Originally posted by Armok:
<STRONG>I think I have finally figured out the title question (I am taking this topic far to seriously I think.):That despite injustice and evils in the world, when corporations war over minds and governments over resources, were entertainment is mas produced by companies blind for all but profit... One person, whit talent, determination, and a dream, can make by himself something far, far better on all planes than all those companies together whit millions of dollars and thousands of employees ever could come close to.
That in a world ruled by greed one can using the tools forged by that very evil, internet and computers in this case (I am not claiming they are evil, I am claiming they are created and maintained by morally questionable companies, and I use the term evil in a metaphorical, or more likely dramatical, sense), can create something wonderful and beautiful and awesome, and ignoring all "reasonable" claims how he could get rich and powerfully, he follows his dream and gives it for free to everyone who wants it, giving up his own sustainance. And yet he remains, because altruism is rewarded against all sense, because in the millions and billions of mindless corporate and governmental zombies there are a few, maybe one in a million, that can too seem this dream and gives up a slight bit of their own comfort in order for it to continue.
Dwarf Fortress have taught me what fairytales and stories of all time has in vain tried to teach me when my cynicism would make me not listen: That however dark the times, the world, there is always a slight ray of hope, that there is something good, and that whit enough determination that good can illuminate, not everything, not even a great part of anything, but at lest those very few not yet corrupted. That in the stormiest sea of evil one may still find an island if one just looks hard enough, and have a bit of luck.
My tear glands must be broken, because nobody can write something like that and not cry, and I just did.</STRONG>
The documentary available at this site shows very beautifully how one person with determination can effect change.
I'm a cultural worker, and this movie gave me a lot of inspiration.
Check this site: www.peaceoneday.org