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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101490 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Wow, I've never seen elf trader killing seem so epic. Well done. :)

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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((It was pretty impressive. Famime and her donkey basically took out the whole rest of the caravan. In true dwarven fasion. Tearing them limb from limb and throttling them with her bare hands.))

15 of Hematite Fortress log

Human traders arrived and were shown below. Fortunately cleaning from the elf incident was quick and relatively easy.

They brought a goodly number of metal bars and wood, both items we requested and highly value. They've also brought food, ammo and a number of other useful resources.

We've sold them a goodly portion of the elven goods, as well as several of our own make and design. Also some of the surplus rough stone blocks that have been piling up. The humans don't quarry for stone as much as us and it seems to be a reasonably useful commodity for them.

The tribesmen seem to value weapons and shield, particularly the tall full shields. Theirs are typically made of wood or leather but occasional metal ones are seen.

May be useful to look into trade with them along those lines. Reliable trade partners.

Work progresses in construction, despite setbacks. No avarii caravans yet this year. Perhaps they've decided to avoid us entirely. Thank goodness.

Hound planning further advances into the Cursed Crack, has asked Sarah to take care of initial mining there. Led moved his crafting to the workshop near the crack to help in case of trouble.

Accumulation of metal continues. Plans for metal storage areas underway, along with presumed metalworking hall.
Hound will advise on progress.

Food supplies near maximum. Have recommended expanding food storage and have cleared out boneroom behind the second hall.

I've noted an unusual pet among the elven goods siezed. A caged large red-backed spider, 'tamed' by the savages. Possible silk production? Will have to ask around to see if anyone has experience with this.

Fre suggessted a ballistae training ground design that would allow us to 'catch' the spears shot. Consists of a declining angle on target wall with ditch underneath. Will have to consult Oddbodd for specifics and numbers. I'm sure he can work out the details. Don't know where a cook would pick up that kind of information but she seems too competent to be just a cook.

Have asked Hound to take over bookkeeping for a little while so I can help with Mondul's temple. Progress is slower that I'd like and records are essentially up to date. Last entry for now.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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((My apologies for the delay. Now that I'm back in town there was significant catching up to do.))

Led hummed a soft dirge to himself as he worked. The boneyard stretched back behind him, organized into piles according to creature type. It was a sizeable collection and he was doing his measured best to keep it in check, at least when there wasnt' other things to take him away from his labors. It felt good to work bone, it always did, and he found himself reminiscing fondly of the fortress in the cliffs that had been his true home. It had been there that he'd found his true calling. Until then he'd been a mere hunter, and a successful enough of one that the game learned to avoid the immediate vicinity around the fortress. In his spare time he'd taken up bonecarving in order to produce bone bolts for the archers to practice with.

He shuddered somewhat at the thought. It seemed so wasteful to him now, and thinking that made him realize how much he had truly changed since then. His sentence, that of five hammerstrikes, for not producing a crystal glass object was as disproportionate as it was unfair and he had not forgotten it. Neither had he forgotten his friend and clan-mate that had lain there with him in the same fate. It was here that he had decided to make his stand. There were few followers of Mondul, but he'd sent out missionaries, believers of virtue and merit to persuade others and, in time, there might be more.

He looked down again at the stone throne he'd been working on. It was one of Glacies' pieces, and exquisite of design. A few of the cross-braces on the legs looked only slightly irregular, but still a truly exceptional piece of work. And decorated on it he had placed scenes from their fortress, or history as he saw fit. Sometime it was purely decorative, other times more instructional. A sound from the chasm brought his attention away from the goods in his platinum wrought workshop towards the door. Sarah burst through the door, visibly distressed.

"What's the matter lass?"

"Oh, Led, call the Hound. It's disgusting. The undead have been interrupting my excavations. Every time I try to get further along that... thing... everyone calls Rovod Galleypieces flies over and I have to run."

The High priest nodded, and popped his head out the door into the main stairwell, giving a shrill whistle. It was a private joke between him and Paulus. The whistle was technically used to call a hunting hawk back. But most would think along different lines. The distinctions however, were significant when one realized that hawks did the hunting. Dogs merely guided the hunter. And in this place only One was the true hunter of the undead.

Paulus showed up moments later, his hammer carried easily in one hand, buckler strapped to his other arm and carrying a mountain goat skull. Tossing it casually on the pile he listened as Sarah explained her situation before leaving to deal with it.

Led turned back to Sarah as the Hound left.

"Don't worry now. He'll take care of it."

She raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't he normally wear armor?"

Led merely shrugged and chuckled. "Aye, but he's been saying it slows him down. Besides, it's just a zombie cave swallowman."

He casually slipped an arm around her waist. "So, why don't you come and see what I've been doing in here. This is the furniture for the dining hall." He'd almost revealed his plans for what he would do with it to her, but some things needed to be kept quiet.

She walked with him, slipping her arm around her lover's waist and smiling.

"I suppose I do have a bit of time right now. Show me what you've been doing."

((1 more zombie down... lol. 75 pages more to go. And yes, Led and Sarah are now lovers. Only relationship I've found so far.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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8th of Limestone

A small crowd of onlookers and well wishers were gathered around the single figure of a dwarf. In his hand he held a masterful obsidian mug, polished to a deep midnight black with small red streaks evident in it. He steadied himself on the table and looked blearily at the mug in his hand, almost as if he couldn't believe it dared to stand still for so long. He pressed the mug to his lips even as those around began a low chant in old dethic slang.

"phur... phur... Phur... Phur... Phur... "

The chanting gradually increased at Mosus began tipping the amber liquid into his throat. The well aged dwarven rum still brought tears to his eyes, despite having emptied all but the last mug of a keg that stood next to him on the floor.

The chanting continued, switching to common.

"Chug... Chug... CHUG!"

And with a final note he drained the last of the mug, slamming it down on the table in front of him. His vision was eerily clear, too clear for a dwarf. His legs shook a bit, but he brought them under control and raised his hands in the air with a cheer, as the others joined in.

Several of the crowd were eyeing him appreciatively. There were precious few men around, and now that he'd come of age he was fair game. Life would certainly get a little more interesting. Thesaurusaurus was the first to come up and heartily slap his son on the back.

"Congratulations, me boy. I'm proud of ye."

He grinned back, a slightly tilted smile.

"Thanks Da."

He grew somber for a minute, whispering to his father.

"I wish Mum and Led could be here to see me."

His father gripped his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"Aye, I do to, but in a way, they are here. The dead are with us in spirit, if not in flesh."

"I know the way, but it's still hard."

"You've time ahead of you yet. Death walks with all of us. Do not run from it."

"I won't, Da. You know that."

"Aye. So, have ye given thought to what you'd like to do with your life?"

"Not yet. But I'm thinking about it."

"Take your time."

He grinned. "I always do."
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


  • Bay Watcher
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hehe. dwarfen beer chugging contest :P

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
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((I figured I'd be a good dwarven coming of age ritual.  ;D ))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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16th of Limestone Early Fall

Urvad tightened her grip on her axe as the wagons lumbered along. Being a merchant guard wasn't particularly glamorous but it did pay well. At least, when the caravan didn't lose any goods or wagons. When they did the guards lost their 'bonus' pay and had to be content with working for slightly better than common soldiers. When she and what remained of her family had been shipped to Shieldhelms they'd set up shop as it were. Her children were all growing now, and though she was loathe to part from them none of the nobles or even the Mayor would hire her on as guard after learning she'd trained at Dorenemal. She'd even been a champion there, but the only employ for her skills she'd found was as merchant guard.

The trade guilds had been desperate for anyone with fighting skill, and that she certainly had. Her application had consisted of sparring with one of the guilds veteran soldiers. After tripping him and disarming him in five moves she'd been hired on instantly, and with an advanced pay scale. It was the only way to pay for room and board for her family. And with five children surviving and looking to her for their support she couldn't take 'no' for an answer. Going civilian was simply unacceptable. She had no skills whatsoever. One of her older children had some talent as bonecarver and had been taken on, and she'd left the others in his care.

Shaking her head from her reverie she scanned the horizon ahead. This mountain range was known to be highly dangerous, but they'd never lost a caravan here yet, and she intended that it not happen under her watch. Something simply did not feel right. They were nearing Geshud Osod, could see already the peak with the unfinished construction on top. The walls looked to be some sort of tower being erected.

A call from ahead brought her attention to her more immediate surroundings and she trotted up to investigate. She'd been put in charge of the soldiers and Egul informed her as soon as she arrived near the lead that a human soldier had been spotted off to the west slightly.

The scene as she advanced was nearly comical. A tall dark-skinned human carrying a long spear and hide-shield had a dog-sized zombie Hoary marmot pinned by the skull to the ground. Every time the human would move the marmot would as well. The human did not seem able to shake the marmot off and seemed loathe to abandon his weapon. Hurrying up she greeted him with a salute before slicing into the undead creature with her axe, severing it's spine just below the neck, and flinging the severed body a few dozen paces.

Saluting the person towering above her she greeted him.

"Hai, what puts you out here?"

For his part the human looked relieved, finally able to rest on his spear, marmot skull and all. After a few moments of catching his breath he reversed his spear and stepped on the skull, removing it from his spear tip.

"I thank you friend dwarf. I was guard with the caravan of our kind that passed here a month ago. This creature attacked us and I came to deal with it.  My spear got stuck. I cannot lose the weapon of my father of I would face disgrace upon returning. Particularly to such a creature."

Urvad raised an eyebrow and cocked her head.

"You've been out here a month?"

He nodded, wearily. "Indeed. The spear could not come out while it lived and fought, but I could stick it to the ground when I was weary so I could rest and eat. I have been struggling with it for all that time."

Urvad shook her head. "You humans are bloody crazy. Come, we can at least refresh some of your provisions."

"I thank you, and my people thank you. I should be able to catch up to the wagons in two weeks time. They make for the next city of your people, further north. I should be able to find them on their way."

A shrill call from behind them interrupted them.

"Ambush!!! They come upon us from above!"

A chill went through Urvads spine as she turned to witness the scene. A full squad of Avarii in wargear was descending through the light fog upon the caravan. Fifteen with maces. Their leader, an elite crossbow wielder was above raining bolts down upon the caravan's animals. Urvand swore lightly under her breath and she and the human looked at one another briefly before both nodded. There was an understanding among caravan guards. They would look after each other as possible. The pair charged into the chaotic fray. Animals were bleating as the avarii came among them, pale winged humans staving in wheels with their maces and assaulting merchant and dwarf alike.

The liason, Tekkud fled towards the fortress, presumably to raise the alarm there. Urvad knew that they would be too late in coming. The battle would be won or lost before then. She peeled off towards a group chasing a merchant and his pack-mule taking the mace-wielders on one at a time as she ran them down.

The human was eerily deadly. In grim silence he charged a group of five avari destroying a wagon and attacking the merchant and animals. He came upon them from behind, impaling the first through the chest with his spear, the tip protruding out the front as the Avar died in an instant.Yanking his spear free he moved on, pinning one to the ground by a wing and stepping on it while he drove his weapon repeatedly into the avarii frame until it too was dead. The others turned on him then but his skill with the spear was unmatched and in rapid succession he slew them as well.

The remainder of the caravan guards had rallied by this time, driving off the remaining avar, despite the losses. Faced by a slew of hostile forces on the ground and without more ammunition the avar leader called a retreat and with only two of his remaining soldiers flew off into the fog.

Dwarf and human came together again at the scene of carnage.

"Human, we thank you for your assistance. Take what you will of the supplies from the destroyed wagons. They will spoil if not used, and we are grateful for your aid."

The human shrugged. "Thank me not for doing what is in my power to do. I accept the food and drink though, that I may return to my people. Fare you well."

"And you. We'll not lightly forget this."

The human merely smiled, hefting his spear and filling his satchel with strips of the meat from the destroyed wagon. He emptied his waterskin and refilled it from a barrel and gave one last salute before departing.

Urvad shook her head as he left and surveyed the remains of her caravan. The others had fled, back to Shieldhelms they would go. A single merchant and his animal remained. The merchant's mind had snapped and he would not go, his donkey remained stubbornly at his side. It was only then that it occurred to her she'd never even gotten the humans name. She would have to see that he received their proper thanks.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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Urvad watched the small force from Geshud Osod arrive. Most of them wore mismatched pieces of steel armor, or bone, strangely enough. Their weapons looked equally unorganized and the wood, copper and other inferior metals were testament to their relative disuse. Only the leader was garbed in quality attire. His chainmail shirt gleamed a dull brown-silver that bespoke of newness. But the rest of his gear was well-used, if covered in gore. Spikes of bone and blood spattered decorations that must have been trophies decorated his equipment. A heavy steel warhammer carried in his hand was likewise decorated. His helmet was the truly bizarre piece, however. The helmet, made of bone looked like the skull of a large dog, decorated and carved into an intricate and fierce-looking piece. His beard was braided short and tucked into his vest and there was something about his gait that bespoke familiarity to her.

She'd heard about the cultists, of course. Everyone in Shieldhelms had heard of them by now. Most of the rumors floating around mentioned that they were deranged. That they slaughtered fellow dwarves and drank their blood. That they consorted with goblins to plunder and steal. Most of those were not believed outright. But the more insidious ones were those that tied the cultists to the Fahlstrom clan. And it was because of that connection that many of those who'd been in the clan had joined with the nobles clan upon moving to Shieldhelms. There'd been many that refused to do so, and most of those found themselves shunned by the others, or passed up on promotions or employment as she'd been.

What had happened to the cultists had been considerably worse.

She could understand why they'd settled here. Few would want to live in such accursed land. As she watched their leader barked a few inaudible instructions and a pair took off to the left, another pair to the right, moving to secure the area.

The leader and another axedwarf moved towards her and instinctively her grip tightened.

"Hoy there the caravan!" came the call from the leader.

"Hoy the fortress!"

"Can we be of assistance?"

She spat on the ground.

"You're a little too late for that."

"Aye, we came as we could. The liason informed us of your trouble."

"It's a little late now." She guestured expansively around her. "This is the result."

As they approached she looked at the other dwarf with the leader. His face was visibly mangled, one side badly damaged and still red and somewhat raw, but the rest of it she thought she recognized. As they got closer recognition dawned in them all.

"Kolok? Is that you?"

Kolok, stopped and looked at her carefully with his good eye. "Urvad? Urvad! What in the stones are you doing here? It's good to see you."

The Hound removed his helmet as he approached, grinning broadly. Urvad looked both shocked and pleased.

"Paulus, you young rascal! You're here too? Last I heard you were all still down south at Onol Lened."

"We were. But you know how it is." Paulus grinned. "Nobility arrives and the neighborhood goes down the sewers. Nothing against King Tosid of course."

Their weapons were sheathed and a round of hugs, shaking and backslapping ensued as they re-acquainted themselves.

"So what really happened at Onol Lened? Rumors have been flying, but no one really knows. All sorts of things are said of the south, most of them bad. Us of the clan figured it was mostly nonsense."

Paulus' face darkened, as did Kolok's.

"If you've heard the same rumors I have, they're not too far from true."

Urvad rocked back slightly on her heels. "A horde of gibbering elves attacked the fort from within and were only driven back by the guards of the King?"

Kolok chuckled. "Nay, nothing quite like that, but elves there were. I saw the place with my own eyes." He shivered and grew serious. "I'd not look upon that place again for all the riches of the old world."

Paulus nodded. "Nor I, given the chance I think. The king had not arrived yet when it happened, but came shortly thereafter. The whole affair left a bad taste in my mouth and I was glad when Led came, to make my way here with him. Fre's here as well, as is Ragnar. Aardvark stayed behind to work the forges."

Urvad looked closely at Paulus, then Kolok.

"Are you of the cultists as well then?"

Both Paulus and Kolok answered at the same time, one affirmatively, one negatively. Urvad merely nodded.

"Are others of the clan welcome here then?"

Paulus shrugged. "You'd not be turned away. But this place is no Dorenemal."

At the mention of their former home Urvad went silent, as did the others.

A crazed braying filled the void as the three turned to see the merchant's donkey bucking and kicking it's load off madly.

"Poor beast's snapped." Urvad quickly ran over, felling it in one swing. The merchant seemed to come to his senses at this.

"What's that? What's going on?"

Urvad gave him a smart salute. "Sorry sir. Animal went crazy after the attack."

She escorted him over to the others, slowly, as he still looked half dazed, muttering quietly to himself.

"No, no, this can't be happening..."

As soon as he saw the cultists he seemed to come to himself again.

"You there! These goods belong to the Merchant's guild and is their rightful property. I will report any theft of goods directly to the King."

Paulus looked from the merchant to Urvad, who remained in stony silence, frowning and biting her lip.

A sudden insight dawned upon Paulus and he smiled. He knew the goods were rightfully theirs now. They'd been left or lost on their claimed territory. It was unlikely that the merchants were aware just how large of territory the King had granted to Led for the fortress. The merchant seeing his smile became even more nervous.

"I mean it. I'm warning you..."

Paulus raised his hands. "I tell you what... let's make a deal."

The merchant began stammering "Deals can only be made at a proper depot... it's ... " he squinted at the hardfaced dwarf in front of him. "Just what kind of a deal?"

"It's clear that you cannot take these goods with you."

The merchant almost began objecting before he was cut off. "Hear me out. This is what I propose. We will claim the goods that have been left here. When you return next year, presumably, we'll make restitution for them, on top of our normal trade."

He blinked. "You'll pay for the goods here?"

"Aye, we'll pay for them, at production costs, to account for transportation and spoilage that will undoubtedly occur."

"Production costs! That's not..."

Paulus raised his hands again.

"In addition, we'll cover the costs to reimburse the families of those that died fighting here in gold bars, as well as cover the cost of their gear, which we claim. We will of course see to their proper burial as befits those of our kind, respected in war."

The merchant's hands fidgeted slightly as he thought. It was an exceptional offer. Covering the costs of the fallen on top of loss of all their goods would have been a heavy blow for the guild on top of already significant losses. Establishing new trade routes had not been cheap, financially or in blood. He wasn't truly authorized to broker such a deal, but under the circumstances could hope for little better. It was a way to redeem the journey, despite the losses.


The two shook on it. Pointing to Urvad he quipped.

"You're my second witness. See that we both return intact to Shieldhelms. Now let's go soldier."

Urvad only nodded grimly as the merchant began walking off. She turned back to Paulus and shrugged, apologetically.

He nodded, smiling.

"Give my regards to the family. And to little Paulus of course."

Urvad went suddenly grim. "I wish I could. There's only five of my children left. I'm afraid he never made the crossing. I was forced to bury him at sea."

Paulus reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm truly sorry. If you need anything, we're here."

She nodded, turning swiftly away from them and began following the merchant.

A single tear fell, splashing onto the blood-soaked rocks beneath her.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


  • Bay Watcher
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Nobility arrives and the neighborhood goes down the sewers.

So true, and still so funny.

What can I say that I have not said before, Paulus?  Your writing continues to astound and amaze.  Well done, and it's good to have you back.
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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((Thanks Fre, greatly appreciated. I will actually be out of town again next week at a family reunion, and over the holiday week (end).))

17th of Timber

Erith and Boink were busy chatting as they picked their way up the loose scree of the slope, heading towards the site of the previous battle between the caravan and the avar. There remained much to still be returned to the fortress, but it was a considerable distance away. The two women chatted amicably in the heat of the morning sun, only a light cloud-cover remained, and that would likely not last long. Behind them trailed Boink's pet chicken. She'd brought it with her since it was a hatchling and thought it was cute. Now it trailed her around, almost like a cat, occasionally picking at the ground or eating cave spiders with a quick peck of her beak.

A shadow crossed the ground in front of the pair as they walked and Boink frowned, erith looking up into the sky. Alarmed she called out as the pair broke for cover.

"Ambush! The avarii are upon us!"

Another full squad of winged humans were hastily beating their way towards the pair of dwarves, who, upon seeing them, took off like twin rabbits making for their warren. The avarii were no match for the speed of the dwarves familiar with the terrain and the squad soon settled onto a nearby hill-top. The leader took careful aim with her cross-bow before squeezing off a few bolts at the retreating dwarves, but they went wide. Surrounded by axe-men she was confident the dwarves would not return, but it was then looking towards the fortress peak she saw movement below. A single chicken unwittingly scratched it's way across the ground and soon it's life was snuffed, a bolt through it's scrawny body.

A wail could be heard as the dwarves fled.

"Nooooo. Not Kogsak!"

Had the dwarves been paying attention they would have seen the avar leader stop and beckon towards the swamps to the east. As it was, they were too busy fleeing.

The avar were content to wait.

Until reinforcements came.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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The fortress had galvinized after erith's and Boink's discovery. Travel above-ground was considered dangerous but despite this Boink could not be consoled. As her mourning for her lost companion continued so grew the desire for action.

Two days after the ambush, Fath, one of the cultists working closely with Fre was moved to pity. She stole forth in the dead of night, sneaking cautiously towards the hillside where, according to Boink's description Kogsak lay. The pale moonlight reflected luminously off of patches of snow, and these she avoided, trying her level best to remain inconspicuous as she moved. She spent minutes moving mere feet as she approaced the hill-side from beneath. Up ahead, on the rocky slope she thought she could make out the still form of the beloved pet.

Foot by foot, inch by inch she moved closer until the small bird lay in her hands.

A noise above her startled her into movement and out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of moonlight on metal and broke into a frantic run. The clack of a crossbow began sounding behind her and she heard the sharp retort of bolts shattering on nearby stones as she ran, clutching the bird. She had only a little way to go before she reached the bottom of the valley and then it was flat out running, but a sudden pain in her back threw her to the ground. She dropped the chicken in order to catch herself as the pain burned into her.

She ran then, for her life, knowing that if she stayed a moment longer she would lie next to the bird. It came as a strange realization and in a detached way she reflected upon her own life. She was at peace with how she had lived and knew then that she need not fear death. Another clack from behind and a faint buzz, let her know that her death might only be a heart-beat away.

The bolt passed within inches of her ear but she gained the flat of the valley and broke into a swift run, losing her enemy to the darkness.

By the time she got back to the fortress she had been missed, and both the Hound and Led met her at the mouth, concern in her priest's face. The Hound saw to her wound as she gave a quick explanation to Led and they led her below, to the dining hall, where they left her to explain to the others.

The pair walked swiftly away.

"Paulus, assemble the fighters. We will not be made prisoners in our own home."

The Hound nodded and then disappeared, toward the workshops as Led headed towards his precious workshop. His spear was there, as were the rest of the arms and armor they would need. It was time they stopped running. It was time to fight.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 03:20:42 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


  • Bay Watcher
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allright, time to kick some birdbrain butt!

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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Early Obsidian, Winter

Several dwarven figures crouched quietly in the light snow of the upper slope. They'd been as quiet as possible and with the wind howling through the valley, along with the light blanket of snow their movements had been muffled and undetected. Five dwarves huddled immeadiately above the avarii squad. Five on fifteen. The dwarves were well armored though, mostly steel armor, if somewhat mismatched graced every figure, and at least sturdy dwarven chain. A boon of having the caravan guards attacked, as it were. Paulus hefted his steel warhammer, next to him Led clutched his copper spear, complete with an engraving of King Tosid. Ragnar was there as well, on Paulus' other side, and beside her was Kolok both with axes. Flanking Led was Draconius, clutching an iron mace pilfered from the fallen avar.

They knew the avar were below, they could hear slight sounds of movement, what sounded like feet stamping on the ground. Paulus' hand raised, in a clenched fist and then opened as he made a downward chopping motion and en masse the dwarves launched themselves from the upper slope onto the unsuspecting ambushers below. Draconius in her zeal went so far as to jump from a boulder on the slope directly on top of one of the avar below, smashing into him like a dwarven missile. It was only once the dwarves engaged that they realized their danger. The avar ambush squad was now mounted on some sort of horse! It wasn't until one turned towards them, whinnying in fear that the horn on their heads were visible.

Despite this the dwarves pressed on, barreling down the hill to crash into the side of the avarii with tremendous force, metal meeting flesh. Draconius lay lightly stunned on top of the avar, whom he had knocked of the unicorn, which also lay prone nearby, but was getting up quickly. The avar was not so fast. Rolling off of the human Draco began laying into him with gusto, smashing ribs.

Led had charged directly into one of the avar, spearing a unicorn and unseating the avar on it. He kept the unicorn pinned while Ragnar came up and dispatched the fallen avar before putting the unicorn down as well, with a series of well-placed blows. In the confusion Kolok had a seemingly hard time keeping a target in his monocular vision, but he scythed the legs out from under a passing unicorn that was charging the group, spilling the avar in a tangle.

The avar scattered in all directions, surprised and disoriented at the ferocity of the dwarven counter-attack.

The Hound was laying into enemies, unseating them before chasing them and their mounts down. He knew the key of the battle lay in defeating the leader and turning amid the chaos he spied him below in the valley and gave chase, passing Led, Kolok and Ragnar chasing down another pair of mounted avar. He advanced on the leader who spied him and began firing bolts. Another of the avar jumped out to engage the dwarf and in a blow was knocked to the ground. The Hound turned on the unicorn that was rearing up in front of him and as it descended his axe rose to meet it with such force that the beast went flying backwards, landing in a broken heap against a tree. The avar axeman was dispatched with equal speed as the leader began firing upon the dwarf in true desperation. The elite crossbowman backpedalled as the dwarf approached but could not strike true, bolt flying wide or being deflected by the dwarf's sturdy steel buckler. A bolt caught the dwarf in the shield arm but he shrugged off the blow, leaving it embedded as he advanced.

In a final fierce lunge Paulus launched himself at the Avar, missing the winged human but connecting with the unicorn beneath, crushing it's hindquarters and sending the beast rolling onto the ground. The avar was caught beneath it momentarily but managed to pull itself free as the dwarf still the thrashing of the beast. As the hammer was coming down the strike the avar he blocked it with his arm, breaking it soundly, but with his other he fired at the dwarf, point-blank, bolt piercing through armor and flesh, embedding itself into the creature. Almost in a daze the pair of combatants assessed each other, one with a broken arm that could no longer operate it's weapon, the other, arms pierced and bleeding with bolts. And the avarii leader fled, as Draconius, having seen the battle charged the leader as well, but unable to catch up.

Behind them the avar were routed and scattered. Led was busy chasing a mounted avar towards both Draconius and Paulus and the former was able to turn and help pin the creature between them, slaying the winged human, with a blow to the head, even as Led, wounded by the beast, fended off the unicorn with his spear.

The battle was won, but not easily, nor without cost. The liason was found within hours, at the top of a nearby hill. One of the avar had gotten in a lucky blow before Ragnar had dispatched it and the liason lay on the ground, left leg cleanly severed at the knee. Led made his way back to the infirmary beds and Paulus was taken in as well.

Tekkud, the liason, refused to be placed in bed and between lapses of conciousness insisted his meeting with Led continue. Despite the danger of scattered avar and unicorns that remained in the area and would not flee.

((Kill count:
Ragnar 3 Avar 3 unicorns
Kolok             1 unicorn
Draconius 2 Avar 1 unicorn
Paulus  3 Avar 4 Unicorns))

((7 Avar and unicorns were scattered throughout the area and remain at large.))
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 01:15:28 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
    • View Profile

"Do you think Ragnar will be all right?"

Paulus craned his neck sideways so he could see Led, and gave a half-hearted shrug.

"Ragnar can take care of herself. That last battle she was more her old self then I've ever seen, and it looked to me that when it was all over she was still peeved. She'll be fine. That squad is broken. She'll hunt them down, don't worry."

"If you say so. You're ok with what we're going to do then?"

Paulus grumbled something under his breath, causing Led to chuckle somewhat. "Aye, I understand. I don't like being laid up any more than you. Reminds me almost of old times."

Paulus shook his head. "Let's not go there. I spent months in that black pit, only to get out and be hammered and spend the next two and a half years recovering."

Led nodded briefly, remembering his own few strikes and the subsequent recovery. Wisely, he changed the subject.

"Thesaurusaurus, if you don't mind sending Sarah in..."

The scribe nodded quickly and went to the door, letting her into the sleeping quarters where their main office had been set up temporarily. She quickly went to his bedside, drawing up a stone coffer to sit upon.

She'd been to see him often, as often as occasion would permit, and their relationship was, by now, known to almost all.

"Sarah, what I'm about to do I don't think you'll enjoy very much, nor would I force you to do it, but the vacancy needs to be filled."

She looked at him quizzically and hastily added. "Of course, whatever you need."

"Then in my official capacity I now title you, Hound of Mondul."

She paled visibly in the lantern-light and swallowed. To her credit she nodded once, slowly.

"I... I ... accept, then. If that is what is needed."

Led sighed. "Aye. Until Paulus recovers you shall be acting in that capacity. You have Mondul's blessing and mine. Go speak with the Hound. His is the only warhammer we have."

She stood to go, and Led laid one hand on her arm as she was about to leave, whispering.

"Thank you, and be careful."

Paulus' warhammer lay next to his legs on the stone bed, the handle with grasping distance of his better arm, and as Sarah approached his did his best to rise, propping himself up on his good elbow, albeit painfully, before sitting up. He grasped the handle of the steel warhammer and slowly lifted it, head down, handle up, extending it to Sarah, who grasped the handle as well.

"Use it well."

She nodded once, taking the heavy weapon from him, to his visible relief before leaving the room.

Once it was quiet once more the pair lay, wrapped in thought for a while before speaking again.

"Have I done the right thing do you think Paulus?"

"It must be done."

"I know that. But there are so many uncertainties to life. Is she ready?"

There was a greater pause.

"I don't know Led. I'm not sure there's ever a ready when it comes to doing something. What must be done, must be done though. And she's the best choice."

Led knew it was true, and lay back down to recover. He had done it, but he didn't have to like putting his lover in such a position. It might change her forever.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
    • View Profile

Last day of the year, Winter

Led sat on a chair next to his bed. He was already feeling much better and his wounds were already mostly recovered. Many of the others were gathered in the room, with very few exceptions. He raised one hand to quiet everyone and soon a hush fell over the room.

"I know this may seem a little unorthodox to some of you, but this year we shall hold a ceremony of a different sort."

That announcement received a mixed response. Some truly looked forward to the end of the year brawl and Draconius seemed particularly put out. Others seemed somewhat relieved.

"I believe we've seen enough of Death recently with the Avarii attack upon our holding. But in this I do have good news! I was informed earlier today that thanks to Sarah, and Ragnar the remainder of them have been hunted down and dispatched without further injury. Work can continue again outside as needed, without fear."

A small cheer went up again.

"For Ragnar's valor she shall now be known as Ragnar Culthall the Solitary Honesties! May she live long and well among us."

Another cheer rang out and brief chanting of Ragnar's name.

"As many of you know there are those that live among us that are not of our beliefs, and yet have worked tirelessly to help and support us. That is the true meaning of brotherhood, of being a clan. Though we have been beaten and shunned by much of the rest of our own people, still our clan has supported us in our trials, aided us in our weakness.

One such individual I want to honor, according to clan tradition, is ... Fre. She has worked long and hard to provide us the food and sustenance we need to do our work and has received little or nothing for it. For her efforts I now grant to her always a place among us as well as ownership of the second hall, may she use it well!"

(The second hall, it may be noted was the dining, food storage and food preparation areas.)

"Let us now retire to that location and celebrate our good fortunes together!"

It was indeed a welcome celebration, and true to clan fashion the drinking did not cease until well into the morning of the new year.

((Fre, consider the entire second hall your bar now. It's mostly furnished but I'm still working on a few things. I'll post a screenshot and description of furniture as I'm able. If you have any additions or recommendations you'd like to make, feel free. I've got a special workshop set up for furniture that can be made from any stone available to us. And a bonecrafting yard as well. Metalworks and gemworks will be coming soon. So, whatever you'd like it made into, feel free to request.

Oh, and Ragnar's total kills for the avar is now 8 avar and 7 unicorns
Sarah also got 2 avar and 3 unicorns, as well as a named zombie cave swallowman, and a half dozen zombie mountain goats in her duties so far as Hound.

Oh, and Led recovered fully starting spring. Paulus now only has two bright yellow wounds instead of one yellow and one red.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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