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Author Topic: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)  (Read 10232 times)

Omath Erius

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Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« on: June 30, 2008, 08:19:46 pm »

Alrighty then, Community Fortress, eh?

*Deep breath*

   A large, ornamented table decorated with iron spans the majority of a large, well-lit room. Sitting at the table are four creatures: a Dwarf, a Human, an Elf and a Kobold. Each adorned in their races most lavish and expensive clothes. The Dwarf, for example, is wearing a Giant Cave Spider silk robe over similarly made underclothes, and is wearing a platinum crown. These are in fact, the highest royalty of each race, entangled in their monthly meeting. The Elf and Kobold are having their own conversation, most likely about The Meaning of Life or some other such sort. The Human and Dwarf's conversation however, is the foundation for the story to come.

   "Ach, are you insinuatin' that those "homes" of yours take any work at all?" Booms the Dwarf, as he takes a swig of his Plump Helmet Brew.
   "Certainly more masculine than relying on your cushy, pre-built mountains for a roof." The Human King's reply has a hint of dislike in it.
   "Pshaw, only a temporary installment untill the true, far grander halls can be built, for unlike YOUR kind, instead of living in the same old towns for centuries, we are constantly expanding, constantly building new, more diverse homes for our brethren."
   At this remark, the Human King begins to show he is losing his temper, "Are YOU suggesting that we couldn't build a successful mountainhome, just as masterful if not better, if we were stupid enough to bother?"
   The Dwarven King smiles a bit and reveals a piece of parchment from under his robe. Laying it out flat, it is revealed to be a map of the known world. He points to a spot in the Southwest.
   "There, we were planning to build an outpost there, but due to the wars with the Goblins, supplies to spare have been too sparse, you would find it an ideal spot to test your mettle."
   "Is that a challenge?"
   "As a matter of fact it is, I would wage a hundred-thousand barrels of rum that your settlement will have crumbled in seven years! Should you accept, it is customary to only take seven, with limited amounts of starting supplies."
   The Human King leans back in his chair, pondering the wager. After talking up such a storm, he'd be made a fool to deny the Dwarven Challenge. Standing up, he firmly grips the other king's hand, signifying the beginning of the greatest challenge in humanity's long history.


The events of the 1st of Granite, Year One:

Seven humans, two women, five men, accompanied by a wagon of supplies and various animals walk along the Western edge of a brook, heading South. Without warning, the bovine pulling the cart let out a groan, and slip themselves out of their harnesses. Ori Gasomanoth, one of the two females begins to yell at the cows, kicking one of them.

   " 'Ey, oi! Get back to pullin' ya lazy oafs!" As she raised her foot with the intent to punt the nearest animal into the brook, Kupe, the miner, twirling his pick in his hand clasps her on the shoulder.

   "Now now, we're only about a hundred or so yards from the spot anyway, just take the wagon apart here and we can carry the stuff inside later."

   "Arrogrant prick" Ori mutters under her breath, she had grown to hate Kupe during the long journey. "You can say that since you won't be carrying anything..."

   Arriving ahead of everyone else to the designated site, Kupe raises his Copper Pick high into the air, shouting triumphantly.

   "Now BEHOLD! Today is a glorious day for humanity! Today, the first swing of the pick, carving out what is to be known as Lacywaves is to be commenced! Gather 'round and see this glorious event take place!"

   Turning around he basks in the glory of success for a moment, and swings the pick down on the rock. Klink!

   ...nothing. Ori begins to laugh under her breath at the futility of his strike. Angry, Kupe turns around and points his pick menacingly at Ori,
   "I don't see YOU doing anything to help!"
   Masking her laughter for a few moments, she calmly replies, "I'm the mason, I can't do anything untill you manage to carve out a piece of rock, could take awhile too."
   Looking for a place to vent, Kupe turns a bit more, and makes the same gesture at the man leaning against a nearby slab of rock.
   "What about you? I don't see you helping."
   Without looking up, the large, muscular man being spoken too, whose name is Ejel gives his reply, "I'm your guard, the fact none of you have died yet shows i'm doing my job just fine."
   Feeling embarrassed, Kupe looked over at the others, who had already begun working on carpentry and a temporary outdoor farming plot. He faces the mountain again, taking a stance, he charges at the rock "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
   At first nothing but a ringing sound, then a large chunk of rock crumbled into tiny manageable chunks at his feet. Picking a piece up, he tosses it over to Ori, "See if you can make something useful out of this."
   Grumbling to herself, she sits down and begins to prepare a workspace.

(End Prologue)

So there you have it, a human fortress. Just to clarify, i'm going to intentionally seem like I know very little about fortress-building in many scenarios to represent human inexperience. As for cheating, I will be using Dwarf Companion for two purposes:

1.) Dealing with a missing part of the game that I know will be added later (if neccessary)
2.) Changing names per request.

Sligtly modified to allow some animals (cats, wolves etc.) to be wartrained.

Ejel, Ori, and Kupe are being used by myself, the remaining one girl and three men (and all future immigrants) are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

In addition to those three, We have a Wood cutter, Carpenter,  Planter and Cook/Brewer. I can change them if you want me too, but I'd like it to remain somewhat intelligent.


Name: (Specify if you want your default name, or a specific one, the last name should mean something in Human or Dwarven tounge if you want it changed. The first name doesn't.(The reason for that is DC only allows me to change last names to other Dwarven or Human words, it's also alot easier if you use the English translation of the name.))

Profession: (You know this)

(Optional) Personality: (In the name of all that is holy, don't suggest "a badass 'lone wolf' spearman", but what is your character like?)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2008, 09:51:31 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2008, 08:36:52 pm »

Okay, so how exactly are you going to be swinging this thing?  How are you going to build/run the fort?  Is it going to be built omstly aboveground, or are the humies gonna carve a little into the rock for their homes?

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 08:42:39 pm »

Okay, so how exactly are you going to be swinging this thing?  How are you going to build/run the fort?  Is it going to be built omstly aboveground, or are the humies gonna carve a little into the rock for their homes?

It's going to built just like a regular dwarven fortress, only with a faked veil of ignorance.

The layout is a bit odd, we're near the edge and after a thin wall we pierce through to the other side into a small opening with a brook cutting through nearby. The "challenge" is for them to build an actual Dwarven Fortress and maintain it for seven years, though it MAY continue after that.

Edit: "Regular" is relative I suppose, but if I understand what your asking, yes, it will basicially be underground with some surface level walls and stuff.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 08:45:27 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2008, 09:00:10 pm »

Name: Seran Miluzin
Profession: Woodsman -> Soldier -> Axelord (Woodcutter + Axeman, to be drafted into the military and trained when necessary, probably in pump operating for the stat boosts as well)
Personality: Seran is an absent-minded but efficient worker, a constant daydreamer who, when focused, is capable of achieving more than is expected of him. He has worked as a woodcutter for the majority of his young adult life, but is also versed in how to use an axe in combat. In conversation he is flighty and less than serious, preferring a good joke over an honest response- even in extreme situations. He is a good judge of character and a fair, kind person, making him a good candidate for squad leader, were he to join the military.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 01:36:29 am by DarkMagnus »


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2008, 01:38:45 am »

Name: Ravus Thithlojig
Profession: ambusher, marksdwarf
Formerly a hunter from the human village of Klatch, Ravus enrolled in the guard at the age of 18. Upon realising that his job only served the purpose of keeping nobles happy, he has returned to his old profession and joined the expedition. He is quiet and reserved, preferring to talk only when absolutely necessary. He does not mind working outdoors. He cannot handle stress
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 09:46:21 am by RavingManiac »
Thief:"Quiet kitty, Qui-"
Cat:"THIEF! Protect the hoard from the skulking filth!"
The resulting party killed 20 dwarves, crippled 2 more and the remaining 9 managed to get along and have a nice party.


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2008, 02:05:48 am »

Name: Durist Mchumie (Or, If you want a serious name, Xern Vanslav)
Jobs:(In order of importance) Mason, crossbowman, Stonecrafter

He came from the plainshomes here, always loving a thrill. He collects stange or new rocks, and enjoys rock a bit too much. He made a living hunting for a while, then gaurding, and nnow, masonry. Yet he keeps his crossbow skills to this day. He really enjoys firing a good bolt now and then, and has a keen eye for trouble.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 02:11:30 am by Zerox »
It's Dwarves not dwarfs.


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2008, 08:13:44 am »

Jack Suntouched


Jack's a middle aged man who made a living cooking for caravan expiditions. He's originally the son of a minor noble, but the lifestyle didn't suit him so he did a lot of travelling. He's getting up there in the years, so he plans on retiring out here.

He's got a rust colored beard and wears a scarf year round. He's fond of talking people's ears off, and doesn't enjoy competition. He thinks he's interesting conversation because of his education, but he's a bit of a bore.

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2008, 10:11:49 am »

Glacies and DarkMagnus have their dwarves men, Zerox and RavingManiac however, since we already have one guard and one mason, "locked in" Wasting valuble manpower when there really aren't many stones to craft or goblins to kill yet would be deadly with only seven of us, if you want I can give you your guys in the first immigrant wave, or you can pick another.

Jack, sorry about your title being farmer, you ARE the cook/brewer, I don't know why it says otherwise. If its any compensation, you're the expedition leader.

fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2008, 11:02:11 am »

Okay, erm, put me in the first immigrant wave.
It's Dwarves not dwarfs.


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2008, 02:18:29 pm »

Thor Maynard

Preferably some kind of metalworker but if that isn't possible any other profession will do.

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2008, 04:11:21 pm »

Thor Maynard

Preferably some kind of metalworker but if that isn't possible any other profession will do.

Excuse me if I come off as grumpy, but I feel the need to read off a list of things you did wrong in that application.

1.) "Maynard" means nothing in the Human, Dwarven, or English tounge. I checked, so i can say that with 95% certainty.

2.) OBVIOUSLY we wouldn't have a metalworker, we have a grand whopping total of five wood logs, zero magma, zero anvils, and zero metal ore.

3.) You left out a description of yourself.

Regardless, I gave you the closest thing to metalworker we had:

(Plus you have the second most awesome RNG-created name I have ever seen.)

Now all we need is one more dwarf, preferably a farmer to fill the last spot.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 04:13:36 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2008, 06:41:51 pm »

Err, can you change his gender to male? Heh. Otherwise, cool. Does DC allow you to choose personality traits?


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2008, 09:24:08 pm »

Name: Olev
Occupation: Farmer
Personality: Most people would describe Olev as slow. While true, this isn't the full story. He  considers his actions carefully and is very deliberate and methodical, although the fact that he takes several minutes to reply to any question is unsettling to others. For this reason, he enjoys his plants immensly - the fresh air, the lack of pressure and the time to really think about things. Ah yes, that is the life for Olev.
"Quickly now, the goblins are more devious these days." - Captain Mayday


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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2008, 05:27:45 am »

Name: Ravus Thithlojig
Profession: fisherman, fish cleaner
Formerly a fisherman from the human village of Klatch, he was the sole survivor when the entire village was wiped out by carp. He wandered in the wilderness for a few years before finally reaching civilization, and has sworn to vanquish the fishy menace which brutally murdered his kinsmen. He is quiet and reserved, preferring to talk only when absolutely necessary. He does not mind working outdoors. He cannot handle stress
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 05:38:32 am by RavingManiac »
Thief:"Quiet kitty, Qui-"
Cat:"THIEF! Protect the hoard from the skulking filth!"
The resulting party killed 20 dwarves, crippled 2 more and the remaining 9 managed to get along and have a nice party.

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, An Ultimate Challenge. (Community Fortress)
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2008, 10:37:39 am »

DarkMagnus: To my knowledge you can't change personality traits, when writing I'll override the dwarf'shuman's taits with your chosen ones though. I'm not going to repost the image, but you ARE now a male.


The traits are pretty fitting, I think.

Skanky was the last first human, so you'll be in the first immigrant wave.

Right, good to go.

The events of the 20th of Granite, Year One:

Due to his general excellence in working in groups and his noble heritage, it was no surprise that Jack was unanimously voted to the osition of Expedition Leader, though his lack of explanation regarding his plans led to some suspicion on Kupe's part, he had been orderdered to dig out four rooms approximatly 6x6 in size. While he contemplates why we were wasting effort on whatever these would be while they still had no place to sleep, Jack calls everyone to the wagon to make an announcement.

   "It is my pleasure to announce that all is going even better than expected, and I would personally like to thank all of you for your excellent work." He begins, "However, due to space constraints we will be unable to provide us all adequite rooms untill we gather the manpower to breach the levels below. Therefore I have decided that each of us will be splitting a room with another."

A series of groans and mumblings erupted from the "crowd".

"Worry not, you'll have a mudstone barrier seperating you if you really need the privacy. That said, due to the most basic laws of mathmatics, since there are four rooms and seven of us, one person will have a room of his or her own. In the intrest of fairness, roomates will be decided through drawing from this hat."

While the hat went around, each person was secretly praying to their respective gods that they would be the one to have a room to theirselves. The results were as such:

Northwest: Kupe, Ori
Northeast: Ejel, Seran
Southwest: Thor, Olev

So it was natural to expect some form of conspiracy when Jack ended up having the Southeast room alone. Noone said anything outloud, though.

From the journal of Kupe Evholkor, 23rd Granite:

They said we were relativly safe here, that the only real danger would be food and water.

They lied.

It started with Jack, I heard him yelling outside when I came out of our makeshift hole-in-the-ground to investigate he was cowering near the workshops, his clothes were badly torn and when he spoke he stuttered,

"b-b-b-beasts! horrible, ugly creatures!"

It didn't take long for Ejel to catch on, clutching his axe, he charged off to the East, when it became clear what he was up against, I shuddered with fear.

Ratmen, atleast seven of them charging towards our little camp.

When he reached the first one, Ejel brought down his axe on one unfortunate ratman's hand, compeltly shattering it. It stumbled backward, lowering its defences just long enough  for him to cleave it in half. He proceeded to completly slaughter three more, the remaining three however, bolted around him and charged us. By the time they were even remotly close however, Ejel, with blood staining nearly every part of his body had finished off the others and turned around to destroy the rest.

Not to say however, he was the only one fighting. Olev, the brave soul beat the living crap out of one that got too close and two donkeys joined the brawl.


When only one ratman was left, Ejel proceeded to chase it around the nearby area, up and down hills untill eventually it met it's fate.

While waiting for him to return I noticed every single ratman had been killed in the same way: cut clean in half along the lower body.

As he walked back to the camp, he spoke as if nothing had even happened just now.

   "There's platinum on the other side of the hill."
I walked over to the crack in the earth the ratmen had emerged from, looking below I saw even more fell creatures, and something I hope I never EVER have to see any closer than I did then.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 01:22:10 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb
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