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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101524 times)

Paulus Fahlstrom

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2nd of Slate

The metalworks ate ore and belched flame, and with it came a noise common to most dwarven abodes, the sound of hammer hitting anvil, the ring of metal being shaped. It was a sweet music to Aardvark, and more so because they were able to work his favorite metal of all.


The workers next to him hummed as they worked, but little of it was audible to any but the dwarf making the sound, the din of the smithies overpowered all but shouted conversation. Aardvark fell into a sort of reverie and saw in his mind's eye a great construction. A magnificent creation of steel. He saw himself from outside himself, as if watching from above and over the shoulder as he beat the high steel into the proper shape, working it carefully and meticulously until it was just right. Then the reheating, and pounding and shaping, and reheating and pounding and shaping, until it had been done dozens of times, strengthening the metal into it's perfect ideal.

And then all at once it was as if he awoke from his dream, to find himself at his forge. Before him lay the creation he had dreamed of, a perfect High Steel shield and he knew in it's mind what it was to be called. Sezuklaluth, or Slapflooded. The gift of Logem Earthencolors to their cause. A mighty bulwark against evil. With trembling hands he raised it above his head and gazed at it's perfection in the dim light of the forges. A hush fell over the others as they too came to see this newest creation.

The shield itself was oblong, almost oval in shape, but the steel spikes that protruded from it on the front edges would help provide cover and catch weapons without hindering visibility. On the front of the shield was a pattern of Limestone spikes, the stone worked into the metal so that the spikes were literally crafted into the bulk of the shield itself. A single band of glass encircled the edge of the shield, lending it beauty and in the glass the symbol of Logem.

((Very fortuitous. I'd have been happier with a non-possession mood of course, as I'd love for you to be a legendary armorer but ah well. Tried to get you to make it out of a different metal as well, but high steel it had to be. Easily our most valuable artifact so far, though. And very useful too.))
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 12:59:57 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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18th of Slate

I've been forced to take time out of the training schedule to welcome a group of migrants with Crush. We didn't bother changing out of our armor, and I suspect it may have been a mistake. Wearing a vast amount of steel in the scorching sun may keep you safe from errant enemies, but it's also a heck of a way to cook yourself alive. I began feeling a bit nauseous shortly after heading up. Still, perhaps I've just been underground too long.

The mines will do that to you. I must resolve to get more sun, whatever the cost.

In any case, I was able to welcome our newest additions, as well as my brother's wife's uncle's (King Tosid that is) cousin. It means were no where close to related, but he seems to think we are. He mentioned that he had been the 'black sheep' of his family, preferring to be a dungeon master, rather than marry and be a 'true' noble. He seemed congenial enough and was very happy to see our metalworks, as well as our animal containment area. We even had three zebras in cages for him to get started on. Though I think we're running a little low on food supplies so they'll likely go straight to the butcher's when he's done.

We also got two miners, a carpenter, a stoneworker, a thresher, five peasants (one with a chick and a yak calf), a ranger to replace our loss, a wood burner, a pair of twins surprisingly, fishers both of them, a metal crafter, miller, woodcrafter, fishery worker, animal caretaker and second thresher. I don't think I missed anyone, but with twenty two new mouths to feed (fourteen of them female) things will get interesting around here.

I've taken the time to designate another floor of housing for the newcomers and have requested more beds made, in addition to expanding the barracks in the mean time. This brings our population to over eighty now, a significant amount, though with the forced migration and only few places being large enough to accomodate the masses, it's not truly that surprising. With the burgeoning military supplies I suspect we may have to finally establish a fortress guard and decide on a captain of the guard. I doubt Ragnar would accept again, knowing the less appealing tasks of such duty far too well.

Perhaps it would be good for Kolok, though. His injury, though significant, may be, according to Pete, treatable, should an anti-venin be able to be obtained. But where such things can be gotten none know. Which means, for the time being, no sparring. He does keep busy directing the lumbering, and tinkers in the carpenter's shop from time to time. I think I'll ask him to take care of the remainder of the prisoners we have in our cages. I'll need as many as possible empty.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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((To bad he won't be able to get a Fey mood now.  :-\ Still you got a realy great artifact out of it. This should keep our champions well defended when the daemons has to be banished from our realm.))

Paulus Fahlstrom

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11th of Hematite

Paulus stepped through the blood-red stone doors into the trade hall of their home, sword at his side this time, rather than in hand. He glanced quickly to the west, where Oddbodd and his mechanics were getting the prisoners cages rigged. He would be glad when that was taken care of.

Turning to greet the tall black-skinned human he nodded deeply. "Jambo, my friend, and welcome to our hall."

"Mah, we thank you friend-Paulus for your welcome. We have brought much to trade with you that I think you will like. Come and let us look before we discuss what the future will bring."

He walked me over to the wagons and pulled back a heavy rope-reed tarp, revealing the contents of the wagons they had brought. In the front of the wagon were piled several metal bars. Celestrium, with it's characteristic white-shimmer, but also zinc, tin, nickel and gold and a smattering of others. Behind them lay rows of barrels, full and empty and slightly dusty hide-wrapped packets of dried meat. At the back lay the assorted other goods, some clothing, bins of cloth, thread and leather as well as assorted weapons and crafts.

"It's a nice load, no?"

The dwarf nodded, eyes repeatedly being drawn towards the metals.

"Aye, It's a very good load. We'll see that you get a fair trade for it, and then some."

The diplomat laughed deep in his belly.

"Ah, but that we are not worried about. You've done well by us in tradin'. Perhaps you'll allow some of our people to come see your metal-working techniques some time. The copper shields you sold us last year were very popular among the tribes. Not as good in war as iron, but very pretty."

"Hmm... I'm afraid that's not something that I can grant at this time. But we shall see. Come let us talk then of things to come."

The two wandered up to the dining hall where they sat as dwarves passed by them, the welcome scent of moisture in the air coming from the halls behind them to the north. Trade went well, but in the end the dwarf's patience was less than the human's.

"I don't need ta look over the agreement. It looked fine ta me the first time we went over it. So, I'll bid you good day. And good trading."

The human nodded and they bowed slightly to each other, dwarf heading west, towards the sounds of sparring again. The human merely smiled, pocketed his paperwork and made his way downstairs to the wagons, marvelling at the strange manner of life these dwarves had.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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22nd of Hematite

Kolok clenched his axe as he stepped into the chamber. It hadn't changed much except for the new cages placed in here. It still was dimly lit and reeked of death. Rubble still cluttered the floor as it was a low-priority area in terms of cleanliness. It didn't bother him, he was becoming inured to such conditions. Three tigermen and a goblin crouched in cages before him and with a slight click the door locked behind him and the cages opened.

Only one of the prisoners attacked, the others waited near the back of the room for a possible break, or chance that might mean freedom. The lone tigerman, a massive male of the species let out a roar and charged Kolok but the dwarf was easily up to such a challenge. He met it head on, claws screaming on steel but not penetrating. His axe cut into the creature's leg, but not too deeply, a twisting away was all that saved it from losing a limb. They retreated a step to gauge each other and as the cat leaped in Kolok brought his axe down in an overhead chop, cutting into the creature's lower back with a sickening crunch. Quickly the tigerman dropped and did his best to roll away, taking the axe out of Kolok's grasp, stuck in the wound.

Kolok knew he might be in trouble then and pounced on the creature, trying to grapple with it and wrest away his axe again. The others emboldened by the loss of dangerous weapon began hesitantly advancing.

The pair of combatants rolled on the floor and in a display of strength Kolok pinned an arm beneath him, snapping it back savagely and breaking it. It wasn't enough to give him too much advantage though, and he was already breathing heavily from exertion. He only saw the two other tigermen, crouching nearby, waiting for a sign of weakness to pounce, it wasn't until he heard the click behind him that he realized that the goblin had managed to pick the lock with a bone held in it's hand.

With a snarl he called out the alarm, as the four thieves sprang up, united in their desire to flee and made for the door. Ragnar was there to greet them, axe in hand and with grim determination he laid into the leader, the wounded tigerman as Kolok came up from behind. The others made a bolt for the unlocked doors behind him and came out in the brilliant glow of the central trade hall, to surprised looks of shock from all nearby.

The human caravan guards heard the call and decided to join in on the sport, a volley of crossbow bolts being loosed and a pair of lean long-limbed hunters springing forth to catch up to the fleeing creatures. The chase was on and three of the thieves began sprinting towards the exit as Ragnar and Kolok emerged from the room, having finished off the leader.

The three were almost around the bend when stones dropped out beneath them and they were caught again in traps, but the third jumped the gap and made a break for freedom. The goblin laughed lightly to himself as he rounded the bend, putting him out of reach of the hail of bolts. There was a reason that intelligence paid off. The tigermen had been too eager to go ahead, and had all paid for it. He almost grinned as he ran until he heard a call from behind him.

"Noooo, ye don't ye cowardly little meatsack! I'll teach ye ta run from me!"

He glanced back in time to see Ragnar rounding the corner just paces behind him, easily matching his speed despite the weight of full plate and the goblin knew fear. Another dwarf appeared behind Ragnar, unbeknownst to the goblin and with a swift clack Fre sent a bolt off at the goblin, striking it in the leg and breaking it's stride, sending it crashing down to the polished stone. It had time to look up just as Ragnar's copper axe came crashing down on it's head.


Kolok stood near the depot, disappointed in his own performance as Paulus came up beside him, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Kolok. We all have our bad days."

"Aye, I know, but it's my fault they escaped. Bloody axe got stuck."

Paulus shrugged.

"It happens. Come with me, we'll get a new one for you."

"I know where they are, I'll just get another from the pile."

Paulus shook his head. "No. I forbid it. You'll not touch another copper axe if I have a say about it. Ye don't spar, so there's no point in you using copper. Let me show you your new weapon."

They walked up to the barracks to the south wall, where a newly hung door graced a space. Passing through it Kolok saw wooden stands for armor, yet empty. Another door was off to the side. They went through that as well and here in an unfinished room stood a half dozen weapon racks, only three had weapons at all. Two gleaming and unused battle-axes and one gleaming mace. The mace and one axe shone like polished steel, only brighter but the third axe was nearly white, rather than the silvery steel look.

Paulus pointed to the third axe.

"That one's yours. It's made of anurite, easily twice as hard as steel and with the extra hardness we can put a better edge on it, so considerably sharper as well."

Kolok took up the fabulous weapon in his hands. It felt light as a feather compared to the other weapons he'd used, and he knew he would not easily tire wielding it. He grinned in spite of himself.

"It's a fine weapon indeed."

"Aye, and were you ta have to buy it yourself it'd cost you over ten thousand ingots. As it is, consider it yours."

Kolok nodded. Here was a mighty weapon indeed.

"I think Ragnar and Fre went to secure the entrance while we clean up after the thieves. I'm sure they wouldn't mind the company."

Kolok nodded, then turned to Paulus and smartly saluted him before heading out.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 01:27:21 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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  • Multi-classing : Because wizards run out of spells
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((Continued apparently))

No sooner had Kolok headed down towards the trade depot when he heard shouts of alarm coming from the entry halls. An ambush had shown up at the entrance. He could see Fre ahead of him in the hallway begin running towards the entrance and knew she'd been refilling her quiver, leaving Ragnar up there by herself.

He grabbed the haft of the axe near the head to keep it from swinging dangerously as he ran and made his way up the ramp. His armor was somewhat cumbersome, and slowed him somewhat, but he dogged on, soon passing the remains of the the escaped goblin thief. A short while later he was amazed to see the remains of another thief, this one sneaking in, that had been cloven in half and had a bolt sticking out of it's back.

He could hear Fre's steps in the hall just around the bend and an astonished gasp as she came up the ramp leading to the entrance. Sunlight streamed in as he approached, shedding more than ample light on the situation.

Ragnar stood, back to the wall, furiously fending off nearly a half dozen goblins from the ambush party. One of them, a hammergoblin, lay bleeding and broken behind the group, but four wrestlers were trying to get a grip on the finely worked steel to allow the leader, a speargoblin to get in a killing blow. All of them looked slightly worse for the wear and one or two of them would occasionally pass out. One was missing an arm.

The -clack- of Fre's crossbow brought Kolok out of his surprise and he charged into the fray. A bolt flew by him, burying itself into the back of a wrestler, leaving it immobile on the ground, bleeding out it's final moments of life. As Kolok came upon the fray Ragnar gave a mighty shout and threw the remaining few goblins off of herself and brought her axe down upon a prone goblin with a sickening crunch.

The clean-up seemed to be a short affair after that. Kolok only got two real swings in, the first cleanly severing a leg and the second cutting the speargoblin in twain. The others broke and fled, and though Ragnar and Fre were able to bring down another of the wrestlers, one managed to escape, clutching at it's painfully injured arm.

Ragnar grinned.

"Now, that's what I call action. Been too long since we've not had a proper bit o' fun with da greenskins."

Fre laughed heartily, clapping her friend on the back.

"Aye, brings back good memories, eh?"

The three nodded as they waited for the clean-up crews to arrive. They'd remain stationed there until the area was secured again, before heading back down below.

((Fre got 1, Kolok 1 and Ragnar got the rest I'm afraid, despite using a copper axe.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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27th of Hematite

I'm afraid things have just taken a decided turn for the worse. Pete came in to tell me as I was sparring today. I hadn't seen Ragnar nor Kolok for a little while and was wondering what was going on.

It seems they have both sustained injuries while attacking the goblins that attacked us the other day. Neither felt their injuries were severe at first but they've come down with a high fever and serious infection. Ragnar is worst and both of her upper arms are so badly swollen and red I hope she doesn't lose them. Kolok too thought he only had a scratch on his side until it became septic. Pete suspects that the goblins may have been using poisoned weapons and is doing what she can to help them recover. I've no idea how long it may take though.

In addition, it seems that Tholtig's body was found near the entrance to our fortress while clean-up from the ambush happened. Fre is the only one capable of coherent speech that was there and she only vaguely remembers seeing him there during the fight. Seems he simply wantered up to watch the carnage and, unafraid, went about his business of collecting bones for his carving. The wounds are consistent with those Kolok and Ragnar received, so I can only assume it was the goblins.

I get the strange impression that I should have spoken with him more about what is going on. This growing schism in the clan disturbs me.

I'd not have thought that a single ambush squad of goblins could wreak so much havoc to my plans, but with Ragnar and Kolok laid low and attacks becoming more frequent I fear things shall quickly become dire if we do not purge the inner demons. I do not know if they are able to send for help somehow, but I now work night and day to train myself, and now, unfortunately the countless others that I fear it will take, now that my two most capable melee fighters have been temporarily disabled. The longer we wait the more likely we are to be attacked and have our greatest fears set loose upon us.

I can only hope for their speedy recovery.

((Seriously, I had thought things went just fine, neither was flashing injured, and now both are bed-ridden. Sigh. Ragnar has red wounds on BOTH upper arms and Kolok has a red lower body wound. Apparently Mayday's goblins are considerably tougher.  ;D Yay! (and boo for the injuries though)))
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 03:35:34 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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26th of Malachite

I've taken a bit of time during a break to write this. The second child was born in the fortress today. A girl, to Solon, the Animal dissector/military in training. I can only hope that we are successful below so the children may have a place to grow up.

I begin to worry now how hard I am pushing everyone. But there is simply no time. With two of our seasoned fighters down it wouldn't take much to cause severe complications. How I long for the days when we had a large body of able defenders. What I wouldn't give for Urvad or Fath now. I fear it unlikely I will ever see them again, as most of the military is engaged in rear-guard action across the ocean still and may not have the chance to come any time soon.

I feel though, that I must push hard. Both myself and others. I dare not let too much time pass before finishing the work, though at least for now it is not common knowledge. Kolok and Ragnar both mutter about it in their delerium and I fear it is only time before it becomes known. Whether I will have a mutiny and abandonment of this place or firm committal to press on will reflect the true character of the clan I suppose. I only hope that our morals have not become too diluted by comfort.

At least I can justify not going easy on the military. They have no choice but to be tough, whether we fight our inner demons or no. The goblins are coming. There is little doubt of that, and all will be put to the test soon enough. Fre's mastery of the crossbow is profound already and she continues to learn. I am the most skilled swordsdwarf we have, and with Ragnar and Kolok disabled that leaves Bomrek, formerly of Scott's squad and head axedwarf. Crush, naturally has taken to the mace and is good with it. He's even taken on a few protegees, but of the other weapons there are few that have distinguished themselves.

I shall have to train them harder. Or else no child of our race shall have a future.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
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27th of Galena

With Crush being so busy training with me it seems that he's lost some standing in the eyes of the civilians. Elections were held this year, and it seems that Oddbodd was the favorite and was elected mayor. I suppose it's possible that being Ragnar's lover raised his credibility as well, since Ragnar herself is very highly regarded.

In addition, due to the extreme amount of time I've been spending training as well, it's simply unfeasible for me to get the bookwork done. Pete volunteered to take over and I've agreed. Pete is now the manager and recordkeeper. I retained the broker position as I'm the only one currently with skill in it, and we'll need the trade goods.

In slightly more disturbing news, I'm afraid the cat's out of the bag now. Bembul, a woodcutter under Kolok was taken with a mood today to craft something. It's a splendid piece of work but I wish that she'd been a little more discreet about what she heard from his fevered ramblings. I'm also not quite sure if the name given to it was meant as a barb for me or not, since I am likely to be the scholar in question. Perhaps she holds me responsible for Kolok's state of health.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If that didn't get the word out, it seems that some of the engravers took a liking to the theme and decided to do a few replicas of their own. I nearly strangled them, but fortunately the dungeon master has both a sense of confidence in us and a sense of humor. I sure as stone wouldn't want SIX engravings of that in my bedroom. Particularly since I was the miner in question.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

((Ragnar is recovering in a sick-room on the lower left. Kolok is a few doors east. Most of our bedrooms are in this area. In case any of you caught this, I've gone back and changed the name to reflect actual knowledge of the enemy leader mentioned in the pics.))
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 04:40:18 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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I'm a mayor?
An eccentric mechanic from a doomed city is a mayor.
This will be fun.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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((Yup, don't worry, we're wrapping up here soon with this one, but I've got plans within plans, as it were, for Oddbodd.))

9th of Limestone

The dwarven merchants showed up on our horizon again today. Which regrettably means that I'm needed below. I suppose it was time I took a break from sparring in any case. But that didn't mean that I was likely to do these guys any favors after last year. Tholtig, may he have found what he was looking for, is no longer among us, and so no longer a cause of contention. I was not happy with the look the merchant got when told that he'd died. In fact, had I my sword strapped to my hip I might have buried it in his brain-pan then and there.

They did, however, bring all of our requested goods. I was grateful for that at least. It would be enough food and drink to last through winter without difficulty. In addition to a vast supply of towercaps and many metal bars. Among them were four celestrium bars, as well as the same number of raw ore. We purchased them all and nearly had to give away every scrap of trade good to get them. Well worth it in my mind.

I let Pete deal with the liason and headed straight down to the smithy to let them know of the acquisition when I heard several shouts from above. Thieves had been spotted outside and one of our craftsdwarves had been attacked by a goblin. He was found crupled up on the sands, just inside the entrance, severe gashes on his left hand as well as potentially dangerous wounds on his arms in a few places. He was brought below and placed in a sick-bed in the barracks.

While I was out of the barracks I also took care of some of the design aspects that I've put off for far too long. The well I finally designed, using Crush's microcline block. We'd obtained a second block of microcline from the merchants and I used that as a ceremonial cornerstone for our outside walls, which, I've begun drawing up plans for. We still need more stone blocks for that, and there is little point in sending the military out to guard the masons until we've got enough.

As a precautionary activity I took it upon myself to eliminate the captured thieves and so bolster our trade goods with their belongings. Tit for tat, as it were. We now also have many empty cages.

((Things are progressing well enough. As a side note... you may all be amused by this, but I've been getting spammed messages of large cave spider young being born. Lots of them. The chasm is rapidly filling up with them. So, kudos to Mayday for making breeding LCS', now if I could only capture and tame them... and see if they're war-trainable...  ;D))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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We can do a Harry Potter-style trap. Have a large chamber with floodgates and a metric hell-ton of spiders inside, to unleash upon the goblins.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Paulus...You have an avatar!?  Since when?
All generalizations are false....including this one.


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Since his wizard ran out of spells.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Only by breeding spiders can we capture the cave-bees.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.
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