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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101479 times)

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2008, 04:14:06 pm »

29th of Sandstone 1052

I've finished interviewing the new arrivals. It appears that their treatment as they prepared to depart wasn't exactly friendly. Thikut the woodworker had even had his steel axe forcibly removed by a squad of Royal guard. The others had been roughed up, and twelve had turned back at the treatment. The remaining seven had been forced out of the mountainhome by the same squad of soldiers with barely enough supplies for the trip. Thankfully for them the weather had been mild. Thikut informed me that he suspected all future immigrants would be discouraged from coming here.

I wasn't sure there was much we could do about it.

That night I gathered as many as could to a meeting in our common room.

"Evening everyone. Thank you for coming. I realize I've been remiss in setting gatherings. I wanted to welcome all of the newcomers to Dorenemal. I'd encourage everyone to get to know them and what happened on their way here. They are now part of us, a part of clan Fahstrom and the Wall of Zeal. We must work together here or we will fail. We have many enemies, the most obvious of which are the goblins that now know about our presence here. They cannot be happy that we have taken their fortress and will likely take steps to try to recover it.

I'd like to thank the road crew for the excellent work in getting a road east built before winter, and the masons for getting our defensive wall built as well. That means we can focus inward for most of the winter. I'm aware of the travesty of a common room we have and had designated accomodations for all of us below the foundations of this fort we now call our own. I wanted to present to you all a creation of mine, Sirablimur Idithkor, the perfect mechanism. This simple mechanism is representative of us, of the perfection we can achieve. It, like us all, can be used for destruction or benificence. I'd encourage all of you to take the call to perfection to heart. I will do my best to ensure the continued organization of this settlement we've carved out.

There are forces at work against us, but we can and will prevail. So here's to all your hard work!"

The crowd was mostly silent during this speech, except for the part about accomodations being made where there were relieved faces and some cheers. Mostly I believe it gave them much to think about. It would be a cold winter, but we would be spending most of it indoors.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 04:59:59 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #46 on: July 10, 2008, 05:04:01 pm »

7th of Obsidian Late Winter

Things have run smoothly this winter. I've asked the Masons to brave the weather to begin construction on a second roof above where we now conduct much of our business. With the fortifications the goblins made on all walls the old roof could never be habitible but a second roof will keep the snow off. That and we need to clear out some of this stone that is clogging our work areas.

One of our road crew, a peasant by the name of Edzul appeared to fall prey to too much time indoors. He began giggling and singing in prose and composing poetry. Oh, and he's taken over a masons workshop. I don't know why, he certainly hasn't done more than the odd masonry job since he's been here, but there you have it. Perhaps he's taken my words to heart.

PS It's now the 12th of Obsidian and Edzul has finished his work. It's splendid, and much in line with my own work. Of course, obsidian is almost all we have to work with around here at the moment. He calls it Sakrithkadol, or Blazeshatchet. It's a beautiful cabinet, truly magnificent. I'm not sure why he engraved willows on the doors of it, he said that's what felt right. Then he giggled and skipped away.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 06:02:56 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #47 on: July 10, 2008, 05:34:52 pm »

1st of Granite 1053

We've been here for two years now. I've taken survey of our settlement. And we're set to have a big party come evening. We've rolled out at least one keg of every kind of alcohol we have, and two of the good stuff. Tonight we honor Mafol for his heroic efforts defending himself against the goblin-kind, and for his tireless efforts to expand our settlement here. I'll be rewarding both Mafol and Medtom with brand new Steel picks. They do almost everything together now. It's strange how adversity brings people closer together.

((Aardvark is near the entrance to our main building here. You can see the road leading to it, the ramp leading to the upper plateau is cut into the cliff off the upper left of the screen. The trading post is off the lower left of the screen. I've got a place for ballistae set up lower mid screen. One row of weapon traps, one row of cage traps as per requests. For traps I think that's about all I do. I don't want to make this too easy come combat. As a note... Fre you've got yourself a title now, as does Ragnar.))

((If there is anything else to see let me know. At this point the initial rush of labor is done and we're cleaning up the settlement. If you have any requests feel free to make them. If you want your character cross-trained in something else that's fine. Please post such requests in character. Again, feel free to make any posts in character that you'd like as long as they're generally non-plot-line posts. Anybody else that would like to join in is welcome, I've got plenty to choose from and will begin organizing my military here shortly as our road is now complete and I've no use for peasants.  ;) ))

« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 06:00:35 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #48 on: July 10, 2008, 09:35:39 pm »

(Could I get Ragnar's full title please? Also nice to see he doesn't really care about anything anymore. We can just pretend 'anything' means kobold/goblin lives.)

Ragnar requests, after a helping of Sewer Brew, to be allowed time for training and, when necessary, the position of Sheriff. "Gimme a season t' work a pump t' build up me stamina. Then it's time fer me t' train. I'll be the finest Axedwarf ye kin find, on me honor."

(Ragnar really needs Toughness before he starts sparring or he'll likely get a spine/neck injury. Hopefuly a season or two of Pump Operating will fix that. Then he can be a great candidate for Captain.)

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #49 on: July 11, 2008, 12:35:29 pm »

2nd of Slate Winter also known as early spring

The last two weeks have been very busy. Just today one of our farmers caught a kobold trying to sneak in. He pounced on him and managed to bet the thief down, but was injured in the process. Mostly just superficial bruising, but he did get a nasty cut on his upper right arm. We've got him in bed recovering. Hopefully he'll pull through. Thob's a good dwarf and losing a farmer would hurt our burgeoning food production capabilities.

Things really got started about two weeks ago when the elven caravans arrived. I'm hoping it was just that they were followed rather than other potential considerations. The elves settled in to trade. Their disapproving stares met us on all sides, even though our trading post was now indoors out of the snow. Apparently they disapprove of open warfare, haven't liked it for decades now. From the stories they can be fierce fighters though. Maybe it's just their merchants that've gone soft.

It wasn't long after they showed up that we lost Thikut, one of our road crew helping out the woodcutters on the upper plateau. He was jumped by a goblin patrol. The goblin leader had a crossbow, the others goblin shortbows. I'm sure they at least knew how to use bows. Poor Thikut was so feathered he looked like a porcupine. Erush was also up helping since Fre was in the kitchens taking her shift. He froze up on the cliffs and nearly died himself. When the arrows started whizzing by he jumped down the ramp and made for the fort, shouting the whole way, goblins in close pursuit. At least he had the presence of mind to hop over the weapon traps. His donkey, Minkot, and as stubborn of an ass as I've ever seen didn't know what to make of it and stayed outside. After the first goblin got skewered by the weapon traps the others feathered the donkey from range and he too fell.

There were five goblins, and only five weapon traps. After the next two goblins tried taking a different route to avoid the first goblins corpse and died in the same manner the other two looked somewhat hesitant to proceed into the fort. I'm sure I could see their reasoning. Three corpses lay in front of them. there were only two spaces that were clear of their comrades and a dwarf had just gotten by. It must have made sense to press on, but when Aardvark stuck his head around the wall where he, Ragnar and Fre had assembled that must have settled it. Aardvark nearly took an arrow in the head but managed to deflect it with his shield at the last second and the goblins came howling after him, stepping into the two remaining traps. Five traps. Five goblin archers dead. We must have been blessed by the god of simple mathematics.

Of course all this was in view of the elves in the trading post. Perhaps I should have something built to protect traders.

After everyone stood down we began cleaning up the mess and I headed over to begin negotiations when the alarm was sounded again. A second goblin ambush! It was one of our fisherdwarves that spotted the thing. She was clearing the corpses of the first goblins when she looked up and not five feet away was a live goblin, carrying a wicked looking scimitar and grinning at the unarmed and unarmored dwarf. She did what was best I must say. She ran.

The goblin did what was expected and gave immeadiate pursuit, stepping on the same trap that had just been cleared by the dwarf he was chasing. He died instantly, impaled from below by half a dozen razorsharp blades. The other goblins behind him seeing their leader impaled so and the other goblin corpses forming a neat wall in front of them decided it was in their best interests to flee. Which they did.

Again, in full view of the elves who so disliked bloodshed. Some of them looked a little pale. In the end we still made a deal, but since we had little to trade I didn't get as much as I would have liked. We got food and some drink but little else. The only things we had to offer them were the coins we had found in this place to begin with and some furniture. I made sure it was our inferior furniture too. Ah well. A little more food was nice. Though the biscuits that Fre has been making are quite tasty. She calls them her little seed cakes. I guess they'll do. I think I prefer the wild strawberry seedcakes, the ratweed ones I just find a little disturbing. Must be the name.

We've tunneled through to the second building from the third floor down of ours and have begun using it as a tomb of sorts for the fallen. Thikut was buried there in an obsidian coffin, as was Erush's donkey. The poor fellow is heartbroken about it. I've given him the first room completed in the first lower level to try to take his mind off of it. Perhaps his own room will help him work through his grief in private.

Ragnar spoke with me the other day about organizing a military. I must say I agree with him. Any larger scale incursion will overrun the traps leaving us exposed. Aardvark has already completed two full sets of full steel plate and is working on more so the time is right. I'll have to see about clearing the first floor down for use by the military.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 02:52:24 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #50 on: July 11, 2008, 03:02:13 pm »

25th of Slate

We heralded another group of migrants today and I received quite a surprise from them. In the lead I recognized both Urvad Nethmebzuth and her husband Iteb. I wondered what they were doing here and leading such a ragtag group of migrants and I soon found out.

It was no wonder I saw quite a few faces among the group I recognized. They all looked tired and very worn. And hungry. They must have made the trek from Kilrudmorul. I wanted to know why.

I met with Urvad last, wanting to assess the group first in an unbiased fashion. There were twenty of them in all and two pets. One horse and one donkey. We didn't have a good record on keeping animals alive here.

1 Stonecrafter
1 Bonecrafter (Both just what we needed)
1 Bowyer now woodcutter
2 Furnace operators I'll have to get more smelters and forges going here soon
1 Jewler I requested he take up sewing. We had cloth and could put it to use.
4 Peasants Drafted. One of which was Iteb, Urvad's husband. He'll make a fine Fortress guard.
1 child of theirs
1 Cook Now farmer
1 Stoneworker
Urvad herself, the only escort they could spare but a talented enough axedwarf
1 Metal crafter We'll put him to good use
1 Tanner doubling as leatherworker too now
1 Metalsmith
1 Woodburner now Woodcutter as well
1 Potash maker I've asked to take up stonecrafting
and 1 more Fish cleaner I've asked to take up Masonry when the water is all frozen.

As a side note according to charter rules we now are officially a village so that evening we got together and voted on who would be Mayor. Ragnar was chosen, and I must say I approve. I know he'll be dissapointed he won't get to be sheriff but that's the vote. Perhaps in the future that will change. He's fierce looking though and frequently wears a scowl. And well known to many of the newcomers from Kilrudmorul and obviously well liked by those living here already. He's even been given a fancy title, Ragnar Shakethkivish Ritholarek Rur. It's almost a joke around here at how fast he's converted goblins to running away from him. The title means Ragnar Torridlancers The Noble Church of Running. Even I find it somewhat amusing. He's a good choice, though I fear he may chafe a bit. He merely nodded and said his first act as mayor was to ensure we had better defenses. He ordered some bolts made. Or else. No one argued. Yup... he'll make a very effective motivator.

Urvad herself brought somewhat distressing news. Kilrudmorul had been under siege by the westerly goblins again, under new leadership. That hadn't been the problem but a goblin had snuck in and made off with the Duke's newborn son. The Duke's consort died trying to protect it. The Duke had been so griefstricken by his loss that he simply refused to eat or drink until he died. It had been a severe blow to morale there as he had been well liked and respected. The new Dutchess had arrived to take over within two months, and by all accounts had been ... let's just say bad. She'd ordered goods made with Bismuth. No one makes stuff with Bismuth, it's simply too brittle to craft things out of. Someone tried to explain it to her but when she couldn't have her way she had him beaten to death. A few months later she tried again. The next metalcrafter that failed was locked in jail for 100 days where he starved to death. It went on like that. Her consort was just as bad. Wanted stuff made out of silver every month. The craftsdwarves quickly ran out and had to resort to melting existing goods down to use the silver to make new ones he hadn't seen yet.

She'd taken over with a fist of iron, her directive to do so approved by the king himself and undersigned by his counsellor Agna. And then mysteriously during the siege someone sabotaged the place. There was a nearby underground lake that only a few knew about. It had been found and promptly walled off. All sorts of undesirable creatures lurked there and it had posed a threat to the mines. But someone had breached it in another location in the middle of the night. Kilrudmorul had been flooded from the inside, submerging all the lower levels and mines. 5 dwarves died and all the animals that were chained near the kennels. All the horses, cows and puppies in training. It was a devastating blow to morale. Most of the quarters had been flooded and half the city was unusable. The dutchess merely drafted a dozen or so people, two of my brothers, Tony and Scott among them, and sent them to the capital to join the King's army. They'd not heard word since. When that population reduction wasn't sufficient she'd sent this group off back to the capital for resettlement.

They'd heard word of Dorenemal of course. Word had quickly spread of this place, especially amongst our old friends. Rather than return to the capiatal they'd simply come here, hoping we'd have room for them. I wouldn't dream of turning them away. This place was no Kilrudmorul, but we're better than some random hovel of a settlement out in the accursed tundra. I've no doubt that's where many of my father's old friends would have been assigned. Disturbing news indeed.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #51 on: July 11, 2008, 06:26:52 pm »

9th of Hematite Autumn

The rumble of wagons approaching echoed through the canyons we called home and warmed my heart more then the patchy weak sunshine could ever hope to. I was glad to see the humans, to be honest. They'd been fair traders with us so far and this was the first they'd seen of the now sheltered trading post we'd set up for them. Abba Hinerdesa was sitting on the lead wagon next to her driver and waving at me as she pulled in. In all they had three wagons and a few pack mules. The wagons didn't look particularly full, but we could use all the supplies we could get.

Greeting her with a handshake as she stepped down I grinned:

"You're a sight for sore eyes even if ye are a human Abba. Tell me what's going on in the world while we start hauling stuff up to trade with."

She grinned and blushed "Ah, um, thank you Paulus. I see you're hale and hearty and this place is running well still. You've made improvements. I like it. It'll be nice to go to a place that believes in trading indoors instead of out in the open. I'm sorry we couldn't bring more but the goblin raids have been hard on the routes. We've lost a wagon or two and some mules on our trip already and we've still a few months to go. Speaking of goblins, I've got a letter here for you. Said he was your brother. We were ambushed in the passes by two groups of goblins and were trying to fend them off when a dwarven patrol charged in from the side. Together we carried the day, but only just. I'm sorry for your loss Paulus. I'll let you read that while we get unpacked."

I wasn't sure what to say as I took the letter and retired to my chair a floor down. My office didn't have walls, but it gave me a place to sit where I could write on my lap. Unfolding it I read Scotts crude but legible hand.


Hope this finds you well in Dorenemal. Things aren't well at home. Tony and I were drafted by that thrice be-damned Dutchess, may Armok drink her blood from a goblet I'll make with my own hands. She's destroying Kilrudmorul. And all memory of our father Atun. The lower halls where the tombs and his mausoleum were are flooded. And she's had entire walls removed that mentioned him. She's desecrating the place. Had she not still had Tarin to torment after we were drafted I'd be glad to be rid of her.

I assume the human delivered the letter if you're reading this. The twelve of us she conscripted to serve in the King's army had set out two weeks prior to us coming upon them being attacked. The Dutchess sent us out with piecemeal copper gear that had been discarded by the old fortress guard. We'd probably have even helped elves against the goblins, but Tony led the charge. If it hadn't been for him things would have gone much worse. A squad of goblin crossbows had the merchants pinned behind the wagons. Two had been set aflame by a swordgoblin group from behind. Tony charged the crossbows on the hill screaming and shouting like some maniac and we all followed. The goblins didn't see us coming until we were across the road and on the uphill but things got bad after that. Tony managed to deflect a few bolts before taking one in the leg. He fell just feet away. The rest of us washed over the goblins like a crimson tide while the humans fended the other group off until we could come in from behind and mop up. By the time everything was over we'd lost four of our own. Tony had bled to death from a bolt in the chest. I wanted to be the one to tell you. He died well and was put to rest beside the others in a stone cairn off the road a few hundred paces.

Talking with the humans later I found out they had met you previously and were headed to Dorenemal eventually. I passed them this letter. We're headed to the Sazirgeb, and from there probably south to where I hear the action is. To hear tell there's been a lot of goblin activity of late and some of the southern settlements were wiped out. So take care to watch for enemies within and without.

Hope this finds ye well, and to hear from you soon.

Scott Fahlstrom, the Walls of Zeal!

May Atun be forever praised.

It was a long letter for Scott. I knew he favored action over words, same as Tony. Tarin on the other hand... I hoped he was all right. I sighed with a heavy heart as I walked over to my chair to think.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #52 on: July 11, 2008, 07:00:36 pm »

20th of Hematite

I hadn't had much time to grieve, but I do feel somewhat better now that I've vented on some of the greenskins personally. True to fashion a goblin thief was found impaled on our traps a few days after Abba and her crew arrived. Where one was more were sure to follow. I should have followed the voice in my head that told me to nor let too many stray far from the fortress. As it was Ragnar and his crew had just finished clearing the timber on the upper plateau and the haulers were bringing down the logs when Thikut, one of Ragnar's cutting crew spotted a goblin patrol. A goblin guard and five crossbowgoblins. One of them saw him and the lot began firing. It's a miracle Thikut survived. He dove behind a boulder after getting hit in the arm and they must have thought him dead, as they didn't pursue. Our gemsetter Rakust was behind Thikut and too a bolt through the leg and went down too.  They headed down the ramp as the alarm was passed and dwarves scrambled for cover. Fre, Aardvark and the two new recruits Fath and Udil. took up posts behind the entry walls while I went to try and assure Abba and her crew they should stay put.

Nothing lures a goblin like the sight of fleeing dwarves. I'd installed a row of obsidian traps on the ramp leading to the upper plateau which caught half of them. The leader and two archers approached the entrance warily but after seeing only the fleeing backside of our newly elected mayor, the planter Thob Thobegul, they pressed on and ran into the other traps. Two were killed and one caught in a cage.

We had just gotten Thikut in bed and Medtob had gone to get Rakust when a second ambush patrol came upon us from the east. A group of hammergoblins. Mafol and Celob, a farmer were carrying dead goblins when the second group sprung. Celob ran but Mafol dropped the body and pulled out his pick. The goblin and he squared off for a second before the goblin charged, Mafol got a hit in knocking it breathless but the two collided and were stunned briefly. I ordered Fre, Aardvark and the recruits to the T in our road to cover Mafol and prevent those on the cliffs from being cut off. In seconds Mafol had shrugged of his surprise and began treating the goblin like a wall. The goblin didn't stand a chance.

It was then that shouts rang out from the ramp. A third group of goblins had come to join the ambush! Another group of five hammergoblins and a macegoblin began pouring down the ramp from the west. They trapped Steele on the ramp and though he put up a fight they outnumbered him four to one and he was slain. Our brewer was likewise trapped on the ramp and tried to run but only made the height of the upper plateau before he was overtaken. He too put up a struggle, Medtob rushing to his aid but arriving seconds too late as the goblin squad leader and two hammergoblins crushed the life out of him.

Things looked grim, and I scooped up an obsidian shortsword and ran to help. Fre was sending bolt after bolt into the group arriving from the east as I approached. Three goblins were coming down the ramp towards us from the west and Medtob was trapped on the upper plateau facing three goblins by herself. Seeing us flanked below them the three on the ramp must have thought we'd make easy prey and approached but their determination wavered as one of them was torn apart the the remaining weapon trap on the ramp. Mafol rushed one of the others and engaged it.

I glanced over my shoulder at the goblins approaching from the east. They were running! Fre must have gotten their leader in her zeal. I called to Udib to stand ground here and provide cover for Fre as Aardvark, Fath and I charged up the ramp to help Medtob. A bolt whizzed by my ear as I ran up towards the remaining hammergoblin, and red blossomed on it's leg as it stumbled in front of me. That was enough for me to catch it by surprise and I thrust up and through the goblin catching it just below the gut and sinking my blade into it to the hilt. Then the goblin was flying through the air and landed above me, dying. A quick stroke to the neck as I ran past ended it's life.

I could hear Aardvark and Fath running up the ramp behind me just a little ways. As I crested onto the upper plateau I was amazed to see Medtob still battling the goblins. And holding her own quite well. Two of the goblins were slightly injured, a third was on the ground in worse condition but still struggling. Medtob herself had a nasty gash on her arm but otherwise seemed ok. I took the opportunity of my unexpected approach to charge the goblin that was prone and even up the fight. A stab and kick sent the goblin ten feet, passed out, and a quick follow up slash ended it's life too. I turned to see the other hammergoblin tackle Medtob and stun her, and hoped she could hold out as I charged the goblin from one side and Fath from the other. Medtob fended off the attacks of the goblin leader, a guard, while Fath and I double teamed the other. My first swipe cleanly severed it's right hand as Fath cuts into it with his steel battle axe from the other side, severing a leg and foot in the first swing. I'm pretty sure the goblin passed out at this point, but Fath and I needed to make sure. A few more swings saw it's remaining limbs join the other ones.

Medtob was fending off the attacks of the guard admirably while Aardvark came up from behind and crushed it's spine with two mighty blows. All of us stood there panting slightly in the cool air for a bit. Aardvark helped Medtob up and we called off the alarm. Not long had passed, we were still clearing the bodies when Cilob spotted another group of goblins that had approached unnoticed from the east. Thankfully we still had Aardvark, Fath and Udil posted at the intersection of roads and they made short work of the goblin lasher. At one point it had tried to run away before changing it's mind and doubling back to tackle Udil, but with the odds being 3:1 against it and it's companions being too far away it stood little chance. The others in it's group apparently noticed the profuse quantity of goblin corpses and decided it best to make a strategic withdrawl.

And so ended the Battle for Dorenemal of Autumn 1053. Four goblin patrols acting in unison was not a good sign for us. The first few groups must have been a probe. This was an all out assault. How long it would be before the rest of the goblin army would be turned in our direction was unknown to me, but it was time to step up our training.

P.S. As a note, Thob was elected mayor in place of Ragnar. All Ragnar said about it was:" Good, lousy job if ye ask me. Now where in the stones did my axe get laid? I've a mighty need for hewin' something. " I hope Thob will do a good job. Mayor is a thankless job, mostly listening to people complain about things, but I guess that's why Thob was elected. He's quite the talker.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 09:15:25 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #53 on: July 11, 2008, 11:01:05 pm »

((You know, I don't think you get enough compliments.  Your writing is great!  And there's so much of it.  Honestly, I'm really enjoying reading about your exploits.

(masterwork large Heliodor) I handed it to Fre. (Do with it what you would like Fre
I think on a table in her room for now, and then in her tomb if she happens to die.  If she marries Aardvark, it will be her wedding present to him. (By the way, I love the idea of a 'dwarf of the year award')

1 Cook (M) + 1 donkey we can't eat but probably should. I'll have to ask Fre where she'd prefer to be assigned.
As to Fre's profession, I really would like it if you kept her as a cook.  Perhaps, in time, she could head up a marksdwarf militia, made up of proficient marksdwarves that mainly have civilian jobs.  Just a thought.

'Fre' Bittenflag the Sour Burns of Worry?  I knew she was pessimistic, but come on...  Don't know how you could explain that one away.  I am very pleased that she's gotten used to tragedy.  No major tantrums from her!...I hope))
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #54 on: July 14, 2008, 12:16:28 pm »

21st of Hematite

We have begun using the northernmost goblin fort as the tombs for our fallen. I've got plans to improve upon it, but those will have to wait for more pressing projects to be completed first. The living take precedence over the dead. Nevertheless, we entombed Steele and Kadol today. It was a great loss to all of us, particularly us original seven, now six. I retrieved Steele's body myself, Ragnar accompanying me to get Kadol our brewer. They have been placed in honor in coffins of obsidian and placed in the stronghold of those that slew them as a testament to our continued defiance of goblinkind. May their bones adorn our tombs and their bodies litter the mountainsides.

It seems strange to me that after having so recently learned about the loss of my brother death would follow so closely. I have resigned myself to face it however, I cannot shirk my responsibilities nor allow them to impede the protection of our people. I am finding myself caring less and less about the trivial things of everyday existance. But our people must take heart that someday we shall be able to live in peace, even if our current sacrifice is what it takes to get there. There was metal to be had in these cliffs and if the goblins wanted to pry it from us they would have to wade through the bodies of their fallen and over our corpses to get it. We will be the wall of steel that keeps those innocent still safe. We are the Walls of zeal, the Fahlstrom clan! We will watch and pray at all times that we might not fall victim to the advances of the enemy.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #55 on: July 14, 2008, 12:51:53 pm »

Trading with the merchants continued after the battle as it must needs to have done. We needed the supplies they brought.

"I'm sorry Abba that you've been delayed so long. It's been a busy few days. Where were we?"

"If all the goods you brought up are present we can begin trading. I must say I'm impressed with the place you've all built here, and we, all of us, appreciate the protection that you've offered us at the cost of your own blood."

I nodded, though wearily. "Aye, we do what must be done. And humans and dwarves fall equally prey to the goblins. We value your lives as our own, and our mutual prosperity depends on each other to a certain degree."

"True enough, true enough. Were all dwarves of such a mindset and all human likewise then relations between our peoples would be vastly improved, and the goblins much less a threat I am sure. As it is, our people have suffered much of late at the hands of the vile goblins. Fully three settlements have been put to the torch in the last year. And rumors tell of a goblin king and his army operating between here and the human lands to the east. We have been ill used to war and were not prepared as such for the vehemence of the attacks. Nor as fortified as your own place here. But enough of our mutual problems, let us see what we can do to relieve each other of goods."

"Agreed. Perhaps the goblins that came here have done you some favors after all. We seem to be blessed with an abundance of weapons we care not to keep. We have a great many bows and arrows that they left us with, and a number of iron weapons to boot."

An eager gleam entered Abba's eye at the mention of weapons.

"Such barter would be very welcome indeed. Weapons at this time are fetching good prices everywhere and will be in much demand in the days and years to come. Let me show you what we have brought. Much of what you requested we have with us."

In the end we traded a good number of goblin weapons, bows and arrows and such we could not, or did not want to use. We had steel, goblin weapons were good enough, but inferior to our own. We received a goodly number of metal bars of various kinds. Wood in abundance as well as drink and barrels and even some meat. All very useful items for us, but not in such quantities as I wold have preferred. It was a good trade, beneficial to both sides. We took everything they had brought.

"Well, Abba, I thank you for the supplies. Please continue to plan stops here and we'll continue to supply weapons and gear for you."

"Not a problem. Not a problem at all. Though the journey this year has been more dangerous than most, we have you and your family to thank for a good measure of our safety, at least once if not twice over."

"Along those lines I was hoping to ask a personal favor then."

She looked somewhat hesitant there, humans did not often go out of their way to do personal favors for dwarves regardless of the circumstances. It was a measure of her integrity that the nodded and smiled, inwardly probably hoping it would not cost her too dearly.

"I notice that you've got ample room in your wagons now. You've got some of the best goods we've obtained, phantom spider silk and giant cave spider silk gear is hard to come by, even if it is of goblin make. I was hoping you could take a letter and a gift to my brother who has gone to Sazirgeb."

A look of minor annoyance crossed her face before it softened and she spoke. "You need not remind me of the favorable conditions of our trading. The weapons alone will be useful enough. I will do my best to seek out your brother if you wish. We are headed south anyways since the winter snows will soon be upon us. We're not made of such cold resistant material as you dwarves. Bring me what you wish to gift him and I will see that he gets it."

"I have lost one brother to the goblins already, and a father. If I can help my family I will do all I can to do so. Please take this letter to him, and deliver this to him."

I removed the covering to an iron bin placed neatly off to one side. I had been tempted to not send it. We certainly could use such equipment ourselves, but if all he had was ill used copper gear I was certain Scott would appreciate being properly equipped. In the bin lay a complete set of steel armor, minus the plate armor itself, since I knew Scott preferred the mobility of chainmail on his torso. It the bin as well were two gleaming steel battle axes. Abba's eyes went wide at the sight and even several of her guards and fellow merchants came over to gaze at the unused burnished steel equipment.

"I've got a set of armor for me brother, and a fine steel axe. I'd like ye to give that to him. The other axe is a gift for you then, as thanks for your services and perhaps a promise of more to come."

Abba stammered a bit as she looked at the gear and I could see her estimating it's value in her head. Still, I knew the offer of steel to the humans who rarely crafted anything out of steel would prove more valuable still should it come to that. Abba gave a small nod and said in a quiet voice:

"I will see that he gets it to be sure. I appreciate the trust you've placed in us. My men and I will do our best to safeguard your gift, though I cannot guarantee the axes will arrive unused should the need arise."

"As long as they are used to spill goblin blood I doubt very much my brother or I would mind. I look forward to your coming with news again next year."

"Certainly, we will come. Until then."

They packed up and left within a few days, wagons creaking past the bloodstained ramps that we had defended only days before. It would take many good rains to remove the blood stains there. And I doubted the goblins would give us that long of a reprieve. Hoped, but doubted.

(To keep it consistent with the storyline I've offered the armor as a gift. This is after all mostly about the story. Should we need that armor in the future I'll be sure to lament it's loss. ;) )
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #56 on: July 14, 2008, 04:17:05 pm »

10th of Limestone Autumn

Thankfully we had a bit of respite from the goblins. Perhaps they've withdrawn for a time since their last failed attempt to retake this place. Today the dwarven caravans arrived. Again, only one or two wagons, and those practically half empty. The only things they have brought us are some bars of metal and a barrel of rum, wine, ale and beer. Oh, and some empty bags. Nothing more. I was so furious I nearly activated the traps on them as they left. I had requested food, drink, wood, and at least a half dozen other necessities, but they claimed that this was all they could 'spare' for Dorenemal. I swear if they try this sort of thing one more year I'll seize the whole shipment and make them walk home naked. Three kobolds were apparently following them as well. Mafol managed to corner one but the other two escaped, none the richer thankfully.

I don't know what we're going to do about food. Things will be very tight this winter I fear. I was counting on at least some supplies from the mountain homes and it seems that again they have dissappointed us. I truly now fear that Agna intends to starve us all if possible. It would take at least a season or two to properly prepare more farms in the granite below us, possibly longer.

On the bright side Rakust appears to be improving. His leg is no longer as inflamed as it once once, though he, as well as Thikut are still bed-ridden. We are running short of lumber and the upper plateau was already harvested and has not regrown yet. I had hoped the caravan would bring wood as well. Nevertheless, we must press on and we need lumber to feed our forges if we are to continue making weapons and armor. I've had the wall in the southern building removed allowing us quick access to the lower plateau while we harvest that area. I'll have it resealed when work is completed there.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #57 on: July 14, 2008, 04:30:37 pm »

7th of Sandstone

Something strange occurred today. Our stonecrafter, Asmel, was eating dinner in the main hall when all of a sudden he stood. A voice echoed from his throat speaking rapidly in the ancient tongue. I could only make out a word here or there. Something about a stone, continuity, approval. And then he was off, calmly striding down the corridors as if he were seeing through solid stone. He claimed a workshop and immediately began work on some mysterious construction.

I've taken inventory of our food situation while he works. It's even grimmer than I originally thought. We have no meat, fish at all, only a handful of plump helmets. I have been neglecting my oversight of our food. I've requested that some of the farmers switch to producing plump helmets rather than pig tails, but it will take time for that. The lakes have frozen again outside, but only just, so the fisherdwarves I've ordered to begin cleaning their summer catches. Some seventeen turtles in all. Not bad, but not enough to feed a fortress. Fre is again doing all she can to stretch our food supply and has been making seed cakes again. I think I am fond of several of them. The wild strawberry and prickleberry ones. And of course her pies are to die for. Hmm... perhaps to kill for I should say. It's been a while since we've had a decent feast around here. I'll have to give a stern talking to the merchants this next year about that. Food appears to be in short supply everywhere though, as they're always requesting it as well. That and weapons. The news of the increased goblin activity is disturbing and if it continues as such may very well mean all out war between our races. It has happened before, and any periods of relative peace are usually only breathers before the next war. Of all the skilled races the goblins have proven the least capable of negotiations. At least with us.

P.S. Asmel has finished his work. It's a very nice piece of work.

There's talk of it being inspired by the gods. Since Asmel is a worhipper of Avuz perhaps it is true that she approves of our work here and this was indeed a sign. The ancient toungue is almost extinct, I myself, despite study, have only learned a few of it's words. Asmel, after a brief meeting with him knows none of it. I can only conclude that he was indeed possessed. The fact that it bears an image of our clan heart is a positive omen indeed.

Anyways, time to tighten the belt and press on.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 09:03:07 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #58 on: July 14, 2008, 04:40:52 pm »

7th of Timber

We've managed to be all right food wise till now. Not great, but not too bad. We haven't had to resort to boiling down the drink and mixing it with flour or dirt to make paste, but I fear it may come to that. We were surprised today by another group of immigrants. They were weary, and some bore minor injuries. Some of them still had soot and ash marking their clothes and faces. They looked haggard and harried and I soon found out why. They were from a settlement to the east and a bit south. The place had been attacked by a large goblin warband. These were the only survivors and they'd only managed that because they had fled as soon as the walls had been breached, taking nothing with them.

I wasn't sure what to do with them. We couldn't turn them away, yet we had no food to spare. While I was conversing with them one of them, the leader of their group approached me and offered his services as a hunter. I knew we had some game in the area, not much but perhaps enough to bolster our food supply until the winter crops began coming in. Another of their group, a cook volunteered to help him as well as one of our own, a child recently grown into full dwarfhood offered as well. Three hunters. That might be sufficient.

Of the others in the group there was
1 Fishcleaner now butcher to accomodate the hunters
1 woodcutter assigned to Ragnar's band
3 Peasants, drafted and in process of equiping
1 weaponsmith
1 cheesemaker that I've asked to take up farming and plant gathering to aid our supplies
2 children
and a second donkey it's owner won't let us eat.

If only goblin tasted good our food shortage would be at an end.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #59 on: July 14, 2008, 05:52:22 pm »

12th of Timber

The food shortage continues. I myself haven't eaten for a while. It's gotten bad enough that our getcutter, Vabosh I think his name was, has taken up the hunting of rats and other bugs to eat. I don't think I'll stoop that low. Our hunters are doing well, though the lack of game is at times daunting. Ragnar and the woodcutters got a few raccoons but that was hardly sufficient to feed a fortress. Everyone is doing their part to help though. Fre is busy in the kitchens as always. But as soon as she finishes a batch they're snapped up by hungry mouths. Same with the butchers. The smell of roast venison, mountain goat and raccoon fill the air and only make the rest of us that much hungrier. It's the injured that suffer the most. Thikut has taken to lying in bed moaning, Rakust is in even worse shape, and I fear his weakened state has allowed a fever to set in. The farmers assure me that within the week we'll have a full crop of plump helmets, and the efforts of the others have managed to keep starvation at bay. But how long it can last I do not know. We ran out of turtles to cooks three days ago, that's when it began getting truly bad. To their credit most have not complained o'ermuch. I think I'll go see if Fre's batch of seedcakes is finished.

P.S. Rakust perished in the night, likely due to a combination of fever and starvation. A very unfortunate loss, and one I attribute mostly to the scheming of pretentious royalty. Agna has much to answer for I fear. Our continued survival, however, is all I can do to try and thwart his plans.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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