum Biscuits are delicious.


Zon is a moron. He cooked ale the rum, ale, beer and wine into biscuits. None of the ponds around here are drinkable, being murky ash loaded, so I've ordered the construction of a well in the failed draining pool. Melbil's axe is going to be melted down to make the chain, I hope she doesn't mind.


There's not enough metal in Melbil's axe to make chains. We're all going to have to try to drink from the murky ponds.

Well that was short. As soon as the kitchen was built, I decided to have the cook make some hearty food thinking he would use up the meat and extend the rations out. Nope. First thing he does is cook all the booze.
Then I tried to melt the axe down to recycle the bars, thinking I'd get a full refund. Bzzz! Wrong! So every one died of thirst, as all the water was undrinkable and I couldn't build a well. This is my shortest fortress: Everyone died in early summer of the first year.
Totally Unrelated, Shameless Self Promotion: Battles of the Star Angels and Space Devils


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Re: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel [Over]
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 08:04:32 pm »

Well, that was short.


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Re: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel [Over]
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2008, 08:25:30 pm »

All I can say is:

Wow. Truly epic.
It's Dwarves not dwarfs.


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Re: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel [Over]
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2008, 11:12:46 pm »

Yeah, next time you'll want to take all the booze off the kitchen menu (from the z menu).
ALSO river before magma. It's a good rule!


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Re: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel [Over]
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2008, 02:09:33 pm »

Yeah, next time you'll want to take all the booze off the kitchen menu (from the z menu).

Will do.
Totally Unrelated, Shameless Self Promotion: Battles of the Star Angels and Space Devils


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Re: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel [Over]
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2008, 04:29:53 pm »

Hehehe, that would make a nice entry in the epic failure thread in the adventure forum :)


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Re: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel [Over]
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 07:38:40 pm »

That reminds me of my early games...

"Humdedumdumdum... Oh, what's this? I have no barrels? Well, I suppose we'll be drinking from the river today. What're those fis-OHGODCARP! Okay, let's embark again... I wonder how a haunted OHGODOGRES-"

Do it again!!!


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Re: Chronicles of Moltenplay the Angel [Over]
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2008, 08:34:37 pm »

My early games went worse
Then I'll abandon, read the wiki, restart, only to get terrified by the designate menu.