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Author Topic: {succession/community} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire  (Read 84385 times)


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2008, 11:47:00 am »

8th Sandstone, 1051
The rescue party returned today, empty handed. Had they arrived too late? Was everyone already dead?

No. Apparently the survivors of the expedition had dug in, decided the rescue party was a merchant caravan and tried to buy an anvil in exchange for cunningly wrought bone and stone crafts. I'm not sure whether to blame the heat or the ants but I guess I'll find out as apparently I am to be sent there.

21st Obsidian, 1051
My arrival is greeted with a raised drawbridge, elephant trumpeting and raised voices. There was some sort of engineering dispute over which way to pull the lever to lower the bridge, which left me  standing outside amidst the elephants, alligators and ants.

The elephant trumpeting was coming from tame elephants! Thats a relief.

After introducing myself to the current overseer, Keldor, he announced he was off to plant seeds now and wandered off, leaving me with a pile of paperwork.

Spring 1052

1st Granite, 1052
Took a tour of "Abbeyverse" today. It's bigger than I thought and we seem to have plenty of food considering or numbers.

Around lunchtime, Endok came rushing into the dining room with a slightly crazed look in his eyes and shouted that a baby elephant had been born. Excellent news, provided it stays tame.

7th Granite
According to  our planters we're growing all sorts of stuff. We don't seem to have a workshop, quern or kitchen though, so that seems like a good place to start here. It won't be long until we have all the syrup we need!

I've ordered a section of the clay near the farms to be dug out to hold the new constructions. I suppose there was room for them by the stills but booze is always better without the random bits of plant rubbish processors always seem to throw everywhere when their milling flour and making syrup.

10th Granite
There is a herd of elephants right outside our eastern wall. Looks like six of them and they're right next to one of Endok's traps but none of them have set it off yet.

16th Granite
Today is a bad day.
The elephants are still there, it's started raining and a bunch of Elf merchants have arrived to be pompous at us. With luck they'll meet the elephants.

17th Granite
Odd. An elephant blundered into the trap and Endok rushed out to retrieve the cage and reset the trap, even through the rest of the elephants were still there.

Looking on from the walls, I was preparing to see Endok's horrible death when the improbable happened. Charging through the trees like a maniac at the head of a swarm of cats and dogs, Endok headed straight for the cage. The elephants, rather than meting out a swift death, panicked and fled, scattering before Endok and fleeing as fast as they could. Some crashed through the trees to the east, others ran as far as they could to the riverbank to the north. Endok reset the trap, returned and only then did the elephants seem to regain their nerve.

Amazing. I think some sort of celebration would be in order.

18th Granite
It seems there ws a downside to the Great Scattering of the Elephants.
The elephant terror allowed the Elves to pass through them unscathed and now they want to trade. Oh well, lets see if they've brought anything useful.

Apparently most of our crafts are made out of bone. We do have a few rock salt baubles though, so we'll try them. Or at least we would if Dodók Dodókkir could get out of bed sometime this month.

22nd Granite
Whilst waiting for Dodók, Endok reappeared, giggling. Apparently he's caught another two elephants and an alligator, and has dropped their cages off right next to the elves.

26th Granite
Dodók awakes!
He managed to get a barrel of swamp whiskey and a couple of empty barrels out of the elves for some of the salt. Nothing amazing but at least it's more booze and more barrels to brew booze into.

28th Granite
Endok has complained about his mechanic's workshop being cluttered. I had a look round and he is right, we don't seem to have a stockpile for useful things like mechanisms, doors, beds and such like.
I told Dôbar to dig one out next to the workshops.

1st Slate 1052.
Or at least, one was spotted from the north wall, about to be mauled by an elephant. It's not like we have a much to steal anyway.

3rd Slate
The new stockpile is finished and Dôbar has named it a furniture stockpile. Personally I wouldn't count mechanisms as furniture but it's not worth arguing about.

5th Slate
The furniture stockpile is half full already! Seems we had quite a few bits and pieces hidden away under workshop tables and such like.

The farmer's workshop and quern are also both set up and ready to go, so we'll have flour and syrup in no time. All we need now is someone who knows what they're doing when they use either!

8th Slate
I was expecting a few more dwarves to join us over time, much like I had.
I was not expecting this.
A horde of migrants just arrived, raising the population of Abbeyverse to almost five times what it was before! Glassmakers, woodburners, gem cutters, metal crafters, an armourer, a bunch of peasants and even a child. Armok knows how they got here.

Hopefully they'll all make it within the walls alright but I have no idea where to put everybody. I've ordered a new cavern dug into the salt and beds to be made to serve as a barracks for now.

13th Slate
We didn't lose anyone to the wildlife but we're now out of wood and a lot of the migrants seem to have no skills that are of any use to us right now. I've ordered a logging expedition outside the bridge.

16th Slate
The elves have just announced they will be leaving soon. I think they're feeling neglected.

26th Slate
there is a terrible smell coming from the refuse dump. It seems there is nothing stopping the smell coming out, so I think some hatches are in order.

6th Felsite, 1052
Busy times. The barracks cave was finished the other day and beds are being moved there now, so hopefully the migrants will stop complaining as much. The dining room has also been expanded a bit and one of the walls smoothed, later to be engraved in celebration of the Scattering of Elephants.

Work on some water works have also been started, to ensure both that the water in the cistern is accessible and replenishable without needing to leave the walls.

9th Felsite
Had a small cave in during the cistern work and I got knocked inside! Luckily the water cushioned my fall so I only got a bit bruised and the water level down there is mostly shalow enough to wade in. It's a good job we're out in the wilderness, health and safet would have shut this place down long ago back home.

In other news,Zuglar, one of the migrants, was tasked with installing a floodgate. He did a fine job, but managed to lock himself on the wrong side of the thing. He is, strictly speaking, a Potash Maker, so perhaps it's not entirely his fault, but still...
Hopefully the lever will be linked and the gate opened to let him out before he gets upset.

12th Felsite
Floodgate opened today and Zuglar let out. He doesn't seem to be any the worse for wear from his three day self imposed captivity.

16th Felsite
The engraving in the dining room is complete. For some reason Endok decided on fish, donkeys and a bucket as the symbols of the Scattering of the Elephants.

28th Felsite
The channel is now linked to the river, thanks to Dôbar braving the riverbank. All thats needed now is some way of getting water inside the fortress without either flooding it or resorting to amateurish things like buckets.

[ April 26, 2008: Message edited by: Kazindir ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2008, 07:15:00 pm »

Hah!  That be the second time our Endok has chased off a herd of elephants!  He sure has a way with them, an I'm glad we got him, halfwit or not.  Ye should've known better'n to let him be doin' the engravings, though - I bet he didn't even know what ye were celebratin'.

((Fixed the dates on my journal))

[ April 26, 2008: Message edited by: Keldor ]

If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2008, 10:41:00 pm »

Bah, forget it, I probably don't have the time for a turn right now. Still, awesome fort.

[ April 27, 2008: Message edited by: Tyrving ]


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2008, 12:59:00 am »


6th Hematite
Had a chat with Endok earlier about this water business. Bit risky but he is supposed to be a mechanic afterall. After several hours of drinking we decided on a windmill powered pump, or at least I hope we did because thats what I've ordered built. MAybe I should sent someone to check on Endok?

It'll be built unconnected to the rest of the fortress at first. That way, if it works we can just tunnel to the new well and if it doesn't we can claim we were enlarging the cistern and the flooding was entirely intentional.

9th Hematite
Whilst digging out some of the new bedrooms two clusters of various types of agate were found! To my knowledge these are the first gems found here, surely a good sign. Also, it will give Lorbam the gem cuter something to do other than mope around.

13th Hematite
A caravan from the humans of Xakimong drew close today, time to move tradable things to the depot and hope we can get soemthing good.

18th Hematite
Apparently the humans weren't to interested in trade and left in a huff when they saw what we had. Shame, we could have done with one of their anvils but according to Dodók they weren't willing to part with one for all the tradable things we had. Makes you wonder why they bothered bringing one really.

6th Galena
It happened again. Second floodgate, second time someone bricked themselves in behind it whilst installing it. Maybe some sort of installation training is in order?

20th Galena
The water plan hit a slight snag today. By slight snag I mean crucial flaw.
Apparently there is no wind here. At all. Nary the slightest breeze to be felt. Or at least not one strong enought to turn a windmill. I wonder why no one pointed this out during the planning or initial construction? Not sure what to do now, will have to check with Endok and perhaps a mason or some such.

25th Galena
A trapper by the name of Deler Onshenfath was killed by an alligator today. After much searching, we found his corpse to the far south east of the fortress. Or at least, we found bits of him, scattered over a large area. Armok knows what he was doing so far away - Urist Melbilimish suggested that what he was doing was dying horribly but that wasn't particularly helpful.
Unfortunately it is not safe to retrive all of the corpse for a proper burial right now. The alligator has been named Ozzursul, "Growlsevered".

[ April 27, 2008: Message edited by: Kazindir ]



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2008, 01:00:00 am »


1st Limestone
Summer passed quickly. An exploratory shaft near the barracks has been sunk to see how deep the salt layers were in that area - four levels of rocksalt before you hit a gneiss layer. This is certainly the right place for a salt mine.
An attempt to turn the water system from wind to waterwheel powered is also underway, although it looks like it may take a while. Need another logging expedition for starters, there is quite a distance that needs to be covered by axles.

7th Limestone
We lost another wardog and her puppy today. No one is sure how but it loked like the work of an alligator.
I decided to start a guard force. Sooner or later we're going to need to take the fight to the alligators. Perhaps from the top of the walls - the old windmill platform might serve as a base for that. Later perhaps, first we need some basic training and equipment sorted out!

8th Limestone
Oddom swears he was attacked by carp near the bridge last night. The bridge is the wrong side of the fortress from the river, so I have my doubts. The bite marks do look like carp bites though...

10th Limestone
The dwarven caravan has been sighted, hopefully they have a cheap anvil with them. Not that we have anything to smelt yet but a dwarf can hope.

14th Limestone
The caravan wagons have just arrived at the depot and Dodók Dodókkir caught a kobold thief whilst he was out collecting dead wardog parts in the wilderness. The kobold was promptly dismembered -  Dodók brought back a kobold chunk.
In all honesty I think he is one of the most fearsome warriors we have, but he is also the best carpenter, woodcutter and bodypart collector. We could do without the last but the first two are really rather vital at the moment, so we'll have to leave him out of the offical guard force for now.

15th Limestone
Another thief, this time chased off by a pack of dogs. Rock salt must be highly valued amongst the kobolds.

24th Limestone
Trading is done. I'm growing concerned over the viability of this rocksalt business - the humans just weren't interested at all and this latest caravan were eventually talked into parting with an anvil but only at a great markup. Which leaves us with only the elves, who are adept at importing smugness but not a lot else.

2nd Timber
More migrants have arrived today, bringing our population up to 35 and making more bedmaking work. I keep getting urgent requests for more cages now but every time I visit the kennels there are cages all over the place. Not quite sure what is going on in there, I suspect it is elephant related. We're going to need another logging trip soon, will see if we can get some cages built after.

8th Timber
What was left of Deler's corpse has been retrieved and buried. That of his pet cow has also been buried. I'm not sure who did it or when but I'm glad it has been done.

18th Timber
A kobold picked a fight with an elephant today. The elephant won.



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2008, 01:02:00 am »


2nd Moonstone
The water system has been going for a few days now and has no sign of flooding the well room or maintenance stairs, which is a definite plus. Ordered the wall to be knocked through and a proper well to be installed. Now any future carers won't be forced to wander to the alligator infested riverbank with a bucket.

9th Moonstone
Moved into my new office, still needs smoothing and the chair creaks but there room for a weapon rack. I don't actually have a weapon but feel a deep seated need for a rack nonetheless. As my uncle used to say, one step at a time, I suppose.

20th Moonstone
Another kobold thief was spotted! This one was chased off by an elephant. Last seen shrieking and heading south at high speed.

22nd Moonstone
Yet another thief. This one tried accosting the logging expedition and got an axe in the face for his trouble.

25th Moonstone
Yet another thief found, this one on the inside of the bridge! I think that is the furthest any of them have got, only to be discovered by a plucky elephant calf. The dogs gave chase for a bit, not sure if they caught him though.

28th Moonstone
I'm fed up of the thieves, found another one skulking around whilst the dogs were off chasing the last one.
I've ordered a bowyers workshop and a fortified platform at the bridge to be constructed. I've no idea if any of us can actually use a crossbow competantly but if not there's one way to learn. All kobolds need to be shot and cast into the Pit of Decay, which I've just named the original refuse dump.

1st Opal
Today is a lazy day, everyones in bed, except for Lorbam the gem cutter. He's just wandering around aimlessly.

7th Opal
Rakust Lidolin, the Armourer, has been acting very oddly lately. I hope he isn't going to start demanding a forge - or at least not expecting to do anything with it, we've still yet to find any metal ores.

8th Opal
Rakust kicked the mason out of his workshop and is now furiously working on something whilst muttering and giggling to himself.

11th Opal
Rakust has finished his creation! A rocksalt table he's named Conngimsebur, or "Suitorvales". Apparently he doesn't know why he named it that, only that it felt right. Fair enough. The table is covered in agate spikes and has a rather nice engraving of a dwarf surrounded by dwarves on the top.
Must remember to point it out to the next liason who comes along, spread the good word. Maybe it'll make merchants more inclined to trade for rocksalt?

18th Opal
This time it was a trained mason who managed to brick himself inside a wall. Numpty.

7th Obsidian
I swear I just saw a lungfish drift over the bridge. That can't be right. I'm glad my time as overseer is almost done, not sure if I can cope with much more - although if the fish are flying around on the ground now it would explain Oddom's carp story.

11th Obsidian
The first level fortifications near the bridge are now complete and an archery target has been installed. Three of the new guard have been sparring for a month or two now and have been issued their crossbows - lets hope they can hit something, preferably not each other.

14th Obsidian
NOTE: Must remember to tell my successor which lever opens the floodgate and which one raises the drawbridge.

15th Obsidian
The Fortress seems to have an amazing amount of stray dogs and an sore lack of bone for practice bolts. I mentioned this to a peasant and suggested the butchers trade might be a promising career move. We also have an every increasing numebr of elephants but who know what will happen if you kill one. Do elephants have elephant friends? Does anyone want to risk the fortress finding out? Not I.

21th Obsidian
Zuglar suggested the bridge defence could do with a roof, to keep rain, arrows and bird poo off the marksdwarves heads. Meanwhile apparently a liason is still here, as Keldor has just finalised an import agreement. The last liason arrival was months ago, so the negotiations clearly must have been difficult.

22nd Obsidian
Rakust has created a well-designed engraving of his magnificent table creation. He's named the engraving "The Pleated Moth", which makes about as much sense as the name he gave his table, so I suppose it is oddly appropriate.

28th Obsidian
Only a few days to go before I hand over to a new overseer. I had the floodgate to the cistern closed. It doesn't have to be but it's easier to point out on the tour than when it's hidden in the channel walls. I wonder if he or she will ever solve the mystery of where all our barrels keep going? No doubt someone will suggest that as Sheriff I should be doing that but never mind. They don't understand about the kobolds!



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2008, 01:47:00 am »

Phew, map finaly uploaded properly.  :)

Here is the map

And here is the save.

Over to you Squeegy.



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2008, 09:51:00 am »

Is this game still open to new players? If so, sign me up. I can't promise you honour, glory or wealth, but I can promise not to lose the fortress...

(It'll be right where you left it, only probably overrun by elephants, goblins, and legendary saltwater crocodiles...)

[ April 27, 2008: Message edited by: Jools ]



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2008, 03:31:00 pm »

Hope so, 3 rulers isn't quite enough.  :)

The fortress can't be lost permanently anyway, it must be reclaimed if it is lost. Why? Because THE SALT MUST FLOW!



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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2008, 04:40:00 pm »

This is one of the funniest forts I've read in a bit.  Great writing all around.


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2008, 10:26:00 pm »

Jools is now on the list ;-)
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2008, 08:59:00 am »

Oh, sign me up for another turn after the current lot and any new people.  :)


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2008, 07:09:00 am »

*Pokes Squeegy*

It's your turn!

I'm also signing up for a second round.

[ April 30, 2008: Message edited by: Keldor ]

If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2008, 04:45:00 am »

I PMed Squeegy about his turn.  If he doesn't reply in the next couple days, I'll bump him back after Jools.  Let's keep this thing rolling!   ;)
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2008, 04:09:00 pm »


Today, I became manager of this hole in the mud. I... don't even know what to say. Do I have to list every problem with this place?

Well, for one. It has no hunter. It used to, but...

And now we have 40 meat.

Two. What the hell is this? An army of wrestlers? Seriously, I've seen better armies, and they were made up of ants. Also, six of them? Seriously? That'll never take on a goblin siege. I lost a few taking them on with 22 champions. I drafted six peasants, and added myself to the marksdwarf squad. I can probably take on an ambush. I can only hope the army will grow over time.

Three. We recently found some limonite. But there's not even any smelters! All this lignite, just sitting around. Haven't they ever heard of preparations?! I had to dig out some space and set up workshops. Ugh.

Four. Carp! Alligators! Elephants! Clearly anyone who migrates here has a death wish. That marksdwarf squad had better train faster.

The second hunter's dead. Goddamn alligators. What's wrong with this place? It's just... ugh, I can't even write about it. How many bolts do we have? I need to shoot some carp. Wait, is that a lungfish?

Hey! Blood! Has someone fallen in the river? Wow, it's really spreading. Oh, apparently one of the marksdwarves fatally wounded an alligator. Good job. Look out for that car-- oh dear. The river is really red today. I suppose I'll be seeing that a lot, then.

*sigh* The blood is spreading downstream. That's going to attract a lot of carp. I'm going to bed. This fortress is already breaking my will to live.

Alright, I'm awake... wait, what? What do you mean, a wrestler has been struck down? There's a bunch of crocodiles outside?! Let me see!

Well, I suppose it's not too bad... we've only lost three wrestlers and we've killed one of them... did the other just drop dead? Are you videotaping this?!

I typed this up a few days ago, decided to leave as-is.

I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
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