I've heard quite a lot about the absolute murderous OMGWTFBBQ level of damage you can inflict via throwing various nonsensical articles in adventure mode, so I decided to have a looksee.
Now, it wasn't long after I had slain an ettin with some mud scrounged off the bottom of a murky pool when I had realized that, yes, lobbing stuff was quite deadly, especially at that rate of experience gain.
Putting it aside, I decided to make an elf wrestler and attack the first gobbo tower I saw. So I enter this tower (Named, somewhat creatively, the shaft of light or something to that effect) and proceed to hork the weapons of every guard I come across and see how long it takes for one of them to actually hit me.
Naturally, none of them even NOTICED me, thanks in no small part to my many stealthy ocean expeditions. So, stashing these many heavy objects, I eventually cast my envious eyes on a pair of heavily decorated pants worn by a master lasher and set to horking. When trying to leave, I accidentally walk into him and notice something. I had just bashed him with his pants, and he was now minus the comfort and utility of two ribs and a liver.
I hit it again. His entire hand is rendered useless. I hit it again. He doesn't have a leg to stand on, so to speak. I hit him one last time. His head is smashed into his body.
Realizing my newfound awesome power, I extirminate the entire fortress with my trusty warpants.
What it looks like from here is that EVERYTHING, regardless of delivery method, exhibits at worst half the damage potential of a dedicated weapon of war. Am I correct in this assumption? Is this old news? Do I need to lern2write? Should this thread be derailed?