I was speaking with Bembul when another dwarf interrupted us. It didn't bother me much, it was always nice to have visitors, though he seemed a little hesitant at first he quickly confided the reason for his visit. Giving me a deep nod he began:
"Hoy, Paulus, Bembul. My apologies fer interruptin'. Just to let you know sir, " addressing Bembul, " the south upper slopes have been cleared of decent trees and we're most of the way through the north one as well."
Turning to me he also had a question. "I've been wonderin', see, when I came here I was a nobody. I spent my time like many helpin' ta build our walls and now with an axe providing us lumber. I find I likes the axe and since it'll be a number of years before the trees are regrown I'd like to join the military and practice my axework a bit more. I promise I'll be an able defender."
I looked at him, he had seen his fair share of weathering, that was to be sure, the tanned skin and lined face betraying the time spent in the sun and storm. I looked to Bembul who gave a non-committal shrug, indicating that he had no preference. Nodding I replied:
"Well, it looks like you've drafted yourself then. Go see Aardvark for your gear and tell him I sent you to join his forces."
It was then that we noticed the heavy clank of tread coming down the hall.
"Tell me what?"
Aardvark himself walked in, nodding at Bembul and myself before sizing the new recruit up.
"Nice to see you Aardvark. Kolok here wanted to join the military as an axedwarf. Ye got armor for him?"
"Aye, we should. You, Kolok, head over to the barracks and see what we've got in stock. Mind you double up with chainmail too."
Kolok bowed deeply to all of us and headed over, a small grin spread across his face as he left.
"And what can I do for you Aardvark?"
"Get better so we can get this place in proper shape again if you don't mind. No offence Bembul. I've been thinking though and it's high time we arranged for a proper location for our dead. Specifically our military heroes."
"Sounds reasonable. What do you have in mind?"
"I'd like to see a grand mausoleum. Obsidian coffins inlaid with silver or something and a silver statue in the likeness of any who pass on."
I grinned. I was aware that he was fond of silver. He certainly would have no shortage of it here. Despite the road being made of silver we still had a large amount of it.
"I'm sure we can manage that. I think the lowest floor or two would be a suitable location for it. I'll put it on the list of projects right away."
"Good. See you two around."
As he walked out I noticed that rather than carrying a steel shield he was using a beat up and rather dented goblin one made of iron. I'd have to ask him about that some other time. Perhaps he didn't want to ding up his good steel ones in practice.
Bembul and I added that to the list of projects he was working on. There certainly were enough of them.
((My apologies for not posting much lately. I was distracted by the Ender challenge and experimenting with version 40d. Now that I've got slaughtering Ender's by the dozens out of my system I'll be back to writing.
Oh, and here's some of the requested images. Currently there are no dead champions actually Aardvark, so it simply hasn't been a pressing issue. The few outstanding dwarves we've had that have passed away have received their own mausoleums as needed. But I'll take care of it and post a pic. Oh, and Aardvark, most of your gear is either superior or exceptional steel of your make, except the iron goblin shield which you're using for some reason. Heh. Oh, and apparently all you're wearing is your armor and a tattered rope reed shirt dyed red, to apparently help with the chafing.))