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Author Topic: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."  (Read 6955 times)

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2008, 09:50:46 am »

The only true meter so far has been the snatcher scene, which is in blank verse.  The general populace will speak in prose unless doing something overtly poetic, like shooting goblins, I guess.  :-P  Ostentatious nobles ought to be full of decorous poetry, so their arrival will up the ante as far as metrical feet and rhymes.

In any case, every line of verse will begin with a capital letter, whereas prose will be capitalized according to punctuation alone with line breaks made for readability's sake.

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2008, 01:17:20 pm »

Late Autumn: 23rd Timber, 1056.

(enter mayor DATAN, grower STODIR, miner ASTETH [attending party]; ENGRAVER, ARMORER, various other dwarves [idling]; dogs)

ASTETH:  Marry, these are reasonable mandates, Datan.

STODIR:  "Make iron items!"  "Export of iron items prohibited!"
  Silly they seem, yet a shrewd cunning lies behind.  Two ores smelted
  and farewell to one.  A healthy fortress in merest reflex of
  operation puts paid to the second.

DATAN:  By Zas's flame imperishable, these guttersnipe migrants seem to
  expect them.  Else I would not place my fancy's clappers on honest
  labor.  As ordered they must be, best to fix them where already set
  by nature.

STODIR:  We'll be named a county soon.  A prancing and pronouncing
  purplish wave of nobility shall darken our barrels.

DATAN:  Rot and mildew!  Nobles!  Genealogy, the complacent cant
  of family tree cartography, remains the chiefest purchase of their
  hours.  High adrift in branches intricate, anatomizing every nut and
  acorn, their way back to earth is lost.  They fester, lost, upon that
  airy cage of cousins, and anon the blood strikes hot for heir-making.
  What result?  A mumbling, milkblooded tribe of barren-brained
  dandies.  A once brave palace of princes is thereby o'ercapped with a
  weak-limbed, stuttering, bland-faced attic of albinoes.

STODIR:  I'll drink, plant, and even soldier to that.

ARMORER:  My lady Trustedtours, by whose very arms we, the
  Crowded Rampart, have been roofed!  I beg your leave to speak.

DATAN:  Leave off the prelude.  Spew or scatter.

ARMORER:  Why have we so few traps?  A scant three do enguard our
  northern gates.

ENGRAVER:  He speaks aright.

ASTETH:  Logic tells that your complaints are naught.  Datan, Goden and
  I labored to the end of sweat on our defense.  I hope you take no

DATAN:  Let him take and keep it.  We miners three did make cliffs of
  all surrounding hills.  Canyoned and well-cloistered is this fort.  Only
  those most northerly parts will porter guests to door.  Cleaving to
  perpendicular the wide grades of savannah ramps is no small labor.

STODIR:  More than this--Datan has said, and truly, that we are not to
  be a gear-carvers hovel. Know you the fate of a fort sole-guarded by
  widgets and cogs? I shall tell you. Undwarfly weakness seizes the
  sinews of population, and pompous in blasphemous worship become the
  mechanics.  On their clattering altar of wheels and gears a vile heap
  of unearned praise is laid.  This is the hollowest brag of security, as
  when their acres of cages be overcome, there is naught to defend
  the fort but the red ones' quivering cowardice.  Or perhaps the
  scattering sounds of their fleeing servants.

DATAN:  Well spoke on.  You are answered, sir.  We are not to hide
  behind a wall of traps, but rather are meant to be free and general
  as the cave river, hard as darkling adamant, and founded as the
  mountain's roots.   Our arms shall make us so, and not these toys.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 01:19:33 pm by Anu Necunoscut »

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2008, 05:48:53 pm »

Early Spring: 19th Granite, 1057.

(enter elf merchants NISA and NETITHA [fleeing]; crossgoblin NGOSO; speargoblins SMUNSTU, NGOKANG and ARSTRUK [giving chase])

NETITHA:  We are surprised!  Away, Nisa, away!
  Sarekeshtan shall bring no rescue forth!

(exit NETITHA and NISA)

NGOSO:  Hold, lads!  Let whiteskins scuttle, being worser sport.
  On hide of dwarf the boltgash sweeter sings.

SMUNSTU:  Fie, Ngoso!  Reason blunts the lusty spear.
  You flabby captains know not hunger's bite!
  To rash notched fangs upon a pointed ear
  Oft whets to edge a goblin's appetite.

ARSTRUK:  As crusts of blackened bread precede our sup,
  As demon roars do herald horror's approach,
  This murder small shall prelude massacre:
  Elf-snacks to salt our dwarven glut and gorge.

(NGOKANG smacks his lips)

« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 05:13:09 pm by Anu Necunoscut »

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2008, 08:11:43 pm »

Early Spring: 19th Granite, 1057.

(enter marksdwarf SAKZUL THEATERCLASP [shooting]; hunting dog; elf merchants THRILIRI and LALI [fleeing]; speargoblin AGO [crawling])

THRILIRI:  Look where it crawls!  Its knee is slurred with gore.
  Your eyes are sure as eagles', stunted one.

SAKZUL:  Then keep you in!  My quiver's scarce of bolts.
  Look you how scattered are your kind--call out!

THRILIRI:  Hai, Lali!  Wander not outside the gates!

(exit LALI, fleeing aimlessly)

SAKZUL:  They do not hear--bright panic fills their sense.
  O madness, chaos take your race, dull elf!
  No sooner safe than out you run to death.
  What now, brave dog?  Hold yet and cleave to me!

(hunting dog runs to AGO)

AGO:  I pant for life.  In ruin are my limbs.
  Some evil yet I may strike forth in death.
  Zakosp! My lord and master! This for thee.
                               (mortally wounds the hunting dog)

SAKZUL:  My eyes are overclouded at this sight.
  Begone, thou elf.  I've no more breath to waste.
                               (shoots and kills AGO)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 12:23:01 am by Anu Necunoscut »


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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2008, 08:32:57 pm »

Brilliant so far, although, some minor plot holes for the IMDB page :P (There are four goblins (Marks + 3 spear)? How did the dog get wounded from so far away...?)
This account is defunct - please contact me through other means.

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2008, 08:44:04 pm »

There are actually many more gobs about than just the four, so Ago is separate from the previous group.  Ngoso and his ilk are attacking the elves that scattered to the north, while a few speargoblins have marched south to the fort.  And yeah, the pictures can get a bit confusing--the ones posted before the text mark the state of things at the start of a scene, and the action described follows from that.  Maybe I should also post a shot for the closing of a scene?  I'll try to find a clearer way, anyhow.  It's pretty crude as of now.  :-P

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2008, 02:10:09 pm »

Early Spring: 19th Granite, 1057.

(enter miner ASTETH [striking goblin with pick]; war dog [mauling goblin]; elf merchant RIFA; speargoblin SNANG [being struck and mauled])

ASTETH:  Who knew that goblin skins were soft as loam?
  One swing and all their viscera is mined.

SNANG:  O slave, you've mattocked out my chambered blood!
  May Ngoso pluck thy beard and flay this cur!
                               (vomits and dies)

(war dog spits out goblin chunk)

ASTETH:  I trained you, pup.  And now I'll give you name:

RIFA (babbling):   To the trees!  We must away!
  Where now the cheerful voices of my kin?
  Be all their shining faces slashed away?
  Their fair songs silenced by the rents of spears?
  No, no, no, no! These wits are gnawed to pulp!
  Fear's fiery brand hath burnt and ashed my brains!
  Retreat and wait to die in walls of stone?
  No, never! Shade I'll seek--some highwood trunk!

ASTETH:  Hold, friend!  No branches now will shelter thee!

(RIFA panics, runs toward the trees)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 08:12:31 pm by Anu Necunoscut »

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2008, 02:48:11 pm »

Early Spring: 19th Granite, 1057.

(enter elf merchant RIFA [cornered]; marksgoblin NGOSO [shooting]; speargoblins NGOKANG, ARSTRUK and SMUNSTU [laughing])

NGOSO:  This canyon's as a barrel to our fish.
  Give no escape to forest filth--at him!
  I've corked the exit fully, now for sport!

NGOKANG:  A speedy woodrat, this.  Hold! Meet my spear!
  How prettily you flap, my squawking bird.
  I'll paint thy cage with pools of quick'ning blood!

SMUNSTU:  Look how he ricochets from cliff to cliff!

(RIFA screams, running wildly)

NGOSO:  This game must find its end--to earth, foul elf!
                               (shoots RIFA in the foot)

(RIFA tries to limp away, but is surrounded)

ARSTRUK:  Our spearheads hunger!

NGOSO:                                       Set them to their feast!

(RIFA is struck down)

« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 03:53:23 pm by Anu Necunoscut »

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2008, 08:46:11 pm »

Early Spring: 19th Granite, 1057.

(enter miner ASTETH; wrestlers ADIL, KIKROST and OLIN; war dog OWNLANCES; snatchers ZOLAK and STASOST [caged])

ADIL:  Hear you the shrieking of that maddened elf?
  The harsh, guttural laughter close behind?
  The roads and alleys of my blood grow wide,
  My beating heart outshouts the thunderclap.
  They come, they come.

ASTETH:                  Rest easy.  Grip thy sword.
  But four are left to darken these broad lands.

OLIN:  This seems a most undwarfly fear, Adil.
  Bear up!

KIKROST:    Mark Asteth, lacking shield or plate.
  He does not blench, but faces death direct.

ADIL:  On that I'll speak: Asteth, thou founding dwarf,
  Thou card and symbol of our gallantry,
  Go in!  For fickle war you seem ill-clad.
  You've not the coat to dout marksgoblin rains.

OLIN:  Do go, good miner.

KIKROST:                   We can wall 'em out.

ASTETH: I will not fly.  Datan my friend shall come.
  Good Lorbam runs to face this hail of bolts.
  If craven-like I stand aside, what then?
  More bodkins left to pierce those cherished dwarves.

ZOLAK (from cage):  Hai Ngoso!  Mark!

STASOST (from cage):                       One beard's without his shield!

OLIN:  Look now, they come!  Stand ready, everyone!

ADIL:  My teeth are all a-chatter.  Curse these nerves!

KIKROST:  Be ruled, Asteth, and get you in the gates.

(a bolt whistles past from the northwest)

ASTETH:  That puts a pointed end on idle talk.
  This beard I'd shame to baldness should I balk.
  I will not fly.  Let fortune do its will.
  I'll see this battle fought, for good or ill.

(exit ASTETH, followed by KIKROST, ADIL and OLIN)



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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2008, 09:12:55 pm »

I've said this before, but I've got so much love for this.

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #25 on: July 10, 2008, 11:04:53 pm »

Early Spring: 19th Granite, 1057.

(enter mason GODEN [striking goblins severally]; wrestler OLIN [fleeing]; marksgoblin NGOSO and speargoblin NGOKANG [on ground])

GODEN (enraged):  The demons rend thy souls!  Why have you life?
  Why breathe you, filth, when sweeter lungs are stilled?
  Asteth, Asteth!  Why charged you out the gate?
  Who now shall pace and fret our dining halls
  To bear with winsome cheer Datan's harsh gibes?
  Who now can show corrupting praise and fame
  A guiltless, shy, and wholesome face?  No one!
  O grief!  My heart shall break for pain of it!

NGOSO:  The body shrieks.  From root to branch all's fire.
  My gasps vent only froth and bubbled blood.

NGOKANG:  The villain's gaped my banded ribs apart.
  Their cagèd treasures spill to foul the air.
  To agony and slaughter we are brought!

(NGOSO and NGOKANG fall unconscious)

GODEN:  Ha!  Sleep you now to 'scape most well-earned pain?
  These arms shall wake you.  Feel the fatal strokes!
                             (strikes down NGOSO and NGOKANG)

OLIN: O Glazelands, stop!  Desist!  They're dead and gone!

GODEN:  Bleat not thy coward's words at me, thou wretch!
  Most foul and kobold-like your valor showed:
  Last struck, first fled.

OLIN:                       Look here, my wounds do bleed!

GODEN:  Dost show me purpled thumbs and slight-scratched leg?
  I'll tear them loose to decorate the walls!
OLIN:     Retain thy patience sir!  Be calm!

GODEN:  Thy pinpricks are no badge for pride and boast!
  Upon my murdered friend are braver wounds,
  The least of which would fell dwarves twice your stop.
  A crown most hideous of bolts he wore,
  Foul holes they tore in all his curlèd locks,
  Yet on he swung and on he stalked.  Asteth!
  (to OLIN) Not ever shall I call thee soldier, fool.

(exit OLIN [weeping])


Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2008, 01:01:53 pm »

I've said this before, but I've got so much love for this.

Thanks for the kind words!  It's a fun writing challenge, and I'm glad a few people are enjoying it.


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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2008, 02:06:20 pm »

Miner Asteth has been struck down :( At least he died defending his beloved fortress. Hope he gets an eulogy in a future scene.

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2008, 10:11:31 pm »

Mid-Summer: 24th Malachite, 1057.

(enter mayor DATAN, grower STODIR, woodworker LORBAM, mason GODEN [attending party])

STODIR:  Is this the fruit of all thy hidden days?
  We've not spoke word since Asteth died, my friend.

GODEN:  Aye, even thus.

LORBAM:                  I know this rockworn pick.
  'Tis his.  Asteth's. 

DATAN:                 The statue bears his form.
  His lips oft showed that shy and artless smile:
  It warms and wounds my heart to see it thus.

STODIR:  Look there upon the wall--our history
  Is all engraved, from wagonfall to now.
  Here's Rifa, maddened elf, struck down by spears.
  Here's Doxonaxstut, faithful dog of war,
  "Ownlances," he who Asteth lately named.
  And here, here stand some seven friends I know,
  Time-locked in stone, close-huddled by their cart.
LORBAM:  The chamber is a very shrine, Goden!
   With honest love it shames the gaudy tomb.

DATAN:  Say you nothing still?  Why speak you not?

GODEN:  The grief's too near.

STODIR:                              Yet something we should say.

LORBAM:  The days march on with quick'ning pace, it seems.
  The hour for woe lay closeted and hid.
  At last we're met for grief and remembrance,
  Yet stolen out from me seems all my breath.
  Pray speak some reverence for him, Goden.
  I've not the skill for eulogy.

GODEN:                            Some words?
  What words?  Proud speech to mock his humble soul?
  A courtier's fawning panegyric cant?
  Some winking, sly and oiled rhymes of tongue
  To foul and sop with filth a stainless life?
  Much better should I spill his casèd bones
  As seed for croaking rooks and raucous crows.

DATAN:  Nay then, I'll say:
  He was a dwarf, and brave
  He was my friend, and true.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2008, 10:42:59 pm by Anu Necunoscut »

Anu Necunoscut

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Re: The True Chronicle of Sarekeshtan, "Echosmiths."
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2008, 03:10:59 pm »

Early Autumn: 10th Limestone, 1057.

(enter mayor DATAN, LYE MAKER, and POTASH MAKER [conducting meeting]; CLOTHIER [idling])

DATAN:  You see, my suckling pigs and toothless babes,
  the hauler trade is time-reknowned! All-praised!
  By holy Zas, why else should you have arms?
  For potash?  Acrid, foully fuming lye?
  No dwarf shall better know the fort than you,
  its treasures manifold shall bear your mark.

LYE MAKER:  The stains of reeking corpses made those marks!
  We've gloves of thickness thirded, fourthed by filth
  from each new trip to Udil's abbatoir!

POTASH MAKER:  Well-trained in potash arts I am, Datan.
  Have mercy!  Clemency for these bruised hands!

DATAN:  What, insurrection?  Duty-shirker's squawk?
  No prisons have we here, nor criminals.
  Where might they all have gone, you wonder, eh?
  I'd guess the ventfloor's paved with idlers' bones,
  But those who'd tell have not the voice to speak.
  Shall curiosity be satisfied?


POTASH MAKER:  Methinks I'll clean our lovely butcher's shop.

LYE MAKER:  I'll find some rotten roach remains.  To haul.
  Their sloughing chitin rings like silvered bells.
  Hurrah for hauling life.

DATAN:                      Ah, there's my lads!

(enter butcher UDIL)

DATAN:  What noisome clamour's this?  Why burst you in?

UDIL:  A vile force of darkness has arrived!

DATAN:  Ambushers?  Snatchers?  Speak the sum entire.

UDIL:  Report is limited, yet this is known:
  No coward's sneak 'neath tree and bush, not this.
  Well-serried ranks in open march approach.
  'Tis goblins, mayor, come in well-armed force.

DATAN:  I greet this tide.  Tell Goden, Lorbam, all
  That war-time council meets behind the wall.
  No rot-brained merchants to protect and shield,
  Just force 'gainst force upon the tented field.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 03:15:03 pm by Anu Necunoscut »
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