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Author Topic: {succession/community} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire  (Read 84386 times)


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2008, 01:16:00 pm »

Hehe  :)

There was a reason for hiding in a hole behind a big wall.  :D



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2008, 04:39:00 pm »

I summon this thread form the deepest abyss of the chasm!

Or, well, the bottom of the page.

Need more updates!  :)



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2008, 11:50:00 pm »

sign me up for a turn, I don't care when.


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #33 on: May 11, 2008, 08:07:00 pm »

Yeah, I've sort of lost interest. Pass the last save along.
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
⚔Dueling Blades⚔
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2008, 08:34:00 am »

Jools, that'd be you!

I'd also suggest we have some sort of deadline - say a week or so. I imagine no one will have major problems with it being flexible as long as people post updates and things, just don't vanish like you fell into a demon pit.  :p



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2008, 11:03:00 am »

Already? But I've only had half my crumpet!

I'll snag the save this evening, but I'm not sure quite when I'll get going on it - I'll try and get some done in the week but the bulk of the updates will probably be at the weekend...

Meanwhile I shall plot and plan evil schemes. Oh yeah, and maybe get some work done...



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2008, 12:08:00 pm »

The motion that any participant be on their turn skipped over given that they fail to update within a week prior to such a date as it may be deemed necessary for their said removal, provided that such a week fall entirely within that participant's turn, being defined as the interval of time between the date at which the previous participant submitted his or her turn's progress up to the date at which the present participant submits his or her turn's progress, or up to the present date, whichever comes first, has been raised and seconded.  All those in favor of the motion indicate so by sa-*thwacked*

dresdor is now on the turn list.

[ May 12, 2008: Message edited by: Keldor ]

If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2008, 12:57:00 pm »

Sign me up! Sounds dangerous enough to be interesting for me!
quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #38 on: May 12, 2008, 02:18:00 pm »

Arf. One week a turn sounds good.

Anyway, I've had a poke round the fortress - good food situation, especially with all the tame elephant calves wandering around. We could do with a few more things, though - some bins would be nice, and weapons, but primarily finding some metal... oh, and there's one more thing this place needs...



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #39 on: May 12, 2008, 02:45:00 pm »

War Carp?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2008, 02:53:00 pm »

Excerpt from the diary of Dodók Dodókkir, Trader, 1st Granite 1053

Well, diary, the new administrator arrived today, or so it seems. Some idiot or prankster appears to have given him directions here that lead him straight through the Terrifying region, so he arrived here in a rather sad state. It was only the orders he was clutching, identifying him as our new ruler, that told us he wasn't just some wandering lunatic. We dragged him inside (he put up quite some resistance - especially when he saw the many elephants, which he seems particularly scared of), gave him some food and water, and let him rest for a while in a spare bed in the barracks.

Sadly his time in the wilds seems to have gone to his head slightly. After screaming "THE SALT MUST FLOW!" for 15 straight hours after he woke up (well at least it made a change from "I MUST HAVE THE PROPER SURFACE TO WORK ON!") he collapsed in a heap, and ran off, speaking in tongues, and started drawing up plans for something... I went and found him later and asked him about it...

"That's nice... a salt cellar. Are you going to make some sort of artifact?"


"So its for Armok, is it? Must be a rather large and impressive salt cellar."


"What? That tiny little thing in the plans, next to it? What did you say it was?"


"That's our fortress? And its all to scale? Riiiiight... And what's that even tinier little thing over there?"


"That's you, basking in the glory of Armok. Lovely. But what a pity - you've managed to get a nasty big red stain on the bottom of these plans..."


"That's not a stain, that's the blood of all the dwarves who disappointed you and failed to appreciate your Vision. Great. Well I -"


"You're not finished? You've run out of red? You need lots more red?"

At that point I backed off and left him to it. That seems the safest option for now.

Oh well. This dwarf may be some crazed lunatic, but according to the paperwork he's in charge for a year. I suppose it could be worse - at least we're not going to war against the carp, or deliberately living in miasmas, or trying to make this fortress the soap-making capital of the world... we shall have to see what happens to this grand vision.

At least he's only here for a year. I mean, how bad can it get?

[ May 12, 2008: Message edited by: Jools ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2008, 12:36:00 pm »

An architect in a fey mood?  This could be problematic indeed.

At least he's not in a fell mood - he'd have to build the salt cellar out of bone!

If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2008, 02:25:00 pm »

What about a priest/architect in a fel mood...

"The body is a temple, and now, I'll make your body into a temple."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2008, 02:26:00 pm »

Apologies for the lack of updates until now: Jools cancels Dwarf Fortress - Interrupted by Social Life.

Won't happen again. ;-P

Spring update follows...

Extracts from the diary of Dodok Dodokkir, Abbeyverse, 1053:

1st Granite:

This new administrator, now he's calmed down a bit and returned to speaking in Dwarfish, seems to be a reasonable sort. I've seen many administrators come in and re-order everything, even to the point of deconstructing the fortress to point it in a more auspicious direction, but this one seems happy with what we've done so far - a few tweaks here and there, some more tasks added to the jobs list (mainly bins, which we were short of, and some more beds) and some more mining, exploratory tunnels searching for veins of metal.

The plans for the giant rock salt tower or administrator seems intent on building are hanging up in the meeting hall to "inspire" us, but it seems we don't have to do anything about it yet. Getting the season's planting done is apparently more important.

We are also building a jail, apparently a place to keep any dwarves who are "disappointing". One of the chambers dug out as a small tomb near the bedrooms is being used for this. Can't say I wholly approve of this, but at least this sort of justice is better than having a Hammerer turn up and kill everyone who doesn't make him 50,000 gem encrusted mini-forges.

17th Granite:

Elves have arrived. And nobody else wants to trade with them. I've reluctantly agreed to do the job, on the basis that that's what I'm good at, but I've also managed to wangle an extra ration of Dwarven beer in exchange for putting up with the snooty gits.

18th Granite:

Our guard force is beginning to take a little more shape - our lowest recruit has picked up enough skill to be reckoned as a marksdwarf. He's still not very good, though, but is wearing his new title with pride.

Our new administrator noticed him practicing up on the small fortified platform we built by the main gate, and I found him watching the crossbow bolts fired by our recruit miss the target and fly through the firing slits and out across the landscape. He seemed slightly concerned that one of these might end up hurting someone, so I pointed out that it might hurt our trading partners like the elves who would shortly be arriving.

On hearing this news, our administrator declared that this set up was fine for now. Maybe I won't have to trade with them after all.

Meanwhile, our miners are reporting striking many different varieties of rock, but as yet no metal ores. I hope they find some nice copper and tin.

28th Granite:

Migrants have arrived. From the top of the guard platform, I can just make out a distant Siege Operator. And a saltwater crocodile lurking in the bushes nearby. I hope they all make it to the fortress in one piece - I don't want to have to rush out and retrieve all their gear, especially as most of it will be inside the crocodile.

Still, they should be able to spot it and avoid it. I've stayed well away from all crocodiles, but according to a tale my cousin Urist told me, they all emit a loud mechanical ticking noise and so are distinctly unstealthy.

We have a new Siege Operator, a Miner, 4 Peasants, a Gem Cutter, a Trapper, a Jeweler, a Weaponsmith, a Fishery Worker, a Bowyer, a Stone Crafter, a Tanner, a Woodworker, an Engraver, a Ranger, an Engineer, a Metalcrafter, a puppy and two foals. I've had to sort out most of the reassignments to useful duties; our rather unstable administrator immediately collared the Engineer and starting talking to him about the construction of vast towers, to touch the very top of the sky itself...

The first jobs are to dig out some new rooms for all these migrants, and expand our workshop capacity, fields and other food supplies to get them all working for the greater good.

Meanwhile, Keldor has declared himself Mayor and Kazindir "Captain of the Guard". Apparently our influx of migrants means that they suddenly need weapon stands, armour racks, statues and the like to beautify their quarters. My modest request for such fripperies as a table to go in my office have been denied as unimportant for now.

3rd Slate:

I finally get round to talking to the traders. They've brought 5 muck roots, 5 prickle berries, and several tons of rope reed cloth. I haven't the heart to point out that we're surrounded by prickle berry bushes and are weaving our own rope reed cloth. Maybe if I buy a decent chunk of this stuff they'll bring some good stuff next time... or maybe they'll just load up on more cloth to bring to us. I'll just buy the food and a little cloth, and load them up with our lower quality stone crafts. Oh and I'll buy the bin the cloth is in - we haven't got round to making many of those yet. Actually that's probably the most useful thing the elves brought.

4th Slate:

Our deep exploratory tunnels have thus far proved fruitless, and more importantly, oreless. But as soon as we started expanding the living quarters, we hit iron ore. Maybe now we can start making some metal...

7th Slate:

Some Ranger got himself killed by an alligator. And then everyone rushed out to grab his stuff, and are being chased by a pair of alligators. One of the new fortress guards is dealing quite well with one alligator, but the other is off chasing a Tanner.

What a mess. I've asked Kazindir and his squad to sort it all out. There's two alligators and a crocodile, and annoyingly none of them are fighting each other, they're teaming up and hunting dwarves - and our war dogs and puppies. One of the puppies got hurt, and now the river is running red with its blood. I never knew there was so much blood in a tiny little puppy.

Note to self - in the next mailbag that goes to the Mountainhomes, remember to send a note to that chap who works for the Gourd of Ramsays and ask him for some good black pudding recipes.

The alligator now seems to be bored with dwarf-killing and is hunting warthogs instead.

Kazindir has said he will "Take my request (to deal with the alligator) under advisement" and then promptly went to bed. I must ask Keldor or our rather odd administrator to have a word with him after all this is over. For now, I've sent Kivish and his pair of marksdwarves to go alligator killing.

22nd Slate:

The elves are finally leaving. I think perhaps we upset them a little by dragging all sorts of dead things past the trade depot - warthogs, puppies, chunks of unknown animals... they're probably not best pleased, but they got some good deals from us so they might come back.

3rd Felsite:

One of our Engravers has entered a strange mood. Chucked someone else out of a workshop. She's now dashing off all round the fortress grabbing stuff. I hope she doesn't want metal, we still don't have our own smelter or forge.

She's working furiously now. I didn't catch what she grabbed - I hope it was rock salt...

7th Felsite:

I stopped by Keldor's quarters today, to inspect the engravings that have been ordered made there. In there I found "The Vice of Grips" an image of a dwarf and dwarves. The dwarves are refusing the dwarf. The dwarf looks dejected.

It's bad enough being told I can't have a desk in my office; but now they have to rub it in by commemorating the event in an engraving?

9th Felsite:

The Engraver with the fey mood has produced a rock salt earring. Nice. A lovely item for a young ladydwarf. Only she's gone and called it "The Romance of Chastity".

Guess I won't be asking her out, then.

24th Felsite:

Things seem to be settling down. I'm trying to ensure this place doesn't fall apart while our administrator busies himself in private, fiddling with his designs for a rock salt tower. Currently the priority is cranking out beds and doors so everyone has a bedroom... but I have a side project - ballista parts, and wooden ballista arrows. With our trained Siege Operator here, anything that comes to raid us should have a bit more to worry about than just some wrestlers and marksdwarves.



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2008, 04:30:00 am »

2nd Hematite:

Our odd administrator is getting frantic. Apparently our Great Tower's construction must begin soon. I pointed out all the planting that needs doing, the fact that many of our dwarves don't have rooms yet, Keldor's outstanding demand for a warhammer to be made while we still haven't got any metalworking system yet... no, we need a gigantic rack salt tower filled with lumps of rock salt.


While our military trains, I've been looking at getting them some support. Rather than eating all our puppies, I've been letting them grow - hopefully, with a little training, we can have a veritable army of war dogs to defend us. Most of them seem to be following Kazindir around at the moment.

13th Hematite:

We're short of wood. While the elves aren't watching, I've designated a minor deforestation near the fortress. Hopefully with this we can make charcoal, barrels, and beds, which we need quite badly right now.

17th Hematite:

Keldor's dining room has finally been engraved to his satisfaction. He hasn't yet noticed that most of the images are of the rest of us labouring, or getting slaughtered by alligators.

Now all I have to do is make him that damn warhammer.

Oh, and deal with some human traders and a merchant Baron. I hope they like rock crafts... and our various bone crafts. Maybe I could trade that rock salt earring for their entire caravan...

More bad news. Keldor hasn't been re-elected. Now we have some ex-wrestler in the post. Great, that's all I need - after all that work sorting out his quarters, he no longer merits them. Not that I'm going to try and evict him. I'll just get some new quarters dug.

And this is the point when our odd new administrator decides to start designating his giant rock salt tower's construction. This is a bad day for me. Now what?

Kivish is a marksdwarf. More crossbow bolts spraying across the land while our valued human trading partners approach. Wonderful.

27th Hematite:

Word of our accomplishments has spread far. More migrants have come. Why couldn't word of our lack of sufficient living space have spread, too?

Meanwhile we're finally getting around to making an iron war hammer for Keldor. Maybe it'll cheer him up.

A Tanner, a Woodcutter, a Blacksmith, an Animal Dissector, a Fish Cleaner, a Fishery Worker, a Peasant, a cow calf, and a puppy have arrived. We now have 58 dwarves in this fortress, and 46 bedrooms. Time to do more digging.

2nd Malachite:

I begin dealings with the Human traders. After getting the ritual height jokes and beard jokes out of the way, I look over their goods. They brought lots of wood. We live in a forest. These guys are almost as bad as the elves.

On a positive note they have some caged animals. They're always good for breeding stocks and food. And they have a ton of booze.

And rope reed cloth. Why does everyone think we need this?

They're unwilling to strike any sort of even vaguely fair deal for booze or food, and have left in a huff. Never mind. The dwarves will come later in the year and trade more equitably.

12th Malachite:

I had a chat with the human Trade Baron today - ordered some seeds and meat for next year. We're pretty self-sufficient, but more food is always welcome.

22nd Malachite:

The human Baron just bid farewell to our band of "Stout dwarves". Who precisely is he calling fat? I think him being so tall has meant his brain has been stared of oxygen, as his heart can't pump blood that high. Rude bugger. Anyway, he's gone now.

1st Galena:

Our new Mayor has everything she needs now, thanks to our Master Engraver. We've even found time to fulfil a production mandate for gloves.

I must remember to be nicer to Keldor about all this. Just because the new Mayor is a lot more popular than he was doesn't mean he's a bad person. And obviously her election had nothing to do with me.

In other, entirely unconnected news, I have been given a desk to put in my office. Hooray for the new Mayor!

6th Galena:

The rock salt tower is going up and outwards. Meanwhile, I'm trying to keep the fortress together - we have lots of bedrooms, but not enough beds yet, and the metal production system stutters as we keep running out of charcoal, because we keep running out of wood. We'll have to start cutting another forest down.

Also our new Mayor has banned the export of gloves. Clothing was never in my trading plans, so I'm fine with that.

8th Galena:

Damn. Another alligator has appeared nearby. I'm going to ask Kazindir and his squad to deal with this one.

Oh. It appears he's asleep on the job again. Fine, I'll get Kivish to deal with it. Meanwhile our fishery worker, Eshtan, is unconscious, while the alligator is happily mangling him. It's probably for the best. I've sent our best engraver up into the Siege Tower to make a few sketches of the scene; I'll get it engraved into Kazindir's bedroom while he's not looking.

Kivish is asleep as well. Will no-one rid me of this troublesome alligator?

It ran away, in the end. Sadly it never came in range of our defence ballista in the tower - I was looking forward to turning it into a giant kebab.

I've ordered some axes made - I want our army better armed, then perhaps instead of training in the baracks, they can learn by killing the local wildlife.

18th Galena:

Now that blasted alligator is chasing our master engraver, and despite being Unbelievably Tough, the alligator is doing some damage. Fortunately Kazindir and Kivish are finally swinging into action.

But too late. Our Engraver has been struck down. And chasing after it for revenge seems rather pointless, as it seems to be charging into battle with a herd of elephants.

1st Limestone:

Autumn arrives, and we're well set for food, running low on booze, and short about a dozen bedrooms, but things aren't going badly. Soon we ought to have a military force not just agile and trained in wrestling, but armed with stout iron axes. We still need barrels, bins and beds, but apparently that damn rock salt tower is more important. Blast this administrator we've been saddled with; why is he leaving all the vital work to me and focussing all his effort on some giant folly?

Oh well. Like I said 6 months ago, at least we're not fighting carp.

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