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Author Topic: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)  (Read 10223 times)


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #45 on: August 15, 2008, 12:19:04 pm »

Your Opponent casts Spell: Soul Calibur IV!
It Hits You directly!
You are unable to update!

Ah, don't worry about that, this story is good enough to wait for. Reading every update brings me joy.

Especially the ones with me in them  ;D


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #46 on: August 16, 2008, 07:35:33 am »

Good work so far! i like how the story is going so i will humbly ask for a dwarf
Gender male

thanks if i am let in if not hey that's fine keep up the good work

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #47 on: August 19, 2008, 01:14:54 pm »

Good work so far! i like how the story is going so i will humbly ask for a dwarf

Engraved in the post is a picture of a human and a point, the human is missing the point.

Also, I need to know if you want a crossbow, or a regular one, because human's use both, and the difference could save your life.

Naw, i'm kidding, but you and DwarfMan have yet to arrive, you'll see why in the update.

Excuse the delay, there were some technical difficultuies on my part. I also messed around in the raws (unrelated) and got dwarven caravans trade with us.

From The Journal of Genam Nolastname, 19th Malachite, Year Three:
The Caravan left today, minus one trade baroness, who has yet to meet with Jack.

I think he's stalling, whilst the baroness follows him around, patiently waiting for him to find some spre time, he quickly jumps from "cookin' up some fine cuisine" to "butcherin' another horse" with no delay.

My office was, and still is, rather bare, so I had Kupe and two masons each come in and ingrave a picture on my wall.

I have the strangest feeling that they don't like me:

One of the masons scartched a picture of a fire demon on my wall, and Kupe made "A rendition of a cool looking picture of a tree I saw once."

One of them was relativly normal atleast, and drew a picture of the first seven arriving here. I ordered one of the ones I didn't recognize to be smoothed out and replaced with myself.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 24th Malachite, Year Three:

Our dam seems to be working for whatever it was intended to do. The entire river North of the dam is now about knee-deep, while the Southern part is unaffected.

Almost immieadtly after the armorers finished Genam's second mandate for low boots, she ordered three more be made, which causes a problem:

She always orders them in groups of three, whilst the armorers always make them in pairs, so we always have one wasted.

Jack finially regained his manhood and went through with the meeting with the baroness, though I can see why he would be afraid. She wears a turban, tunic, and slacks, all covered in various degrees of blood and omit, or maybe that was Jack, it was hard to tell.

"The rocks you mine here are well-known back home, and a prized possession once only available from dwarves, earrings in particular are soaring in value. Not to mention..." The baroness seemed to regret saying it, "soap is now extremly valuble."

She looked outside the office, towards the passing soap maker, who tried to make a subtle wink, but came off looking like a bee had sting him in the eye.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 6th Galena, Year Three:

"Bizmuth Bronze? You want them to make you stuff out of BIZMUTH BRONZE!?"

"Yes." Our mayor for what looks like will only be one year, Genam had told me to tell them metalsmiths to make three bizmuth bronze items.

"What IS Bizmuth Bronze? How is it made? Do we even have it?"

"I don't know. I don't know, and I don't know." She answered, "All I know is it has a cool name, and I want something made out of it."

When I told the metalsmiths, they said we had actually purchased some bizmuth bronze from the caravan. Thats probobly how she found out about it.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 15th Galena, Year Three:

Rhesus Macque, about six of them started causing a ruckus outside today.

After the initial panic that occurs untill Rud and Seran arrive, it's quite entertaining to watch the things get run down and decapitated, they hide, wait for the two axemen to leave, them try and rush out again and get slaughtered.

One of the dogs stationed at the entrance killed a stray that tried to sneak in, too.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 1st Limestone, Year Three:

Autumn, my favorite season. I caught Genam working on taking down the old auxillary still and putting up a new workshop for the farmers today. I was happy to see her helping with work, untll I learned she had ordered three more low boots be made.

The workshop I mentioned is mainly for the cheesemaker, we have no means of producing milk on our own but he does process what be purchase into delicious cheese.

Maybe it's the name, but I refuse to drink anything called (or eat anything made from) "Dwarven Milk".

The Events of The 5th Limestone, Year Three:

Approximatly twenty miles North of Lacywaves a procssion of immigrants marched along at the bottom of a valley which led into the nearby plains where the fortress was built.

Leading the group was a man wearing a purple tunic and robe, accessorized by a hat of a slightly brighter shade of purple. By this description alone he was either a noble or, a fruit, or both.

Suddenly, the call went up, "AMBUSH!"

The lead man, a dungeon master quickly found himself alone and surrounded by goblins. Out of fear and desperation, he drew his knife, if nothing else to live a few seconds longer.


The sound of five or so goblins collapsing to the ground, projectiles sticking out of the back of their heads.

Roaring, another man, wielding an axe charged into the circle of goblins, quickly tearing one apart before moving on to the next.

For the next minute or so, nothing could be seen inside the cloud of dust and blood, and nothing could be heard except the screams of goblins. As the cloud finially parted, standing next to the Dungeon Master, amidst a field of goblin corpses, were Flint and Jenkum, his loyal bodyguards.

(Flint and Jenkum arrive in the upcoming immigrant wave, as should the dungeon master.)
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #48 on: August 23, 2008, 08:28:53 pm »

Once again, excuse the delay.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 10th Limestone, Year Three:

The Dwarven Caravan arrived today for the first time. Although they had no underground seeds, Jack was able to get tons of gems, wood, and various exotic food including something called "Rock Nuts".

I also had the pleasure of meeting with the liason, he was an odd fellow, and the conversation went something like this:

Liason: Hello!
Liason: You've carved out quite a nice place for yourselves.
Liason: Goodbye!

Thats it, thats all, no discussion of trade agreements.

The Events of The 17th Limestone, Year Three:


In the hills East of Lacywaves, just South of the chasm, a group of speargoblins, with a smaller group of knife-wielding thieves lagging behind, appeared.

Rud and Seran were quickly sent out, and met their foes, blades in hand.

It was swift and decisive, as the speargoblins were killed as fast as they coulsd run up to the men. ho then proceeded to charge down towards the chasm, to kill off the thieves.

Unfortunatly, against the wishes of the soldiers, several people kept up behind the battle, watching eagerly, and now sttod at where the ambush initially occured.

A few more hidden speargoblins sprung from their hiding spot, surrounding the civialians, cut off from their protection.

The cowardly ones immieadtly ran away, whilst the braver ones, led by Genam, who carried her baby with her, attempted to fight them untill help could arrive.

Rud and Seran were able to quickly arrive and dispatch the goblins, but not before one had managed to kill Genam, and found that her baby, only able to crawl a meter or so away after her mother had been stabbed, was also dead, impaled through the heart.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 23rd Limestone, Year Three:
I swear there's something wrong with this place, today, a Clothier named Uso entered a mood similar to what four before her have.

It's been reported she took some cloth, nine cow bones, and a bottle of dye I didn't know we had to start with.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 1st Sandstone, Year Three:

It seems that every death brings on a new life; 13 days after Genam and her child died, San Icesithra, a woodcutter, and her husband, Dasmir, gave birth to their first child.

They named him Rushan ((Which sounds eerily similar to Russian)).

Use also finished her little project without incident. She named it, Ennapairo, or Talksplit, and it's a headscarf.

Jack values it at $10,200, and it's quite fashionable, aswell.

Finially, Genam was buried today, along with her child. She liked Bizmuth Bronze, so we used some of the leftover bars to make a statue which watches over her coffin.

It does raise the question of who will become the new Mayor, but that can wait.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 3rd Sandstone, Year Three:

Campaigning for the position of Mayor has begun to heat up, Ori is the favorite, but she was when Genam won, too.

I was on break in te back of Food Storage, when I noticed something Jack had cooked up awhile back:

Rat Fat, mixed with horse Fat, in a biscuit?

No wonder it hasn't been eaten yet.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 10th Sandstone, Year Three:

Idil, Rud's wife, gave birth to theie second child, Dasar, today. I'd congradulate them, but i'm afraid I might jynx it.

In some rare coincidence, I sent Kupe and Dee down to do some exploratory mining, and in one 15x15 plot, they've found:

White Chalcedony
Lace Agate
Fire Agate
and Limonite

Needless to say Xern is ecstatic. Rud was beat up pretty badly today, hes fione now, but Seran says he was within an inch of his life while sparring today.''

Merchants also left, no idea why they stayed so long.

The Events of The 15th Sandstone, Year Three:

The group immigrating to Lacywaves sat around their campfire, eating dinner. They had only packed for the trip there, so this was almost all that was left of their supplies.

The Dungeon Master was giving a speech inbetween bites, "So, with me at the stead, I figure we can ride it out through the remaining four or so years and become famous! Or atleast, me, Jenkum, and Flint will, none of you are really that important."

Sometime during this, a thump and rustling of the nearby bushes was heard. Jenkum, going to investigate, discovered a goblin sprawled out and killed, a massive hole was pierced through his chest, and he was covered in webbing.

The unmistakable sign of a Giant Cave Spider.

"Everyone! Drop your food and run! We need to get out of here, ASAP!"

"And abandon all this food?" Began the Dungeon Master, "You expect me to walk the rest of the way on an empty stomach?"

"Would you rather have your food and die, or abandon the camp and live?"

"I would rather have my food!" The discussion was over, and the party, minus the Dungeon Master, proceeded on towards Lacywaves, whilst our arrogant noble friend sat smugly, overjoyed he would have all the food the others hadn't finished yet.

((You two get your profiles now:

« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 01:18:11 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #49 on: August 25, 2008, 10:59:47 am »

So, in the order which they appear in the unit list, here is every owned, living human, and their current status:

Instead of working together, you and Kupe seem to take two different jobs at a time, each working alone. It generally works out, with you taking the claystone and loam, while Kupe mines out the valuble ores. You've reached Competent Miner, and can normally be seen hanging around with Kupe and Saya when not mining.

Don't worry about the workload, i've always got something for the two of them to do, and you seem to have a better work ethic than Kupe does.

Mighty, Very Agile, Tough
Since making Uscarel you've become a legendary carpenter, and found time to get in some novice bonecrafting. Similarly to Kupe, you spend the vast majority of your days lounging or on break. The day or so of every month you actually work results in you completing half the current workorder, (all masterworks mind you.)

We generaly have more idle masons than we do masonry tasks, so you're only at competent mason. Not having much else to do with you, i've recently picked up the tedious task of movinmg one of every kind of stone we have into your room.

Similarly to Xern's problem, we have a ton of people who go out fishing, (mainly metalsmiths). Unlike Xern, we have a constant demand for fish, and the only thing outpacing your fishcatching (you're at no-title fisherman) is the sheer mace of beings who's sole purpose in life is to process aquatic life the moment it leaves the water.

Your arrival coincided with the extinction of what was essentially the last threatining chasm creature, and Jack does a good job of butchering what we do kill (aswell as the spare animals we slaughter). You still make a fine living for yourself doing anything and everythng related to the dead. Bone Carving, Leatherworking, etc. The result is that you aren't particularly good at anything.

Extremly Strong, Very Agile, Tough

You share an ironic resemblance to Jill in the fact that you do everything, the difference being you're also very good at everything. I suppose you could be called a Jack-of-all-trades, heh. The majority of your time is currently being spent split between cooking and updating stockile records. You retain three of the five current nobilitiy positions, with Captain of The Guard and Mayor currently vacant.

Very Strong, Agile, Superhumanly Tough

After making Kerastalcon (The Mask) I looked back and discovered you desired to join the military later on, and so you did. Before being drafted you had been our woodcutter, reaching the level of Adept, and also attained Legendary Tanner from making the mask. You are currently a Skilled Axeman, and a step or two down in armor (You both use greataxes, which are two-handed, so no shields). You are perfectly tied with Rud in skills, but surpass him easily in stats (He's only Agile), which normally results in you beating the crap out of him in sparring, although Rud seems to do better in actual fights.

Obviously, Olev is dead (Skanky can take someone else if he so pleases, ideally not in the military for now.) and Flint/Jenkum technicially haven't arrived yet.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 01:19:56 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #50 on: August 26, 2008, 03:25:42 pm »


From The Journal of Rud Wuridur, 17th Sandstone, Year Three:

The elk, after years of tension between us and them, finially snapped and began to attack.

To complicate matters, it seems that these Elk are extremly intelligent, as while we were off dispatching them, a single of the nefarious beasts snuck around us ad into the fortress, causing a massive ruckus untill some brave civilians wrestled it down in the food storage room long enough for us to return and dispatch it.

Kobolds, Goblins, Chasmfolk and now Elk together pose a massive threat to us, i'm not sure Seran and I can handle it alone.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 25th Sandstone, Year Three:
Migrants arrived to a very poor welcome today, the ground near where they arrived was littered with bones, and a group of Elk attacked them almost instantly. Had it not been for the two men who led the procession, i'm not sure any of them would've survived.

These two men are Flint and Jenkum, officially considered the bodyguard of a Dungeon Master, were more or less charged with guiding the entire group.

We had known that nobility would be coming for a long time, yet he had not arrived, although his guard had.

Jenkum explained that the Dungeon Master had gone missing in an ambush, and then winked conspicuously.

The other members of the immigration are as follows:

A carpenter
A peasant
A child (Jenkum's Child, I believe)
A Gem Cutter
A Craftsman
A Furnace Operator
A Woodcutter
and a Mechanic, which brings the grand total to 73.

Also today, by some coincidence, an immigrant child grew up, I believe his name was Thur, but I don't really care enough to check.

The Events of The 4th Timber, Year Three:

A crowd gathered about just outside the walls of Lacywaves, one of the wardogs was lying on the ground, in obvious pain. It was Flint who kneeled next to her, he had noticed something wrong with the dog while getting his equipment (which had been lost in the "ambush").

A minute or so passed where the tension was so thick small children could mold it into a ball and play catch with it, and then it happened.

The wardog gave birth to puppies.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 7th Timber, Year Three:

I was down in the graves, visiting Ejel and Olev, when I noticed something odd on Genam's grave:

A brief inspection revealed what a pike was doing down there:
This was the pike that had killed Genam and her baby, someone must've found it after the battle and put it down here.

I'm not sure if I should be disgusted or touched.

In addition, since the Elves will be the next caravan to arrive, i've suspended the making of any bone crafts. I'm in a position to do so not because i'm Mayor (who still hasn't been elected yet.) but because i've assumed the duties of Mayor. It's essentially the same as being mayor except I have to deal with idiots eating in my Dining Room.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 20th Timber, Year Three:

It's been accepted and tolerated that we have random stones lying about everywhere from myself and Dee's mining. Even though Ori is the one who orders the mining done, she pins the blame squarely on me for the massive amounts of stone lying about.

As such i've been tasked with plannign out and executing a massive "All-Stone-Goes-Here" Project. I figured I could divide it into three parts:

1.) At Xern's request, all stones of even mild important are placed in a room directly behind (and only accessible from) his room. This mainly is for metal ores.

2.) All metal bars (after being smelted) are placed in a strip of dirt between the smelter and blacksmith.

3.) All common/unimportant stones (Claystone is the number one example, here.) Are placed in a large space I made Dee specificially carve out for this purpose.

Ori says shes getting the Mason's to do something or other that'll help, but I doubt she'll actually do anything.

From The Journal of Rud Wuridur, 1st Moonstone, Year Three:

As of this, the first day of Winter, Jenkum Tiledcurl and Flint Enterbucks have assimilated themseles into the military of Pethitirum.

Flint, being a Marksman, doesn't directly spar with us, so I had Kupe dig out and extension of the Barracks for him to practice archery in. He, in turn, requested that his bedroom be dug into the side of said archery range.

Normally, I would praise him for his work ethic, but then I remembered he's married, to a carpenter no less, and now it just seems like a stupid idea.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 11th Moonstone, Year Three:

I remember hearing the all go off, "AMBUUUUUSH!". They  all sprouted out from behind boulders and the like, right behind the moat. The used bows, and they could hit us from the other side.

We were able to get everyone inside, but not before they managed to kill two, a fish dissector, and fishery worker. By some luck noone in the armed forces was harmed, and we were able to drive them off with only those two and two animals dead.

Our population is now seventy-one, two of whom, Kupe and Dee, will now be mining an expansion of the graveyard, as Genam and her child took the last open coffins.

Nine dead in three years, what a shame. Although this does appear to be the first year where one of our founding seven hasn't died.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #51 on: August 27, 2008, 03:58:52 am »

Hey I just realised my human doesn't have a personality yet so
Flint is a young warrior who has been married for a short while. He is a kind and loyal fighter who has dreams of making something of himself oneday. And although he is reserved and quiet he isn't very shy and once he becomes friends with someone he can be a loyal ally

After leaving his last village where simply boredom drove him to atatch himself to a group of migrant's heading towards the strange new world of an underground human city Flint met up with(Dungeon masters name) and Jenkum then well you know what happened next.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 04:55:27 am by Flintus10 »


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #52 on: August 27, 2008, 05:29:46 am »

Only just found this thread, and just read it in one sitting. It is incredibly awesome and well written, well done. Also, could I have a Human?
Name: Echo
Profession: Military - Any - Preferably hammerhuman
Personality: Loves fighting, blood, little bit messed up in the head. You know the type.

Good work so far! i like how the story is going so i will humbly ask for a dwarf

Engraved in the post is a picture of a human and a point, the human is missing the point.
Made me laugh  :)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 05:34:48 am by EchoP »


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #53 on: August 27, 2008, 05:33:19 am »

Sorry, double post. Clicked quote instead of modify.  :-[

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #54 on: August 28, 2008, 12:37:54 pm »

Echo, you know the drill "waiting for something to happen, it hasn't happened yet."

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 17th Moonstone, Year Three:




Thors the new mayor.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 19th Moonstone, Year Three:
The river finially froze today. Well, some of it did. Everything North of the dam is about as dry as a fire.

The recent attack that killed two has caused a massive uproar about our safety should we be attacked from the South. The masons refuse to build a wall within a healthy distance of the moat, citing it as being "too close to the edge."

We've had to resort to walling off the old dining room exit, digging out a new one, and building a wall a good ten or so meters away from the moat.

It's nowhere near finished yet, but atleast it's using up all the stone blocks.

From the Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 9th Opal, Year Three:

Jenkum broke his right arm sparring, as it appears he hasn't quite caught up to Rud and Seran yet. He doesn't have a place of his own, so we keep him on a makeshift bed inside the barracks. It was REALLY bad timing though, as the river just froze and it's a bad idea to give liqu lick booze to people with bad injuries like that.

One of the Furnace Operators got pretty excited about something or other, his name is "Dasult Sonoahdo" and that alone gives away that he's from one of the..."Eastern" towns.

Having nothing better to do I watched him carry various objects from the surface to the workshop normally used for making Flint's bolts and generally getting rid of all the bones we have.

Rock, Rock, Rock, Leather, Shell, Log...

He came out with these.


He claims that they're earrings, but they're as big and clumsy as their name, so I don't know who would wear them.

"Back home, beeg earrings were veeeeeeeeeery valyuble. beeg earrings meant beeeeg monies"*

I just stopped talking to him after that.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 12th Opal, Year Three:

It appears Spring has come early! Islas and Sana, one our veterinarian and the other a farmer, have given birth to Pethitirum's thrid child.

I think it's the third, my memories a tad hazy, but I DO know that this one is named "Ad"

Similarly one of our immigrated children, Beru, became a full grown adult today. When I went to congradulate her parents, I only found one listed, her mother, Pado.

I searched all up-to-date records for any sign of someone named Pado, but couldn't actually find any trace of such a person.

Then it hit me:

Pado died in that ambush.
Beru is an orphan.

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« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 10:10:18 am by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #55 on: August 28, 2008, 07:35:31 pm »

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Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #56 on: August 30, 2008, 10:55:56 am »

Short update today, because the new year is sucha fitting ending for an update.

It's been bothering me that i'm still using .38c, whilst other forts are upgrading to newer, shineyer, versions.

If anyone here has an opinion as to if I should or not, feel free to speak up.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 10th Obsidian, Year Three:

We'd known that our brewing was insufficient, and that the best Jack and the others could do was stall the inevitable dehydration long enough for the river to thaw.

It was a success, as the news today was announced that the southern part of the brook had now melted enough to become drinkable again.

Not being able to sustain us as is, i'm sure i'm not the only one who would rather die of dehydration than drink whatever exactly it is that Jack tries to pass off as a brew.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 21st Obsidian, Year Three:

I was confronted by one of the craftsmen, who told me that we've run out of cloth to make goods with; Jack confirmed this.

This does present a problem, as cloth goods are essentially the only export me make that wouldn't offend the elves, who arrive in a few weeks. We still have the option of spinning cloth out of the webs that the only remaining denizens of the chasm, cave spiders, constantly produce. However, thats a painfully slow process, often taking several days to produce a single bolt, while the crafters easily use five or so a day.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 1st Granite, Year Four:

Fourth year, booya!

Jack's official status report:

and the map:

As for actual production news, Jenkum's been told he'll be fighting-ready in a week or so. We've also begun work on two more actual tombs, thugh who they're for is yet to be decided. While digging out one, we struck White Chalcedony, which by my count is the 18th vein of gems alone that we've struck since we arrived here.

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fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #57 on: September 01, 2008, 08:20:02 pm »

The Events of The 3rd Granite, Year Four:

Recently, Pethitirum has been heavily troubled by mountain goats. They would position themselves atop The Southern Wall, belching and bleating at those below.

They seemed to get the hint, and caused no disturbances when the elves arrived, caravan in tow.

The goblins however, had other plans, as two ambush parties, one to the South and one to the North, arrived almost simultaniously with the caravan.

The southern group, consisting of a party of bowgoblins similar to those who attacked there before, found The South Wall to be a small obstacle, opting to climb to the hills anf fire down on the roofless fortress.

Luckily, though many, including Ravus, Jill, and Xern came within inches of their lives, only a single, unnamed peasant was killed, or even hit as a result of this ambush, untill a small militia, consisting of Kupe and a few others not in the military but still able to fight, managed to arrive and dispatch them.

The northern ambush party, a group of macemen, was the main focus of the actual, four-man military. Of those four, Seran and Jenkum were not able to arrive in time for the battle, and Flint missed near every shot, save for one or two which may have hit some goblins hand.

Rud alone, brandishing Ejel's axe, wearing his haunted amulet, charged into the fray and was almost entirely responsible for the deaths of each and every one of them.

After the attack, the military group was put on high alert, and stationed outside the depot during the trading process.

The Events of The 11th Granite, Year Four:

The elves were almost as famous for their pitifully small caravans as they were for their vegetarian lifestyle. So it was painfully easy for the craftsmen of Pethitirum to produce goods superior enough to buy the entire supply without using so muich as a tenth of the supply of cloth goods alone.

With plenty of goods to spare, Jack spent a good deal of time looking around the caravan's load, for anything else of value to purchase, when he came across an interesting object.

A cage, made of wood of unknown origin, contained a fullgrown, human woman.

Although seemingly very pretty, the look was ruined by dirty, unkempt hair, various scars, and a look of pure scorn aimed at the direction of the elven merchants.

"We caught this infidel in the borders of elven lands" began the merchant, when he noticed the girl had caught Jack's eye, "Beating an elk to death with a hammer no less. Naturally, we took the death-dealer prisoner."

The woman in the cage stood up and began to shake the cage furiously, screaming at the elf.

"If you want her, i'd gladly sell her to you, as she isn't exactly great company."

"Although I don't condone slavery" answered Jack, "but our fortress is in desperate need of those skilled with a weapon, and I would pay any price to liberate a fellow human being".

So for the price of an extra bin of cloth earrings, Lastta Usuusel, nicknamed "Echo" for the way she screams with delight whenever she completes a task, became an official member of the Pethitirum military service.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 14th Slatye, Year Four:

Construction began tody on one of anywhere up to four lookout towers from which the area surrounding our little fortress can be viewed while still being behind its safe walls. Progress is fast, and I expect this one to be completed by the end of next month.

Since our fortresses jewlers have had (and still do have) pitifully little to do here, I asked one of the setters to encust a gem into a piece of furniture at random:

Never doing that again.

The Events of The 2nd Felsite, Year Four:

It was Flint's wife, who stirred him from his sleep. Not haing to spar with the others, he was subject to a much less strict training schedule, which essentially meant more time for sleeping.

"Jenkum said to get up to the surface, it's important!"

Worried that the golins had begun a full-scale assault, he grabbed his crossbow and hurried to the top, where he found a familiar face.

A group of immigrants, a large one at that had arrived, and leading them, with his clothes badly torn and his face unwashed, was The Dungeon Master.

Seeing his former bodyguards standing before him, he smiled, and said only, "Gentlemen." before walking inside to begin registration.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #58 on: September 04, 2008, 08:11:07 pm »

Whats this? Page three!


From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 2nd Felsite, Year Four:

Besides the unexpected arrival of the dungeon master, we have quite a lengthy list of immigrants this time 'round. May armok grant me the ink to record them all:

One Dungeon Master
One Craftsman
Three puppies
One mule
One Siege Engineer (who I will be consulting for further constuction of the towers)
Three Donkey foals
One veterinarian
Five (yes, five) peasants
Two bonecarvers
Two woodworkers
One Trapper
One Engraver
One Mechanic
One Gem cutter
One Bowyer
One Farmer
One Ranger
and finially... One Fishery Worker.

It appears we've become quite popular.

That said this does contradict Flint and Jenkum's account that Mr. Dungeon died in an ambush on the way here, so I took the libety of asking him about the enthricing tale of his survival.

The Tales of The Dungeon Master Starting on the 15th Sandstone, Year Three:

After choosing to lag behind and finish eating, I, with my ultrasharp senses of all things fell, quickly picked up the dreaded sound of a Giant Cave Spider on the overhang above. Thinking quickly, I dived into a nearby patch of shrubbery to hide.

Minutes later I heard the sounds of goblins just outside out campsite. Through the few looks outside I could afford myself I affirmed my suspicion, the goblins had engaged the hulking beast that is a Giant Cave Spider in battle.

One goblin in particular, with a large wart on his right eye, proved particularly fierce, and eventually layed the finishing blow to the beast, gutting it from below with his scimitar.

The goblins, ceasing victory, began to pillage what was left of our supplies. Knowing there was no reason to stay any longer, I abanoned the site and attempted to find shelter off the main road.

I was eventually able to find a cliff to spend the night in, resting up the few bruises I had gathered from my haphazard dive into the bushes. Knowing rescue could easily be a year away, I began to plan for my survival.

The day would be spent using my pocket knife, the only thing I had left, in combination with my wit and knowledge to forage as much food as possible.
The night would be spent travelling backwards, away from the fortress, hoping to get out of the valley and return home, or meet up with a new wave, whichever came first.

I actually came across a new, and fairly large group relativly quickly, and from then the journey here was uneventful in comparison.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 6th Felsite, Year Four:

As if we needed more people after that massive swarm of new arrivals, Guki and Abba, two people of relaivly little importance, recently gave birth to their first daughter: Ethra.

On the topic of new arrivals, it seems the first task of the arriving Gem Cutter, Ip, was to storm into the fortress, whos layout she somehow already had memorized, and sieze control of the already empty Jewler's Workshop.

Unlike most people who do this sort of crap, Ip apparantly already had whatever she needed readily available, and proceeded the almost completly normal task of locking the door and working furiously.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 8th Felsite, Year Four:

The rhesus macques, just dangerous enough to be annoying, without being dangerous enough to alert the military, finially drew Commander Rud's ire.

Flint was the first to get to the scene of the latest attack by that damned little monkey, and for all I care he could be the only one.

The first bolt he fired immieadtly pierced through the side of the poor monkey's head, somehow gouging out both of its eyes.

In addition to looking really cool, it had the added benefit of sending a message to any more of these little scumbags that disturbing the peace is a bad idea.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 14th Felsite, Year Four:

As expected, the gem cutter exited the Jewler's Shop today, holding a gem of quality i'm in no position to appraise, though it sure looks nice:

She now runs around the fortress, blissfully unaware of the fact she has yet to register as a citizen, showing people her cut gem and saying things like "Look at my diamond!... isn't it pretty!?... my diamond is so pretty...."

The fact that that isn't a diamond aside (and the fact that it's worth a whopping $4800 aside) shes fucking crazy, and I look forward to spending many glorious years as far away from her as possible.

The more I think about it, she seems like a great match for that insane clothier, if I ever find out what happened to him.

He probobly fell into the chasm or something, I don't really care anymore.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #59 on: September 05, 2008, 03:39:03 am »

This is a great thread and must never die!!!

Btw my guy must have had a pretty good shot to take out that damn monkey i mean both eyes ;D
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