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Author Topic: {succession/community} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire  (Read 86546 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #615 on: December 17, 2008, 03:01:24 am »

Wow! You guys got an amazing story going here. Keep up the great work!

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #616 on: December 18, 2008, 02:20:48 pm »

I think I've been the least interesting so far.
This means I'll horrifically overcompensate next time
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #617 on: December 19, 2008, 03:30:05 pm »

Nah, your reports are great, Maggarg.

Says the guy about to dump 5,000 words onto the thread... just think of it as 5 pictures. ;-D

Executive summary: 6 months in, 1 dead dwarf, 1 kidnapped child, 1 goblin siege, lots of dead hostiles, a minor diplomatic incident and lots of pointless stuff built.


From the diary of Jools Crestwork, Duke Consort, Abbeyverse:

1st Granite 1065

Once more, the fortress is mine! After having had to lie low for a couple of years due to the arrival of the Queen, I am now in a position to rule this fortress once more and expand my personal wealth. This is largely due to the regrettable tragedy of the Queen's death - a death for which I have an unimpeachable alibi (I was off collecting a large gem at the time, which I had suddenly decided I owned, and I made sure several people saw me).

Sadly my position has been slightly undermined by the death of my wife (who I never really knew - it was just one of those aristocratic marriages where you marry some girl but only ever see her in an official capacity at some formal event). This means that Abbeyverse has been sent a replacement Duke and Duchess Consort - fortunately, they seem to have little interest in the day-to-day running of the fortress at the moment (aside from mandating the construction of truly stupid things), but I fear this may change.

For now, I have been brought in to take official control of the fortress for a year to try and stabilise it, and return to an era of past glories (like that wonderful year when we only got a couple of small goblin ambush squads). The populace are relatively happy, as a whole, but some of the nobles are stroppy and dedicate vast resources to building their own monuments, temples and other bizarre and pointless projects. I shall put an immediate end to this by issuing new work orders to resume work on The Weather Project, and for metalworkers to finish the iron cap on the Great Tower. I might also indulge the new King Consort by doing a little work on his Abbey , which seems to be some sort of temple to suicide... on one hand, given how often this fort changes hands it would be good to set a precedent of building things for other nobles; on the other, it is a huge use of resources, just to give him a place to jump off.

As a whole, the fortress seems stable and prosperous. The peasants are feckless and idle, as always, but we have several tonnes of food, plenty of booze and, surprisingly for a change, a reasonably competent military. Sadly the military seems to be largely composed of marksdwarves, requiring endless supplies of bolts for training purposes and defence, but I'd rather have the long-term logistical problem of keeping them supplied than the more immediate problem of being overrun by goblins. As a long-term project I might rearrange the squads and cross-train one group with warhammers, just so we have a more adaptable military.

Looking for immediate needs, there don't seem to be many. Planters are planting, growers growing, brewers brewing, we have several spare bedrooms to suit a variety of budgets, and the coffins in the mural to the south of the Peasants' Quarters are surprisingly empty. What's the use of an improvisational mural if the deterrent part is never used, eh? Of the nobles, one wants bucklers, the King Consort wants a better tomb (maybe the blighter will use it once he thinks its good enough) and of course we need another large gem.

Gaaaaaaaaah! I've just inspected the site for the Abbey! Someone's built it right on top of a beautiful pocket of magnetite - with nodes of native platinum in! I know we don't use all the tonnes of ore we already have, but my instincts as a dwarf feel this to be wasteful. Maybe we should just try digging out a bit of the ore there, make sure there's a nice big pit for fervent worshippers to leap into. I mean, its not like they're going to come and complain even if they do spot it on the way down...

Checking the workshop areas I find most to be in good order. We could do with some more hauling to clear the masons' workshops, and the clothiers need to be given jobs, but otherwise everything seems to be running smoothly. We even have a new Dyer's workshop or two that I never noticed before, and a special area set aside for the sole purpose of making bonobo leather items for our tax collector. Speaking of whom, she's currently going around in a pair of rather well-fitting dog leather trousers. Its very distracting when you're trying to get some work done.

Before I begin on my grand projects, there is a little tidying up that needs to be done. Specifically, the gathering of all the crap that lies in front of our fortress - mainly bolts and narrow clothing and armour. An odd combination. I shall have that seen to before I begin on major construction work. Meanwhile, I'll have all our goblin cages placed in the arena (if there's room). At some point someone can let them all out for training purposes or something.

OOC: Yeesh, 10FPS! What have you guys been building? This thing is slower than the Civil Service! It picks up to 14FPS later, but still...

2nd Granite, 1065

I remembered that we no longer have a Trade Depot, and ordered the construction of a new one. A Trade Depot that befits our wealth and status, built from something that will amaze and impress the visiting traders and nobles. Platinum bars should do.

3rd Granite, 1065

I checked the gates and found our kitten-based goblin ambusher detection system was missing, presumed eaten. I've put a pair of war dogs at the main gates, and am ordering some ropes placed outside the north gate.

7th Granite, 1065

One of our military has become an Axe Lord rather than a plain old Axedwarf. This is excellent news, we are further along the path to having a military full of Champions. I also checked the Guard assignments, and, noticing we were one Royal Guard too many and one Fortress Guard short, did a spot of reassigning.

14th Granite, 1065

I am beginning work on building up the tower of pumps for The Weather Project. It seems to have been disconnected for some reason (most likely diversion of power to the moat pumps, for short term emptying without needing to build more waterwheels). I have chosen to go for the more-waterwheels option instead, to keep the pump tower flooded - as it appears that failing to ensure that leads to annoying situations like trees growing in the space that's meant to be full of water. Not a sapling, which blocks nothing. A full-grown tree.

Not that having it flooded is necessarily any better - there's a blasted guppy on one of the upper storeys. Maybe we can make it rain fish on our enemies, instead of floods of water...

15th Granite, 1065

An elven diplomat is here. Hopefully he's here well in advance of the traders, our depot still isn't finished. I shall tell him where to shove his deals on not cutting down trees - we need an ever-greater supply of barrels, bins, pipes and corkscrews.

Later that day:

The caravan has joined the diplomat. They're carrying wood. I sense a strict quota on tree-felling might be among the diplomat's plans... apparently, they're complaining about a lack of a trade depot. We are technically working on it, but a mason on architecture duty is first clearing the site from all the junk that was left lying around in the old one. It may be some time...

17th Granite, 1065

A goblin snatcher has been spotted - dangling in a cage to the south of the outer wall. I've ordered it added to our arena cages... I've no idea what we're going to do with all of these blasted creatures.

The mason is still clearing the site for the new Trade Depot, poor bastard. There's still tons of crap there... like a Steel harp. Why on earth do we have a steel harp? Or a toy axe? Or so many anvils?

19th Granite, 1065

As expected, the elves offered us a 100 tree limit in return for... their good will. I got the new Duke to tell them to go and find someone else to impose arbitrary limits on. Its so much better to get these things blamed on other people.

Later that day:

Oh brilliant. Two dwarves have gone out to deal with the goblin snatcher in the cage trap - one to reload the trap, one to bring the cage to the arena. One of them is carrying a baby. What do you think they found, on their way to do their jobs? Yep. Another snatcher. Fortunately, when the two dwarves were activated into the military, while not managing to kill the goblin, they did manage to chase it in to another cage trap.

We might need a bigger arena at this rate.

23rd Granite, 1065

Damn. A kidnapper has made off with a child. Fortunately not one of mine, but I think we need more security... sadly that's a little difficult to organise out in the wilderness. I'll have to think of something.

24th Granite, 1065

A dwarf has been interrupted by an elephant whilst trying to load a cage trap. Where's Endok when you need him?

I need more large gems.

26th Granite, 1065

An ambush. Blasted goblins. They were spotted by the second chap trying to reload the southern cage trap. I'm ordering the melee squad on duty to go and pound some sense into the goblins, kill-or-cure style.

We lost the mechanic who spotted the goblins. Damn. Meanwhile they're busy butchering cows and camels that were following the mechanic, rather than assaulting the main entrance - a handy distraction allowing my Champions to get to them before they kill another dwarf.

It appears that the Champions are cheating at the new game of how-far-can-we-smash-the-goblin. Thob just sent a goblin wrestler flying through the air, only for Unib to "accidentally" get in the way of the airborne corpse. It was only a little way in front of a hill that would have obstructed it anyway, but I feel we need some rules in place to ensure fairness. Also  I think we need to clarify how much of the goblin needs to be flying for it to count - Unib is really getting some good altitude and distance on goblin chunks, but I don't feel that should count on the main leaderboard.

The battle is over, after Thob splattered the last macegoblin against a nearby hill. I'm keeping them on duty for now, though, until some of the mess is cleared up and the cage traps reloaded.

Meanwhile, our platinum Trade Depot is finished. Shiny. The Elves are on their way, we need to dump some stuff in it to sell...

1st Slate, 1065

We've struck Cobaltite. I'm poking my maul traps to find out why they're not hitting the miners who come to tell me this.

2nd Slate, 1065

I woke up with a headache and a large bruise on my head. The traps are working again. I need a new helmet.

Later that day:

We've struck Fire Opal. I'm not buying this miner a new helmet.

9th Slate, 1065

We've traded with the Elves. We bought cages, barrels, booze, food, wood, bags, seeds, everything they had that was of any use to us. I let them keep their oversized clothing, and wooden weapons that won't hurt your target unless they get a splinter.

I've also stood down the melee squad. The landscape is mostly clear of junk now, aside from a few stray pieces, and of course bloodstains splattered everywhere.

15th Slate, 1065

I'm trying to please the King Consort by engraving his tomb to bring it up to a "Royal" standard, but its not easy. Even with plenty of masterwork engravings, it remains stubbornly at "Grand" standard. I've ordered all of it engraved, and if that doesn't work it'll be time for some stupidly valuable statues to be made from whatever metals we have lying around in large quantities (probably gold).

16th Slate, 1065

Migrants have arrived!

A Lye Maker (a Liar would have been more useful - I've put him on Masonry);
A Herbalist;
A Mason;
A Blacksmith;
An animal dissector (I want none of that nonsense in my fortress - you're a farmer now);
A Peasant.

That's all. Enough to keep us ticking over, anyway. Meanwhile, the King Consort is finally happy with his tomb, but has declined to immediately occupy it. I shall start work on the Abbey immediately.

20th Slate, 1065

I note with pleasure that someone has made one of the large gems I demanded. While they're working on the other one, they can make me a crossbow too.

23rd Slate, 1065

We have struck Pipe Opal. If they can cut a large gem out of it, fine. If not, there'll be trouble. Especially now we've struck Brown Zircon too.

2nd Felsite, 1065

One of the War dogs chained as guards at the entrance has died - of old age. Given that most of our casualties are to the unceasing waves of goblins assaulting us, this makes a nice change. In memory of the guard dog who so loyally protected our gates, I'll have his bones made into bolts for our marksdwarves to train with.

16th Felsite, 1065

A quiet fortnight is ended with the possession of a stoneworker. As if we don't already have a stupid amount of valuable trade goods lying around this place, now we'll probably get something new and useless that we can't even sell.

18th Felsite, 1065

The Duchess Consort has mandated the construction of certain goods. No change there then. Amazingly, though, she only wants a few bucklers, made out of anything that comes to hand. That's so amazingly reasonable, I might actually do it. Not out of bonobo leather though. I'm saving that for our lovely Tax Collector...

1st Hematite, 1065

Summer has arrived, and things are going smoothly. The underground farms seem to be getting left fallow by our planters, who are busy growing stuff out in the open air, but given our vast oversupply of food I don't see that as an issue. Reactivating it would be as simple as telling all our Planters to just farm the fields for a while (those that aren't now employed in the military). Our possessed stoneworker still hasn't gathered all he needs, but its looking awful already. Three lumps of mica, a cave lobster shell, a turtle shell, some rope reed cloth, a gold bar, some cave spider silk cloth, and some elephant leather have been gathered so far - that many things are always a sign of bad taste.

Later that day:

Perhaps my comments have been passed on. One last scrap of leather (cow this time) and our stoneworker has begun his work.

4th Hematite, 1065

Zutshoshstinthad, a mica idol. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with mica, decorated with turtle shell and rope reed, and encircled with bands of mica. This object is adorned with hanging rings of cave spider silk and menaces with spikes of mica, cave lobster shell, elephant leather and cow leather. On the item is an image of dwarves in gold. The dwarves are travelling. This artwork relates to the foundation of Abbeyverse by The Ordered Board of The Rag Of Suns in the early spring of 1051.

Sounds hideous. I don't want to go and have a look at it; I'll send someone else like the Duke for an official celebration of its construction.

10th Hematite, 1065

A human diplomat has arrived - far to the northeast, on the south bank. Maybe we can make some sort of trade deal if he actually makes it here past all the hostile animals...

11th Hematite, 1065

Speaking of hostiles... a vile force of darkness has arrived. We're under siege, again, and this time the cook is annoyingly not going save the day. So I guess we'll have to get the military to do it. I hope the marksdwarves we have are good enough.

We have two groups of goblins to the northwest, one to the southwest, and one to the northeast, on the south side of the river, all cavalry. I've ordered the north gate closed with immediate effect, and one group of marksdwarves onto the Bridge. From there they should be able to rain bolts upon the goblin invaders, none of whom have bows (so the Abbey area is safe).

The southern groups are more of a problem, having a bowgoblin or two. The main gate is staying open, but I've ordered the other marksdwarf squad and our melee squad to assemble there. We'll bottle them up and massacre them there, then turn and deal with the northern menace.

12th Hematite, 1065

The north gate is closed, and our Strike Team is assembling by the main gate. We're not ready yet, but we're getting there. The human diplomat is making a run for it around the south part of the outer wall - he ought to make it in time, but I'd rather have a Diplomatic Incident than have my plan go off half-cocked.

Diplomatic incident confirmed. The poor blighter got swarmed by the goblin cavalry sweeping up from the southwest, surrounded and torn apart in front of a beautiful mahogany tree. Such a sad incident. I like a nice piece of mahogany, and cleaning all the blood off it will take ages - especially if we can't get there soon, and the blood stains the wood.

You'll pay for this, you goblin bastards.

The goblins have been milling around their kill for a while, crowing over their victory, before finally grouping together and charging for entrance. Laugh it up, guys, while you were messing around we got a Swordsdwarf, two marksdwarves and a Wrestler to bolster our main gate defences (of two Champions and two marksdwarves) so I rather fancy our chances.

Well, apart from the chances of the Peasant and Mechanic that ran out to gather the human chunks. They're probably toast, even though the items are now forbidden.

There's a goblin marksman outside the entrance. Sod the plan of waiting for them. CHARGE! Oh, and make me a large gem while you're at it.

The battle against Group One is brief but bloody. Extremely bloody. That's one hell of a mess they've made outside the front gate. I thought hammerdwarves were meant to be cleaner... never mind. Our only casualties were the sniffer dogs at the entrance, and one now wounded Peasant who went out to pick up goblin chunks.

Now we charge the second group, the ones who came in chasing the diplomat. That'll secure the south bank, and then we can turn and deal with the northern menace.

The plan was to wait by the cage traps, and use them to thin the numbers a bit but Unib is charging straight at the goblins while Thob actually follows the plan, and the rest of the squad are either eating, sleeping, or so far behind that they'll never reach the goblins in time to join in. The marksdwarves are similarly useless, having failed to redeploy in time. It looks like this is going to be sorted the old fashioned way. Hammer Time!

Well, technically Unib is an axedwarf, but its the same basic principle.

There is a stain on the landscape. Goblin blood covers the land. The berries that grow there next year will be rich, but oh so poisonous. Unib charged into the goblin squad with such fury that he smashed straight through them, and after picking off the stragglers at the back, the bulk of the squad fled. Straight towards Thob. A few stragglers escaped, but not enough left to be called a unit.

The south side of the river is secure now.  There are bodies in the moat, their blood running out to stain the river red. The goblins on the north side have made camp, waiting for us to open our gates. I'm ordering every living dwarf (who's in the military and not busy sleeping, or drinking, or nipping off to grab a *Dwarven sugar roast* while they're hot, or deciding that they just *have* to go and pick up some of the goblin bits or clothing and armour that doesn't fit) to mass on the bridge, before I open the gate. We end this here.

Our Champions are at the gate, Axe Lord and Swordsdwarf approaching, and marksdwarves swarming to their positions. It'll take the goblins a few minutes to get here anyway. We're ready. Open the gates!

They've seen us. They're coming. One marksdwarf decides that this is the perfect time to nip off for lunch. Fine. We can manage without him. I would not wish one marksdwarf more! The fewer dwarves, the greater share of honour! The smaller the squad that fights off the goblin hordes from the north, the less competition I get when looting the corpses, looking for any large gems they happen to have brought with them. For today is St. Bomrek's Day, and any dwarf who survives this day, and returns safely to the fortress, shall henceforth stand tall as a man when this day comes again, and proclaim that he was here. That he fought the goblin hordes as they swarmed up from the south. That he crossed the bridge, weapon held high, and as the gates opened charged upon the northern horde, the goblin invaders, that band of buggers. And all who hide in the safety of the fortress shall feel themselves cursed, that they missed out on this opportunity to murder and steal from the raiders from the north, on this, St. Bomrek's Day! Charge!

The day is ours. The goblin hordes flee - rather fortuitously, as Udib, leader of the melee squad, has declared that he's rather tired and would rather sleep than kill goblins - and this has resulted in everyone abandoning their posts and nipping off on their own errands. Our gates are unprotected, but the goblins care not. I feel the military have earned this rest, and have stood the squads down for now.

Hopefully they'll get the hint and go and get drunk while I check the corpses for valuables.

25th Hematite, 1065

Not a damned thing of value... other than unwearable clothing that we can flog to idiots, and a few weapons. I've ordered it all brought in by others; there's nothing out there that's worth me bothering with. I've also replaced the sniffer dogs at the gates - amazingly, not all of them were killed, so that's only three more war dogs to find. As per usual, to honour their sacrifice for the fortress, we'll turn their bones into bolts and shoot them at goblins and archery targets. Same deal the goblins get, actually, though somehow for us to do it to them makes it the ultimate insult rather than honouring a dead pet.

I don't understand the military mind. I'm just going to focus on civilian affairs for a bit and hope that we don't get any more goblins for a while. At least we didn't get any prisoners; the arena is already densely packed with cages, and we can't fit many more in...

27th Hematite, 1065

What? Apparently, no-one even considered making the journey to such a death trap as our fortress. This makes no sense. The only deaths since the last wave of immigrants have been a stupid human, a few war dogs, and a double handful of goblins and their beak dogs. That can't count - it just means that we have a ruthlessly efficient military!

In other news, it appears we should have two competitions for the military. One for hammerdwarves, for the furthest a goblin can be knocked flying (with a two yard bonus if the goblin explodes on impact) and a second, for dwarves using bladed weapons, for the highest altitude a chunk or body part can be sent flying. This second one was inspired by a brief visit to the North Gate to supervise the cleanup operation, where I spotted some goblin limbs hanging from the trees. They'll be a hell of a job to get down... I think I'll just leave them there. If they last until the winter, they'll look very festive.

11th Malachite, 1065

Much of the ground floor of the Abbey is complete. I shall wait until more of the goblin junk has been gathered before designating a new load of construction, however - and possibly for a bit more work on the tower of pumps for The Weather Project.

Some of the goblins are beginning to rot nicely into raw materials for ammunition, and the beak dogs that are still reasonably fresh are being butchered into meat, fat and leather. However, it appears that some of our citizens are wearing little more than rags, so I've ordered more clothes to be made. Hopefully we have enough dyed cloth now.

16th Malachite, 1065

In order to occupy the engravers, I've ordered the corridor outside my rooms (and, coincidentally, those of our lovely Tax Collector) engraved with suitable images. I've asked them to focus on images of goblins, so I can enjoy stomping over them in mud, blood and vomit covered boots - before ordering some peasant to clean it all up, obviously.

Also our miners are starting to become unoccupied. I could order them to dig out some giant nodes of coloured stone, or something... or I could try and get them to dig out something useful, like a new dining room. I'll get some new spaces dug out in the surface layers while I have their attention, before designating a new strip-mining project in order to keep them out of my hair for a while.

17th Malachite, 1065

The images being engraved seem to feature a lot of images of a chap called "Keldor" being elected to leadership of the fortress. I'm not sure I like that. Where are all the images of ME?

24th Malachite, 1065

Now the Duke wants bucklers. Why can't everyone like big, useful shields, instead? Or wooden barrels? Or bone crossbow bolts? Never mind, I'll have his blasted bucklers made.

8th Galena, 1065

We've got a couple of handy new spaces for stockpiles and an unnecessarily large dining room... while they're getting smoothed and engraved, I shall designate a new strip mining project to keep the miners busy.  I think they're getting vertigo, this close to the surface.

Mining designation complete. One level below the previous project. There are a few existing tunnels but they'll merely be used for access to the new digging areas. As per usual, every part of the rock will be exposed, and anything valuable will be dug out for use in... well, I don't quite know what, yet, but  that's not the point.

OOC: Slowing from a regular 14 FPS to 10. I smell goblins... or possibly someone going slightly over the top on mining designations...

10th Galena, 1065

The Tax Collector has just decided that she owns a narrow bonobo leather robe that was lying outside the main gate, carelessly dropped by its former owner. It'll never fit her. Does she *have* to claim every single item in the fortress that was ever made from bonobo leather?  It isn't as if she even likes bonobos!

13th Galena, 1065

Microcline. Fire opals. I'm now regretting telling the bastards to dig in the first place.

14th Galena, 1065

Bah. The Duchess Consort wants Adamantine items. I tried telling her... she's unhappy already though. I might need to speed up work on that Abbey to the god of suicide...

1st Limestone, 1065

Autumn is here, and we've struck a load more stuff in the mining project - gems, gold, cobaltite, tetrahedrite, that sort of thing. It appears to be going well. Work is beginning on the second level of the Abbey - slowly but surely, it is rising from the ground - rather the opposite of what Rakust's devotees will be doing from it. The Tower has more ironwork in place at the top, the pump tower is growing upwards, and all seems to be going well. Hopefully we can get a bit more work done in the rest of the year, without any more goblin onslaughts.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2008, 03:39:11 pm by Jools »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #618 on: December 19, 2008, 04:28:38 pm »

"OOC: Yeesh, 10FPS! What have you guys been building? This thing is slower than the Civil Service! It picks up to 14FPS later, but still..."

But still? BUT STILL?!

Thats a 40% increase in performance, no civil service could do that!  :P

I do think it is the mining levels - on my turn it was chuggin along at 15fps pretty much constantly EXCEPT for when I did a bit of digging in the lower mines for the sunken chambers to drain out into. That sank the fps to sub-10 until it was done.

"Diplomatic incident confirmed. The poor blighter got swarmed by the goblin cavalry sweeping up from the southwest, surrounded and torn apart in front of a beautiful mahogany tree. Such a sad incident. I like a nice piece of mahogany, and cleaning all the blood off it will take ages - especially if we can't get there soon, and the blood stains the wood."

:D :D :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #619 on: December 19, 2008, 08:53:37 pm »

I would have thought that Jools would be happy to hear about the discovery of more gems.  I mean, finding more gems means more large jewels for his study.  Like his late cousin, twice removed, "Jools" is aptly named.  XD

Oh yes, you *do* remember Keldor, right?  He was that legendary planter who helped convince you to build hammer traps in your quarters.

You know, if you mined out that magnitite pocket, it would be the perfect place for the carp pool at the bottom of the pit.  The pit shouldn't be too deep, or else the congregation won't be able to witness the devout's sacrifice properly.  It's best that the occasional dwarf chunk fly up out of the pit to land amongst the congregation, that they see the glory that is Rakust.
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #620 on: December 20, 2008, 07:55:40 am »

I suppose that the carp are going at the bottom.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #621 on: December 23, 2008, 04:29:49 am »

*Maggarg peeps curiously into the empty thread.*
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #622 on: December 23, 2008, 09:14:46 am »

For what it's worth, I think we all prefer lots of small updates to a few occasional large updates.  They're funner to read that way in any case. ;)
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #623 on: December 25, 2008, 03:49:33 am »

It's been nearly a week!
I still think we should wait actually.
It is christmas.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #624 on: December 28, 2008, 12:17:53 pm »

Still alive, Jools?
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #625 on: December 29, 2008, 03:45:11 am »

Did you know?  Excessive poking of certain Duke Consorts results in tantruming, booby-trapped bedrooms, and mandates for large gems! ;D
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #626 on: January 01, 2009, 10:19:29 pm »

*Pokes Jools*

It's been nearly two weeks.  If Jools doesn't post some sort of update soon, we'll have to skip him.
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #627 on: January 03, 2009, 07:00:05 am »

Sorry - haven't had time to get to this for the last couple of weeks, but now I have a weekend to finish it off. Let the carnage begin continue!

Requests for the updates to be broken into more chunks and the magnetite mined out for a carp pit are duly noted. Though it might be a while before the miners get around to digging anything close to the surface.

Oh now you have to be joking. I'm less than a month in and besieged by goblins again. Twice in two months? That's just not right.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 08:19:42 am by Jools »


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #628 on: January 03, 2009, 11:16:42 am »

1st Limestone, 1065

Brown zircon. Also there's a caged elephant in the traps just south of the outer wall. I've asked Endok to look after the poor little thing.

Lots of Brown zircon is being found. I'm ordering the gem cutters to step up their operations.

And now fire opals. A nice contrast.

Meanwhile, we must celebrate - we have another Champion! Our former Axe Lord has advanced in skill enough to be recognised as a deadly fighting force, more fearsome than a school of carp.

2nd Limestone, 1065

Orthoclase, microcline. We're doing lots of digging.

4th Limestone, 1065

More native gold has been found, as if we weren't rich enough already. Meanwhile the Duke has decided that he now owns a large rope reed shoe that he found lying outside. I think it used to belong to the human diplomat. I won't be arguing with him, but have suggested that he might prefer shoes that will actually fit him... especially given that he likes neither shoes or rope reed.

5th Limestone, 1065

I should have kept my big mouth shut about the Duke getting things he likes. Now he wants a pair of Lay Pewter items. Fortunately we have a little - I'll try and fast-track it in the forges.

6th Limestone, 1065

We have 405 skull totems, including 106 made from goblin skulls. Maybe we should build some sort of display for them, around the outer walls or by the Abbey or something. It might mean we don't have to bother with fighting so much.

7th Limestone, 1065

We had a Brewer doing mining duties. A Professional Brewer, no less. Why wasn't he making me some nice ale? Regardless, he's now off the mining job and has gone into a strange mood.

10th Limestone, 1065

Our moody Brewer has claimed a Mason's workshop in the Tower. Why couldn't he have made me an artifact pint of Longland beer instead?

Meanwhile, a caravan arrives. Given it normally gets accompanied by thieves or kidnappers or something, I shall put some marksdwarves on duty, and get someone to lug a few tons of useless goblin junk to the depot for trading.

I notice the Duke's mandate for Lay Pewter items has been met (from the fact that he's no longer grumbling about it). Also Kazari has now become more talented at organising things than operating siege engines, so she's had a change of title. Somehow "Administrator" is far more menacing than "Siege Operator".

14th Limestone, 1065

I've ordered a giant room excavated next to the giant new dining room that is currently being smoothed - this will be for storage of all our prepared meals - no raw food, that can be kept near the kitchens.

16th Limestone, 1065

Amazingly, our trader was waiting right by the depot, ready to trade with the merchants, not asleep or eating or drinking or conducting a meeting. I don't know what's wrong with him.

Saying that, I just asked him to begin negotiations when he decided he'd rather go and eat instead. Normal service is resumed.

In better news, we now have a Master Cook preparing lavish meals.

Later that day:

Oh now you have to be kidding. Another vile force of darkness has arrived. It can't have been more than a month and a half since the last one. One group to the southwest with some bowgoblins in,  plus one group to the east, one to the north, and one to the west all without ranged weapons. We've got a lot of people outside the walls, gathering crap from last time. There might be casualties.

The plan is the same one that worked so well last time - close the north gate, fight the southern menace, charge across the bridge to engage the goblins to the north, and then go home for tea. How hard can it be?

Battle Report, 17th-22nd Limestone 1065

The northern goblins are racing for the bridge, as the Hammerer races for the lever to close it. Its a close one, and were it not for a brave War dog sacrificing its life to slow the goblin advance, one we would have lost. The war dogs tethered by the entrance to sniff out kobolds and thieves were being torn apart as the bridge raised - and we have a stray Furnace Operator out there, who will almost certainly be killed. However, we are for the moment safe from that group of goblins, and so may turn our full attention to the western, south western and eastern goblin hordes.

With the crossbow goblins from the southwest and some macegoblins from the west bearing down on the main gate, Thob, Champion, leader of the only melee squad, decides to go off-duty and eat. With the rest of his squad for company, as no dwarf likes dining alone. I've had to do a bit of emergency re-assigning, and put Unib in charge of the squad for now. Its not a bad turnout - even with Thob gone, 13 of our 18-strong military have shown up for the fight.

I tell a lie. We're down to 6 after Ushrir, leader of one of the marksdwarf squads, does exactly what Thob just did. Kib is now in charge of that squad. Meanwhile the Duke has dropped by - I thought to wish me luck, but no, he wants more Lay Pewter items. Doesn't he know there's a war on?

We're engaged in battle. Marksdwarves and bowgoblins swapping bolts at the main gate, while Unib alone charges and kills goblin and beak dog alike. One, now two marksdwarves are down, and many bowgoblins remain.  Things look bleak. On the other hand, we've struck more cobaltite and our moody Brewer is making something with rock salt, turtle shell, highwood and palm logs, beak dog bones, zinc bars, beak dog leather, and cave spider silk cloth. Hopefully it'll turn into something useful, like a throne or a table for our new dining room.

Five marksdwarves down now. Unib, the only non-marksdwarf who was willing to fight at the main gate, decided he wanted to run off to the border (around a squad of macegoblins) before coming back to fight. This is more than mildly annoying, as he was about the only one who could stand up to bowgoblins without getting immediately hurt or killed.

The bowgoblins at the gate seem to be fleeing - handy, as we're down to three marksdwarves holding it. Unib is running around wildly, macegoblins trailing behind him, whacking anything he comes across with his axe but not turning and fighting the mob that follows him. Some of the Guard and Royal Guard are heading to the gate as reinforcements.

A Peasant, out for a walk by the southern part of the outer wall, has uncovered a kobold thief. Just this once, I think we might let it run away instead of trying to hunt it down - we're a little busy.

Good news! The Guards who came to help at the main gate are both Champions with warhammers. Bad news - they're in danger of beating our regular military in the how-far-can-we-hit-a-goblin game, and are far and away the winners on hitting beak dogs into objects so hard that they explode. Meanwhile, the macegoblins have all run away, but some of the bowgoblins who ran away have re-formed and are attacking again. I've asked Unib to deal with this, but whether he does or not is anyone's guess right now.

Finally the siege is broken. All remaining goblins have fled or are fleeing. The group to the north has run without even being engaged in battle - apart from a couple of war dogs and a single weapon trap that's splattered a couple of them at least. The eastern group took one look at Unib, charging towards them with the blood of sixty-two named foes and forty-five others on his axe (yet only three small dwarf blood splatters on his own clothing) and fled. The macegoblins and bowgoblins in the west were mostly slaughtered by Unib and his axe.

Her axe. Oooops. I really should have checked that. I hope Unib doesn't take offense easily...

Summary: Five marksdwarves and dresdor were killed (he got caught outside picking something up), along with half a dozen war dogs. In return we've killed lots of beak dogs and goblins, and have three caged beak dogs and a lot of mess to clear up. Hopefully this time we can actually clear it all up before the next siege arrives.

I've stationed our last, mostly intact squad of marksdwarves on the bridge as I open the northern gate, just in case anything else is out there. Once it seems clear, I'll take them off duty and train them with hammers - that last battle has shown that while our marksdwarves are deadly, they need practice with shields and dodging things, to help them stay alive.

26th Limestone, 1065

The Duchess Consort has a new demand. An adamantine door in her tomb. And she's unhappy already. I suspect she'll be using her tomb before long... and the Abbey to Rakust isn't ready for her yet!

28th Limestone, 1065

In all this excitement I almost forgot to trade with the caravan from the Mountainhomes. I bought all their metal, wood, their cheaper silk ropes, all their cages (plenty of donkeys inside), all their barrels (some booze, some poisons), a steel war hammer, a couple of steel helms, all their bags (with some flour, sugar, spawn dye and so on), all their large gems, and all their meat, fish, plump helmets, thread and cheese. I sold a load of narrow junk, mostly leather, and a load of totems - including a nice hydra skull one that I'm surprised the Hammerer didn't swipe.

1st Sandstone, 1065

Unib is now even more experienced. Legendary with an axe, with a shield, with her armour and also an adept wrestler. Remind me not to call her "him" again.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 05:42:04 am by Jools »


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #629 on: January 03, 2009, 01:20:54 pm »

5th Sandstone, 1065

One of our marksdwarves, after seeing most of his squadmates killed, is throwing a tantrum. Fortunately a member of the Guard is nearby... and our marksdwarf is now peacefully unconscious and bleeding from most of his internal organs, arms, shoulders, fingers and so on. This isn't enough for our over-zealous guard, who proceeds to bash the unconscious soldier around the dining room until he bleeds to death. There's blood everywhere now. And who's going to clean that up, eh? With tons of meat in the depot to be cooked, dozens of dead goblins and beak dogs outside, in hundreds of pieces, to be brought in with all their stuff, and an Abbey to build, and now we've got this job as well. Great. That's all I need.

11th Sandstone, 1065

The great cleanup continues... but meanwhile, one of our marksdwarves is occasionally tantrumming (understandably, now that all his squadmates are dead). He's hanging out in the tomb to cheer himself up. Hopefully it'll cheer him up and he'll go back to training.

14th Sandstone, 1065

Our Swordsdwarf is now a Swordmaster. I feel obliged to insult him. Onul - how appropriate! You fight like a cow!

In other news I shall rearrange the military a tad to replace losses. Hopefully some new friends will inspire our depressed marksdwarf to cheer up and use his experience to teach the new recruits, rather than sulking in the tombs. I've activated a Milker, a Lye Maker, a Peasant and a Herbalist to replace some of our dead.

19th Sandstone, 1065

Another war dog has died - this time of old age. It makes a nice change from death by goblin swarm.

23rd Sandstone, 1065

The Duke's insatiable desire for lay pewter trinkets continues unabated. He wants more, every month. Meanwhile, our tantrumming marksdwarf is safely in prison. Hopefully his new squadmates can cheer him up before he's released.

If not, then we should have four people nearby with loaded crossbows should he tantrum again.

In all the excitement, I missed out on reporting the construction of an artifact. A rock salt throne, with Highwood, pine and beak dog leather decorations, bands of rock salt, rings of turtle shell and cave spider silk, an image of the founding of Abbeyverse in beak dog bone, and an image of a wave in zinc. A bit gaudy but quite nice. I shall have it placed in the dining room as soon as it is smoothed.

25th Sandstone, 1065

Migrants! Some have come, despite knowing this may be their tomb. We have:

A Metalsmith (his squad name is "The Mechanical Loves"...)
A Brewer
A Miner (We have enough skilled miners and his squad is called "The Scholars of Shooting" so he's a marksdwarf now)
A Craftsdwarf (wood, glass and stone)
A Peasant (We're short one guard, with these new arrivals, so... welcome to the fortress guard!)

26th Sandstone, 1065

Despite buying all the tower cap logs the merchants brought, we're out of wood. I've ordered some deforestation, and charcoal production to be resumed once the timber is brought in. I hope the elves aren't watching.

3rd Timber, 1065

Charcoal production resumed now we have trees chopped down. I've ordered more trees felled.
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