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Author Topic: {succession/community} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire  (Read 84440 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #90 on: June 18, 2008, 07:47:44 am »

I'm afraid I missed the weekend due to the forums going down but hope to have something interesting to post either tonight or tomorrow. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #91 on: June 18, 2008, 07:17:31 pm »


Fortress is collapsing around me, dwarves dying in hails of crossbow bolts, a cursed bridge, incredibly badly timed ambushes (for the dwarves), miasma and I almost accidentally flooded the whole place ... and it's only mid autumn in Valter's year. ;D

11th Malachite, 1055.

Took over as Overseer today, Valter has stood down to concentrate on making more stone blocks for the many half finished construction projects. The top levels of the fortress are in a bad way, the last remnants of the last goblin attack still clutter the gate. One of the waterwheels seems to have been destroyed as well, so once the entrance is cleared I'll set Endok back to fixing that, assuming he can stop smoothing rocks for long enough.

14th Malachite, 1055
There is a human trade caravan still here but they won't trade. Apparently their traders got sick at the sight of the entrance and refuse to trade - can't say I blame them honestly, goblins are bad enough as it is from a distance let alone smeared accross the door.

The marksdwarves were all off slacking, so words were had and the squad sent to clear away some of the carp that were infesting all these near waterways.

15th Malachite, 1055
Discovered why we were losing dwarfs to wounds, some peasant had turned the bucket stoarage enxt to the well into some bizarre shrine. No one knows where the buckets are. If I ever find out who it was, they're being stationed out in the wilds as an early warning system.

20th Malachite
The human trade representative burst in today, waving bits of paper around. Apparently we've ordered lots of cut gems and stone blocks for next summer.

5th Galena
Unib Rakustzim created a masterpiece of a meal today. I hope he doesn't get stroppy when someone eats it.

10th Galena
one of the Fortress Guards was found unconcious in the food storage room today. He looks completely unharmed, no one seem to know why he keeps falling unconcious. a meeting was held about it but before anything could be decided one of the marksdwarves through a complete tantrum over something. No idea what was going on.

Meanwhile a miner on this collossal bridge folly was pulled intot he river by carp. Once more the river runs red with dwarf blood!

At least Vucar calmed down and stopped yelling when we got the news.

11th Galena
I was sparring today when it occrued to me I maybe should clean my axe. It's covered in a congealed mix of alligator, harpy, goblin, dwarf and beakdog blood.

22nd Galena
Another good dwarf lost to the carp. This madness needs to end.
Endok was muttering something about the drawbridge by the old entrance today, apparently its jammed up and needs reconstruction work. The traps and crossbowdwarves should ee us through any attacks until it's fixed again. Hopefully he can get the waterfall working as well, instead of turning the near river coast into a swamp.

26th Galena
Dresdor, the trusty quartermaster was almost killed today by the accursed bridge over the river! Not entirely clear what happened, he said he was doing some work on one of the walls when he was snatched by carp, tearing some support or another out. Half the bloody thing fell in the river knocking several other dwarves unconcious and Dresdor into the river!
Luckily some quickthinging miners got some stairs dug and the collapse must have scared the carp away as he managed to swim back to dry land releatively unharmed.

27th Galena
One of the miner/masons knocked unconcious by the collapse woke up today with a strang glint in his eye. He's run off, kicked a mason out of his shop and is now collecting a random assortment of items form all voer the fortress.

7th Limestone
Endok has given all sorts of construction orders around the gate. I think all those stone blocks are going to come in handy.
Fath, the possessed miner, has started working furioursly on something.

9th Limestone

Harpy attack!
Only one though, it appeared near the Cursed Bridge and chased an engraver for a bit before being torn apart by a war dog.

11th Limestone
Fath has emerged, bearing a great statue!

Oddombekar Goshistdasnast, "Cloistereddiped the Impure Steppe", a Rock Salt Statue. All craftdwarfship is of the highest qualist. It is encrusted with rock salt and magnetite, decorated with pine and encircled with bands of brass, moss agate, pig tail and harlequin opan. This object menaces with spikes of candlenut and copper.

Vucar, the tantrumming marksdwarf, is still tied up in the cells. for a militarydwarf she's not coping with the beatings very well, she keeps falling unconcious.

15th Limestone
Dwarven caraven turned up today but the wagoneers, the big bunch of babies that they are, said there was a tree in the way and bypassed us. No salt for them then.
I've promoted a glassmaker, Etur Ushateral to a new position of Goblin Snatcher Snatcher, after he managed to find and kill no less than three goblin child snatchers whilst wandering outside near the caravan.

21st Limestone
Goblin Ambush!
They sprung up in therubble west of the old gate. A peasant spotted them and bravely tackled them, knowing he was doomed. He was struck down but not without a fight, buying time for the guards to reach the walls

22nd Limestone
Goblin crossbowmen were sighted to the east

More goblins. Damn, why now, they must have seen the drawbridge was gone. emergency orders have been given to enlarge the moat a bit to try and funnel the goblins into a single point and everyone else drafted.

23rd Limestone
Goblin crossbowbolts blot out the sun over the gatehouse. what remains of the guard force is with me behind a hastily built wall inside the outer ring. All the rest ofthe population have been drafted and stand ready in the log stockpile in case the goblins get past us.

25th Limestone.
The goblins have been driven off but eight good dwarves lie dead and many others are badly wounded.

3rd Sandstone
The emergency moat enlargement hit a weak spot in one of the lesser used tunnels that leads to the sleeping quarters and water is flooding in!
None of the levers scatered around the place seemed to close an appropriately placed floodgate in the channel that had been dug there and there is already water pouring down intot he lower levels from the river!

Endok is happily playing in the mist, I'm not quite sure he's twigged what's going on yet.

4th Sandstone
After a lot of effort the flooding was contained. We needed to dig new stairs to get to the bedrooms from the workshops and brickup the old ones to stop the workshops flooding but we managed to avoid loosing any of the bedrooms, or actually anything being used. Just some access tunnels and unsued caverns now lie totally submerged. Perhaps one day they can be drained if any future overseer feels up to the task?
There were hails of bolts going trough that gate into dwarves inside. :(
« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 07:19:43 pm by Kazindir »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #92 on: June 19, 2008, 02:01:44 am »

Explain this bizarre shrine at the bucket stockpile.  It sounds... interesting.  XD
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #93 on: June 19, 2008, 03:33:33 am »

Explain this bizarre shrine at the bucket stockpile.  It sounds... interesting.  XD

It was a little 2x2 room in between the barracks and the well. Inside was a bed with an dog skull lying on top, a stack of goblin bones in the corner and a pool of vomit.

The bed wasn't claimed by anyone so I guess it was actually just being used as a barracks but a strange shrine sounds better. :)
Not sure how the skull and bones got there though...


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #94 on: June 19, 2008, 07:15:54 am »

Good to know I'm badass enough to survive a carp attack.  And the waterfall will probably just add to your flooding problems, I never could get it working quite right.


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #95 on: June 19, 2008, 10:07:46 am »

Great update... for some reason things are so much more entertaining when they go a bit Boatmurdered rather than when bouncing along with a strong economy.

Although I note with displeasure that not only has someone been given my old room (and presumably office) but that the office now sports a table. Was 'Jools' Dodokkir never good enough to earn a table in his office? I'm sure he is glowering up from his grave right now*, and a descendent is setting forth to regain the family's honour... or possibly just steal the table.

*Possibly a watery grave given the slight flooding incident...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #96 on: June 20, 2008, 11:47:02 pm »

Rest of my turn!

22nd Sandstone

Lots of progress has been made clearing the debris and corpses aroudn the gate.

There is a catapult on the north side of the fortress, set up by a previous overseer. However it is exposed to the rain so I've mandated the construction of two spare parts for it.

7th Timber
Catapult parts have been finished! Not particularly great work but it will do. I've mandated the forging of several shortswords now. I wonder what I'd do if no one made them?

11th Timber
A handful of migrants showed up today and have promptly disappeared into the fortress. Didn't have chance to see what professions (if any) were amongst them but there are no idlers slouching around so I'm sure they're doing something useful. Maybe making my short swords?

23rd Timber
Today Stukos Okilgoden has grown to adulthood! A random engraver has organised a party in the staue garden, presumably to celebrate this.

1st Moonstone
A baby grew into a child today and then promptly threw a tantrum. Bloody kids. A peasant came into my office earlier for a good cry as well. I don't know what he wanted me to do about anything but he seemed happier afterwards.

20th Moonstone
Mafol Mistemeral has been possessed by strange forces. Hopefully all will go well, all the tombs are currently full...

25th Moonstone

Thafa Birelolicara, the dreaded hydra of the south has been sighted near the fortress!
The trapper who spotted it bled to death outside the gates, the fortress has been mobilised!

27th Moonstone
The hydra lies dead at the gates and the salt is secure!
I'm mildly disappointed really, the stories about the beast seem to have been wildly over exaggerated, although I suppose  it's one thing to eat a lone traveller and it's another to sit at a fortress gate on top of a weapon trap, surrounded by axedwarves and being shot by marksdwarves.

Still, added some hydra blood to my axe!

29th Moonstone

Mafol reemerged today, I'd completely forgotten about him what with the hydra and all. He has created a fine magnetite coffer, although he seemed to have the last goblin attack on his mind when he was decorating.

Loritstettad, "Spinestax", a magnetite coffer.
This is a magnetite coffer. All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with moss agate and circles with bands of mahogany. This object is adorned with hanging rings of mahogany and menaces with spikes of iron, moss agate and pine.
On the item is an image of goblins and dwarves in magnetite. The goblins are fighting with the dwarves.
On the item is an image of a dwarf and a goblin in iron. The dwarf is making a plaintive gesture. The goblin is striking a menacing pose.

20th Opal
The population is working flat out on the fortifications. The plans include an additional barracks area but the comlpetion of that may fall to the next overseer.

5th Obsidian
One of the new migrants knew quite a bit about healthcare and looked at out repeatedly unconious guard. Turns out he's got a crippled lung, which is why he keeps collapsing every time he tries to do anything. Poor guy - moved him over to a marksman squad where he can jsut wander around the fortress i his own time. With luck he'll even manage to complete  a "pick up equipment" job t get a crossbow without canceling it due to being unconcious...

1st Granite
The new year was brought in with news the Goden Ekircatten, one of the guards, has become known through the mountainholmes as a great Axe Lord. Several elephants were ordered butchered and cooked - besides I think the masons could do with a break.

16th Granite
The elves have arrived. Hopefully they want to buy salt things because everything else we have is either made out of bones or covered in blood. Dresdor is already on his way tot he depot.

25th of Granite
the elves are still there and Dresdor has gone to bed. I suppose it's not like the elves ever bring anything worth trading anyway.

3rd Slate
Our efforts have been recognised by the King!
Or at least, the value of the salt has been.
Kulettogum has been made a Barony and Baron Sigun Sigunerith has shown up to get in the way, along with a Tax Collector and a Hammerer.

Dresdor managed to buy several barrels of booze from the elves in exchage for several clean goblin socks. They get all arsey at you if they show signs of blood but won't comment at all on clean silk cloths clearly not made for dwarves. Bloody elves. He also bought rubber piccolo and a toy boat, I think all that desk work and the carp flashbacks are slowly driving him potty.

6th Slate
A goblin thief tried to mug a migrant today. Unfortunately for the theif the migrant was the Hammerer. A Baroness Consort has also shown up, demanding separate rooms fro the baron. I had suggested she do some consorting with the Baron and stop distracting construction efforts from the defenses but she wasn't best pleased.
Meanwhile someone let one of the wounded guards starve to death today - this is what happens when nobles turn up and distract everyone!

3rd Felsite
The tax collecter has altered the price of goods.
What prices?
There are no shops!
I guess that was his idea of a hint that maybe we should have some shops then. We're badly in need of beds as well, a lot more beds, even worse I just know the next logging expedition is going to be ambushed, they always are.

15th Felsite
The cistern is almost finished now, jsut need to get the pumps sorted and hope that no one decides to go swimming with the carp.
A faithful warhound was found dead today, died of old age.

28th of Felsite
Dresdor has opened a clothing shop. I wonder where the clothes are coming from...

15th Felsite
I hate pumps, they always go wrong and end up flooding somewhere. The masons also seem to be having immense diffivulty building the walls without trappign themselves inside again. Tempting to leave the next one who does it inside to drown when the pumps are turned on, as a lesson to the rest.

Valter has been acting oddly recently, taken by a strange mood and last seen heading to the workshops!

20th Felsite
That was quick, Valter has emerged already.
Oltarnothis, "The Gilded Grief", a rock salt floodgate.
This is a rock salt floodgate. All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is decorated with horse leather, highwood, palm and turntle shell and encircled with bands of rock salt. This object is adorned with hanging rings of trifle pewter and menaces with spikes of pigtail and moss agate.

23rd Felsite
Traded with the humans today. I remember when I arrived some human merchant had left a pile of papers behind form meeting with the previous overseer about them bringing lots of gems but they didn't bring a single one. They gave me a new grade agreement, I've carefully filed it in the rubbish tip.

7th Malachite
More migrants including a couple of soldiers, who've been sent straight into the fortress guard. The nobles have been whinging about that lately. 

15th Malachite
I've been told we're now officially a county! Excellent news but I hope this doesn't mean the nobles will be wanting bigger rooms, as their "old" ones are still only half dug out. My second tenure as overseer is coming to a close though so I gues that will be someone elses problem!

1st Galena Malachite
Pumps are finally finished, just waiting on a mechanic to rig up some safety mechanisms before a test fire. Don't want o be accidentally flooding the fortress again!
The nobles are really getting quite upset about the slow progress on their rooms. The miners are doign the best they can but half of the expert mining squad got killed by the goblins and the nobles getting promoted and doubling their demands half way through didn't exactly help. Not that they care. *sigh*

25th Galena
Summer is drawing to a close and my tenure as overseer is up. I think Keldor is up again and he's probably very fed up with planting seeds by now. I'll leave some notes!

Random things:

I got a bit carried away and the gatehouse turned into more of a keep. Of course this meant I couldn't finish it! It's finished enough for it's basic functions to work though - there are lots of places for dwarves to stand and shoot goblins now and you can even flood the first bit of the entrance corridor if needed. Could easily be expanded to do many things and for some reason there are trees growing inside it, so maybe it is undwarflike afterall. ;)

If you plan on using it:
 - Underneath the new trade depot is a gneiss lever, which is linked to the floodgates by the ramp out front.
- The rock salt lever just to the north of the gneiss one is linked to the floodgate in the aqueduct at the very top.
- Halfway down the axle tunnel which goes to the three waterwheels is another lever next to a gear assembly at a corner. It is indeed linked to that assembly, in case it's ever needed. The third waterwheel sn't currently used at all bt it is connected, so there is plenty of power ready to go for any other madcap schemes you can come up with.

Suggested improvements to the gate would be to move the trade depot and the fortifications next to the twin floodgates 1 level further up - if the cistern is full then you'll get 1/7 and 2/7 water gushing into both areas, oops. Doesn't really harm anything, just looks unprofessional. :P

This is actually the first time I've played a fortress wich has got the economy going, so I had pretty much no idea what was going on there. I built two shops though and Dresdor claimed them both and is busy extorting honest dwarves. Also everyone spends all their time altering the prices.

The new nobles are going potty as well. The hammerer is happy and the tax collector could be made happy easily as they don't have gigantic needs but the count/countess...
Well, the Countess Consort keeps tantrumming, presumably becuase their rooms are half dug caves filled with rocks and sweaty peasants.

There is also a problem with trade caravans. the trees are growing faster than I could cut them, so no wagons actually showed up, just traders with mules. I blame the elves. :)

Oh, Jools, there is a coffin with your name on it in one of the tomb shafts, so it looks like someone managed to fish you out. Means you're not suffering in a watery grave but also that you aren't blessing the fortress by decomposing in the well. :D

« Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 11:52:15 pm by Kazindir »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #97 on: June 22, 2008, 09:12:05 am »

Excerpts from the journal of Åblel "Keldor" Isoscatten, First and Seventh Expedition Leader and Founder of Kulettögum.

25th Galena, 1056

Today I was reinstated as leader of the fortress.  I shall have to speak to Kazindir and Dresdor to see what needs to be done.

Poor Bomrek Åbleldasnast.  Not only has she lost the office of Mayor, as well as her lover, Kivish Kadôldoren, and had her arm broken, but now I have just heard that she is to be evicted.

26th Galena

I have ordered furnishings installed into what will become the rooms of Cerol Giginlikot, our tax collector.  My hope is that she will be so busy admiring her quarters that she will forget to go out and actually collect taxes, and to this end, her quarters will be of the same quality that many of our nobles expect.

I have also discovered why it is that our miners are not mining.  It seems that someone told one of them them that she was to be a mason, and so she has been toiling away building walls when there is digging to be done.  As for the other two, Fath and Valter, they told me that they couldn't mine because they "lost" their picks.  I informed them that by Dresdor's count, there are no less that 11 picks in our fortress, so they should have no trouble finding at least one each suitable for work.  After seeing Valter's stunned expression, followed by a slow gleam of understanding, I have decided that I must prepare some detailed schematics of what will be more bedrooms for our populous, lest their judgement is as poor as their pick finding skills.  The kicker is, all three miners are considered legends at their trade!

27th Galena

Kazindir has informed me that the reason our bed production is unable to keep us with our population is because of the frequent goblin ambushes, which have made it deadly for any woodcutter to practice his trade.  In responce to this, I have ordered that a outer wall be built, that will enclose a large enough area that we will have plenty of wood for the forseeable future.  In order to see such a large construction through, I have assigned nearly every able bodied dwarf to masonry, though I have forbidden the mason's shops to only those of us with real skills enough to carve proper furniture out of rock.

2nd Limestone

Dresdor looked agast when I handed him the pile of work orders for furnishings for the new row of bedrooms.  I told him that we had an ongoing shortage of real estate, and he simple sighed and nodded.  Meanwhile, the digging has accellerated greatly now that the miners are actually mining.

4th Limestone

I noticed a few of our peasants running out the front door empty handed.  When I asked them what they were doing, they told me they were going to build the wall.  When I asked them what they were planning to use to accomplish this in a land of endless mud, they told me that the catapult had been shooting stones that way for months, and that they would be easier to retrieve since they were already near the wall.  I must have a talk with our siege operators about this - at the very least, they had better not shoot anything until the wall is complete.  Also, the stones might damage the wall, so they need to make sure that they fire over the river, where it makes a natural northern barrier.

5th Limestone

Sigun Dègoddom just returned from the wilderness hauling a dead elephant!  He said he had been hunting so that we could have some meat in our diet.  Although I was impressed, I told him to cease hunting, as out here things are far too dangerous to allow single dwarves to roam about shooting at at wildlife bigger than wagons!  He looked rather dissapointed with this until I offered him a position in the millitary as an archer.  With his obvious skills with the crossbow (to bring down an elephant!) he will make this fortress proud.

15th Limestone

Just like clockwork, the fall caravan has been sighted!  Also like clockwork, Dresdor has chosen this time to take a nap.

18th Limestone

I just discovered one of our miners.  Weaving.  I explained to her that she was a miner, NOT a clothmaker, and that the Countess was getting more and more upset that her room isn't even dug yet.  I think she got the message.

22nd Limestone

Progress on the wall was interrupted by the arrival of a kobold thief just outside our gate.  Since the millitary was no where to be found, the peasant which uncovered the thief had to fight it all by himself.  No other dwarf dared to go near the kobold, evidently.  Stukos îbmatavuz, the peasant in question, managed well enough, though he got a rather nasty cut on his hand.

In response, Kazindir has mandated the construction of more short swords.

This afternoon, we hit a vein of Bituminous Coal in the future Countess's room!  This is a good thing - we've been out, and with all the wood we have going into building more beds, it didn't look like we would be able to make those swords for a while.

23rd Limestone

I was appraising the progress on the new bedroom row, when I noticed that they were all completed!  Those miners can sure work fast, when they set their minds to it.

24th Limestone

One of the merchants from the caravan asked me when we were ever planning to trade, as they have been here for over a week, and have seen no sight of our trader.  Upon investigating, I found Dresdor in his dining room having a nice leisurely dinner.  He said he had been so busy with work orders that he hadn't had time to see to the traders.  I told him to hurry up about it, since unlike the work orders, the traders won't stay here forever!

28th Limestone

I had another talk with Dresdor.  He still hasn't gotten around to trading yet, though this time he says he was just about to when he realized that he was thirsty.  Now he's in the cellar getting drunk.

4th Sandstone

I discovered Dresdor in his office again, filling out paperwork.  The traders are still outside waiting for him to come to trade.  I asked him to put the paperwork away and go trade.  He refused.  I ordered his chair to be removed from the room.  That should get him to get his hairy rear outside and into the trade depot!  He can have his chair back once the trading is concluded.

I thought he was going outside to trade, but NO, I just discovered Dresdor in the pantry, mopping the floor!  If he doesn't get up to that depot, I swear I am going to call in the hammerer!  Cleaning!  As if anyone actually cares about that!

5th Sandstone

At last!  Dresdor has arrived at the trade depot and is haggling with the merchants as I write.  I sure hope that they brought something worth trading, after all this!

6th Sandstone

Dresdor just completed the worst trade in Kulettögum history!  The merchants are leaving with  profit of over ☼17000!  Not only that, but what we got in return were some over-decorated barrels, cages, and other extravagantly useless or overpriced junk!  Where is that hammerer when I need him??

Dresdor just stopped by and explained that the only items he traded away were some skull totems, stone crafts, and clothing collected from dead goblins.  I suppose I can forgive him and not call in the hammerer after all.  I still wonder what we'll do with that Large Crystal Opal, however...

10th Sandstone

I've just decommisioned a pair of stonefall traps from the innermost line of defenses.  In their place, I'm going to have some pressure plates installed, which will be linked to the entrance floodgates.  It should be fun to see if the goblins can get through that!

16th Sandstone

Unib Rakustzim, one of our swordsdwarves, has starved to death.  Apparently no one bothered to find the time to bring her food.

20th Sandstone

I caught the miners loitering about with nothing to do.  I sent them down to finish the exploritory tunnels in the deep mine.

23rd Sandstone

The river runs red with blood, and no one can tell me quite why!  Upon further investigation, it appears that someone managed to finish off one of those accursed carp.  I'd congradulate them, if only I had some idea who it was.

24th Sandstone

One of the miners just struck gold!  I knew it was a good idea to send them off to dig.

25th Sandstone

Migrants have arrived.  As if we weren't short on living space already!

27th Sandstone

Dôbar Unibarros, one of our trainees, just starved to death.  Again, no one could be bothered to feed him.

28th Sandstone

The Count insists that we make some items out of zinc, while the Countess demands some tin items.  We have neither metal.  I think they just want to watch a public hammering.

1st Timber

Today we discovered the body of a dwarf just outside of the planned wall.  Someone reconized him as one of the caravan's former guards, a spearman by the looks of it.  I hope the rest of the merchants are all right - in times like these, I can't help but remember the circumstances that brought us to this accursed place.

3rd Timber

Today I discovered a large quantity of charcoal, built straight into the gatehouse wall!  Not only that, but a sizable portion of the wall was also made of wood, which is in rather high demand.  And as if that wasn't enough, random sections of the wall are built of copper and silver!  I think I need to have a talk with whoever was overseer during the construction of the said walls.

More to come later!
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #98 on: June 22, 2008, 11:25:19 am »

Hehehehe - brilliant. Nice to see the tradition of traders without proper offices upheld.


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #99 on: June 22, 2008, 08:29:47 pm »

That bit wasn't me, it was already built when I got here, honest guv'nor!

I did build the access stairs on the outside of the gatehouse (the bits in the courtyard) out of wood though, so if you ned mre you can demolish them for some easy wood. :)
I think I even used coke for one flight by accident (on the pump tower) but I was running out of year time so left it. :p

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #100 on: June 23, 2008, 05:15:15 am »

Gah, nobles.
If they aren't tantruming they're mandating.
Best just to throw them down a hole and throw some food down every so often.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #101 on: June 23, 2008, 06:29:31 am »

Well, I played up through mid-winter, and then the computer crashed.  :-(

I have a seasonal backup save at the beginning of winter, but since I also lost all but the first three entries in my journal, I'm not going to restore from there, but rather from the old save I started with tonight.

Anyway, here are some pictures from the season that never happened.  A pity, since the way Kazindir charged into a half dozen marksgoblins, and ran about a couple times, before heading back toward the fort, all due to "Pickup Equipment" was quite delightful.

Anyway, here are some pictures at least.
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #102 on: June 23, 2008, 06:30:44 am »

Actually, most of the pictures are gone too.  Apparently Windows doesn't actually save files until you exit out of the program in question.   :-[

At least there's one that survived.
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #103 on: June 23, 2008, 10:06:01 am »

Are we sure that goblin child snatcher wasn't actually from social services?

Poor kid.  :'(

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #104 on: June 23, 2008, 11:20:29 am »

Ah, kids bounce back.
Admittedly not normally after having been thoroughly mashed.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.
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