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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101527 times)

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #375 on: February 12, 2009, 01:00:43 pm »

((No, no... nothing like that. They're just passing acquaintances though. I've actually never had a marriage yet. Perhaps it's because I simply don't let people idle. Pretty much ever. Even back at Dorenemal with over two hundred dwarves we typically didn't have more than two or three, and one was the mayor (on health care only) and others were frequently farmers waiting for the change of season.))

3rd of Timber

The rock before him fell from it's place to the ground with a dull thud. It was a sizeable chunk, certainly useable stone, though not particularly useful as they still had far too much of it. He caught a glint of light from behind him, off the recently mined out opal cluster he had found. Pretty stones, though the uncut gems looked more like lumps of glass than the typical cut versions. Calmly he swung his pick into the rock in front of him, burying it deep and lifting the handle to loosen it for another swing. A second swing bit into the stone and with a surprising crack the piece tore loose and fell.

The surprising part was that it fell away from him into blackness and with a loud splash fell into a swiftly running stream, lapping a little water onto the narrow shaft where he stood. Paulus smiled. They'd been closer to a water source than he thought, though it hadn't been a simple matter to find it. Happiness turned to dismay when other sounds began echoing from the hole in front of him and in the dim backlight he could make out pale grotesque figures climbing out of the river towards the source of warmth and light.

He stumbled back a little ways, bumping into the wall behind him as frogmen poured out of the river towards him. Their sharp white teeth filled the pink flesh around the mouth and their near white skin and large bulbous eyes shone brightly with slime and water. He buried his pick into the skull of the nearest one and felt the bone give way, dropping the creature to the ground like the stones he'd been hewing. Three more frogmen surrounded him, attempting to grasp and bite with their slippery hands. One managed to get a bite in on his leg, but a backhand blow knocked it loose, stunning it on the ground. The melee became general then, but the hard-knotted frame of the dwarf gave way less easily than the soft flesh of the river dwellers. Two olm-men, slimy worm-like creatures with protuberant snouts instead of faces emerged from the river, perhaps more out of curiosity than actual hunger or ferocity. But sensing the blood and food they attacked as well.

Another frog went down, a pick-sized hole in his chest leaking out his lifeblood and the dwarf gradually lost ground, allowing himself to be pushed back towards the tunnel he'd dug recently, giving far better than taking. It was appalling work, fending off slippery appendages and teeth, but he managed it well. His previous experience paid off well, and he hadn't gone soft. Soon the creatures lay dead or dying on the floor of the tunnel and no more issued forth from the river, though more could be heard.

He stomped back into the light, decidedly unhappy at having been attacked where he presumed he would be reasonably safe. Shouting at the first dwarf he saw he ordered a door installed on the tunnel and it to be sealed for the time being.

((We've struck cave river, but haven't cleared it out all the way yet. Volunteers for the remainder of the river creatures feel free to speak up. I'll have Aardvark bang out some steel armor for you before I send you in. Wouldn't want the half a dozen snakemen to poison you. More other stuff as well, perhaps about a dozen left in all. So I'll take one or two volunteeers.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #376 on: February 12, 2009, 03:14:09 pm »

25th of Timber
Ragnar and I had just finished clearing out the malachite vein just this side of the stairwell on the forgehall when we were heading back up through it. We arrived in time to see Oddbodd, a feverish look in his eye, claim a metalsmith's forge and begin shouting:

"I must have brass!", "Give me brass or give me death!" or "Oddbodd needs Brass badly!"

I had to go inform him that we still had two bars left upstairs in the bins when I'd done my last inventory and that he was welcome to it. He immeadiately dashed off to get some as Ragnar smiled, shaking her head as we went up to get a drink.

"The lad's simply no' right i' t'head."

Grinning heartily and looking at our dirt and dust covered clothing I slapped her on the back and said: "Enough people could say the same about us. Let's go get that drink ye promised me. I'll concede yer point. Ye got me on strength. But give me credit where it's due... I'm faster."

"Ach, I suppose so. Still, that's a point fer me I suppose. Maybe I'll hafta get me axe out and clear some o' dem river rats out ta even things up, eh?"

We left in time to see Oddbodd returning, a single bar of Brass cradled in his arms almost reverently.

After our break he was eager to show us what he'd made. It was indeed a beauty. I've rarely seen pieces like it, even at Dorenemal. It almost reminded me of Draco's chainmail piece, but deeper in hue, and strangely ... shiny.

((Ok, ok... technically Oddbodd, your character is in love with Copper, not Brass. And technically the actual construction was done in Copper as well, but with your character I don't mind making a little embellishment since I can't choose his initial preferences. The whole screaming for Brass (copper) thing was true as well, sort of.  ;) So... what would you like to do with it? It's currently the focal piece of our barracks, but it's your call. And by the way, you're now a legendary Metalsmith. Congrats. I've always wanted one of those. Masterwork metal furniture here we come!))
« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 05:37:19 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #377 on: February 12, 2009, 05:30:37 pm »

25th of Moonstone

Perhaps I'll have to re-assess my thoughts about Crush. He's been very helpful most of the time, and though he has no true profession he's done a bit of everything. Weaving, farming, masonry and recently stonework, smoothing our floors and walls. One of the migrants was an engraver by trade and the pair managed our upper entryway, but when Ragnar and I decided they were too slow we pitched in to help. It's not like the smelters will be idle any time soon. In fact, they're so backlogged we'll have time to smooth an awful lot before they need more ore.

But today he decided to throw another party. I'm wondering if he feels guilty about it, as I wasn't invited. Can't say I'm too surprised. I've never been one for parties and crowds, though Ragnar, Kolok, Oddbodd and Pete all made an appearance. And several empty drink barrels, and a lot of noise.

We'll be spending most of the winter polishing up the place and working to get everyone settled, so I'm hoping for a quiet winter. Fre has been up in the barracks shooting bone bolts at the targets almost as fast as they're made. Aardvark has been working non-stop at the forges, and after working through his initial frustruations I think he's beginning to get back into the groove of things. Of course, he's only been working with copper, with the intention of melting it all down again when he's done. We don't need that much practice armor, and steel is better. Our supplies are beginning to grow and that makes me glad.

I've sketched the entrance to our home below in it's rough state. We'll see how much we can get done over the winter.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 05:32:42 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #378 on: February 12, 2009, 05:43:33 pm »

Crush, river clearer, reporting for duty!
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #379 on: February 12, 2009, 05:47:15 pm »

((Thank you Crush. I'll see to it that you and Ragnar are outfitted properly and give those frogmen, olmmen and snakemen a proper thrashing. What is your weapon of choice? Oh, and what on earth would you like me to do with your microcline block? Just store it in your room and forbid it? Or make you a workshop that only you can use out of it?

Anyways, I'll be out of town for a few days, so I've done a few extra posts. Have a good weekend all.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #380 on: February 12, 2009, 05:48:40 pm »

((I'll go with a mace, preferably. And the block is to be the first construction placed in the first big project that comes along.))
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #381 on: February 12, 2009, 06:08:22 pm »

((Fre's got your back.  She needs an outlet for her anger...))
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #382 on: February 12, 2009, 06:13:05 pm »

((Done and Done. Three will be plenty for the denizens of the river. Perhaps we'll go hunting in the chasm next... heh. We could even all go, I'll mine the path out, Fre can get fliers and we'll hit all the odd pockets of critters that bog down my FPS.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #383 on: February 13, 2009, 08:48:17 am »

Keep the armour stand in the barracks.
It should stop people tantruming so much when an olm eats their babies.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #384 on: February 17, 2009, 02:12:57 pm »

7th of Obsidian

It's been a busy winter. Nearly everyone has been working non-stop, either preparing trade-goods, crafts, furniture that is still needed for the bedrooms, or food. The metalworkers have been smelting ore as fast as they safely can and have much to show for it. We've got burgeoning piles of steel, iron, pig iron and copper up above as well as a smattering of other ores.

Ragnar, Crush, Olon and I have been smoothing the stone in order to make things a bit more presentable. I was the one to smooth the stone around the Trade Depot, as apparently the others were uncomfortable having the Avarii merchants watching their every move. They don't seem that terrible to me and radiate a strange sense of ... sincerity. Despite not having spoken much. Or at all that I can remember.

Ragnar and I also dug out a lever room north of the entry hall, to use for our defenses. We were fortunate. While excavating we found a large cluster of rubies. At first the largish red lumps were almost indistiguishable from the bauxite, but it didn't take too long to notice the irregularities in the stone. We expanded to room to take advantage of our good fortune. While removing the floor for one of our defensive bridges, Ragnar strangely decided to do it from the opposite side and was trapped when the last slab of stone fell into the room beneath. I had to design a bridge to get her out, which she gladly helped build.

Everyone is working well, and even Fre commented that the entryway looks good. Of course she said this as she was getting a stack of goblin bone bolts from the ammo bin.

Pete also held a quick discussion with the smelters on alloy techniques known to the dwarves of Zilirezum. There exist several  known alloys using celestrium, including Celestrial steel. But another which interested me personally was a one which was made using aluminum, steel and a great deal of celestrium. Apparently it greatly reduces weight and allows for greater movement. Something I feel is vital to proper sword combat techniques. I think he calls it Anurite, but it's incredibly difficult to obtain. Other apparent alloys include an alloy used for bolts, too brittle for weapons or armor but the fragmentation lends itself well to ammo. It uses gold, silver and celestrium. Another is Selenesite, highly valuable and valued both for it's lustre and surprising utility in armormaking. It requires a decent amount of gold and some celestrium. The last celestrium alloy that Pete mentioned was Terronite, and made of tin, copper and celestrium. It's useful and easy to obtain the base metals, but not as strong as some other forms. Nonetheless it's hardness does exceed that of even steel.

Aardvark was more interested, of course, in their technique of further hardening steel using ash. The result, known as High Steel among them, tends to be considerably harder than normal steel, though is also somewhat more brittle.

(Just a brief overview of currently pertinent alloys and such. There are others that may show up that I will cover as they are introduced.)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 05:41:35 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #385 on: February 18, 2009, 04:53:05 pm »

21st of Obsidian

The two winged Avar looked out from their places of meditation. They silently looked at each other and a multitude of words flowed between them without a sound. Their clothing, a light tan, almost white, hung on their frames with meticulous care. One wore a few pieces of leather, a coat to protect from the elements and sandals to protect the feet. The other wore more leather, otter, mule and dog. The shirt that clung tightly to her frame was made out of supple giant tarantula chitin, as were her sandals. They sat cross-legged on the floor in a meditative position, one they were long-since accustomed to assuming. They'd been known to spend months in that position, and prior to the great release, even years. Imprisonment had taught them much as a race. Patience was one of the things they had learned. Or at least most of them. Anger was the other.

Thankfully not all of them.

The dwarves were known to them nearly fully now, and the pair had decided it was time to set and bind the geas. The awakening of terrible purpose, of devotion to a cause.

One of them was smoothing the floors near the depot when they first reached out to him with their minds. He was the one that radiated order. The one they had been told to find. Erane reached out a hand to Fiya and squeezed it ever so slightly. A physical touch that gave more than reassurance. Fiya concentrated, focusing on the dwarf and sending out the greeting in her thoughts.

"In the name of Order I greet you, son of the mountain. By the eternal warmth of Zirulundonir may you long live."

She had expected a response, but found none. She reached out again with her mind and found the presence of the dwarf, but when she tried to inspect it closer walls blocked her way, as hard as stone. She retreated in confusion and spoke with Erane again: "Sister, how can we fulfill our purpose with these iblith if we cannot speak with them?"

The prompt response and feeling of reassurance came. "The burden is placed upon you. You will find a way."

She returned her gaze to the dwarf and to her surprise he no longer worked but looked curiously at her, one eyebrow raised. He nodded once and returned to his work, calmly and slowly, but with occasional quick furtive glaces in their direction. He finished the piece of stone he was working on and stood, stretching his back from long work on the floor.

"About time I take a break I think." he said aloud, to no one in particular, and strode unabashed to sit against one of the pillars holding up the depot. His eyes closed as if resting, but his breathing did not slow.

Fiya tried again, closing her eyes and focusing.

"Greetings we give to you, child of stone. Can you hear me?"

She waited and again no response. She was about to try again when her ears caught the faintest of whispers.

"I can hear you lass. What do the Faenari-iyal want of us?"

Surprised her eyes opened and her wings behind her stirred as if she might suddenly take flight. Ruffling her feathers and crossing her wing-tips again she resumed meditative pose.

"Truly you can hear us then? How is it you know of us?"

Another slight pause and then quietly. "Aye, I can hear you, though as if from a great distance, and only faintly. As for the rest, well, I too am not only what I seem to be."

"Then we apologize for the deception that we have maintained. As you may have guessed then, merchants we are not. But explain your riddle to us. We had thought that such knowledge of our name before the imprisonment had all but perished from the records of your ... race."

The thought that had been sent had contained in it a note of condescention, as of a superior looking down on a lesser, but despite this his reponse was calm.

"We are a mortal race, yes, but our gods are not and they still deign to speak to some from time to time, when occasion or need arises."

"Ah, so you ARE one of the appointed."

"So it would seem."

"Then I am vessel for a message which is sent for you."

"Say on then. I hear and listen."

"That you were sent here as we were I no longer doubt, but you should know the specifics. I shall use imagery as it conveys what is necessary in a faster fashion."

Paulus nodded then relaxed into the wall supporting him as images flashed into his awareness and he saw The war from it's inception.

In the beginning the universe was, and was not, for it was empty and void. Then in a supreme act the void was ripped asunder and matter sprang into being. With it came immaterial things, beings of thought and action. Intelligences that saw the chaos that had been created, and with it their own creation. These intelligences were beings of Power and began to organize and order the chaos they had found, and in so doing wrought more than they had intended, for other beings of Power sprang up to oppose them. So were the gods of Order and Chaos formed.

Order formed worlds and galaxies, while chaos sought to destroy and lay waste to what they had created, for it was anti-thetical to them. One such place was Smaksmo Udo, the Universes of Soul. Chaos took hold and the earth boiled, a smoking billowing sphere travelling through space, but Order took it and carefully cooled the fires until water condensed from the clouds, cooling the earth and creating rivers, lakes and oceans. They created life in an attempt to unbalance their foes and so created the immortal races.

The Avatars and Avarii were their children. In a twisted parody the forces of Chaos did the same, creating Chaos lords and Demons, and the war began anew, forces and their children fighting on the cooling planet. The immortal races did not age but could be killed, and to tilt the balance in their favor the gods of chaos created the first undead from the battlefields of the infant planet. The forces of order were driven back by the dark tide and might have lost had not a new force intervened. In their constant struggle neither Order nor Chaos considered the forces of balance and neutrality and they worked now to restore the imbalance. The younger races were created, some more for good, others for evil, but still immortal. Avari, goblins, elves, and others. Then further still the mortal races were created to help the balance, dwarves and humans among them. These living races were hated and hunted by the undead, but valor and skill won out where force could not. The undead were thrown back, maintaining an uneasy balance. And the world entered the first age. Other creations came to light then as well, lying dormant in the earth, hidden snares and and pitfalls for the new races to discover. Some ugly and evil, others less so, but then were discovered the first dragons, and titans, the constructs of metal and great beasts that roamed the earth.

The battle began in earnest again, the gods taking less of a part directly as they moved their wars on to other planes of combat, content to watch and occasionally help their children. The forces of creation quickly gained an advantage again as the demons struck terror in the mortal races that the undead could not best. And in an act of defiance the gods of order struck at the demons themselves, raining molten metal from the skies and imprisoning and sealing their enemies deep in the earth. Chaos too struck a hearty blow, banishing the Avarii from the surface. His vision focused on a portion of the world, the mountains where the two Avarii and the dwarves now resided had once been a mighty stronghold of order. Paulus saw an ancient demon attack with the forces of chaos and the ensuing carnage covered the mountains. The demon, a lietenant of significant power, lay waste to the inhabitants, avarii, dwarf, elf, human and kobold alike, until a blue blazing meteor struck him and many of his minions in a flash, trapping him in the earth beneath. His vision expanded again as he saw time pass.

Their elder children soon began to fade, unable to keep pace with the younger races and for a time Avatars and Chaos Lords faded from the earth. Peace gradually was restored and order regained a semblance of strength.

It was with the awakening of one of the Elder demons by the goblins that the war was rekindled and soon the gods of chaos had been invoked again and their attentions turned again to the planet they had helped to create.

As his vision faded to blackness he heard the voice again, from far away, but with a melodic timbre.

"And so we find ourselves once more in the struggle. But much has changed. The Avatar and avarii, long imprisoned have been altered and no longer serve any master but their own ideals. There are few of us now who seek out our old allies and renew the bonds once forged, and fewer still of our allies remember or haven't been corrupted themselves. The kobolds and elves have degenerated into savagery. The humans are an individual lot, as are the dwarves now. Some serving order and others chaos. For this reason we have been careful. And observant. And the forces of chaos are loose again, or quickly becoming so. We feared the worst when we heard of your settlement here. We had concern that you had been tainted and were seeking to undo Damel Werecloisters' imprisonment."

The name sent an icy shudder through the dwarf's spine, but he did not know why.

"We see now that you are not here to do so willingly, though if you are not careful that may happen in any case. We urge you to take precautions and will do our best to guide and help where we may do so without attracting attention. That above all we must do. Were our people even to hear of us we fear little good would come of it."

A final whisper in response indicated that the dwarf would keep silent on the matter and he stood, brushing off the dust and said to no one in particular. "Best I get back to work. Stone's not going to smooth itself."

And the two avarii in the depot looked as they had these past many months, unruffled in expression and almost entirely unmoving, except for the slightest of smiles that graced one of their faces.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 04:36:22 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #386 on: February 18, 2009, 07:28:33 pm »

1st of Granite

A new year has dawned again. There were considerably more of us but we easily fit into our dining hall which we've begun smoothing out now. There was plenty of food and drink to go around as well and to begin the festivities I stood and thanked everyone for the hard work that's been put into Onol Lened.

Then I had Oddbodd stand and take a bow as creator of Iditshethbeth and invited everyone to go look at it's new resting place in the armory, right next to Cryptmirrors. That'll do wonders to inspire folks around here. As reward for his skill and dedication to metalsmithing I've had his very own magma-forge built out of Brass for his exclusive personal use. Aardvark has his own for armor work and the third is used primarily by Pete when we've call for it. Oddbodd looked pleased. He'll make a good addition to the clan.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #387 on: February 19, 2009, 12:53:09 pm »

15th of Granite

The elves have arrived again.

They looked eager to see us when they arrived but I suspect that our increased numbers may have daunted them somewhat. The depot is central to the workings of our fortress and much traffic passes through the area. Pete continues to be paranoid about them and I am inclined to agree. In part because they simply make such poor trade partners.

On the bright side, it seems as if they've not managed to waylay any traders this year and only brought three logs, several bins of cloth and two packages of berries, wrapped in waxy leaves. We purchased all of it for a goodly portion of our stone crafts.

Two more thieves were caught in our traps and we're beginning to run out. In order to kill two birds, or three even, with one stone Ragnar and I have dug out a longish room behind the garbage dump for combat training. The cages with the captured creatures were all brought down past the elves. I'm not sure what was more disturbing, the sight of the prisoners who thought we might be selling them to the elves, or the sight of the elves realizing we were not bringing them the cages. Oddbodd is doing the work of connecting the cages while Pete hammers out some weapons, practice and otherwise for us.

Crush was the first to go. (19th of Slate) It took him a little time to get geared up, but Aardvark has finally finished the first suit of steel armor and was working on the next. Oddbodd had rigged the Tigermen cages to be opened. The elves' eyes followed the steel-clad figure as he passed them and into the doors where they knew the prisoners were held. Only keening wails were heard by them.


A slight rapping on the door indicated to Crush that the lever was about to be pulled. The cages sprung open and one of the Tigermen attempted to make her way past the armored dwarf. Crush hefted his copper training mace and charged. The thief dodged to one side as the dwarf crashed to the wall, slightly stunned. Then she was on him in a flash, and before Crush knew it he was being beaten about the helm with his own xCave Crocodile leather dressx, stolen from underneath his armor.

Standing he dissuaded the thief quickly by a quick one-two blow to the head, leaving the creature dazed on the ground.  Further pummelling broke a hand and then crushed the ribcage against the stone floor.

Crush warily looked around in the dim room. He knew a second thief had been released but oddly enough the thief hadn't moved at all. Only two fainly luminous eyes were visible in the dark corner and the goblins, still in their cages, laughed harshly as Crush advanced on the creature. The tigerman almost didn't bother fighting back, only trying to grapple briefly with Crush before taking serious injuries and passing out due to pain, never again to wake.

His work done he grabbed his dress from the clutches of the dead thief and with what dignity remained him exited, splattered in blood and stalked past the elves to his room.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 01:06:28 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #388 on: February 19, 2009, 07:09:44 pm »

24th of Slate

Ragnar strapped the well-made steel gauntlet in place as she walked. There was confidence in her step, and a grin on her face as she straitened her clothes as well. Behind her Oddbodd seemed preoccupied as he carried a pile of mechanisms with him, intent on not dropping them but slightly red-faced, regardless.

She pulled out her axe, the gleaming copper one Pete had just forged, and the polished copper shield she strapped onto her other arm. She felt whole again, and confident as she hadn't felt for a long time since. Not since her second home had been destroyed. Not since ... but that was water under the bridge now. She smiled again to herself, hefting the axe experimentally in her grip as she nodded at the elves in passing, heading through the door. The room with the cages was dark, a single torch guttered dimly behind her as she sealed the door. Oddbodd's two knocks came loud and clear and with a *shink* the cages opened, loosing two of the goblin thieves.

Goblins. These were an enemy she was familiar with. She charged into the pair, taking them by surprise. They'd seen Crush fight and thought they might have some dim hope. They at least had their iron daggers where the other thieves had nothing. But Ragnar quickly removed all hope as her first charge closed the distance remarkably quickly and her first blow caught the goblin in the waist, cleaving it in two and dropping it to the floor. The other goblin gulped and lunged, but was deflected off her shield.

The goblin began to circle warily but Ragnar just laughed and cut it off, closing the distance in two swift strides. She felt no doubt here, no hesitation. She was born to battle and the goblin was not her match. She parried another blow with her axe and counterstruck, catching the goblin in the torso and lifting it bodily off it's feet. She pursued the flying creature swiftly and it barely had time to land when she struck it again sending it careening into the wall, broken and mangled.

It had been remarkably quick.

She unsealed the door and Oddbodd's pale face greeted her. He looked greatly relieved to see she was unharmed. The door behind him, too, was sealed for now and they shared a kiss in secret. They quickly separated again, almost awkwardly, and Oddbodd got back to work connecting the last two cages with Batmen to the lever.

Ragnar walked confidently out of the room, a happy smile playing across her broad face and extending up to her forehead with it's rusty hair.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Fahlstrom Clan: Onol Lened, or the Mountain of Shelter (Community Fortress)
« Reply #389 on: February 20, 2009, 12:51:48 pm »

2nd of Felsite

Fre grunted in annoyance at the elves in the depot staring at her as she entered the new training room. Oddbodd had interrupted her practice shooting to tell her that the next two cages were linked and ready for her to get some actual combat training. Then she was in the darkened room. It was filled with the haphazard remains from the previous battles, and some were beginning to get a little ripe. The two batmen hissed softly at her as she sealed the door. They were primitive, but still vaguely humanoid, lacking the intelligence for speech. Still, they were annoying creatures and had only been captured because they delighted in chasing after dwarves and gotten caught at the entrances.

The slight tapping at the door indicated that things were about to get ugly as she looked over her bone crossbow that Crush had made so long ago. It was sturdy and worked well enough, despite it's nature. Bone was a remarkable material, all in all.

As soon as the cages sprang open the beastmen let out a screech that filled the room, echoing out into the entry hall proper. But Fre calmly lifted her loaded crossbow to her shoulder and fired off a goblin bone bolt at the creature rearing in front of her. The bolt took it in the shoulder as the pair advanced and it slowed, surprised. Fre reached down to fit another in and realized then that she'd forgotten to resupply. She only had four bolts left.

The second bolt went wide, unfortunately, but the third hit it in the leg. The fourth as well, sending it sprawling to the floor, in pain. She fitted the last bolt and fired it into the creature as it rose again, taking it in the chest and killing it outright as the other batman filled her vision, shrieking. Had it been a lesser dwarf they might have faltered then, but undaunted she gave a shout of her own and launched herself at the creature, bashing it with the bone weapon. It struck an arm, snapping the appendage and the batman lost all it's bluster. She struck again, and again, and again, until long after it had stopped twitching on the floor. She kicked the corpse once for good measure, then she calmly unlocked the door and left.

A half dozen dwarves looked on nervously as the door to the dump opened and their expression didn't fade as the blood and gore splattered Fre calmly walked over to the weapon bin and dropped the brain-encrusted weapon in before heading back to the kitchens. The elves looked somewhat paler, and one of the nearby dwarves turned to the other and whispered:

"And that's why you don't piss off the cook."

((Here's a pic of the entrance after the winter, rotting corpses and all. ;) ))

« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 02:06:49 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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