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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101487 times)

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #105 on: July 29, 2008, 12:43:00 pm »

20th of Slate

I'm writing this here because even though just about everyone can come to either Litast or myself to complain I have no place to do so. The Baroness is so enfuriating. I've now tried to comply to her demand by trying out different things in her tomb. I had a lay pewter chest made for it specially. But no, that wasn't what she was looking for. Neither was the obsidian table or chair. Nor the nice tower-cap bed, though I admit that would be a little strange, even for her. The obsidian statue and obsidian cabinet didn't please her either. I'm running out of different furniture options to try. Her request is so open ended I fear that I'll never find something that fits just right.

I wonder now if this isn't some test of hers, just to see if I'll jump when she wants me to. I admit, it makes sense to try to please her to a certain degree. However if I don't find what she's looking for at this point I'd be tempted to just lock her in her tomb until she tells me specifically what she darn well wants in there. At that point I suspect it'd be food and drink. Perhaps I should ask the others what they think I could try. Fre might have some insight into how a dwarfess thinks. Or perhaps Urvad, though I've no doubt she'd likely say something like a steel casket, or steel armor stand.

Writing this gives me a few more ideas to try. We'll just have to see how it goes.
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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #106 on: July 29, 2008, 02:41:44 pm »

Aardvarks log

20th Slate
I must say I am getting proder by the moment thinking that the equipment I am making finds its hand into the champions of the clan. Now I just have to find a way to keep that Dungeonmaster out of my forge. Maybe I should ask Paulus if I could have a forge for myself, or make the forges out of bounds for anyone exept me and my team. That would be a plan... I'll have to speak with Paulus about that.



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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #107 on: July 29, 2008, 03:26:13 pm »

Fre's Journal

21st of Slate
Paulus came up to me today; wanted me to use my "womanly intuition" to figure out what that prissy little baroness wants in her tomb.  How should I know what a lazy, stupid, stuck-up, no-good nobledwarf wants?  I told him that I would want bones, lots of bones.  Maybe some pies, too.  If Paulus follows my suggestions (which I doubt he will), I hope I'm there to see that stupid baroness's face when she looks at her new tomb.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 03:28:21 pm by Frelock »
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Dr. Melon

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #108 on: July 30, 2008, 04:11:05 am »

Journal of the Esteemed Melonius Greenback The Fifth
21st Slate

Hah! Do these low fools not recognise me? When I tell of my great heritage, they do not even attempt as to inquire to my lineage! They just oculate at me, probably jealously.

Ha! When I claim the throne they shall see indeed I am the righteous king!

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #109 on: July 30, 2008, 04:29:23 pm »

24th of Slate 1056

I was called up from below and stood at our doorway to the outside, the doors still slightly cracked and warmth billowing out in a rush, trying vainly to warm the frozen air. I was surprised by the call at first, but not overly so. Immigrants had been known to arrive at strange times and this was certainly one of them. I suppose had they come from the south it was warmer and might have been considered spring. Here... in this sub-freezing cliff-side where the wind cut through all but stone like a knife it was not anywhere close to spring. Out of the swirling snow down the road came figures, dwarves, popping from around the corner at almost regular intervals.

At their head singing loud songs and generally proclaiming the miracles of modern craftsmanship and the advance of knowledge came Astesh Mengoggez. I'd heard of him. He was one of the court Philosophers. A dwarf of education and learning, and someone who under normal circumstances would prove fascinating to read about, was trooping up our road with twenty other dwarves who were accompanying him. By his side as escort was a burly looking Hammerdwarf. This would be interesting. I'd had little experience dealing with others of learning and to be quite honest, couldn't stand having intellectual discussions with others, despite my own background. Reading about it was one thing, that was all well and good, but to have to schmuck who thought he was right tell you you're doing things all wrong when the way you've been doing it is clearly the best way logically is very frustrating. I could imagine it now...

"Why are you using a pulley there? Wouldn't it be more effective to have a counter-weighted lift?"

"Because it's a narrow shaft, there isn't room for a counterweight."

"Ah, but you could enlarge it."

"Then it wouldn't be a narrow shaft, it'd be a large shaft, which would interfere with what's on the other side of that wall."

"Ah, but everyone would love seeing it. Why you could easily rig up two tons of stone as a counterweight and quadruple you're carrying capacity."

"We don't have any rope capable of supporting a counterweight of that size."

"Then you should make one."

"Oh yeah? Out of what? Metal?"

"Hmm... yes... metal would work. That's a great idea. I'm glad I thought of it."

Hmpf... yeah. That's how those conversations would go. Metal ropes and magic lifts that go up and down smoothly. Flaming nonsense if you ask me. I still hadn't gotten the Baroness' tomb properly furnished to her satisfaction. I'm beginning to think that Fre's idea had merit. Locking the Baroness in a tomb full of bones might persuade her to be more reasonable in the future.  Or at least tell me what in the stones she wants specifically next time. I'd be tempted to leave out the pie if she's less than compliant. Personally it sounded like either the Baroness or her consort had complained about the cooking. Probably her consort. He was always complaining about something. Seemed to think he was entitled to it. I only hope he didn't say anything to Fre directly. First it would almost certainly be untrue. I've never had such fine meals. Second, Fre could tear him limb from limb with her bare hands... and she had lots of small, sharp implements at her disposal at all times. I certainly wouldn't be placing my money on him.

Aardvark tells me Lord Rovod has been busy in the forges again. I know it bugs him, but there's little I can do about it. Well, at least Aardvark has his own forge, and we have a separate for for our legendary metalcrafter. I suppose letting Lord Rovod have his fun at the smelters and the weapon/metalsmithing forge is ok. I'll have to make sure he understands about the designations. Wouldn't be the first time. Perhaps I'll try to get him some wild animals he can play with.

In any case, I welcomed our new arrivals and escorted them below. Astesh could take one of the larger empty rooms after we had furnished it. Perhaps I'd ask him to set up a school of sorts here. I've been teaching a half dozen newer dwarves the finer points of mechanics and siegecrafts, and Litast about paperwork, not that she hasn't had plenty of practice lately. The others we may have room for. Though we might be short a few beds. I'll have to take a look again. In any case I'll list our new additions here in my journal.

1 Cheesemaker (Royal guard)
1 Peasant
1 Soapmaker (Both Fortress guards)
1 Animal Caretaker (new Army archer)
1 Glassmaker (join the club and get to work. I need green glass blocks for a project)
1 Fisherdwarf (planter in winter)
1 Planter
1 Clothier (also dyer perhaps... we'll have to work on getting that started)
1 Miner
1 Hammerdwarf, hired escort for Astesh
1 Peasant (archer)
1 Jewler (Not needed, new Royal guard)
1 Miner
1 Peasant (Fortress guard)
1 Metalcrafter
1 Bowyer (woodcutter/carpenter/engraver)
1 Animal Trainer (archer)
1 Peasant (archer)
1 Clother and 1 last Peasant (also military, I'll ask Ragnar where they're needed)

Twenty one new dwarves in all. As if I didn't have enough to do at the moment. At least our food supply is stable, if somewhat short of meat at the moment.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #110 on: July 31, 2008, 01:07:12 pm »

10th of Felsite

We've had two fatalities lately in the guard barracks. Lorbam, a new guard and Thob a new Royal guard bled to death following an injury sustained while sparring. It's unfortunate. Thob for some reason wasn't even wearing armor, which seemed strange as we had piles of it. It was then that I was informed by Fath that the new recruits hadn't been authorized to use armor yet. Still, they'd been wrestling with other guards. Neither party had been using weapons, so I find it strange and very frustrating.

I was furious, but mostly at myself. It was an oversight that had caused these accidents. They should have known better. Everyone else was wearing steel. They should thought to question why they were issued no armor at all. I should have known better. I made a note of it for the future, and saw that they were entombed properly. It was the least I could do.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 02:56:44 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #111 on: July 31, 2008, 03:08:10 pm »

20th of Felsite 1056

Our tax collector decided to step up and mandate some goods be made. Apparently he's fond of hatch covers and wants to see that we make more of them. We still have the original three he requested a year ago. Regardless, we made three more for him. As soon as we were finished he decided that we needed some Black Bronze items as well. I got our metalcrafter on it since we had bars in our supply. Things like that are less of a nuisance than what the Baroness had been trying. I've still yet to figure out what she wants. I've put everything imaginable in her tomb, including a hatch cover, flood gate and a green glass window I had made special. Nothing satisfied her. Fre's idea is sounding better and better, though at this point we don't have any furniture we haven't tried and I'll be thrown from the roof if I go about making furniture from random materials to try and satisfy an unnamed whim of hers.

Other than the Baroness things here go well. We're almost finished cleaning up after the last siege. The miners have almost finished excavating the iron veins up on the cliff. Work continues below as well and I've designated new areas to be opened up for housing once the miners finish what they're working on. In addition the Masons are keeping busy on our walls and floors. I've requested the walls to the east be expanded so I can enlarge our trap and once they're done with that side on the upper plateau as well. We're a little short of stone, but that's not a big problem. What is a big problem is that we're again out of wood, or almost so, and running low on fuel as well. None of the forests around us is even remotely close to ready to harvest either. I may have to shut down the furnaces, or at least bank some of them for a little while.

On the bright side I've gotten the final tally for the silver vein we found below. Eighty two bars worth. The tin vein is still going, after over a hundred bars already. Things from that perspective are looking good. Now if we just had fuel.

P.S. After I wrote this earlier I passed that strange new fellow in the halls... Melon-something. He was muttering to himself and sounded quite strange. Perhaps I'll have to ask Ragnar to put someone on him in a more permanent fashion. Either that or get our glassworks to stop making blocks and make raw glass so the shiftless blighter has more work to keep him busy.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #112 on: July 31, 2008, 06:57:13 pm »

22nd of Felsite

Zuglar Kadolrag, one of our newer recruits nearly got brained in a sparring session today. Apparently in the middle of it he dropped his weapons, shield and armor and withdrew from society. Fath, who was overseeing the session nearly had him beaten then and there for desertion until he realized that Zuglar was thinking of a project he'd been drawing up for months. Apparently he took over a leatherworks and began madly gathering supplies. By the time I got there to see what was going on he'd gotten Giant Toad leather, Muskox leather, Large rat leather, cut kunzites, rough bloodstones, obsidian blocks, pig tail cloth and a large chunk of unsmelted Magnetite. He sat there drawing a bunch of trees and muttering to himself until I whispered to him that he could use the wood I had set aside and forbidden for the woodburners. After that he was off.

While he was working Litast, our budding young Mayor decided to hold a massive party in the dining hall. I was a little busy to attend, and I suspect it was deliberately planned so she could encourage others to vote for her again in the upcoming annual mayoral election. She's almost been the only Mayor we had. Aside from Ragnar who preferred combat and Thob who was voted out after only a few months.

It didn't take Zuglar too long to finish his project. It looks astounding and appears quite valuable. Clearly one of the most diverse and impressive articles of clothing or armor I've yet to see. I'll have to congratulate him and offer him the leatherworking post if he wants it.

P.S. He said he preferred military life.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #113 on: July 31, 2008, 10:33:45 pm »

28th of Felsite

Well, it's official. Litast is our mayor once again. She must be doing a good job. Throwing parties probably helps too, and since she won she's taken it upon herself to throw another one down in the commons. I figured I'd join in this time since I need a bit of a break. I shouldn't have gone.

Sure, it was good to sit there and see Litast celebrating with her new beau, whatshisname, and all the others. I recognize a few of them, but find it very difficult to step out of my shell as it were. Instead I sat at a table sipping some excellent rum and watched the others have a good time. I'll admit it did bring a smile to my face now and again. But it also made me think. I've never been much of a socializer, never really felt like going out of my way to meet people or even help them for that matter. When I'd take those on our injured list food or water it was mostly out of a sense of duty I think rather than being personally invested in their well-being. Even now, with the population of the fortress being over a hundred I find that there are very very few dwarves I truly know well enough to consider friends. Sure, I'm the holder of the fort, the organizer, the manager, the bookkeeper most of the time. Everyone knows me. Or rather I should say, knows of me. Even in my meetings I've noticed that I'm never asked questions about myself. It's always about the fortress or others. Of all the dwarves I work with regularly only the original six I consider my true friends. Them and a few of the military dwarves, the pair that came with Lord Rovod, for example, and what few of the others I've sparred with when my other duties can spare me time. It's strange to feel so alone sometimes despite being surrounded by crowds. Even though I'm well-known, and I'd hope reasonably well-liked, I'm still practically invisible when I'm not 'on duty' as it were.

Of the original seven only six are left. Every once in a while I go visit Steele's tomb. I've sealed my friend off and tucked the key into a small cubby next to the door I've concealed in the wall. The six of us know how to get in, but few others. The engravings in the hall leading to Steele's tomb tell well enough who lies within. Mafol and Medtom, well, they've always been somewhat of peas in a pod. They head the mining crews jointly. I'd swear they think like each other and both can smell the type of stone they'll be getting to ten feet through solid rock. But they've got each other and I rarely see them at all. They're so busy that when they've got news to tell they generally send one of the fresher blood to tell me what's going on.

Fre is another matter entirely. Her food has become divine, even the rat weed seed cakes she still occasionally makes have gotten better. But her true feats are still her prickle-berry pies, the wild strawberry seedcakes and of course the diverse roasts and stews that she comes up with. I've never had such good food it makes me drool just writing this. But she too is hard to approach. And she has Aardvark, though I'm sure they see little enough of each other with all the work going on around here. Aardvark too has been busy heading up the metal works operation and though I see him often enough he's usually got an arm in the quench and directing the others with his free hand while he waits for his piece to cool properly. His work too has gotten quite masterful. I've seen some of the work he's been putting out. I've appraised a single piece of his steel platemail at well over 12000 ingots worth. That's a good value for the protection it provides too. The stuff is darn near indestructible and his emblem, the double A, or rather the A within an A is on every single piece of steel armor in this fortress. And there is an awful lot of that.

That really leaves just Ragnar and I. I fear we've become the two solitary pillars of leadership here. The inner and outer core of this place. It seems that both of us have become isolated to a certain degree by both our innate position and the regard with which others view us. Perhaps that's why I like the other founders so much. They knew me as just Paulus, the mechanic when this all started. I've grown beyond that, as have all the others in their own ways, but they know and remember what it was like those first few months. The unknown goblins lurking in other towers, the billowing snowstorms, the lack of food and adequate shelter, the endless toil in discomfort.

I look at the others at the party and see smiling faces, laughter and joy, enjoyment of drink and find that I simply can't stay. For some reason I simply don't belong to this world I've created.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 10:35:35 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #114 on: August 01, 2008, 03:13:14 pm »

11th of Hematite

As a quick preface, in comment to my last entry. I think I overindulged a bit at the party. That rum was more potent than I think I expected. I tend to get a little melancholy when I'm drunk... or so I've been told. In any case, the humans came back today. A nice large caravan again. Abba gleefully sitting in the head wagon, while a human dignitary of some sort and her guard walked next to them. As they approached it looked like Abba was pointing out features of our fortress the others might find interesting. Like the permanently red-stained ramp or the deep black-red obsidian of our entry-way, our steel double doors and iron gates.

I was waiting for Abba in the trade depot as she rode in, the other wagons following her. The dignitary was greeted by Baroness Lokum and her consort and escorted below. Abba accepted my offered hand as she climbed down.

"I see you're back for another year, eh, Abba?"

"Of course. After last year I couldn't well skip this place now could I?" She winked at me and smiled as her crew began unloading.

I ordered the designated goods brought up as well and Abba and I retired to the roof of the trade-post to enjoy the warmish breeze and sunshine while the others began getting ready to trade.

We talked for some time, about her trade routes, the weather, how our fortress had fared. Goblins were a frequent subject as well. Apparently the human settlements continued to see heavy raids. Another three had been found decimated by the war. Apparently the dwarven outposts hadn't been faring that well either. But it hadn't been completely one sided. The goblins, by all accounts had taken decent losses, but there seemed to be innumerable amounts of them. The humans desperately needed weapons and armor. Just like my own people. With the equipment from the last siege I felt we could both meet our quota to the king this year, and help out the humans. I ordered most of the goblin weapons brought up, and all of the goblin bows and arrows that dwarves simply did not, or could not use.

It's strange that I feel remarkably at ease with this human. Perhaps in large part it's because she simply has a head for numbers. We think, in many respects, along similar lines. In other ways, of course, our thinking is very different. I am a Fahlstrom. That alone carries a weight in my mind that few other things can rival. I'm not sure she can understand the concept of a dwarf clan being their family. Perhaps even other dwarves do not feel quite the same as I do about that, having lost my own family as a child. I do not remember my parents with sadness though. Death is simply a part of life. It's what you do while you are alive that can truly make a difference.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #115 on: August 01, 2008, 03:18:04 pm »

17th of Hematite 1056

We are besieged again. I write this in haste, since I intend to join in with the soldiers this time. About time I get a little military practice. At least four local goblin leaders from what I've been informed of by our scouts. And sixty goblins with them. Fully half of which are armed with crossbows. Not a good sign. I curse the fact that I've our traps to the east and haven't had time to replace them. We'll just have to make due and hope the cowardice of goblin-kind holds true.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #116 on: August 02, 2008, 11:30:27 am »

22nd of Hematite

The siege continues. The group that came from the east, fifteen pike and the elite crossbowgoblin were the first to attempt to take our gates. A smaller group of the pike broke off and charged early I think and were caught in our traps and decimated. The others seemed more hesitant after that. By the time the rest were approaching we'd sealed in the humans, and sealed in the other goblins as well. I'm not sure if all of the goblins were through the upper gate as I couldn't see it from the north building but we couldn't wait any longer before shutting our doors completely. The goblins are now trapped between our walls and iron gates. There appear to be a handful of pike and the crossbow leader immeadiately outside our doors. A group of crossbows, 12 in all stand near the ballistae, which we can't use since too many fortifications were installed and they'd be able to shoot at our dwarves were they to go near them. We're also out of ammo for them anyways. They worked well. The first shot missed and slammed into the wall, shattering the shaft. The second ballista arrow sailed well and caught a goblin through the torso as it tore through the ranks that were approaching at the time. The goblin stared in shock at the gaping hole through it's body before collapsing in a pool of blood. A second group of crossbowgoblins hold fast at the intersection. And the rest of the pike mill around on the ramps. Some must have been caught by the traps there but I know not how many.

We lost Adil, our animal caretaker as he was returning on top of the walls. One of their archers got him and we are unable to retrieve his body as of yet. Doren, one of our miners, is also missing, and since he was working on the ramp I fear that he too has fallen.

Their numbers are too great for them to flee would we open the gates to let them out. I fear the only thing we can do is either wait them out, not a likely choice, admittedly, or charge them somehow and hope for luck. With that many bows it won't be pretty.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 08:39:14 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #117 on: August 02, 2008, 09:21:25 pm »

((Here's a little teaser for the weekend.))

((You can see the elite crossbowman under fire mid screen, and the goblin swordmaster and his (at least 13) crossbowgoblins on the right))
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 09:23:03 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #118 on: August 04, 2008, 12:17:17 pm »

25 of Hematite Siege of 1056

It took a little planning but we knew we'd have to charge out of our gates at some point. We waited a little while for the goblins to settle down in what they no doubt assumed to be an effective siege. I had picked a time to begin the operation that wasn't perhaps the most convenient. Half the fortress was asleep, including Ragnar and a good portion of our military. But they'd been on active duty for some time and they certainly needed the rest.  When I called for the archers and had them position themselves directly behind the main gate protecting the merchants things began to take shape. Tosid and Fath were at the steel doors, Urvad as a backup defender. I didn't want her in the charge directly. She was still carrying her child into battle and I simply didn't want to risk both of them. Only three of our military archers were on duty but apparently others had heard the call. Thorid, one of our rangers showed up, dressed in his gear. To my surprise the shifty gemsetter, Melonius I think his name was, showed up wearing gear and with a crossbow. I didn't realize that he had any skill at arms, but let him stand with the others. I climbed to the top of the northern building to where everyone could see me, but where I could remain relatively hidden from the goblins almost directly beneath me. Pointing to the archers I signalled for the gate to be dropped.

All five of our archers were in position when the gates opened. The goblins must have been taken by surprise, since almost every archer got off at least three shots before the goblins even reacted. By then the single pikegoblin with the crossbow leader had gone down and the leader himself was pinned by fire. He managed to get off two shots I think before he took a bolt in the arm, spinning him to the ground. A second bolt took him through the leg shortly thereafter, then a third. Our crossbowers were backed up by several of the human archers that were firing as well. It wasn't long before the first platoon of goblins had been completely eliminated. As our archers slowly advanced, Fath and Tosid opened the gates and charged into the midst of the crossbow goblins milling almost directly outside them.

It was a spectacle the likes of which I would not expect to see again. Both Fath and Tosid charged like mad, and before the goblins knew what was upon them had closed almost the entire distance. Tosid went for the nearest crossbow goblin, while Fath was confronted by the platoon leader, a swordmaster. Sword rang on sword as the air seemed to be filled with the buzzing of bolts, but Fath proved the more skilled by far. A quick series of blows broke through the goblins defenses and it found itself flying backwards to strike the wall, dead in the air without realizing it.

The clack-clack of crossbow bolts intensified as Fath and Tosid literally danced among the goblins, wreaking death and destruction on all hands. Tosid faltered momentarily when he took a bolt through the hand, but seemed to shrug it off, snapping it on his armor and removing the rest with his teeth as he blocked shots with his shield. Most of the fire seemed intensified on Fath, who had slain their leader, and quite a few bolts were by now being deflected by his armor. Goblin after goblin went down, felled by the deadly pair and soon the goblin platoon began to falter. A reprieve nearly saved them when Fath took a bolt at point blank range directly in the chest. From my vantage I could only see the barest end of it still protruding from his armor and he seemed to pause, stunned at the shot. The timely arrival of reinforcements, in the form of our archers who had advanced far enough to be within range, and of Urvad who, sensing the initial danger past, charged out with Kuli, wielding a spear right behind. The second platoon of goblins didn't hold out much longer than that, but it seemed that the other two platoons, nearer the ramp had been alerted to the activity and were beginning to move towards the gates. Tosid ran back inside to report and get a quick drink while Fath, Urvad and Kuli pressed on to take the intersection of roads.

Our archers began coming up from behind as well, and not a few of them paused at the scene of carnage before them, stunned and nauseous. ((Actually that happened to almost everyone as soon as they would run around the corner to go through the battle site at first))

Urvad led the charge on the third goblin platoon, the other crossbow goblin group. The hammermaster leader confronted the three warriors but stood little chance as Urvad cut him down with a single strike, sending him flying into a crossbow goblin behind him and knocking it down. The goblins seemed almost too stunned by the ferocity of the attack to put up much resistance as the three cut their way through them. The platoon of pikegoblins were now filtering down the ramp as well and joining in the fray. Urvad took a wicked hit from behind in her upper arm, a pike penetrating her armor, but undaunted she turned on it and severed the goblin's arm, then leg, then torso. Kuli was flying about perpetrating equal carnage with his spear, driving it into goblins and bearing them to the ground with it. He had a brief moment of peril when he was caught flatfooted one on one with a crossbowgoblin. The goblin unloaded as Kuli dived to one side and coming up in a roll charged the goblin. A second bolt was deflected off his shield as he speared in, taking the goblin through the arm and pinning the appendage to it's torso. Kuli twisted the weapon in the wound and the goblin passed out, dragging the dwarf closer to it. A quick retrieval of his weapon and thrust later and he was off running to rejoin the others in their fray.

The third goblin platoon was dispatched, along with the leader and a few pike of the fourth platoon. Fath and Kuli undertook the cleaning of the ramp while Urvad retreated to see to her wounds. There were only eight pikegoblins remaining. Fath charged ahead, with Kuli behind him. Charging into a group of three Fath dealt with the first almost as soon as he arrived, sending it unconcious to the ground, missing a leg. Two goblins attempted to flank Fath but were met by Kuli. The first was speared in the leg but the second managed to tackle him and they wrestled briefly before Kuli got the upper hand and stood, grabbing his spear and driving it into the belly of the prone goblin. Fath was slowing down and was doubled over, desperately trying to catch his breath and deflect goblin shots as Kuli finished off his goblin and caught up with the other that had started to flee up the ramp. A few repeated thrusts saw the goblin bleeding from arm, leg and throat, effectively silencing it. Fath by that time had caught his breath and together the pair finished off the remaining few.

And so ended the siege of summer 1056.

We had lost two civilians. Fath's injury was the only serious one. He'd taken a bolt through the lung and though it hadn't incapacitated him, it would certainly slow him down. I wasn't sure if he would ever recover fully from the injury. The skill with which our defenders performed was spectacular however, and that evening a celebration was held in their honor.

Sixty four goblins had come. Only three, who hadn't been caught inside the gates managed to escape. And I've discovered many things about our defenses that I would need to change, in order to ensure better safety in the future. For one, installing doors on the old mined out sections on the ramp might allow dwarves caught out to flee there and lock the doors behind them, ensuring relative safety until the siege was broken. As long as sieges didn't take too long they could survive well enough without food or water.

((That's you Kuli about to finish off a crossbowgoblin. Poor guy. Heh.))
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 03:20:16 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #119 on: August 04, 2008, 03:58:55 pm »

(No date given)

Apparently the siege came at an unexpected price. When we opened our doors to allow our archers to fire an errant bolt, undoubtedly fired by a goblin, struck one of the merchant animals, killing it. Though Abba was as frustrated as I was by the situation, their guild rules clearly forbade them from engaging in any further negotiations this time. Abba explained that the rule was to prevent abuses of the merchants by unscrupulous settlements, as it was not uncommon for merchandise to be siezed, or occasionally whole caravans to be slaughtered for their goods. We needed the wood they brought, and they needed the weapons we had. But despite the swearing and attempts to cajole, the humans had to leave as soon as the siege had lifted.

The human diplomat, the princess Etus Ushpu, came to speak with me briefly after the wagons had already started out. Though she expressed regret at the incident she assured me that they'd be back next year and would greatly appreciate the 'supplies' Abba had been promised then. Such was the price of law.

I suppose cases of friendly fire like this were uncommon enough. It did put us in a bit of a sticky situation. But it could have been worse. We could now deliver all the weapons to the dwarven caravan this year and make more for the humans next.

Cleaning up after the siege, however, did not promise to be a nice task, as the carnage outside our front gates caused even the toughest of humans to blanch and in many cases, lose their lunch.

P.S. It is with regret that I write this now. Kib, another of our guard died during combat practice. With the siege over our military has taken to training with new zeal. I may ask Ragnar to have them tone it down a bit.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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