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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101481 times)

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #90 on: July 21, 2008, 02:52:37 pm »

27th of Malachite

Avuz has indeed blessed us amply in this place. The miners finally began excavation of the main shafts for exploration and already found a vein of Galena and one of Bismuthinite. That means lead! The Baroness shall have her lay pewter. They also found a large cluster of emeralds and kunzite, right next to each other.

On the other hand Litast's mandate to make turtle shell items passed. We were unable to comply to the reqest she had made since the last three shells were used by Kikrost in the making of Instoltunur. She didn't really want to follow through with the punishment process but with the new Hammerer overseeing things it had to be done. In the end she gave our bonecrafter the minimum sentence. A single hammerstroke. She feels terrible about it. I assured her I would do my best to see that our craftsdwarf was wearing armor when it happened. This practice has plenty of precedent and the law doesn't specify that the dwarf receiving punishment can't be armored. In fact, it's almost common in cases where the manager has to comply with the law but feels it isn't warranted to armor the convicted. In cases where it is well and truly deserved such protection is generally not allowed, ensuring both justice and a measure of mercy take place. Still, I hope he survives the blow. Many would not, and our Hammerer looks to take her work seriously.
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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #91 on: July 21, 2008, 03:48:42 pm »

The character I've landed with is perfect! Great choice!

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #92 on: July 22, 2008, 11:56:51 am »

9th of Limestone

The dwarven caravan arrived today. Six wagons and a bunch of pack animals. We're not ready for them. Rather I should say, we can pay the levy required of us but it would leave us stripped of armor and weapons, something I am not willing to permit. I have a plan though, and though it might not be viewed favorably, it is within the legality of the levy. In any case, Vabosh met with the Baroness Lokum instead of me to go over the numbers and whatnot. I assume he'll join me for the levy. The merchants seemed unhappy about the whole situation as well. They don't appreciate their wagons being commandeered to ferry goods that aren't their own. Perhaps my solution will work well for them also.

"Welcome again. I hope ye had a good trip."

"Aye, well safe enough anyhow. The extra patrols the king has sent out to escort the merchants and ensure the security of the levies has helped to be sure."

"That's nice. Can I see a list of what you've brought?"

"A list? Um... sure. Let me find it." He began rummaging through some papers in his satchel. I knew most merchants kept an inventory of what they had and where it was obtained and for how much. It was simply good business. "Ah, here we go."

I perused the list. There was much there that was unneccessary, and even some very expensive pieces. One such was a stack of steel bolts. Not high quality in and of themselves, but they were well decorated and were selling for about thirty five thousand ingots. Way to much for a stack of normal bolts, but I tried anyways.

"I'll take the lot of it."

"What? You want everything? I suppose we can do that if you have enough goods to barter with. I'll not take anything covered by the levy though. I don't want it confiscated. The goods I have are worth just over one hundred and eighty thousand ingots though."

"Aye, let me have the stuff hauled up and you can double-check and tally things as we load it."

I began filling the wagons, hoping desperately that we'd have enough junk to fill them most of the way, and that our levy would cover the rest. I was pleasantly surprised. Volume wise the wagons weren't brimming, but they were creaking under the load of the goblin armors, most of the ones we had being metal. By the end, almost all the wagons and animals were full, only about six thousand stone weight could be easily added, and we hadn't even gotten to the levy.

"How's that then? Should give ye about 40000 profit ta boot."

"With what you have to trade I can't see you getting all the items you want."

"Hmph. It's a fair trade and ye know it. But if you're going to be like that you can keep those bolts. No one in their right mind pays that much for some shoddy quality bolts anyways."

The merchant grinned ecstatically. By my calculations he was coming away with about 70000 ingots worth of profit. A good trip by any measure.

By the time Vabosh had finished his meeting I'd already chosen what we'd be sending for the levy, with what little room there was left on the wagons.

"Hoy Vabosh, hope the meeting went well." He grunted.

"Well, enough I suppose. So let's get to the business of the levy."

"Can do. I've got some bins of material for the levy set aside here, but there doesn't seem to be room enough for all of it."

He looked at me skeptically and examined the wagons. I tried not to smile.

"Aye, true enough. Well, fill it with what you can and you'll just have to hope there's more room next year."

I had fifteen iron shields loaded up and that topped off the wagons nicely. They were only valued at just over two thousand ingots though.

"Well, by my estimates your holding is now worth just under two million ingots, so with what you've paid you still owe about a hundred and ninety thousand ingots for next year." He made some notes in his ledgers as the merchants prepared to leave. He handed me a slip of paper before departing himself.

"Here's what we really need for next year. Crossbows and ammo, short swords, battle axes, armor of course. I understand what ye did, though perhaps not why. You're taking a great risk though putting it off like that."

"Aye, I'm aware. But I'd be taking a great risk paying it this year as well. Paying it now leaves us largely unprotected and if we're attacked again I'd prefer to be armored than have my debts squared. We'll have it for next year though for sure."

"Well, see that you do. I'd not recommend trying a stunt like this again though."

"I'm not sure we could. Still, what the merchants are taking should be useful enough. There's at least a hundred bars worth of iron in those wagons if it were melted down. Some of it could be easily modified to fit as well, though it might take more work that way. We'll come up with the rest next year, don't worry."

Despite my assurances he did look concerned. Nearly two hundred thousand ingots was no trifling matter. I felt confident we could make that though, assuming our fuel supply held. It had been a stall tactic on our part and I hoped we could get away with it. Only time would tell I supposed.
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Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #93 on: July 22, 2008, 01:31:39 pm »

28th of Limestone

One of our Masons apparently decided to please the nobles with his brilliant idea today. He claimed a workshop and began gathering materials. He took some Bismuthinite, Bituminous coal, Lay pewter and Marmot bones. I have no idea what he's making as he won't say, just keeps repeating the words 'Lal Fazis' to himself.

P.S. He is done. I almost laughed when I saw it. It is a Bismuthinite Millstone. Not that we have a mill. But it has an image of a dwarf surrounded by dwarves in lay pewter that he claims he made specifically for the Baroness and her consort. Perhaps I'll have it installed in their room just for fun. I can't imagine using it for anything else. Seems like a waste of good Bituminous coal to me. Of course, that stuff is fascinating. I won't expound on it's intricacies here, but it is, in my opinion, one of the more magnificent minerals in the crust.

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Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #94 on: July 22, 2008, 05:40:04 pm »

9th of Sandstone

Our roster of injured seems to be mounting. When I last checked we had at least seven injured individuals. Four of which are royal guard. Thankfully the Baroness doesn't see fit to replace those that are wounded with more active individual else our military ranks would be decimated. Two are of the fortress guard. All of which have been wearing at least steel chain. Perhaps we can improve that to plate in the future but we're simply too busy at the moment. The other injury is one of our craftsdwarves. He survived the hammerstrike but I fear he may remain injured for some time. The blow seems to have nearly crushed his upper right leg. He can't stand on it at all. All the injured are doing well enough though, as long as I remember to bring them food and water.

In other unfortunate news we've run out of wood for our woodburners. I've no doubt that despite the sixty of so charcoal we've stockpiled Aardvark and his crew will burn through what we have in less than a month. We've already re-harvested the upper plateau and central one despite it being too early for such activity. We have no choice but to take what timber we can find on the lower plateau as well now. I've decided it's time to convert the bituminous coal into coke now, and that should help bolster the fuel supply, but it seems a shame to use it so. We're still working on extracting it and I think I've seen a lignite deposit on the upper plateau near the waterfall. Perhaps we'll have to resort to using that as well.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #95 on: July 22, 2008, 06:50:05 pm »

21st of Sandstone Mid-winter

Today we toasted to three of our own that have risen in their skills to pass the test of Champion. Few there are that manage that, and to have three pass in quick succession is a boon to our fortress. Many perceive champions as the true defenders of the mountainhomes, despite the efforts and blood of dwarves of lesser skill. Urvad was the first, ranking top marks in both axe and shield, followed by Tosid and Fath, both in sword. Our Hammerer presided over the challenges to ensure fairness and she seemed content with their skills. Perhaps I can trace the injuries caused to the guards now, though I'll certainly not hold it against them. I too feel at times that I could benefit from some more formal martial training but my other duties leave me constantly busy with meetings and tending the injured. Perhaps I'll make time sometime soon.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #96 on: July 22, 2008, 09:30:28 pm »

26th of Moonstone Winter

I was tending the injured again today when the alarm was sounded. Our woodcutters on the southern plateau had spotted a large humanoid coming from the east. We got everyone in in time, but only just. It was a Titan.

He chased our woodcutters to almost to the gates before stopping and bellowing.

"I am Arkoth Sobirdallith. The name of Dorenemal is spoken among the Titans and I have come to challenge the Champions of this place."

We certainly didn't want him starting to tear the place apart. Ragnar, myself and two of our champions, Fath and Tosid geared up just outside our gate to parlay with the creature.

"What are your conditions?"

"We fight to the death. If I win you all are my slaves. Send the three champions out to fight."

The four of us stood resolute as the wind picked up, bringing with it small snow flurries. My breath fogged the air before me.

"Two are here. The third is busy and can't come at the moment. Would you accept the two of us in her place?"

He grinned. "Two more dwarves to smash? Let us fight then."

The giant of a creature charged swiftly, rapidly closing the distance on the four steel-clad midgets. Three of them had swords, one an axe. Arkoth grinned. He preferred to wrestle, and with his skill he knew their weapons would be of little use once he got close enough. The dwarf in the lead he reached out and slammed into the ground as they met, stunning the creature and putting it flat. But not before it had cut him. The others swung their weapons and scored minor hits. Mere cuts and scrapes, no serious damage and the Titan laughed. Arkoth swung out and send another dwarf scurrying away from his blow. To his surprise one of the dwarves with a sword (Fath) launched himself at the titan, tackling it in the legs and holding on. Titan and dwarf locked in each other's grasp, neither relinquishing ground. Then the second dwarf jumped in, grabbing an arm and holding tight. Still the Titan knew no fear as he lashed out with his good arm, sending a dwarf flying into the obsidian wall nearby. It was when the third dwarf, the one with an axe, tackled him he felt the first fleeting doubts. The dwarves did not give up or flee, they too were fearless. His blows, while fierce, were not telling with their armor and he began to doubt the wisdom of coming here to challenge this newly founded city. The axedwarf barreled into his chest and both fell stunned, dwarf on top of the Titan, while the other two fiercly clung on and impeded his movement. By the time the fourth dwarf jumped on and pinned his other arm with uncanny strength for one so small the Titan began to suspect that his kin would only hear of his defeat. It enfuriated him and he struggled harder, pitting his strength against the four from Dorenemal. The struggle lasted minutes, then an hour, then two. Neither side delivering telling blows, neither side able to gain an advantage. The giant felt his strength begin to ebb, and still the tireless dwarves fought on. When the largest of the four, the axedwarf slipped around behind him the Titan knew his end had come. He fought valiantly on to the end, until blackness engulfed his vision and a rushing filled his ears and he knew no more.

So perished Arkoth Sobirdallith, the Titan, to the defenders of Dorenemal. Hardly a scratch marred his body, yet still he had lost the fight in the end.

((The pic on the left side is mid battle before I could rejoin the others. We literally all piled on top of him. After the battle is on the right. Fath and Tosid in white, Ragnar in blue, me in grey. Uvash was asleep and the others mid-crafting.))
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 09:35:02 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #97 on: July 23, 2008, 04:36:10 pm »

12th of Opal

The Baroness Lokum gave birth to a baby boy today. We've congratulated her. Perhaps now is a good time to take care of anything we don't want her to see...

Also, Aardvark came by today to let me know that they're running low of steel bars. We've only had one smelter working on steel, the other was working through the veins of other metals, like silver, lead and tin, as well as the coal. I'll have to see if I can shuffle around some things and get some more steel made. I had requested some ballista arrows for the entrance made of steel. I'll have to see about canceling those if we're short.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #98 on: July 23, 2008, 10:03:18 pm »

3rd of Obsidian

Our craftsdwarf, Stukos, with the broken leg has fallen into a melancholy. Despite receiving food and water regularly he was apparently unable to sleep due to the pain. He's up now though, and dragging his mangled leg with him as he goes moping about the fortress. He does not look well and I fear this may not bode well for him.

On a more positive note we had a child of one of our fortress guards come of age recently. I wish I could remember their name. He had a choice of what he wanted to do and opted to join the military like his father.

Urvad as well gave birth again. Another healthy baby boy. I swear, just as soon as one grows out of that helmet-sling she fills it right back up. This is the third of her's that I know of, and if I remember correctly her and her husband had at least one or two when they arrived from Kilrudmorul. Still, and child of hers is more than welcome. Perhaps I'll accuse her of trying to fill out the army herself.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #99 on: July 24, 2008, 11:15:16 am »

15th of Obsidian

The Baroness walked into my office today and kicked Fath, one of our glassmakers, out so she could talk to me.

"Paulus, I'm not happy with this situation. Not happy."

"Um... what situation?"

"The lord Rovod has a better tomb than I do. I find that quite perturbing. I want you to make improvements to my tomb. And put something nice in it."

She then stalked out. I gave a sigh as she left. There was nothing wrong with her tomb, nevertheless I went to go meet with the stoneworkers to let them know they should engrave it for her. As far as her demand that I put an item in it, I was at a loss where to begin. Lay pewter came to mind, so I'd have to see if that made her happy.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #100 on: July 24, 2008, 05:28:08 pm »

1st of Granite 1056

Well, 'tis a new year. I was surprised today when the Baroness came stomping into my office all in a huff. Apparently she had just met with the elven ambassador, who in a matter of minutes managed to insult her three times. She informed me that he had commented that we were, in his words, 'disrespecting the trees', but that that was what he had come to expect from such savages as us. She told me to keep up the good work.

As it is we're continually short of fuel and we've had to relog all of the areas well before their proper time, which is unfortunate. We've recently finished re-logging the north upper plateau and may have to give the woodcutters a break to let some of the smaller trees in other areas grow back. In any case, with the steel production being at a low point as well, I've dismissed half the forging crew to other activities for the time being. Aardvark expressed some interest in healty excercise and training with the guard a little, as long as it wasn't Fath, Tosid, Urvad or Ragnar. Heh, I think he's worried of going the way of half the Royal guard around this place.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #101 on: July 24, 2008, 06:33:47 pm »

9th of Granite 1056

Stukos Mamotmeng, our craftsdwarf died today of thirst. He would take no water or food in his melancholy state. It's a shame such a thing happened, but our mayor, the young lass is coping well. Or perhaps after having spoken with so many and heard so many complaints she is becoming somewhat hardened to the realities of life. He was buried in a proper coffin though, and fitting tribute was paid.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #102 on: July 25, 2008, 10:52:06 am »

11th of Granite late Winter 1056 (technically early spring. Hah)

I was in my office, as usual, updating our ledgers and checking our supply lists when I was advised that the elven caravan was arriving from the east. To be honest I'm surprised they came to trade with us. Their diplomat left in a huff after a very short visit with the Baroness. I wonde

We are besieged! The elves flee for the safety of our walls before a goblin horde. I'll write later. The time for battle is upon us.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #103 on: July 25, 2008, 05:39:36 pm »

17th of Granite 1056

The siege is broken. Our defenses and defenders proved resolute yet again. Two goblin platoons came in from the east, an axemaster leading fifteen speargoblins and a spearmaster leading fifteen axegoblins. I wonder if they did that on purpose... They were the first seen and the elves confirmed their presence once we had them protected by stone gates. We became aware of the groups on the upper plateau somewhat later. Three more full platoons. A swordmaster with fifteen crossbow goblins, another axemaster with fifteen axegoblins and a bowmaster with fifteen pikegoblins. A substantial eighty goblins have come against us this time. Apparently they haven't learned. Unfortunately my trap didn't work out quite as I intended. Before they even made the corridors they ran into my traps on the east. One of the groups broke ranks and fled after their leader disappeared. I found out later that he and four others were caught in our cage traps. Looks like Ragnar will have his fun. A similar occurance happened on the west, much to my dismay and we couldn't lock the gates to keep all of them from running. Still, they proved better than nothing and when we left our secure fortress to charge the remaining groups it was almost a rout than a battle. The goblins quickly broke ranks and ran, some being caught by our outer gates where they were cornered and summarily killed by Ragnar and his crew. Almost everyone saw a little bit of action and to my amazement we had no casualties at all this siege. Had we not been so well equipped it may have turned out differently.

In all eighty goblins came to siege Dorenemal. Thirty three managed to flee, the others were killed except for the five that we caught. I thought we could do better, but in order to do so I'd have to remove most of my traps to lure them in closer before springing the doors. It would take some work, but I had help now, three able mechanics and siege engineers. I even had the ballistae loaded and ready to fire but unfortunately there was no cause to use them. Cleaning up will take some time.

Again the elves were here to partake of this scene of bloodshed. I wonder how they feel about this. I'm sure they'd defend their homes as well were they attacked, but considering we came here and invaded first... technically, they might harbor some ill will towards us. In any case they were still willing to trade with us. Despite their protestations, or perhaps because of it, that we abused our trees they brought a small supply of lumber for us. It was a welcome addition, though they carried little else of use. Some roots and berries, not much, and cloth of which we had plenty. Still, they left content with our stone crafts.

In any case, I'd better get above. There is much work to be done on all sides now. I suspect we may have a bit of a break when it pertains to goblin-kind so I'd better get my plans enacted.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2008, 05:41:09 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #104 on: July 26, 2008, 05:17:34 pm »

12th of Slate

Melbil, our glassmaker, gave birth to a girl today. It seems that almost everywhere I turn now I see children chasing each other around the fort or playing in workshops and whatnot. It warms my heart to see our young.

We held a ceremony to honor our experienced guard today as well. Not to be outdone by the military several of our guard had requested the challenge of Champions and our Hammerdwarf was pleased to admit and pass four of our Fortress Guard and one Royal guard. Ragnar seems pleased that our military forces are doing so well. He himself has been training hard also. Nish Besmarkacoth, Nish Igathreil, Ducim and Rith of our Fortress guard are now Champions and Deduk of the Royal as well. It was a good day all around. We're still cleaning up after the siege but all goes well.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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