Uh, not long, really. I mean I got to play with a guitar a few times when I was a kid, but never had steady access to one. About two years ago my interest was piqued by friend of a friend who was really good at guitar and laughable (he did it intentionally) at singing. He taught me a little part of 'Dueling Banjos', hehe.
My little social circle ended up getting Rock Band a bit after it came out and all of a sudden I was playing air guitar constantly. One thing led to another, it was revealed my best friend had an acoustic, yada yada, and suddenly BAM! Mij has his own guitar.
Er... Huh, didn't actually answer the question in all of that. Uh, I think 2 months, now, really? 3? I dunno. Not good at that whole 'remembering' concept. Hmm... Could be lead. Gotta practice my awesome guitar solo face, though. That the moment it's less "I am the embodiment of pure ROCK!" and more "My fingers are BURNING! BURNING!!"
It's funny, I'm still just as interested in the drums as the guitar. Although, due to Rock Band, I now hate that drummer who does 'Run For the Hills.' Seriously. He's too good. We need to take him out.
What kinda guitar you got, anyway? I've got an Ibanez SG-number-I-can't-remember electric.
-edit-- Oops, sorry, I type slow. Didn't realize you guys responded already... before me... >.> Anyway, I don't mind lecturing. Creative criticism, baby! =) Far as open notes go, with acoustic, I agree, they sound really cool. With electric, or at least mine, they seem to have different quality. With finger/pick I understand that the vast majority of electric guitarists use picks, but I dunno. I like the kinda muted sound of not using one. Although it's way harder to switch between strumming and picking. I've been messing around with hitting two strings at once with my thumb. Sounds cool, very fleshed out, but it's kinda difficult to do. Might be it's just innately harder than with a pick, or maybe it's just the trying to learn a new skill hard. /shrug.
Scales are fun! I was so amazed when I first learned the singing one, you know Do Re Mi, etc. not sure the name of it, but was inordinately jazzed, heh. I remember hearing that the chords were all set up with some kinda arcane mathematical system. Gonna have to wiki that, been meaning to. Anyway, I'm out for tonight.