Ok, there are a few things I have been wondering for a long time, and I want answerers, and I think most of the community agrees.
This is serious, I want TOADYS answers, and whiting reasonable time.
Sorry to do such a hostile sounding thread, you know we love you to the point you'd consider unhealthy, I sometimes even get guilty because I check the forums so often I might strain the server.
This was triggered but the interview today, I just cant hold this any more.
Ok, to to the interrogation.
First a light one; how do you back up there forums?
I know the source code of DF is safe, so this is a question concerning the safety of the other most important thing in my life; all these wonderful stories and discussions, many of which I haven't even read yet.
Rely, if I knew these forums were as safe as the source operantly is it would lift a terrible weight from my shoulders.
Second question, an more important one even than that;
Really, how many and which ones?
Boatmurdered? Nist Akath? A Kobolds Quest? All the stuff linked
What about the seemingly unrelated ones? Like this?
And if so, how much inspiration do you take from there?
One of you great goals whit this game was to make it create stories, and it is, but you must also let the stories flow the other way, your brother is not the only one that can write stories worthy of inspiration.
Please do read something other than the bug reports.
Actually, I'd at least personally if this in not the case go so far as to even read up on the best pieces at the cost of developing speed if necessary.
Don't get so obsessed at nurturing the tree that you forget to harvest the fruit.
[/overly serious]
And I know this can be taken the wrong way, sorry for that.