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Author Topic: {succession/community} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire  (Read 84472 times)


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #105 on: June 25, 2008, 05:01:09 am »

Keldor, I request the construction of a naughty step!


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #106 on: June 26, 2008, 12:21:18 am »

A... naughty step??

Anyway, now that I've recovered from DF crashed and I lost everything syndrome, I'm now back to the fort!
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #107 on: June 26, 2008, 06:22:42 am »

3rd Timber

I found Endok in the barracks today, sparring with the military.  He seemed relieved when I relieved him of duty - although he was trained with the hammer before we came here, I don't think he ever really enjoyed fighting.  Besides, he's probably the most compotent mechanic we have, and given that those two stonefall traps STILL have yet to be deconstructed, I believe that our need for mechanics outweighs our need for military.

4th Timber

Today I discovered one of the caravan's guards wandering about lost in the forest.  For some reason, he refuses to come back with us to the fort, perfering to wander the outdoors in search of the rest of his caravan.  Or something like that.  Still, I know better than to try to force an armed marksdwarf to do anything he doesn't want to, so I suppose he will continue wandering about until he starves or gets mauled by a random elephant.

7th Timber

I have just learned that Jools' wonderful mural was torn down, perhaps around the time the gatehouse was constructed.  This is truly unfortunate, since it was a historic art piece, and besides, Jools was my friend until he drowned.  Hence, I have ordered the beginning of the construction of a replica mural, in honor of Jools' memory.  The new mural is to be built over our water reservoir, so that no one need worry about drowning in it again.  Besides, its position there will prevent it from ever being covered by mud should there be more flooding, which I suspect was a contributing factor to the deconstruction of the original mural.

*Several of the pages of the journal are missing*
((Yep, the part I lost when the computer crashed, up until the beginning of winter when the autosave kicked in))

1st Moonstone

Last night I had the strangest dream.  First there were several mysterious injuries due to wall collapses, then more mysterious deaths of military personal starving when no one would feed them.  Finally, I ordered a mosaic built, and lost a good portion of the military when we were ambushed by goblins with crossbows (our wall was on hold in order to make the mosaic, I think).  Anyway, during all that Kazindir ran out into the middle of the goblins in order to grab his armor so that he could fight, or something, and ended up in bed with a broken arm.  That's when I woke up.  Anyway, back to work!  I keep thinking there's something I need to do or something...

2nd Moonstone

It turns out that my dream wasn't actually a dream!!  At least, the first half of it wasn't!  I did indeed order the beginnings of a mosaic on top of the water tower, and there were indeed some injuries from deconstructing the wall.  However, we haven't been attacked by goblins yet, although I am going to delay finishing the mosaic until the wall is finished, just in case!

3rd Moonstone

Remembering how the goblins had found a weakness in our half deconstructed wall,  I've inspected it to see if there in indeed any way to break in through there.  In fact, there is.  I've ordered a small section of wall built to seal it up.  Oh, and Kazindir is now our first Champion!  Just like in my dream!

8th Moonstone

I had a talk with Endok today.  Apparently, he was unable to finish building a part of the wall because one of the other workers had left a piece of stone right in the way of where it was to be built.  When asked why he didn't simply move the stone out of the way, he told me that if he had done that, the other worker might wonder where his stone went, and thus not be able to finish the wall!  Honestly!  One would think I told him to put it away in the stockpile, nor move it three feet over to the side!  Perhaps it never occurred to him that by not finishing his portion of the wall, he was in fact making sure that the wall would not be finished?  How could any dwarf possibly be so stupid?!  --Never mind.  One of the farmers just told me he couldn't finish planting the farm because he dropped the seed.  Never mind that we have plenty of OTHER seeds, those just wouldn't be the "correct" seed.  I think I need a drink.

13th Moonstone

Today one of our miners struck Claro Opal!  Indeed our deep mines are providing their worth in gems!

14th Moonstone

One of our workers was interrupted by frantic meowing from the top of the wall.  Rushing over to see what the matter was, she found a kobold thief on the other side!  It seems that our cats, at least, are keeping a watch.  Now, if only I could persuade the military that they should be as well...

What's more is that the cat chased off the kobold all by itself!  Also, it revealed an unforeseen weakness in the wall, where the enemy could simply walk right over the top!  I've ordered precautions taken so that this never happens.

1st Opal

We now have a second champion!  All hail Zasit Asmeleganst, Legendary Axelord!  In addition, the outer wall has been completed!  Well, except for one small gap, but it will be filled in within a day or two at any rate.

2nd Opal

Our maintainence crew just discovered two carp lurking in the water supply tunnel.  I suppose there isn't much we can do about them right now, though.

We've been ambushed!  Apparently we didn't manage to finish the wall quite fast enough.  Actually, the problem wasn't the wall, but rather the open gate.  Nevertheless, it seems we have a fight on our hand.  At least it isn't crossbow goblins like in my dream!  We may not lose too many dwarves.

 4th Opal

We've repulsed the ambush, with the only dwarves lost being the mechanic that was caught outside in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the child who was abandoned outside after he broke his leg during the charcoal recovery project.  Nevertheless, both Kazindir and another axelord took a swim in the moat during the fight.  I'll have to see about somehow walling off the moat, or something, since someone is likely to drown otherwise.  Thankfully, both dwarves managed to escape a watery doom by swimming down the tunnel formerly used to drain our waterfall.

6th Opal

I've ordered some a row of traps built behind the outer gate.  That way, we should at least have some warning if the goblins try to sneak in that way again.

8th Opal

Kazindir wants more short swords.  Again.  Maybe he was upset when I ordered some of them used in those new weapon traps?

9th Opal

The final section of the outer wall, after being delayed by those goblins, has been constructed!  Now at last, we have a safe area for our woodcutters to cut, without having to worry about being ambushed.  At least, as long as the drawbridge is kept raised.  I'll have to talk to Dresdor about this.  It seems he has an open gate policy, "in case traders show up".  Mind, it's the middle of the winter!  I've never heard of a caravan showing up at this time of year!  Still, I suppose stranger things have happened.  In any case, it's time to resume construction of the mosaic, since the outer grounds are now secure.

12th Opal

Today the hammerer executed Libash Regnitig, one of our metalsmiths.  Apparently he missed Kazindir's deadline for making short swords, as well as either the count or the countess's impossible mandates for types of metal we have no access to!  I will have to think of some way to prevent this madness from spreading...

25th Opal

Today Catten îcumsazir, a clothier burst into my room in a fit of excitement.  After he showed me what he had just made, I must confess that I was rather excited too.  He calls it Emuthozon Savot Ros, or Beakdepressed the Stance of Decisions.  It's a cave spider silk head veil, encircled with bands of elephand leather and native gold.  It is made from cave spider silk cloth, dyed midnight blue with dimple dye.  It's adorned with hanging rings of willow and menaces with spikes of cave spider silk and red zircon.  It has an image of a circle in red flash opal, an image of shining suns in calcite, and an image of a square in perch bone.  I would value it at around 97800☼, which, while not as valuable as that artifact in my dream, is still the most valuable item this fort has produced.

3rd Obsidian

The mosaic in completed!  Jools' great work has been restored!  It is now time to set our sights on our next great project.  The tower.

5th Obsidian

Today, Kazindir mandated the construction of... armor stands??

10th Obsidian

The count has just been stricken with melancholy.  Such a pity.  Evidently our lack of zinc (or was it tin?) drove him over the brink.  Unfortunately, all nobles seem to have very large extended families, so no doube he will be replaced by his second cousin, once removed, or some such.

11th Obsidian

It appears that the relative calm of the last month was not to last.  Today I was woken early, and led to the top of the wall in order to be shown something.  Outside there is a Dragon!  I've ordered the outer wall sealed, and am in the process of posting archers.  May Armok preserve us!

13th Obsidian

The drawbridge has been raised, and just in time!  Hopefully no dwarves were locked out, though I know a few pets were.  A pity that their owners could not keep them under control, though perhaps the dragon won't notice them.

18th Obsidian

I've ordered the construction of a guard tower on the wall near where the dragon is currently lurking.  With any luck, we'll be able to pepper it with arrows, while remaining safely behind fortifications.

25th Obsidian

We just struck Tetrahedrite in the deep mines!  Of course, I'm sure this will only make the dragon want to get in even more.  In any case, I'm posting the crossbow squad on top of the partially completed watch tower, with the hopes they'll be able to get some shots in on that dragon.

It looks like they don't have a clear shot.  I'm pulling them back into the gatehouse.  It's obvious we'll need a plan to slay that dragon...

1st Granite, 1057

Spring has arrived, and still that accursed dragon lurks outside our wall!  On the brighter side, maybe it'll toast some elves if they arrive soon enough.

Poor Asmel Keskalborlon.  He finally died from thirst, after being unable to stay conscious long enough to get a drink for months.

9th Granite

The dragon waits outside the wall, the marksdwarves in their tower, and Kazindir wants another armor stand.  Life continues as usual.

11th Granite

The elves are here!  And so is the dragon!  This might get interesting...

12th Granite

The dragon trap is ready now.  The only problem is that our marksdwarves have abandoned their post.  All 9 of them at once.  I think it may be time to relieve a certain dwarf from command, as this is completely unacceptable.

16th Granite

The trap worked!  One of our marksdwarves got lucky and shot the dragon through the heart and both lungs.  After that, it was only a matter of time before it bleed to death.  Now we can let the elves in to trade with.  Who wants to bet Dresdor's taking a nap?

Well, Dresdor's eating at the moment.  At least he's awake this time.

21st Granite

Dresdor's not at the depot.  Naturally.  First he had to finish his dinner, then he had to conduct a meeting with some peasant or other.  Then he had to attend a meeting with Kazindir, in order to talk about the meeting with the peasant, and now he's off to get a drink.  I think he's just stalling.  I'm so annoyed that I forgot what I was going to put in this barrel!

22nd Granite

Our melancholy count just died from thirst.  Oh well.  I'm sure the mountainhomes will send in a replacement.

24th Granite

Dresdor's finished his drink, and is now attending another meeting.  I think I'm going to order a chain forged, and set up by the depot, so that we can have Dresdor chained there whenever the traders come!

Better yet, it will be an elven rope.  That should drive the point home, and besides, we're out of chains.

26th Granite

It's another meeting with Kazindir!  I think I may have to chain BOTH of them to the trade depot!

28th Granite

On retrospect, it's Kazindir who's conducting the meeting preventing Dresdor from trading.  Thus, I've ordered all short swords and armor stands to be brought to the depot, and will have some random peasant trade them to the elves as soon as they arrive if they do not finish their meeting.  Hopefully that will send a message that this stalling is unacceptable.  I think I might also have the peasant trade away all of our bracelets, since Dresdor has a liking for those.

4th Slate

Kazindir just ran off to fill his water skin, but Dresdor insists that his meeting isn't done yet!  I think it may be time to remove his chair again, and if that doesn't work, see about finding another broker.

The merchants have just announced they're about to leave.  I guess it's time to find some peasant to trade them all of our bracelets, short swords, and armor stands.

5th Slate

We would have traded away all of the short swords and armor stands and bracelets, but somehow a bone amulet got mixed in with the goods.  This nearly made the elves faint with horror.  Since they then refused to trade, we simply took the goods we wanted and kicked them out the door.  If they're going to get that upset about a single amulet that somehow fell in the wrong bin, it serves the snoty beardless twigs right!  I will also note that our tax collector has some skill trading, and would have made a nice deal if it weren't for the amulet.  Perhaps she'd be willing to take Dresdor's place as trader?

15th Slate

Well, we all knew it'd happen.  A new countess has arrived.  We've also received a philosopher.  Not to mention the immigrants.  We also recieved another consort.  Perhaps it's time to arrange for the current consort's rooms to become available?

16th Slate

We've just lost a pump operator by the name of Endok Lokumtun.  The alligator that killed him is now known as Eddudisak, or Obeyedspatter.  Apparently immigrating is dangerous.  I suppose I should know!  I still remember that night...  Anyway, I've dispatched the military to protect the immigrants, though hopefully the alligator will handle our countess problem before they get there.

We also just lost a cheese maker, who, instead of running through the gate to safety, apparently thought it was a good idea to make a run for the river.  He ran straight past the outer gate!  As soon as he got to the river, a second alligator joined in, and the cheese maker was torn to shreds.  There's a reason that we call it the Red River of Doom...

17th Slate

The military has arrived just in time to NOT protect anyone, since the remaining immigrants are now all safely inside the gate.  I've ordered them to stand guard near the river bank, so hopefully they can at least get revenge on those vile reptiles.

19th Slate

They've done it!  Obeyedspatter, along with another alligator that had come to be known as Eddudisak are slain!

14th Felsite

Today, a dead lungfish was discovered on the roof of the water tower.  I wonder how it got up there??

15th Felsite

Endok reported today, informing me that our fort is now once again accessible to wagon!  This is good news indeed.

19th Felsite

The Countess Consort just mandated Billon items.  Whatever Billon is.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 11:46:51 pm by Keldor »
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #108 on: June 27, 2008, 05:51:14 am »

Aye it was one of my many watery accidents which did for the mosaic. :(
The room which has the main floodgate lever in the big gatehouse thing was originally going to be big enough to have the mosaic all inside it, but then it got all horribly brown and muddy and no one wanted to clean it up. Good to hear it lives on!

"The trap worked!  One of our marksdwarves got lucky and shot the dragon through the heart and both lungs."

See, our military is a military of heroes. IE they may look like they don't do a lot, disobey orders and generally piss around but when they're really needed they do things like this. Possibly pausing to throw in a cheesy line first. :)

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #109 on: June 27, 2008, 06:52:22 am »

"And that's the way the =Dwarven wine biscuit= crumbles"
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #110 on: June 27, 2008, 09:52:26 pm »

Soggily?  ;D

Incidentally, the carp int he water tunnel net tot he axle tunnel is officially Not A Problem. I say this as I had Endok install a grate scross the channel where it runs under the easternmost original wall and into the top cistern. (The original one.)

So the carp can't actually get inside the fortress!


They manage to gnaw through the rock salt grate....




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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #111 on: June 28, 2008, 04:26:34 am »

And after eating an entire grate made of salt, they'd probably just die of a heart attack anyway.

Good story btw.


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #112 on: June 28, 2008, 06:43:11 am »

I'd be more worried about the salt dissolving in the water, personally.

Possibly pausing to throw in a cheesy line first. :)

Given where the dragon was shot, possibly some Bon Jovi?

"Shot through the heart and you're to blame
You give love a bad name"


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #113 on: June 29, 2008, 07:52:26 pm »

Yeah, I didn't think the carp in the tunnel were really much of a threat.  It was mostly the fun of finding them - like the fabled alligators in the New York sewers!

Anyway, let's see if I can finish up my turn tonight...
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #114 on: June 29, 2008, 11:45:41 pm »

2nd Felsite

I've noticed an alarming increase in the number of blocks made from materials other than salt in the salt block workshops.  Could it be that the populace doesn't know the difference between rock salt and other stones?  This is particularily disheartening, given that the rock salt stockpiles are located all around the workshops.  In order to use anything else, the stone in question would have to be hauled clear across the fort!

25th Felsite

I've noticed that, after all these months, our order of 30 mechanisms STILL hasn't been completed!  I've ordered all mechanics to not haul items, but rather focus on mechanics.  I would like to have the entire row of pressure plates linked to the gatehouse floodgates before my term expires!

27th Felsite

I've ordered another cabinet placed in the room shared by Aban Limulothil and Urist Nishzim, since they have accumulated so much clothing that their first cabinet is completely full, forcing them to leave their clothing scattered across the floor!

1st Hematite

I've noticed that the old cage traps from the early days of the fort are still operational.  The only problem is that now all of them are located inside of the new outer courtyard!  I doubt they'll catch anything in there.  Thus, I've ordered them disassembled and moved to more remote locations where they might again see use.

5th Hematite

Our new countess came in today and announced that we must construct 3 querns.  I have no idea why we would need them, but I suppose we'd better build them.

9th Hematite

A human diplomat has just arrived.  All by herself.  Without any guards or a caravan.  Must be insane.  I'd best warn Kazindir.

11th Hematite

We lost a furnace operator today.  Apparently she went too close to the river and the carp pulled her in.  There was a dead toad right on the shore, I imagine she must have gone to clean it up when she was attacked.  It seems that the carp have learned to fish for dwarves!

We've named the biggest carp Akmamken, or Sunkenwhim.  Looks like our furnace operator at least managed to bruise its right fin before she was torn apart.

The human caravan also finally arrived today.  I wonder if we'll see Dresdor this time?  Nope, he's asleep...

The humans have brought wagons!  If Dresdor misses this one, I'm going to personally hammer him myself.

14th Hematite

The traders are at the depot, and Dresdor has awoken.  He's now in the cellar again getting himself drunk.  I'm going to stuff that entire barrel up his bulbous nose if he doesn't get a move on!

15th Hematite

Kazindir says that the diplomat told him how nice a place we've dug out, and then said farewell and left.  I guess she really was a madwomen.

18th Hematite

Dresdor is now attending another meeting.  I really hope that he doesn't think he pull off that trick again!

23rd Hematite

Today, Rakust Lïdolin was discovered standing on a small pedastal of dirt in the middle of our new outer moat.  Apparently she had been working on digging the moat, and had failed to notice that she had dug out all the earth around her, and so she says she had been calling out for help for a couple days before anyone noticed.  I told her to simply dig herself a stairway down for herself, and she looked at me like I was some great savior.  Within ten minutes, she had dug herself out and resumed work on the moat.  Then I told her to remove the piller she had been standing on, and she promptly dug out the bottom half of it, causing the entire pedistal to fall on top of her!  She will probably live, assuming that she's provided proper health care, something rather lacking these days.  In any case, if she's truely considered a legend back home, then I would dread to meet one of the miners NOT considered legends!  Perhaps those tales of cataclasmic flooding and death due to the careless of a single miner are actually true, and not old wives' tales!  Anyway, after a few moments, Rakust shrugged, muttering that apparently no one was coming, and headed for her bed, where she's now moaning about how she is in so much pain that she can't even get her own water.

In other news, Dresdor's still in his meeting.

24th Hematite

I told Valter to remove the stairway that had given Rakust a way out of the moat, and so he did.  He channeled it out by standing at the bottom and digging up.  I finally had to tell him to dig ANOTHER stairway in order to get back out of the moat.  Perhaps abject stupidity is common among all miners?

25th Hematite

Dresdor is still continuing his meeting with Kazindir, but it looks like it might go on for a while longer since Kazindir is in his bunk, fast asleep.  I've put out applications for a new broker, since it is obvious that Dresdor is failing in his duty.

A bone carver named Goden Ostathsibrek has answered the call for a new trader.  Apparently she actually has some experience with the job!  I told her that the job is hers if she wants it, and she took it.  Let's hope that she is more responsible with her time than her predecessor.

1st Malachite

Dresdor finished his meeting today, and looked rather confused that he wasn't going to be the one to trade.  I told him that he had been so late that I had seen fit to replace him.  However, I backed down on this when I discovered that our new trader had been too busy getting a drink to actually do any trading.  I've given her a title, however, so that future overseers will know who to send should Dresdor skip in his duties again.

2nd Malachite

Dresdor has completed the trade, at last.  We got a large quantity of drinks, as well as a couple of their finer weapons, a couple anvils, some bags of dye and seeds, a large amount of rare meats, some leather and cloth, some bolts, a selection of metal bars, and some flour, cheese and milk for the cooks.  Maybe we'll even find a use for our cheesemakers!  After the trading was complete, Dresdor told me he felt like a legend among traders, with appraisal skills second to none.  After reading his report of what we traded for all these goods, some rock goods, worn out clothes, and clothes stripped from our goblin invaders, I had to agree.

4th Malachite

The tower is going up fast!  Today we celebrated the completion of the 5th floor.

17th Malachite

Cog Shorastcuggán has become our third legendary champion!  His skills with the hammer are nearly unmatched!

22nd Malachite

I've just discovered why plants are left to rot in the fields!  It seems that all our food stockpiles are completely full.  Since the miners are busy with other projects, I've converted a couple of the other stockpiles to food storage, since they were practically empty.  I've also designated an extension for the current stockpiles.  We'll see if the miners ever get that far.

7th Galena

Lokum Eshtânavuz came up to me today hauling the most wonderful cabinet!  It also looked like it must weigh as much as an elephant, but Lukum seemed to have no trouble carrying it.

10th Galena

My term is nearly over, but I'm making sure that I will finish my term with a bang!  I've scheduled the first annual goblin shooting competition for later today.  The rules are simple.  In the arena, we have all of our captive goblins caged.  At the pull of the first lever, the arena will be sealed.  The second lever will open the cages, freeing the goblins.  The goblins have been caged within sight of each other for months.  No doubt they have been throwing insults at each other, and have accumulated some nasty grudges.  After the goblins have settled their scores with each other, the arena will be unsealed, letting the goblins free, straight into where a squad of crossbow dwarves is stationed.  Whichever dwarf shoots the most goblins as they try to escape will win the goblin shooting cup.  Let the games begin!

12th Galena

Alas, the goblins elected not to fight amonst themselves, and even worse, one of them escaped around the back side of the arena, the crossbow dwarves forgetting about its existance the moment it left their line of sight.  It didn't get far, though, before it stumbled into a cage trap.  It shall be reinstalled in the arena, to await next year's competition!

21st Galena

At last!  The flood trap is completely installed!  Now we just need some goblins to come test it for us...

23rd Galena

The Count Consort just had a metalsmith executed for failing to meet her demand for billon.  I would advise whoever is our next leader to beware, at least until a more permanent solution can be devised.

25th Galena

Today is the last day of my term as leader of Kulettögum.  I will advise whomever is to be our next leader about a couple things first, though.

Firstly, the outer drawbridge is controlled by the lever in a small room built into the side of the old waterfall complex.

Secondly, the tower has eight mason's workshops within it.  These are for the production of blocks, and will need to have their profiles adjusted if you want to use them for other things.  It is best that you set all mason's workshops where you want to make quality items to only allow masons of novice skill or better, since the greater portion of the populace has masonry as an allowed skill.

Finally, beware the Countess and the consorts.  They will make impossible demands, because they love nothing more than to watch good dwarves being executed!

Here's the save
The map is here
You'll have to download it and use the map viewer application, unless anyone wants to export the map again with a smaller tileset?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 01:00:49 am by Keldor »
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #115 on: June 30, 2008, 03:00:02 am »

I'll snag the save and export a map this evening. It'll all be in ASCII though.

I look forward to experimenting with all the levers to work out what they all do...

Also is anyone interested in signing up for a turn after me? Or should I ensure (rather than cause by accident) a period of... creative decline in the fortress' fortunes?


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #116 on: June 30, 2008, 03:56:55 am »

Sign me up for a third term then, after any new people (if we get any!). :)

We at least need to get some proper sieges/collossusseses to test the new wall!


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #117 on: June 30, 2008, 04:09:28 am »

Sign me up too! I really like to be the one who will turn Kulettögun into a pile of carp-infested rubble. ;D

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #118 on: June 30, 2008, 05:33:14 am »

I would like to take a turn.


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Re: {succession} Kulettögum, Salt Mines Beneath the Mire
« Reply #119 on: June 30, 2008, 04:26:13 pm »

map here

May I say that I'm impressed by what previous rulers have achieved. We seem to have an immense bottom level mining project, the tower is growing slowly, we have approximately seven megatonnes of food, three champions, pet alligators for sale, and many cool defences I have yet to fully understand.

I might build a slightly bigger dining hall though. And maybe some rooms for the Count Consort before he gets suicidal. But goddamnit I'm taking dresdor's table away. "Jools" Dodokkir never had a table, and that was good enough for him... ;-P
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