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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101480 times)

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #60 on: July 15, 2008, 12:32:27 pm »

15th of Moonstone Winter

Things remained quiet this winter until today. I was in my office working on the tally of supplies we had when the cry of alarm was sounded. A look of surprise crossed my face but grimly I grabbed for my shield and obsidian sword that lay in a pile in one corner and without further thought rushed towards the stairs. The cry had been sounded from the woodcutters to the south I quickly learned and as I rushed out the door I could see Urvad and her crew gathering behind me. Opening the door blasted me with the cold winds of a snowstorm, the wind cutting through my now worn clothing like a knife. But battle was near and it warmed my heart.

Running towards the unused goblin fort through which we had established a path to the lower plateau I passed many fleeing the opposite direction. They passed without word as they labored for the safety of our halls. I could hear the others clanking behind me, coming, but slightly slower than I who hadn't bothered to put on armor. I was weary of these goblins and hoped dearly that none of ours had perished this day. The building seemed warm in comparison as I entered. The few dwarves I passed in the narrow hall had bad tidings. A goblin patrol had sprung up in ambush. Uvash the woodcutter had died as he tried to retaliate, Kumil had been cut down as he fled.

A pounding began in my ears as I saw them ahead in the dim light filtering into the building through the wall behind them. I charged. A single patrol, 1 guard with four speargoblins. A dangerous group. A single speargoblin was in the lead and braced himself for the charge just in time. I managed to wound him somewhat in the leg, but he clipped my head with his elbow as we went down in a tangle, me stunned.

Through my blurry vision I saw the goblin guard come up and I wondered if that was the end for me there, but he rushed past, chasing the fleeing goblins, mistakenly assuming that I had been the only defender. Fath came charging out of the corridor behind me into the hall where I lay, and plowed into guard like an enraged elk, pushing the guard to one side and slamming him into the wall.

My head cleared and I stood, dodging a thrust from the now erect goblin. I needed to focus and soon was chanting a battlecry, Vigilai et Orai. I sensed rather than saw a second goblin come up behind me spear at the ready then a third joined the one in front forming a circle or iron around me. I lunged ahead, taking the one I had charged in the arm and removing it at the shoulder. It flailed and dropped it's shield as I whipped my sword back in an arc, forcing the goblins behind to jump back from where they had been encroaching. A fourth joined and our deadly dance of iron began, me dodging blows or blocking them with the steel wall I carried in my right hand. Seeing an opening I lunged again, taking the injured goblin by surprise and splitting him from the side.

I felt another dwarf coming up from behind, the pounding of metal shod feet running, it must have been Urvad. A clash from behind indicated that Fath was wading into the guard, steel overcoming iron.

A thrust forced me to dodge to one side, dropping suddenly, but I was able to use the move to get close enough to a goblin to make a powerful swipe down low, removing one of it's legs at the knee. It tottered trying to stay erect but suddenly off balance and I used the opportunity to close and deliver a powerful backswing, eviscerating it into a pile on the floor. Pivoting quickly I stabbed behind knowing the goblins with the spears would be closing and I caught one by surprise, stabbing deep into the arm. It retreated while the other covered it. Turning on the approaching one I dodged a thrust, closing the distance with a jump and sliced at it, taking off a leg.

I heard a crash and after a dull whump that could only have been the sound of a goblin corpse flying into a wall. Fath had finished the guard, Urvad was closing. I grinned. The goblins must have sensed the turning point but refused to yield. The injured one closed to help his companion but I slashed out forcing it to retreat a step before I turned and severed the remaining leg of it's companion, then an arm. I had time to turn before I saw Urvad and Fath violently subduing the remaining goblin.

Udil and Ragnar joined us shortly after as we left the building to secure the lower plateau and check the damage. Kumil lay only steps from the exit, Uvash some ways away. We went to check on Uvash's body. Steps away from it we saw a second goblin patrol. A second ambush! A guard and five macegoblins.

It must have been an eerie sight for them.

Out of the swirling snow ahead of them five dwarves trotted towards them, a grim set about their face, blood covering two of them. It was not dwarf blood. The first patrol should have been inside the fort by now, slaughtering dwarves caught unprepared, but it was not so. Instead they were here, armed to the teeth and covered in steel. Except the one in front. He was covered in blood... and grinning. 

The second patrol went down quicker than the first and none survived to run. Ragnar, Uvash, Fath Udil and I against a mere six goblins. It was certainly an unfair fight. Even had none of us been armored it would have been an unfair fight. As it was it could be considered little more than a sporting chance. Giving the rabbit an extra second to run before you fired your crossbow as it were.

So ended the battle for Dorenemal of winter 1053.

We had lost two. Both useful souls who had labored hard to benefit their clan. They would be honored in death.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #61 on: July 15, 2008, 02:26:01 pm »

25th of Opal 1053

Cleaning up after the battles this year continues. We've also resealed the lower building to prevent any potential breaches of security like those that happened during the battle of Winter this year. We need the wood though, so lumber operations must continue. I wish we had a magma vent here but such is not the case.

We have however had a birth. Zefon our once cook now brewer gave birth to a girl. We've congratulated her and given her some time off. We have plenty of drink for a while. Her daughter is cute, I even got to hold her for a bit, though I'm not sure she appreciated anything but my beard. My face is still a little sore.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #62 on: July 15, 2008, 03:10:27 pm »

7th of Obsidian Winter

Our liason has left. He seems younger every time he leaves here I swear. There was a bounce in his step as he left. Vabosh mentioned that he delivered a copy of the report personally to Agna this last year. Said he's spare him the trouble of bribing an outpost official to make a copy. Thankfully Vabosh is old an well respected enough to  be above Agna's vindictiveness. Either that or the liason has some powerful allies of his own. In any case, they had asked Vabosh to gather information on the goblin's activities from each settlement he visited this year. So inevitably came the questions.

"Heh, pleased to see you're doing well still Paulus."

"And you Vabosh, though we could be better."

"Perhaps, but perhaps not. I've finished my inspection of the place. It looks nice. You've come a long ways since you first came here."

"Aye, that's true, but fifty dwarves working hard will do that to a place if it's organized."

"True, true... and there's the key. IF it's organized. Anyways, how many members do ye have now? Births of record, deaths and the like?"

"We've sixty two living here now. We've had six deaths and one birth."

"Mmhmm... cause of deaths?"

"Goblins in all cases." I hesitated some. Rakust had technically not died directly from the goblins. "Except one. He was injured by the goblins and later died due to fever and starvation."


"Aye. Our food supplies were dangerously low. We've received no food from the dwarven traders since we set up this outpost."

Vabosh looked surprised. "What? Really?"

"Well, if you count the two turtles we got the first year that was some meat, but other than that we've gotten none. We receive only a portion of what we request each year and never the basic supplies. This time around we received a single barrel each of drink that we had asked for and none of the food."

"Mhmmm. I'll make a note of that. Moving on. How many goblins would you estimate you've encountered?"

I double checked my records and made a quick mental count.

"Fifty-two goblins and a few kobolds."

Vabosh's eyebrow went up. "You've encountered fifty-two goblins?"

I nodded. "Aye, we got thirty-six of them though, and captured one. The rest ran. That's counting the ones we got while you were here last time of course. Without those it'd be seven less met and four less killed."

Vabosh smiled and wrote furiously. "Well, good work then. Good work indeed. Just so you know, I've estimated your village to be worth about 600000 ingots now. You really should consider appointing a sheriff sometime soon."

"Aye, I've got a dwarf that'd be good for the job. Give Agna my regards and tell him he's welcome to come any time he wants. Oh, and warn him about the traps. It'd be a shame if he died on our doorstep."

"I will. He'll not like my report this year. Even less than last. Heh. Good luck to ye Paulus. Until next time."

"Aye. You take care, and so will we."

That afternoon I designated some furniture to be placed in one of the larger, smoothed rooms and took Ragnar down to them.

"Well, it seems this has been a long time in coming. But we're growing too fast to postpone it any more. Ragnar, I appoint you as Captain of the guard of this holding. I've spoken with Mayor Thob and he agrees that you're the logical choice. The fortress guard will be reporting directly to you. I'd recommend Urvad as squad leader for the military forces but that's up to you."

Ragnar seemed pleased. Said he might have to install a chapel on the upper and lower plateau for the goblins as they came in. Something to inspire them with. Somehow I doubted that inspiration was what they needed.

P.S. Urvad gave birth to a girl this evening. I hadn't known she was pregnant when she entered battle. She certainly didn't say anything about it. She's carrying he daughter with her now, everywhere she goes. It looked like she's using an extra helmet strapped to her side. Maybe the girl will grow up to be like her mother. We could certainly use more dwarves like that in the world.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 03:14:13 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #63 on: July 15, 2008, 03:39:27 pm »

13th of Granite Spring

The elves have come again. I admit that though I'm not particularly fond of them they were a welcome relief. Even more so when I saw what they had brought. Sad is the day when the elves bring us more useful items than our own brothers. But we quickly brought up a few bins of the stonecrafts that had been made over the winter. I'd even taken a turn or two at stonecrafting myself. It brought back fine memories to when I'd made seemingly endless amounts of obsidian swords to use in my traps. I've even taken to carrying a sword with me. It just feels natural now. Ragnar chewed me out the other day though for putting myself in jeopardy so often. I think he's particularly annoyed that I'm faster than he is when I don't wear armor and he does. It means he doesn't get to the goblins first. Maybe I will suit up next time though. The last battle could have easily gone against me and I'd not relish sitting in bed recovering from a goblin spear wound for months on end. Thikut still hasn't recovered completely.

Where was I? Ah yes, the elves. we wound up trading a large amount of our stonecrafts for what they had brought. Several bins of cloth we've yet to begin working with. Ample drink and empty barrels. Ragnar will be happy, they brought two barrels of sewerbrew. And they even brought the first harvest of herbs and berries. Fre will be delighted.

P.S. It's been three days now since we've traded and Fre planned a feast to commemorate the occasion. We're a little late with our annual feast but this seemed like a good occasion. We have ample food for such an occasion. Venison, plump helmet biscuits and Prickleberry pie, courtesy of Fre's masterful culinary talents. She's spent the last few days tirelessly laboring in the kitchens for the occasion. Best of all, our grand dining hall is now complete. I've had barrels rolled out for the festivities and have declared a party at the obsidian dining table. (ok, in actuality I didn't. But several have been held there over the course of the winter.)

We drank, ate, talked and drank some more. When everyone was fully sated I stood.

"My fellow clan, this past year has been one of hardship and toil but you've all performed your labors splendidly for which I thank you all. I appreciate the extra work done to help us get through the lean winter and thanks to the supplies from the elves and the culinary talents of Fre we have this most excellent feast. Better food than we've had for some time now I dare say."

Some applause broke out near Fre, but she glared at liberally at those around her till it ceased.

"In more solemn matters I would like to honor this year those that have passed from this mortal delving to the next. Many have died at the hands of the goblins and I'd not have them buried in a shallow grave underneath the snows. In particular I'd like to honor Steele, me friend and one of the founders of this place. Twas he who tirelessly labored to fortify our outer walls that we could all be safe today. To honor those now passed I've had the north fort cleaned until the obsidian glistens and have designated that as our mausoleum to the dead. Should ye desire to stroll through the halls to see the engravings, the statues or pay your respects all are welcome and be assured that should you perish untimely or live to a stone's age there will be a place of honor for all in those halls. The statues of our kin and memorials to the dead are how we honor them that we may never forget their sacrifices for our safety. Steele is entombed in obsidian with an obsidian block at his feet, for that was what he did. So this year I honor not the living, but the dead, and ask ye to do the same."

(Sorry Steele. At least you have a place of honor among the dead.)


The feasting continued, though subdued until well past midnight. I fear I imbibed a bit much myself but being among my friends was pleasant. The glow of our banked fires a story or two above did much to heat the place, of course it might have been the drink too. I overheard Erush telling a newcomer a story I'd like to relate since I found it amusing.

"Nah, don't ye worry about Fre. She's just like that."

"But she's just the cook. What gives her the right to glare like that?"

Erush laughed quietly. "Nah, there ye've gotten it wrong. Aye, she's the cook, and a better one than I've ever been. But that isn't the end of her skills. Now keep in mind I wasn't here when it happened, twas in the first year before I arrived, when it was just the seven founders."

The other dwarf was paying rapt attention now. Stories of the founders and the first year were common enough but with so many new dwarves coming that had never been there nor known what it was like they were retold commonly.

"Ya see, Fre isn't just a cook, nor a farmer, though she's good at that and a half dozen other trades. But she's a marksdwarf too, probably the best we've got. Twas she that killed Stasost the goblin general in charge o' this place before the seven arrived. It's said she put three bolts through him before he could even get close. Then he turned to run and she put another in his hindquarters for good measure before killing him outright. I'd not mess with her lad. But here's the best part. Apparently she'd put some pies in the oven before she'd left and rather than make sure the goblin was dead she ran out to make sure her sour prickle-berry pies hadn't burnt. That's why she's Fre Nitigsolon Zunekning Bumal, or Fre Bittenflag the Sour Burns of Worry. Nah lad. She deserves all the respect ye can give, and if she tells ye to jump ye better be five feet in the air before ye draw breath again. "

I felt it an amusing story. Not even remotely close to the truth, but close enough in many ways.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 03:12:53 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #64 on: July 15, 2008, 06:52:15 pm »

3rd of Slate

Led our hunter that has been so useful duing the periods of food shortage started acting strangely today. He walked in to my office with a strange look on his face and said he'd had a vision while out in the forest. A vision that needed acting upon. He said naught else but went and claimed a craftsdwarf workshop sketching things furiously on the smooth floor with pieces of chalk. Quarries, forests, shells, skeletons, stacks of leather, cut gems. All sorts of strange things. I'd felt such inspiration myself and knew it was best acted upon. I approved a number of bones and shells from the  dump for his use but gems we were short of. There werent' many deposits in the area but Medtob had mentioned a few clusters of rough ruby out near the east road, and down the cliff a ways. I called Medtob and Mafol in and asked them to remove the rubies, had our gemcutter get to work rebuilding the shop and start cutting the gems. I hoped it would be ready before Led snapped. I'd hate to lose our best hunter.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #65 on: July 15, 2008, 09:56:57 pm »

14th of Slate

Mafol escorted a group of immigrants in from the east where they'd been removing some rough rubies from the grasps of a bauxite vein. With the way Mafol was chatting and bowing slightly I knew we could be in for some trouble. The news was not good, but not in the way I thought. It was another group of immigrants, with a noble and his two bodyguards that is every noble's due when they travel, but I was surprised to see Lord Rovod here. They looked well enough all things considered but I feared that if he were here Kilrudmorul must be suffering. Lord Rovod was the epitome of what nobility should be in my mind. Friendly, outgoing, humble, helpful, at least generally, and more than willing to try new things. I greeted him warmly.

"Lord Rovod, I am pleased to see you again. What brings you to our halls, and with such a large retinue?"

"I wish that the situation were better, Paulus, I really do. It seems the flame of our Kilrudmorul has been extinguished, no longer to burn bright in a dark and fearsome place. I will explain it all later, but we are travel weary and in need of rest. To be sincere we have come to join you since our mutual home is now lost to all but those that dwell in the deep places."

"Well, be welcome then and find refreshment below. There is room enough for all here, provided they are willing to shoulder our burdens with us."

"Of that I've no doubt. We've heard word of your stronghold and some of it's fame even at Kilrudmorul. We, who were once brothers can be brothers again. All that are with me are those that are faithful to either myself of the memory of what Kilrudmorul once was."

"Then you all have a home here. Head below and you shall find refreshment and lodging enough for all I dare say. We've gotten a little overzealous in our construction of rooms and beds. There is sufficient for all. I'd imagine we even have a place suitable for you my lord, just let us get it furnished before you move in."

In all there were 18 others with him. His bodyguards Deler and Doren, who had been in the Royal guard at Kilrudmorul, as well as three peasants, a woodcrafter, a woodcutter, a glassmaker, a weaponsmith, a weaver/clothier, two fish dissectors (one I've moved to leatherworking, the other to woodburning), an animal caretaker/trainer, a brewer, a lyemaker now architect under my supervision, a stoneworker, a metalcrafter and a fish cleaner, now fisherdwarf and engraver during the winter. Oh, and a mule, two cow calves and a horse foal. It seems we would be needing the animal caretaker after all.

Since we've received no immigrants from the capital for some time now this is a boost to our numbers. After speaking with Lord Rovod I learned what happened at Kilrudmorul.

After the departure of the 'resettled' the Dutchess had ordered the gates sealed. None had gone in or out for over six months. The goblin siege remained, however, despite it all. It was perhaps in desperation that the Dutchess had ordered a draft and had many of the remainder outfitted as they could. The charge from the gates must have been spectacular. Even the goblins had been astounded. And though they carried the day the cost had been dear. Very dear. Nearly a third of their forces, most of the untrained, had been killed in battle. The goblins had been driven away, but no decisive victory had been forthcoming. It was all the survivors could to to clean the field of their own dead. A month later they were attacked again. From inside. A small host of creatures from the depths of the lake and now their mines had risen from beneath them and started to slay all they could find. The fortress guard had managed to drive them off as well, but again at great cost. The guard had been equipped with weapons and armor of copper, it being a very common metal in the area. There had been no iron as I recall. That had been, perhaps, a poor choice, but better I suppose than nothing. Four of the guard lay dead after the attack, and a half dozen civilians. Five more were injured and perished within the month. With such tragedy it is no surprise that the Dutchess ordered the place abandoned, the fortress collapsed so that goblins could not use it. Those loyal to her she took with her, and the remainder of the military, since they were, technically hers to command. Lord Rovod had gathered those that wanted to keep alive the memory of Kilrudmorul in it's glory and decided to come here. Apparently it had almost come to a direct confrontation with the dutchess. But Rovod was nobility too and entitled to his liberty. She could say nothing directly, and was required by law to provide him with his escort. I think he chose well. I don't know Deler or Doren, but they appear to be stout dwarves and do their duty well.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #66 on: July 15, 2008, 10:10:13 pm »

20th of Slate

Led has finished his work. I was rather surprised, but he adamantly claims the designs for it he received in a vision while hunting. A female dwarf appeared to him and showed it to him, telling him how to make it. Must have done, he had no prior experience carving bone, stone, metal or anything else to my knowledge, yet had produced a wonder. He firmly believes that it was the goddess Avuz that came to visit him, though he himself is a casual worshiper of Egul. Considering the item he made I'm inclined to believe him, as fascinating as the story is. I simply cannot see him coming up with something like that himself. It is a beautiful representation of a forge, though in miniature. He calls it Desistirdug Virnanges, Snarlingbrutal the Humble beans. I admit the name is somewhat confusing. Led, however, believes it to be a representation of the approval of Avuz for not only our metalworking but other aspects of our life as well, specifically the legendary dining hall we have created for our use. Even the hall at Kilrudmorul, though better engraved, was not it's equal. And I've further plans for it. Matching the tables for one. The mix of stones the tables are made with somehow offend my sense of organization. I'll have to see to that at some other time.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2008, 12:34:32 pm »

10th of Hematite Summer

The day I've dreaded has come. The goblin army that built the original forts has begun to return. We are besieged! A platoon of goblins has shown up on the upper plateau. Erush was hunting in the area and spotted them first and was able to sound the alarm.

Unfortunately he wasn't able to get away and was caught and killed. We mustered our armed forces. Aardvark, Fre, Ragnar and myself joined the regular military at the intersection of roads. Uvash, Fath, Udil and Doren were there when we arrived. One of the fortress guard Ushrir Gamilmeng had already charged up the ramp in order to delay the goblins long enough for us to get prepared below. It was a noble sacrifice. He performed well but ultimitely died, exhausted from running and combat. It was also unfortunately unnecessary. By the time the goblins began down the ramp there were more than sufficient to repulse the Hammergoblin platoon leader and the fifteen goblin lashers swarming down the ramp. The Hammergoblin led the charge, eager to get at the dwarves waiting calmly below, in two perfect lines.

Perhaps he was too focused on us to realize that he'd been led into a trap. He was the first to spring one of my deadly weapon traps. He was also the only creature I've seen so far to survive setting one off. It was a testament to his strength I suppose. But nonetheless, he was severely injured, missing a foot, had mangled legs where the obsidian blades had entered, and a wounded upper torso and head. He passed out but the remainder of the goblins charged irregardless. Four more were caught in the traps before we began engaging, Ragnar at the head, Fath behind him and the rest of us just a step or two behind that. Fre was already emptying her quiver into the oncoming horde. The whole battle lasted almost a full three mintues before the goblins retreated in a rout. The five surviving goblins ran. Two were cut down on the ramp. Ragnar and Fath pursued the goblins that gained the upper plateau. Only one of the goblins managed to cross the river before being cut down by the determined pair.

So ended the siege of 1054. The first one had lasted but nine days from beginning to end. I had no doubt that more would come as the goblin army would stream back to this place they must have at one time considered their refuge. We had lost two good dwarves, but none in the fighting thankfully. I'll have to order the hunters to wear more armor, just in case such happens again. I'll also have to consider equipping the guard. Ushrir had run of unarmed, with naught but leather armor and a shield. That would have to be remedied as soon as possible. Aardvark had a lot of work to do.

P.S. I almost forgot to mention this. Litast, the child that recently came of age was up hunting with Erush when he discovered the goblins. She was the one that brought the news of the siege. Well, it seems that people are greatful and she's been elected Mayor. Thob doesn't seem to mind to much. I'm not sure he really liked the job. He was a little unhappy about moving out of the mayor's quarters though. Perhaps we'll have his room worked on by the engravers a bit. So we're down to Led as our only hunter. It's probably safer that way. I've ordered the hunters and woodcutters to wear chainmail armor while at work. It may hopefully help keep them safer.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 12:54:03 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2008, 03:20:51 pm »

5th of Malachite

Ustuth our metalcrafter began giggling like a little girl today. I found it mildly disturbing but she then proceeded to prance off and kick Aardvark out of his smithy. The she began screaming for materials. Of all the nerve. I told her where she could go and what she'd find there. Turns out all she wanted was turtle shells. Everything else she already had.

In any case, it took her some time to finish it but the result is rather pretty. An Iron idol of a female dwarf working. She said that it was high time we set up a temple to Avuz here and that this idol would be the focus for such work. It made reference to previous inspired items as well. And some other very random things. I had no idea where the tiger sharks came it. We were high in the mountains. She'd never even eaten shark, much less seen one. I guess I'll have to put a temple on the list of things to do. At least she gave it a good enough name. Nothing about humble beans.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 09:05:36 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #69 on: July 16, 2008, 03:39:19 pm »

15th of Limestone Autumn

My how the time flies. The dwarven caravan arrived. Somehow the humans never showed. I hoped Abba was ok. Though with the goblins like flies on a corpse out in the passes it's possible she hadn't dared come this way and instead taken the longer eastern route.

In any case I was pleased to see that the merchants finally decided to bring enough supplies this year. I was surprised the see the junior merchant sitting up in the front wagon and it was he that addressed me.

"Greetings holder Paulus. We've come to trade."

"Aye, I gathered that. Merchants do that or so I hear. You better have brought what we wanted this year. And where's the other fellow, the head merchant?"

He puffed out his chest slightly, then remembered that I had, just the previous year, threatened to confiscate all their goods and make them return home naked if need be.

"I'm the head merchant for this route now. The previous one was... um... not able to make it. For reasons of health."

"Well, climb down and let me see what you've got then."

The goods they had brought were just what I had requested. I was pleased, and so would everyone else be. Ample amounts of food, both meat and plump helmets, a full wagon of drink and barrels of all kinds. They'd even brought 50 steel bolts like I'd asked. And more bars of course. One never knew when they'd be useful and I liked to be prepared.

"That's good. We'll take the lot of it."

He floundered for a second. "What, you're taking all of it?"

"Aye." I chuckled "But don't worry, we'll trade you for it fair and square."

In the end I gave them what I thought a fair amount of goods. Mostly of goblin make. The last few items I tossed on the pile where some Giant Cave spider silk socks. Goblin make, but we'd at least washed them before binning them. He looked at them eagerly, almost hungrily.

"Well, that's more than fair I'd say, how's that sound?"

"Toss in another ten of those socks and you've got yourself a deal." he said, eyeing the socks still.

I'd guessed they'd sell well. Such items were the height of luxury and went for well over a thousand ingots each. But I wasn't in a quibbling mood. That and I'd not brought up even a third of the goods we had to trade. I let him have them and he looked surprised at the easy acquisition and pleased that things had gone so well. He promised to be back next year with whatever we required. Considering by my calculations he'd make well over fifteen thousand ingots of of us alone he'd better.

It was a relief for me pure and simple that they had brought what I'd asked. Since Abba hadn't made the run this year I was concerned we'd run short of supplies again come winter, but this would see us through comfortably. They even brought wood, which was good since we were again running somewhat low. This place took a lot to heat, and Aardvark and his crew needed every drop of heat they could get for all that steel.

Trading went well this year. And we only had a single kobold show up that Iton, one of our newer woodcutters had dealt with as it ran. Led informed me that there were wolves again infesting the lower plateau. Not ideal but we'd almost logged the whole area and would be able to leave it for some time. There'd be little else there that would take civilians into the area so I wasn't overly worried. I looked forward to a nice quiet winter.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 09:07:33 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #70 on: July 16, 2008, 04:33:40 pm »

I am going ask for a full plate armor for Paulus here. He doesn't want his good friend to run into combat unprotected.

Aardvarks Log

16th Limestone.
Churning out weapons and armor for our millitia and hunters.
Atleast it is easier than what it was in the beginning, now I don't have to do the whole process myself. Now I can do what I know. Create tools for our survival. A weapon here, a piece of armor there. I am going to ask Paulus if I can create a full steel suit for him as a personal gift. I am going to work long hours on it so that he can have the best armor that I can make lest he run of into combat again.
Well I better go back into  the smithy and continue working on those tools again.

PS. I should also ask Paulus about us creating crossbows from the less strong ores we find. So that our hunters can shoot us some more game, besides I could realy do with a wolfmeat roast made by Fre.


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #71 on: July 16, 2008, 06:52:27 pm »

(Is Ragnar still busy woodcutting or can he start training for war now? The fortress needs some champions now that we're a barony, otherwise a megabeast is going to wander in and decimate us. Also, could we get updates on our characters? Great story by the way, it's well-written and consistently updated. I'm always sad when I come online and there's no update :) Also, I'll be out of school in a couple weeks, so maybe one of the other forts in the world I could run a community game for? Maybe after we finish with this one I remake Ragnar and we have two Fahlstrom clan forts going on at the same time?)


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #72 on: July 16, 2008, 08:21:57 pm »

I really like this story and have been following it for a while.  Any plans to post a map on the DFMA?  I for one would like to see that.

Are you still allowing people to claim dwarves?  If not...uh, just ignore this.  But if so, I'd like to have a Speardwarf named Kuli.  If you need a non-military dwarf instead, then I'd prefer a cook/brewer.  Gender does not matter.
"The power of Zefon compels you!"

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #73 on: July 16, 2008, 09:30:34 pm »

27th of Sandstone

Ducim, one of our furnace operators gave birth to a boy today. We congratulated her of course, and had a round that evening in our grand dining hall. As a side note, I've finally gotten the tables in better organization. It looks much better now. My other project is coming along well, I've got the miners working on the lower portion while the masons work on the upper. In any case, this quiet period has been good, though we're again short of lumber. By the stones I wish we had magma in this place, but we've been amply blessed with ore and flux so I cannot complain. Only the north end of the upper plateau remains completely untouched. Led mentioned lots of trees being in the area but mentioned a pack of wolves being there as well. Aardvark caught me suiting up in plate as I was going to survey it.

"Oi lad, what've ye got in mind? Piecemeal plate? And one of my steel scimitars? You're lookin' for trouble if I'm not mistaken."

"Nah, just having a bit of sport with the local wildlife on the upper north side. Need to check the condition of lumber. Got to have fuel since you insist on burning through it so forsakenly fast. Anyways, it's just some wolves. This old stuff'll be fine."

"Aye, I made it, it'll serve well enough. One of these days you'll have to let me get measurements so I can make you a proper suit of plate though. Especially if you insist on poking your nose into Ragnar's business. Not that he minds. Even I like a bit of a tussle with the greenskins now and again."

"You do that. I'd appreciate it I assure you."

"Should I make some crossbows for our defense as well? I've been wondering about that. You've yet to have me make a crossbow or bolt."

"Nah, don't worry about it. If I recall from our last inventory we've got at least a half dozen in assorted metal we've 'acquired' from the goblins. And well over a hundred and fifty bolts too. We should be fine for a bit there. Thanks though. Just keep up with the armor."

"Kin do. Luck to ye. Bring me back some of that wolf, eh? I'd fancy a nice roast."

I laughed. "Not a problem, ye could just check the larder though. I'm sure we've got some there. Led's been busy."

The upper plateau was calm. Just me and the wolves. I wondered briefly who was the predator and who the prey. That was before I tested my new steel shortsword. It worked beautifully. Lumber here was in plentiful supply, and though it was far from our defenses we needed it. The forges needed to stay running.

((We actually do have 2 Iron, 2 copper, 2 bronze and 3 Bismuth bronze crossbows, and 159 iron bolts. Courtesy of the goblins actually. And we have wolf meat.  ;D I'll post an update on your characters again at the four year mark. Don't worry Ragnar, you're a legendary woodcutter now but you've moved on. You're the sheriff and I've installed three steel pumps for training in the barracks for you and the military. Everyone is sparring with steel and is mostly armored in steel. Some have grabbed iron shields since I' have so many of those from the goblins as well. And welcome to the clan Kuli! We have two brewer's and Fre's all the cook we need. But I certainly can give you a speardwarf. Look for your details come the four year mark I'll probably have up within a day or two, since it's mid winter already.))

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #74 on: July 16, 2008, 10:31:43 pm »

7th of Timber

I've met with Vabosh again. He seemed happy to be back and assured me that he's taken steps to rectify at least some of the meddling that Agna has perpetrated upon us. The head merchant was taken, and his records examined. It turns out the liason office determined he had been accepting bribes and he was sentenced to three hammerstrikes. He only survived the first two. I'd known something had happend, but was very happy to be on at least equal footing with the merchants now. In addition Vabosh's report from last year provided considerable support in other areas as well. Agna had been claiming that since we'd established an outpost at a goblin fort the danger to immigrants was too great to allow any to come. Our population numbers disabused many to that notion and they began questioning the danger involved. When Vabosh had provided the numbers for dwarf deaths compared to other settlements we were quite normal. Some casualties were simply expected and our numbers didn't seem excessively high. What did seem higher than normal, at least to some was the amount of goblins we encountered and our tally of escaped versus dead goblins. That itself was apparently a matter of question. Agna didn't believe my numbers and Vabosh simply had my say-so about the matter.

In any case, Vabosh is still conducting his audit. Claims he needs to finish it before he interviews me further. But because of the previous year the restriction on immigrants had been lifted. Which brings me to today. We received our first immigrants from the capital in about two years. Only seven of them to be sure, but seven brave-hearted dwarves. For reference:

1 Miner
1 Woodburner now woodcutter as well.
1 Potash maker goes by the name of Kuli. I told him we don't bother with that here and he was needed in the military. He seemed eager, we'll have to see.
1 Peasant now fortress guard
1 Carpenter now woodcutter as well
1 Thresher ... I'll find something for him to do
1 Dyer now weaver as well

Oh, and a mule and a donkey. Still, that's good I suppose. The animals have been breeding some and we've erected a kennel and established an area to put the commercial animals. If things get bad we'll use them as an alternate food source I suppose. I don't expect that will be necessary.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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