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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101486 times)

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #120 on: August 05, 2008, 11:47:07 am »

((My apologies for any delay. I'd played through a few months and taken notes for writing. Then during a second siege this year one of the goblins got slammed against the wall. He survived, but got suspended somehow and so when all the others fled he was stuck. Nobody would kill him, I removed the wall and ground underneath him but he stayed suspended and the siege didn't lift. I'm assuming it was some kind of glitch. Which is a pity since Ragnar had some fun smacking goblins off of cliffs. So, I'll revert out of necessity to a previous save which should take over where we left off. I've also been experimenting with the newest version and have updated to it.))
« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 05:12:27 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #121 on: August 05, 2008, 05:14:46 pm »

10th of Limestone

Nish, one of our guards gave birth to a girl. Again. I congratulated her but had to hurry back to my office to check my paperwork. Turns out I was right. She has four children now. I thought I remembered something about previous ones. In any case, it's a time for rejoicing.

((We're now back to our regularly scheduled updates))
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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #122 on: August 05, 2008, 07:48:41 pm »

Awesome.  I was just going to ask if Kuli had seen any action yet, but it looks like that update answered that question for me.
"The power of Zefon compels you!"

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #123 on: August 06, 2008, 03:51:22 pm »

((Don't worry Kuli. You saw tons of action last siege. I think between you and Fath you two probably got about 30 kills combined. Unfortunately it was still the previous version and I've got no record of them now that I've updated. Also... you sustained a minor neck injury in the combat. Maybe I'll nickname you 'Twitch'.  ;) ))

14th of Limestone

We'd just barely finished cleaning up after the previous siege. I had ordered the upper south plateau recut to boost our fuel supply since I knew it would be needed and we couldn't get any trade goods from Abba and her crew. To my dismay the call of alarm rang out shortly before the woodcutters had finished up top. The goblins had come again. And it looked like they had gotten smarter. No longer were there large platoons of just melee or ranged. They now came with mixed groups, and usually half the group was ranged. A dangerous combination. I ordered everyone inside and requested the military form up at the intersection. Our eastern defenses still hadn't been put fully into place again.

Dwarves from the upper plateau streamed past, some carrying logs, others merely running for their lives. The last one down, our clothier, passed by huffing.

"Udil was behind me. But I myself barely made it through the gates before the goblins. They must have seen him and taken off after him first."

I growled out a brief curse. I'd taken time to suit up in steel and still by the time I'd shown up only Tosid had come. The goblins had caught us unawares, with a good portion of the military either sleeping or down in the commons drinking, and in no condition for combat. I cursed again.

"Let's pull back to the gates then. Let our traps do their thing and try to stall."

Tosid and I marched back towards our steel doors, gathering up Iton and Thorid, two of our marksdwarves on the way. A group of goblins was already coming around the corner behind us from the east. Lashers, and crossbow, with a hammergoblin leader near the middle of the group. The clack of a crossbow sounded behind me as I rounded the corner and I saw it shatter on the wall to my side. To make things worse, it was then that I noticed that someone had left a block of cut obsidian in our doorway, blocking the door open and preventing it's use. Try as I might I could not find an inner calm as I ordered the remaining doors shut and locked. We'd have to make a stand here, one way or another. Thorid and Iton were positioned behind us, watching for a goblin to stick it's green head around the corner. Tosid and I were waiting near the wall at the corner for the same thing.

A goblin wrestler stepped around the corner first, expecting to see fleeing dwarves, but instead found us, waiting for him. To it's credit it charged us, not bothering to look where it was going as it exploded in a cloud of gore and parts, ripped apart by a weapon trap. A crossbow goblin rounded the corner as well, and seeing us managed to get off a quick shot before stepping forward onto the same trap that had claimed it's kinsman. The quarrel went wide shattering against the wall next to me as the goblin that loosed it was impaled from below on obsidian swords. The weapons tried to retract again but were caught in the body and drug it to the ground. Two down, lots to go. I didn't bother trying to trap them in. With only a single line of active traps, and most of our military still not ready the last thing I wanted to do was funnel them though our blocked open door. If I found out who left that block there they'd wish they were a goblin. I'd have them hammered so hard their bones would be bleeding ten years later.

Looking at the others I motioned them inside the gates.

"Let's try to lure this first group as far in as we can. Hopefully we'll let the traps get a few more of them. Archers, take up a position above us and cover the ramp. Stall them as long as possible."

Tosid and I took up positions on either side of the door waiting. Again, unexpectedly, Melonius came up, suited in leather and armed with a crossbow. I positioned him against the wall of the refuse dump, giving him a clear shot through the open doorway.

Muttering about the lack of available soldiers we made our stand. The siege had just begun!

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #124 on: August 06, 2008, 05:33:13 pm »

I was interrupted in my recording of the events of the siege by yet another blasted meeting. Even during the siege I was plagued by these. Our Dyer, I forget his name, insisted on continuing the meeting I had interrupted in order to help defend our home. It wasn't until he tapped me on the shoulder while we were waiting for the second wave that I turned on him. Blood covered my sword, and much of my armor. I gave him a glare and very quietly said: "I'd take pleasure in guttin' you ... boy.". I don't think he appreciated the sentiment, in fact, I'm sure he didn't. Of course, when someone is covered in blood says that to you the best thing to do is agree with them.

Or run away. Fast.

He didn't bother me until after the siege was over.

From behind the door I could hear the rest of the first group approaching. Harsh laughs and calls to us to come out and play, when they could be understood at all. As soon as they found our rows of traps the cries became more frantic, and primal. And that was when Tosid and I charged out. Apparently a good portion of the crossbow goblins from the first group had either been caught by traps or decimated by them, but at least three remained. I could hear the clack of crossbows through the fortifications which meant that Iton and Thorid were busy trying to stall. There were more goblins coming then. With surprise the goblins looked up to face us as we charged out. Some were busy ensuring they weren't stepping on traps, others milling about in minor confusion. The archers had sense enough to know a target when they saw one, however, and unloaded on the two of us as we sprinted out. A bolt went wide, another was deflected by Tosid's shield. Unfortunately the third caught me in my left hip, penetrating the armor but not deeply. It hurt, but not badly. Swiping my sword down I sheared off the shaft and continued the charge, bringing my sword up in an uppercut at the goblin that had shot me. My sword collided with it, penetrating leather armor and punching through lungs, heart and spine and sticking out the back side. The force of the blow knocked the goblin off my sword again as it went flying to strike the wall behind us. Tosid was making quick work of a second and a quarrel from behind me took the third archer in the arm, spinning him around. Melonius had followed us out to provide support. The half a dozen goblins that were outside our gate we dispatched quickly. Other than the crossbows, none had weapons, but rather tried to wrestle us to the ground. Neither Tosid nor I were having any of that and plenty of severed limbs and fingers attested to that.

The first platoon down we took a slight breather protected by the corner. It had gone eerily silent. Even the crossbows on the other side of the fortification were quiet. I took a moment to look through and all I could see was the tip of Iton's boot lying in a pool of blood, a few shafts from bolts were visible. Thorid was nowhere to be seen, and I hoped that he had retreated.

During this eerie silence a strange thing happened. It was as though the world became muted. The oncoming shouts of goblins seemed dulled and even the pounding of my heart seemed muted to an eerie earthy cadence I could almost hear, but rather felt through the souls of my feet. My heart calmed as I listened to the rhythm of the earth, the pulse of the stones. Tosid and I looked at each other as we sensed the oncoming horde and nodded to each other, a grim acceptance of death to be meted out or received as fate decreed.

We charged, Melonius behind us taking a position to fire from the corner. Silence descended upon me, the only sounds being those of the melody of the earth, the grinding, pulsing, throbbing of the stones beneath me. Until I heard the first sounds of the crossbows being fired. It was then that I realized my part in all of this. I was the counter-point to the earth, the variations of the theme, and the sounds of metal on metal, the echoes and screams of the dying, the snap of bone, metal and spraying blood merely a part of the whole that I was hearing. My trance-like state was complete as the macemaster and I danced a circle around each other, weaving and striking and blocking as needed. My time would come, I could sense it, two measures ahead, then one. As he struck I did too, severing three fingers from his weapon hand, before rolling to one side to dodge the incoming bolts I felt rather than saw. His weapon clattered to the ground and he pulled his stump to himself, but not before my sword darted in again, hissing against the edge of his shield as I took out his other arm at the elbow. A third blow seconds later took out his throat, a fourth ended his notes, a pool of them forming around his still form. Tosid too struck like thunder, like a mighty rending of the earth, scattering the goblins before him. He had won through to the archers and was among their ranks, decimating them with his axe. And though there were but three of us against thirty we fought on. Tosid took a hit to the leg, deflecting the worst of it with his shield, his own blood mixing with that of the enemy on his own armor. I confronted a goblin guard, exchanging strikes, until I saw an opening and took a hit to the side in order to open the goblins defenses. Two quick strikes saw the goblin on the ground, unconcious and bleeding rapidly from large gashes in his torso.

And then after the mighty crescendo of battle the sounds died out, the screams of the enemy ringing clearly in my ears as the goblins beat out a retreat despite their overwhelming numbers. Had they pressed the attack they might have carried the day, but with most of their leaders slain they fled the field of battle and the day was ours. Tosid lifted his helmet and looked at me grimly, clapping me on the shoulder.

"Well fought for a civilian."

I laughed. The two of us walked back into the fortress as the clean-up crews came out. I'd have to thank Melonius for covering us later.

After we had counted the dead and began gathering their things I double checked the numbers. Nearly ten killed in traps. Two had been captured in cages. Tosid had scored thirteen kills. I'd gotten eleven. Melonius had gotten but one direct kill, though three others had been mortally wounded and bled out. We'd lost Iton, one of our marksdwarves and Udil a woodcutter. At least a score of goblins had escaped. But we'd have new defenses in place by next time. I hoped.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #125 on: August 07, 2008, 12:18:53 pm »

27th of Sandstone

We're still cleaning up from the siege but we're nearly done. Apparently the Baroness gave birth to a boy today. She hasn't left her room for a bit, but I'll have to drop by and give her my best wishes.

Also after the siege we held a celebration party below in our commons. There was of course lots of drinking, much of which in honor of Iton and Udil our recently departed. Apparently however Tosid and I, due to our efforts during the last siege, have earned ourselves a title. Tosid's keenness for fatback roasts must have been well known as she's now called Tosid Ushrirbidok Uthirer, or Tosid Quakeacted the Searing Fats. I am now no longer just Paulus Monumozkak but rather Paulus Monumozkak Katakzustash Thir, Paulus Papercarried the Scaly Ancient of Harmonies. Apparently Tosid claimed I was singing during combat. I have no idea what she was talking about. I should certainly think I'd remember singing.

In any case, we still look to the east for the arrival of the merchants, though I grow concerned. They're later than normal this year.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #126 on: August 07, 2008, 01:12:08 pm »

1st of Moonstone 1056 First day of Winter officially

I'm sure now that the merchants shall not be coming this year. We've been isolated by sieges for too much time I'm afraid. Only the elves made it through early in the spring. Our stock piles grow cluttered, but there is little we can do about it. For now. Perhaps next year we'll be very generous with out goods.

Since I'm pretty sure the caravans are not coming I've begun construction on the other gate to the east. I'd been holding off on it so the wagons could get by, but there seems to be little point in waiting any longer. Our miners have been busy as well, carving out new rooms and expanding our exploratory shafts. My pet project has been sufficiently stalled by necessary defenses that I wonder if it's worth it to finish it. I've had a shaft marked out to work on something similar enough that will be quick and easy though. A nice relaxation area for us. If I can only manage to have it run year around. Heh. We'll see.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #127 on: August 07, 2008, 01:16:58 pm »

27th of Moonstone

Our stonecrafter Astesh has decided it's time to work on his 'pet' project. He's not telling anywhat what he's doing but he holed himself up with a chunk of granite, turtleshell and pigtail cloth in a craftsdwarf workshop. I'm curious to see what turns out.

A nice piece of craftsdwarfship but nothing particularly spectacular

« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 12:22:02 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #128 on: August 07, 2008, 06:07:02 pm »

22nd of Opal

It's turning out to be a quiet winter. We've had four more individuals be accepted as dwarven champions. Three from our military. Eral, in axe; Mafol in spear and Sazir in hammer. Rigoth from the Royal guard was also able to pass the difficult challenges.

Work on the upper plateau continues apace. We'll be ready to install the floodgates just before the month of obsidian. Unfortunately we're essentially completely out of wood. There are a few scattered trees that might be ready to be hewn but most are still young and growing. I've ensured that no travel go through those areas so that the trees grow back as quickly as possible but it's distressing. Aardvark assures me that we've got enough armor to go around, and he's running low on steel anyways. We've got some coal, but not enough to make steel production worthwhile. In the mean-time I've asked the wood-burners to take up masonry. We've got a lot of wall to build, especially on the upper plateau.
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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #129 on: August 07, 2008, 06:17:19 pm »

I am just wondering if we can get a full map of the clan hold.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #130 on: August 07, 2008, 06:33:27 pm »

((Sure. I've actually been thinking about this a bit lately and I was thinking about opening it up to be somewhat of a succession world. Each person that has a character already and that lives to the end can choose to start their own Walls of Zeal fortress and tell their own story. I am therefore of course planning on posting the world for exploration and further fortressing. I've seen those 3D map plotting programs for DF but honestly have never used one, so if someone wants to let me know where I can find out how to post the full map let me know. I believe Ragnar expressed interest in doing a Fahlstrom fort after this, but I haven't heard or seen a post of his in a while.))

4th of Obsidian

Melbil, one of our unemployed glassmakers gave birth to a boy. I suppose it's my fault for not keeping them busier.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #131 on: August 07, 2008, 11:15:30 pm »

Obsidian 1056

Well, I've been feeling in a somewhat celebratory mood for some reason and in order to boost spirits I've ordered the construction of some coinage. Granted, much of it I plan on giving to the War fund whenever it happens to be collected. But there is just something pleasing about having coin in your pocket. I've spoken with the tax-collector about it and he whole heartily agrees. We've been mucking around with keeping track of accounts for too long. Not that that has it's benefits. But we've had a lot of people with little to do, what with our entire metalworking/glassworks being out of fuel. I've resorted to giving some military training, others are helping with our masonry projects and making blocks. All of our woodcutters have other jobs now too. There are hardly any trees to cut down.

In any case the copper coins display a turtle-shell mini forge on the front, and our national symbol the four pointed star on the back. Nothing particularly special. I find the silver coins very amusing though. The front side has, presumably, the king surrounded by other dwarves on the front. The back has a finely engraved image of a cat. That's right. A cat. The gold coins use the national symbols, the king on the back the four pointed star on the front.

In addition I've had the miners clear out a section below the living quarters a few levels for a large market area and have designated eight shops to be built. What's the point of having money if there is nothing to buy with it? I'm hoping this will encourage some enterprising dwarves to rise from the ranks so I can see where the talent lies. Anyone that's good at turning a profit I might have to consider making a broker should I want a break from my duties.

To commemorate the occasion I even had a select amount of platinum coins minted. Just five hundred coin. I'm hoping that they will be used for their intrinsic value, slightly above that of gold, as well as becoming more valuable over time as people begin collecting them. A single lot of five hundred should be sufficient for that purpose.

Work on the upper plateau goes very well, and the quiet winter has certainly been a help for that.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #132 on: August 07, 2008, 11:27:08 pm »

1st of Granite 1057 Spring

We've been here a mere six years and already our home is vast and well defended. An elven diplomat arrived today and was in a meeting with the Baroness for several hours. He seemed cheerful at first, but when the Baroness called me in there to discuss a matter privately he looked less than happy as he left briefly. The Baroness merely wanted to know if we could limit the number of trees we cut to a hundred or if she should ask for more.

I laughed and responded:"Baroness, there aren't even a hundred trees left on these slopes for us to cut. If that is all the elves ask of us then it should be an easy matter to deal with it. Request that they bring their 'properly culled' logs to trade though."

I could do a quick census of the flora but I was sure there weren't more than two dozen trees scattered widely across our cliffsides.

The diplomat left hurriedly after the meeting. I heard he even had the nerve to call the Baroness a 'butcher', though to them perhaps we may all be such. I cannot fathom how an entire race would want to subsist on nuts, berries, roots and drink, fine as it may be.

The merchants came shortly after the diplomat left, but unfortunately all they brought were several bins of cloth. More than welcome since we were running a bit low. They received a few bins worth of stone rings, earrings, bracelets, crowns and other assorted crafts. We had more, but I'll be burned alive before I'm generous to those who just bring cloth to a fortress of this size.

((Here are the character updates.))

« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 12:44:41 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #133 on: August 08, 2008, 06:09:21 am »

um if its not too much trouble could i be dwarfed as a Hammerdwarf/weapon/armorsmith gender isn't a big thing but prefer male (pet kitten a plus)
The Worlds Best Trap includes a single left footed -Pig Tail- sock.
Madness? This isn't Madness...This is DWARF FORTRESS.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #134 on: August 08, 2008, 12:52:28 pm »

21st of Slate

We recieved a messenger from the mountainhome today. They merely confirmed that the merchants were unable to use the passes due to goblin activity. The Baroness recieved a sealed envelope as well. That evening she announced to everyone gathered in the great-hall that we had officially been declared a county. Ragged cheers went up. Everyone knew what this meant for the Baroness of course. Their own lives were less affected directly, but it meant a reasonably big boost in status for Dorenemal itself.

Urvad gave birth in the night to a baby girl. Her husband came to inform me shortly afterward. Maybe I should give them a bigger room.

((Sure thing MercDraco. I'll need your character name. I've got someone in mind, though no can do on the armorer. Aardvark is my only metal armorer. He's made every single piece of metal armor we have. We also don't have any kittens or dogs actually. Just a few horses and mules. Nobody has migrated with the other animals and when merchants bring them they're DOA (dead on arrival). The rest I'm pretty sure I can accomodate.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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