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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101505 times)

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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Early Autumn

The bright sun had not quite burned through the morning mist over the swamps to the east, but up near the peak the higher winds had whipped the light cover away, revealing the ever blue expanse of sky. Several dwarves were already toiling in the early morning sun, a small group having been sent out today to gather in the remaining items that the avarii merchants had left behind at their death. Pete was one of these though she knew that soon enough she would finally have her hands full of her preferred work.

The woodburners and smelters had been completed in the craftshall, just to the south of the second hall. The forge, only one for now, was slated to be finished this morning. Led had used Paulus diagrams to lay out the needed components and left Mondul's blessing upon it. A fitting thing considering what would be made upon it.

As Pete crossed the deep corner of the valley separating their entrance from the rest of the peak it seemed to suddenly go dark, as if a cloud had crossed over the sun. Pete quickly looked up through the dimming light to see the clear blue sky, paler and fainter than before and gradually a darkness stole across her vision. The faintest sounds of laughter filled her ears, like the tinkling of a far off bell, feminine in quality and it was the last she heard before oblivion engulfed her.

Pete Usanezum has been Possessed!

The darkness seemed to last an infinite amount of time when suddenly a light flared in front of her. The ruddy glow of a lantern and the red-yellow glow of the forge-fires were unfamiliar to her. The glistening turtle-bone decorated anvil she recognized however, and that solid block of metal comforted her. Before her on the bench lay a magnificent creation, a cuirass and backplate complete with shoulder plates and gorget gleamed dully in the firelight, and for a second she thought she saw unknown runes gleaming on it. But when she blinked they were gone and she realized that the brass platemail itself rippled in the light, wooden bands polished to a gleam provided relief and texture to the smooth metal surface. Hanging rings of brass added decoration and function, serving to tie all the individual pieces together into a cohesive unit.

Had she created it?

She could not remember.

She heard a sound behind her and caught only a glimpse of a dwarf, unrecognizable to her in the light.

The dwarf, now long gone clutched at his head, willing his thoughts through mental excercises, performing calculations, complex gear systems, anything to escape the sight of that creation that seemed to bring so many memories crashing back into his mind.

Oddbodd fled, into the dark.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 03:03:39 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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Mid-Autumn 10

Etud glanced up as they crested the hill before entering into the first hall of Geshud Osod. It was a pleasant sight for him, seeing the thieves of various races gaoled out in the weather and being used as bait to attract undead. The merchant felt no remorse for the trapped creatures, they plagued his every step, assaulted his caravan as they slept, stole what they could and, on rare occasion, managed to actually wound his crew.

His smile was stolen away as he passed into the halls of the Fortress of Bones however. The first hall was visibly more packed with building materials than last time. He'd have to report that to his ... contact. They were planning something big, and the nobles still maintained a contrary aligned stance to the cultists, the death worshippers, despite the King's leniency. Or perhaps because of it.

Passing down the half smoothed ramp into the lower realms of the mountain he entered the sixth hall, the trade hall. A small tower-cap was just pushing it's way out of the dirt in the corner of the chamber. He'd see to that before he was done as well. Stacks of bins and goods greeted him and nearby lay piles of lumber that hadn't yet been put in proper storage from the human caravan. But it was the three digging tools that lay near one corner of the depot that concerned him. The terronite and high-steel shovels he recognized. They'd gone out last year to the east, destined for the human tribes of the southern reaches by request. How they came to be here he did not know.

Led let the merchants have plenty of time to unpack after they arrived. It was obvious from their deportment that most weren't happy to be here at all and they held themselves aloof from any of the settlement that came near. No idle banter passed their lips, no exchange of drinks or food. He sighed. Why did it have to be like this? Had they chosen to worship a god or goddess of Fortresses or War they'd have been accepted, even heralded as 'true dwarves', was a goddess of Death so much different? He knew the answer, despite having asked the question to himself. It came down to a lack of understanding. People, dwarves in particular, were unaccepting of change. And Mondul simply didn't fit into their previous theology. It wasn't proper or traditional and therefore it simply wasn't dwarven.

He sighed again before stepping out to greet the merchants.

"Hai, welcome."

Etud spat on the ground next to him and did not take the proffered hand.

"Let's get this over with."

Led let the slight pass and examined the goods they'd brought. Much was useful, and they'd be able to afford almost all of it. Thanks largely to the Avarii who'd brought much, but due to circumstances, left with much much less.

The bars would be good, and even some of the gemstones they'd brought could be put to good use. The drink would always be welcome to help provide variety and the food as well, though their larder was nearly full. Perhaps he'd have a second one dug beneath the first. It never hurt, and should it come to a siege they'd want to be well prepared.

The caravan had even brought some steel armor, and as much of it would be purchased as possible, all things permitting. The lack of flux in the area made making steel a difficult task.

In exchange they'd provide the stone crafts that had been made in abundance as well as the goods and clothing the Avarii had left behind in their passing.

Almost casually out of the blue the merchant turned to him.

"Out of curiosity, where'd ye get the shovels there from?"

Led looked up from his perusal. "Oh, those? The elves from Micele Fidale brought them this spring. Strange thing for them to have, so we figured we'd buy them."

The merchant said nothing, and only grunted slightly.

Led handed him a list of the goods and values tallied that he was willing to trade and Egul looked it over before nodding and sighing. Officially there was little he could do at this point. Denying trade at such large profit margins might get him fired, as might defying the King's orders to permit trade. But accepting brought him no great joy. They'd not be making quick time on the way south anymore.

The bloody cultists had sold him two full wagonloads of rough stone.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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Late Autumn

Glacies wiped her forehead and rubbed her now-dirty forearm on her skirt. She'd been putting in double time since accepting the task of Head-Mason from the High priest. The insight she'd gained from making the felsite coffer served her well and she quickly found that she was easily the fastest mason there. It took the others four to five times as long to hew out blocks as her, and with her skill Thesaurausaurus had comissioned furniture to be provided. That task fell to her exclusively and she was given little, other than those tasks to do. It left her much time to think, perhaps too much at times.

A tap on her shoulder startled her out of her thoughts and she saw Led standing behind her. She turned to him after setting her hammer and chisel down on the workbench and dusting her herself off a tad.


"I thought it was time we had a little chat, now that you've had some time to think things over. When's a good time?"

"I've got this order of tables and thrones to fill, and some odds and ends after that, but I suppose I can make time."

"Good, I..."

Thesaurusaurus can rushing through the door and looked relieved when he saw them.

"Sir, the Avarii, they've gone boulders again!"

Led sighed and shook his head slightly.

"Very well, what's the situation."

"Same as normal, except their animals went bezerk instead, killed a few of them and scattered their loads across the peak.
From what I heard there are two mules left. Both crazy, one to the north and one to the south-east."

"Alert the Hound..."

Glacies put her hand on his arm. "Let me. We've got armor to go around now. I can handle two crazed animals, surely."

Kolok voice could be heard from the workshop next door. "Oi, then I'ma goin' too. I love mules."

Glacies looked at Led as if asking to be sent alone, but Led shook his head.

"He's right, it's best we send two, just in case."


Glacies grumbled to herself as she stood at the top of the hill looking northwards. Kolok hadn't arrived yet and was still gearing up, much to her dismay. This was the first chance she'd had in months for any sort of action and she wasn't about to let some carpenter show her up. Her steel chainmail clinked as she moved and the weight of her armor and shield made her feel solid. The fire-hardened ashen shortsword in her hand gleamed from it's polished surface and it was evident it'd never been used. She smiled to herself as she took a deep breath of the warm afternoon air.

Kolok's heavy tread brought her wheeling around.

"It's about time you get here. I've been waiting for hours."

He merely shrugged. "Needed a drink first."

Hefting his axe he started loping off to the north, Glacies eagerly trying to keep pace aboveground with his long strides. Up ahead they could see the mule, braying wildly near the corpse of his former avarii master. Blood coated it's hooves and flecks of grey and white tissue clung to it's matted fur. A wild look was in it's eyes and they were wide open and bloodshot.

It scented them somehow and turned towards them in time to have Kolok charge into it. The sturdy creature barely budged as the not-quite-so-sturdy woodcutter bounced off, landing on his rump on the ground. In a flash it wheeled and kicked out, catching Kolok on the side of the head with one hoof, caving in his helmet slightly. The dwarf's head snapped back painfully and he flopped down momentarily.

Glacies for a second was awestruck by the speed and ferocity of the beast and concern for Kolok and herself came a split-second later, but she could see him breathing still and by the time she'd closed the distance he was already shaking his head, trying to clear it as the mule tried to trample him. He rolled away in time as Glacies lunged with her sword, scoring a shallow cut along the left flank. The angle was bad, however, and it didn't cut much deeper than the thick hide.

Kolok came to his feet in a flash as the donkey came down again, nearly on top of him, biting out with it's teeth. In a reactionary move he brought his axe up and pushed out with it, landing a glancing blow flatwise on the donkey's head. Glacies struck out again with her sword, stabbing at a leg but missing. Kolok's next swing caught the donkey in one of the front legs, and the sudden absence of it sent the donkey sprawling on the ground.

The prone donkey tried to lash out with it's legs, connecting several times as the dwarves stabbed and cut into it, but never with enough force to get past the steel armor. Kolok's final stroke to the chest killed the beast, named Heatedstabbed in the Avarii tongue and the pair of them stood, breathing heavily in the sunshine.

Glacies looked sideways at Kolok.

"You ok?"

He merely shook his head as if to clear the pain and grunted.

"One more."

They took off jogging, Kolok going somewhat slower this time as they headed towards the south. They saw a small group of zombie mountaingoats, grazing on non-existant grass but left them well enough alone. The second mule was found on the southern slopes and charged them as they approached.

Glacies advanced first and had more sense now. She approached more slowly and so was able to almost avoid the massive kick as it turned and lashed out behind it. Still, it connected on her thighs and rocked her back on her heels, denting her plate greaves. Kolok circled to the other side and they began the battle in earnest.

The pair was more cautious this time, however and as soon as the mule turned on Kolok, Glacies struck out with her sword, cleanly severing the tail of the creature, along with portion of one flank. Kolok's next swing took the head cleanly off. And so ended the life of Fealtyplaited, the mule.

As they trotted back to camp Glacies looked over at Kolok from the side. To her horror she noticed that the hoof had crushed the helmet in such a way that it destroyed Kolok's right eye. And he favored his neck as well on the return. Her own injuries were not insignificant and just walking pained her. Was this what the Hound did? She had a hard time justifying her mild disdain towards him now that she'd witnessed death and injury up close. But it didn't deter her, instead she steeled herself against her emotions and comitted herself to the path she had begun.

Turning to Kolok she had to ask, "I thought you said you liked mules."

He shrugged. "I do. Always have. Saw a bit o' myself in them. Can't abide the thought of them wandering about these hills mad like that. Better to put them down."

She shook her head, guesturing vaguely towards his head.

"And after that do you still like them?"

Kolok looked at her, blood trailing down the side of his ruined face, and gave a crazy grin.

"Oh, aye. I like 'em for their stubborness."
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 08:51:06 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Heron TSG

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The sturdy creature barely budged as the sturdy woodcutter bounced off

A sturdy sentence, my good man!

Also, I like the take on mule-loving.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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((heh... good catch. I've amended the sentence. Let the original stand in it's quoted glory.

And my apologies Kolok, I don't know what it is but I'm beginning to think you're cursed. You've suffered a neck wound and lost an eye. We don't need woodcutters or carpenters that much, especially with your legendary carpentry skills you crank things out fast. I'll work on training you up in civilian duties (like pumping) and will just have to get you your military experience the fun way. Actual combat.))
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 11:01:16 am by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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Early winter, 10, Journal of Paulus Fahlstrom

Things progress well here of late. Despite the multiple appearances of Insectoid and goblin ambushes on the slopes around us only one group actually made it to our cavern undiscovered. The others held back rather then attack once they were spotted. A tactically wise move on their part. Which has me concerned.

If I didn't know better I'd almost say that the roaming undead were protecting us. What an absurd notion.

The mining work on The temple goes well, far ahead of the masonry which is, by nature, more time consuming. Ragnar asked if she could go mine some fun things and since Pete, Oddbodd and Sarah have been clamoring for some metal to work with now that the forges are running I see no reason not to. Just east of our peak was a mixed iron/gold vein. The iron vein appeared to be larger but after Ragnar had her fun there I was pleasantly surprised it was not so. We'll get almost sixty bars out of the gold vein and only about twenty or so from the iron. Ragnar also uncovered a sizeable pocket of yellow zircon near the end of the gold vein and managed to bring out several large chunks of rough gemstone.

That this area has such abundant and rich mineral veins littering the surface makes me wonder what we can do with the uncovered veins. I'll have to ask around to  see what the others think we can do with the space.

We've caught three more tigermen thieves in our traps and I think we'll have time to install at least one of them above and get it linked before Led is ready for the official ground-breaking ceremony. Glacies and her crew have been working hard on making blocks and as soon as the ceremony is over we'll begin construction on the walls.

I'll have to keep my eyes open during the ceremony to see who might make suitable candidates to have trained for military duty, or rather double duty, as with so few bodies we need as many as possible for civilian jobs when not otherwise engaged.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

sneakey pete

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((oh wow, i made some Armour, that's pretty cool. Shame it was brass though.
Does this mean that i'm the chief armoursmith now? ))
Magma is overrated.

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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((Actually, it's perfect it's Brass. That leads me into the story line I've been wanting for Oddbodd. Unfortunately it was a possession. I've left hints in the post for a future direction to take it into though. So no skills. But yeah, you're our only armorsmith anyways.))

28th of Obsidian

"My friends and fellow followers of Mondul!"

Led's voice rang out over the rush of the wind. The snow and ice gave the scene a pristine look, but the upper peak had been scoured clean by the wind.

"We are here to dedicate this site to our goddess and the construction of her Temple."

The eight prisoners glanced at each other nervously, with exception of the Tigerman, who remained unmoving in his cage, as if in meditation. Most of the prisoners were goblins. Three were thieves and two of the others were from the patrol, the axegoblin squad leader among them.

"This is not only a dedication but a trial, of them." He pointed towards the prisoners.

And then somewhat quieter, "And of us."

The dwarves looked at each other nervously. They knew what would happen, but this was to be their first trial. For some perhaps their last. But they knew the doctrine by now. Death was not to be feared, it was to be embraced. And only by facing death would they know life, only by overcoming death in the short term would life become worth living, and Death become more real to them. Thesaurusaurus stood next to his son, Led, newly come of age. The lad seemed eager, anticipatory.

"Then let us dedicate this holy site my brothers and sisters. At this time, the dying of the year in the season of death do we begin."

The lever was pulled and as if on cue the cages sprang open.

Pandemonium ensued. The thieves had their weapons still, few dwarves had anything but their fists, but they outnumbered the thieves and soldiers almost two to one. Only the Hound, Glacies and the High priest had weapons, and one or two of the miners, Sarah among them.

Several of the thieves were jumped upon and others tried to flee. The Tigerman sprang into action as soon as his cage was open, and so swift was his movement that none could catch him. None others escaped. The axegoblin and one other nearly managed to break free. Sarah put her pick into the wrestlers leg while the young Led jumped at the axe goblin, who stood his ground and attacked back, cutting into the dwarfs leg.

On the other side of the site the Hound lay into prisoners with abandon, smacking them around and helping others who had them pinned. Led stood nearby, pinning a goblin to the ground with his spear.

It ended quickly and the followers of Mondul gathered quickly again in a circle. Two gaps in the circle were left for the fallen. Onol, and the young Led, slain by the axegoblin as he strove with him. Thesaurusaurus and Sarah were visibly distraught.

Led spoke out again then.

"It is sufficient. Mondul has visited this place now. Let us care for the dead with proper dignity. Places of rest and glory have been prepared for them below in the Crack. Let us celebrate their passing, even as we mourn our own loss."

All witnessed Death.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 05:20:40 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Heron TSG

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nice ritual scene, but now I've lost that I never knew I had.  :-\

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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((Aye, it was a shame at that. To be honest I didn't even know he was your son until after the battle and you became Unhappy. Being attacked, losing a son to tragedy and witnessing death apparently does that.

If it makes you feel better this wasn't your son that had made the artifact. And I've designated an area in the Crack as your family tombs. Boink's working on spiffing it up as we speak. Well, kinda. (Not really. Game's not running right now.)

Speaking of Boink, she'll be the subject of the next post.

Oh, and these rituals will become annual affairs. Only cultists may participate. Gotta do something with the thieves and it helps advance the military storyline I've got planned with Ragnar and Kolok as well. Not to mention all the other military dwarves. Khain and Draconius you'll be up next too.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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7th of Granite Journal of Paulus Fahlstrom

Spring-time in the mountains changed little. The snow still swirled around the peak above as Paulus tramped down the hillside, stamping his feet on the ground to dislodge the snow from his clothing. Clean-up after the ritual was a somewhat somber affair for some but it was just work for him. What Led had been thinking not arming the followers beforehand he didn't know. The prisoners had retained their weapons. Still, there was time to persuade him otherwise for next year. There was always much to do, that at least never changed.

Tramping down the smoothed entry hall into the second hall he smiled slightly as he headed into the third hall, the dining area. Fre's work was well complemented here, with magnificently carved stone furniture, all rough spots polished out and the surfaces curved and gleaming. Glacies had done well on these in her spare time and Led had decorated them using the remains of the very hall itself. It seemed to make sense to decorate the dining hall in turtle, shad, bream, heron and swan bones, the white providing a nice contstrast.

Several dwarves sat in the hall already, relaxing with their food and drink obtained from the basement below. One he wanted to speak to sat, solitary in the corner table. He headed below and pulled himself a shot into a large mug before heading up, pulling a chair over to dwarf.

She was still in the middle of eating a swan roast, spiced with prickleberry seed and ground sunberry, another of Fre's magnificent creations. She nodded cordially as she chewed, but somewhat hesitantly. He sipped his rum while he waited for her to finish chewing and smiled appreciatively.

"Looks good."

She smiled and waved her fork in his direction. "Aye, it is." Her smiled faded in an instant. "Touch it and you're hand'll be next."

He chuckled appreciatively, raising his mug. "Aye, Fre's work's like that. Don't worry, I'm just here to soothe a parched throat."

She perked up again immeadiately. "You're the Hound right?"

He nodded.

"Pete tells me you're the one to talk to if I want to change professions."

Paulus shrugged non-commitally. "What were you wanting to do?"

"I've always wanted to be a metalworker. Smelting and forging. Yup. It's what me ma used ta do back in the Homes. Da was in the guard and died in the wars, lost ma on the crossing. Been wandering since then."

Paulus nodded. She wasn't a follower of Mondul he knew. But where she'd come from and why had been one of the things he wanted to speak to her about. That and Pete had mentioned that she could use a little more help in the forges now that they were running.

A sudden disturbance interrupted his thoughts. Boink burst through the doors, looking parched and famished but carrying a large red-backed spider silk bundle in her hands. Seeing him she staggered over plopping it down on the table.

"Paulus, there you are. Keep an eye on this for me. I need a drink, bad.", before dashing off. He shook his head and unwrapped the bundle.

Her magnificent creation lay on the silk, slender and beautiful in it's gleaming glory. The native gold stone she used had been engraved with small square panels, perfect and symmetrical and set in them with the stone background serving as scenery, boulders and landscape inclusive she'd set the glorious battle of Kolok and Heatedstabbed in chickenbone. The first panel showed the slaying of the avarii by the mule, the second Kolok being struck and losing his eye, then a battle scene with Kolok and Glacies fighting and finally with Kolok striking the mule down in the final panel. Inset into it to pad the stone was soft silk which had been worked into other areas as well to provide a soft contrast. Pure gleaming gold bands circled above the engraved scene as well as below. The top of the crown was properly spiked using the same unbroken piece of native gold and small gold rings hung down a few finger widths below it.

Khain looked upon it dumbfounded, awestruck and almost worshipful. (Look at what she's fond of. ;) )

Boink bounced back up the stairs, giddy and happy as she drank deeply from a frothy mug of dwarven beer.

"I've got to send a letter to Uncle Crush, he'll be impressed. Oooh...that looks tasty. I have to see if there's any left. Oh, and I'd better hurry, I wanted to see the ritual."

Paulus paused for a second.

"Boink ... it's almost mid Granite. That happened nearly two weeks ago."

She looked momentarily crestfallen before smiling and scooping up her treasure in her free hand. "I'd guess I'd better go see how it went then. I've got sooooooo much to do now. I think this place could use some spiffing up. Perhaps I'll decorate the walls once I get some time."

She left in a whirlwind of motion and speech, leaving Khain her mouth slightly agape. Paulus turned back to her.

"So, we were saying."

"... that was the most impressive ... thing I think I've ever seen."

"Hmmm? Oh, yes, Boink did very well. We were talking about your career."

"Yes, I ..." she looked longingly towards the empty doorway.

"I agree. Feel free to report to Pete. She'll be your supervisor. Perhaps she'll even let you do some of the armorwork we'll be needing since she'll be busy with the weapons."

She nodded again.


Paulus shrugged again, removing his mug from the table and working his way across the hall towards someone else already.

((You're profile below Khain.))

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« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 02:46:05 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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((Was it a posession or fey?

Also, yes!! Super valueable crown. The king must somehow be forced to wear it when he arrives)).
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.

Heron TSG

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I guess Heatstabbed truly was a kingly mule.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG

Paulus Fahlstrom

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((It was a fey mood, so yes, you're now a legendary Engraver. We've actually had a rash of Artifacts, most of them very cool and nicely story-line appropriate.))

Cont'd from previously

Paulus didn't have far to look. Iton, the fisherdwarf sat on the other side of the third hall, intently observing something that the Hound couldn't see. Until he got closer. The dwarf sat on a chair, very still and stared at the corpse of a dead chicken lying on the floor.

"You do that?"

He started, surprised. "Me? No, I was just in here taking a break when I saw the chicken just fall over and die. Near as I can make out it died of old age."

The Hound raised an eyebrow, but let him continue speaking.

"I've can't ever recall seeing something die of old age. It's fascinating. I imagine it must be the same for us."

"I see. I came to speak with you for a reason."

"What then can I do for Mondul?"

"We'll be putting together a military here shortly. I want you in it. You were the only unarmed dwarf at the ritual who managed to cause death among the prisoners without a weapon."

She smiled slightly, as if relishing the thoughts that sentence invoked.

"I would be honored. If I might though, now that I've been reborn in Mondul's glory I'd like to be given a new name."

"That being?"

Her grin became fierce. "Draconius, that, like a dragon, I may strike fear into the hearts of our foes and sow death among them."

"So you shall be called then. You are to report to..." he paused. Paulus had been about to say Ragnar, but with her recent bouts of drinking and self-depreciation he wasn't sure she would want the task.

"Kolok. Report to Kolok. He's been trained well enough and by those that had skill. He will be overseeing the training of the military even if he will not be participating."

"The unbeliever?"

Paulus shook his head. "He's one of the better trained. Glacies will be your squad leader in combats for now. Your civilian duties are NOT to be neglected either."

She seemed to accept the decision once she realized that Glacies would be her immeadiate superior and went back to observing the dead chicken.

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I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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The outpost liason rubbed his temple again, trying vainly to soothe out the headache he felt. There were things afoot in the nation that few, other than the king and his closest advisors, knew. But one he could tell. Relations with several of the other races were quickly becoming strained. Displacing an entire nation was not a simple affair, and moving that nation to another location with a pre-established power structure was a quick way to setting off a war.

A war they didn't need. But that seemed likely to come anyways. That the goblins would be their enemies they did not doubt. The insectoids as well, they were just too different. But there were many others that were enigmas as of yet. Rumors of an evil fortress to the south had reached their ears, but, as of yet, none had record of relations with the Chaos lords. On the other side, the Avatars and Avarii were eqully difficult to deal with. That had been one of the reasons he'd been sent to Geshud Osod. Rumors of Avarii merchants going crazy and dying were disturbing and no one seemed to know why. That alone might be sufficient to spark a war with the xenophobic Avarii.

The elves were a new problem as well. The elves of this place were different, more savage, not less. And there had always been precious little trust of the elves. And the stories coming out of Onol Lened were not reassuring. Neither were the reports from the merchants guild that caravans were just disappearing in elven lands, their goods showing up months or years later among elven merchants. The King had authorized him to examine the situation here as well, where reports of dwarven goods being peddled by elves had also surfaced.

Perhaps that was where the headache had come from. The elves had shown up a week or two ago, carrying a bar of Celestrium and an ornate copper shovel. The bar had the stamp of Saintorb, the capitol of their cousins and allies of Zilirezum. Such metal was never sold to elves.

He'd been given authorization from the King to make a decision on the matter and convey it to the outpost leaders he'd meet with. There was some concern about whether the cultists would even cooperate, but he'd found them amenable. He didn't want to be responsible for the actions that might lead to war, but from his perspective it seemed as if the elves were almost asking for one by siezing caravans.

"Very well, Led. I've made my decision. From this time forth you are authorized by King Tosid to henceforth sieze and retain all good of potentially dwarven origin."

Led nodded. There was no reason he shouldn't trust the liason, but something in the back of his mind warned him that this might be a manipulation. A reason that could be used against them somehow in the future. But, he reasoned, even the Hound didn't trust the elves.

"It shall be done as the King commands."

((Let's see how patient elves are... heh. Oh, and as repayment for previous goods we've also siezed a tame Black bear.))
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 08:35:42 am by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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