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Author Topic: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started  (Read 20219 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #135 on: April 26, 2008, 09:56:00 am »

Currently in late spring of 1053. Just had some immigrants boost my population to 60. I now have a mayor and fortress guard, which is fully manned of course. I have an army of engravers and masons, not to mention an army of, well, an army. 13 wrestlers, 12 recruits, and 7 of the wrestlers are training with weapons right now. When the human caravan rolls around, I'll make some more backpacks.



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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #136 on: April 26, 2008, 11:19:00 am »

With the most recent birth in my fortress, my population is just now 131 brave dwarven souls. Five of whom are totally worthless (My nobles. Lord Nearly Worthless, Lady Worthless, The Irritator, The Dwarf Breaker, and the Work Thief) and two of whom cannot have jobs because normal jobs inturrupt their duties (My Mayor/Shopkeeper, and my Bookeper/Manager)

Hopefully I will finish my last year today. Probably bringing in another migration that will top me over 150 pop.

As an Aside, I actually had a strange dream that I was ambushed by elves and sieged by humans at the same time that the elven caravan came. And that they had somehow broken past my defenses and were fighting my legendary siege operators and military dwarves 1v1...


Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #137 on: April 26, 2008, 11:33:00 am »

Note to self- Starting without water is *not* worth it.

*looks at his doomed champions and cries*

HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #138 on: April 26, 2008, 12:07:00 pm »

Admittedly, the only water sources I have are the scattered murky pools around my starting location. Fortunately, the climates cold enough to keep them from evaporating, so my wounded soldier has plenty of water to last until he heals.
quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #139 on: April 26, 2008, 12:32:00 pm »

Originally posted by Jamini:
As an Aside, I actually had a strange dream that I was ambushed by elves and sieged by humans at the same time that the elven caravan came. And that they had somehow broken past my defenses and were fighting my legendary siege operators and military dwarves 1v1...


I think a break is in call for....

..."I bumped Nist Akath and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"...


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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #140 on: April 26, 2008, 02:08:00 pm »

I finished up my death trap. I stubbornly decided to go with an entire dark-grey look throughout (only using slate and obsidian blocks), so now I have a whole F*** load of microcline. Which brings me to my next project:

:D The extra up stairs are going to be scaffolding for the next floor.

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #141 on: April 26, 2008, 03:41:00 pm »

Up to the end of year four!

The Factional Works
Foreman's Log

27th Granite, 1053
Silver!  Well, galena at least... but now we have two of the three most valuable metals besides the fabled Adamantite.  I just wish we could have found some platinum.  Meanwhile, we have to deal with the elves, who have seen fit to come back after the kobold... incident.

28th Granite
I'd say the elf caravan was a waste of time, except they brought lots of wood, which we've run out of since our only woodcutter was cut down by kobold arrows.  I hope they don't mind too much when we run it straight from the depot to the nearby carpentry workshop and turn it into bins and barrels.

3rd Slate
Damn!  Mūthkat got a lung collapsed while sparring.  He's in bed resting now, but I fear his days are numbered very low... especially since we have no water.

9th Felsite
Migrants!  27 of them, including 5 children.  I put 5 in the military, set two to be woodcutters, and put many of the rest on stone detailing duty.  Of note were two furnace operators and an armorer- all useful skills.  I think I'll put a couple farming as well.  We now total 47.

2nd Hematite
Summer starts on a sour note.  Mūthkat has expired from thirst.  What a shame.  In other news, I've decided to use the seeds that the last elves "donated" to us.  I'm not sure how good whip vines taste, but maybe we can do something with them.  I'm more optimistic over the prickle berries.

17th Hematite
Tobul Linemine dropped what he was doing and marched to a craftdwarf's shop much in the way the clothier did, as a dwarf possessed.  I hope their fates are not similar.

20th Hematite
We've concluded trade with the humans.  They brought a large quantity of meat, booze, and barrels, of which we bought them out.  There were a few other odds and ends, but nothing of note.  They were selling anvils at twice their value- like I'd pay that much for an inferior human anvil!  Bah!

22th Hematite
Tobul has completed Lļdlek Imkethamith, Tightnessbristled the Just Delights, a chalk trumpet.  It's banded with black bear leather and has an image of diamonds on it.  He has no recollection of making it, however.  At least he's pleased with it- even if it's only valued at 8400.

24th Hematite
Edėm Geardrun has become the fort's first Hero!  She's now quite the accomplished swordsmaster.

13th Malachite
More migrants!  I'm going to need to build more beds.  Only 8 this time though- 5 of which went into the newly-created guard.  We got away without a sheriff, but now we need a guard captain.  Unsuprisingly, Ral Gripcloistered became mayor.  His first act was to throw me a long list of demands.  I'm sure anyone becoming guard captain will do the same.

24th Malachite
Ral's second act- forbidding the export of black bronze items.  A quick check of the stock sheet indicated a total of zero black bronze bars and items, so I told him I'd be *delighted* to carry this out.

13th Galena
I have made a grave error.  Ral was pestering me more about his rooms, so I pointed out he was our chief miner- he could dig out his own room of his own choosing.  He nodded and scurried off.  I came down later to check out his progress and was stunned.  He had dug out three 8x11 rooms for himself, and he's just the mayor?  This will become the standard of comparison for future nobility, and they're even pickier.  I think my life has become harder.  At least I'm past the halfway point, since I have a date with destiny and several busty dwarven lasses at the end of the five year period.

18th Limestone
The home caravan is here.  I'm expecting some excellent trades.Ber Cloisterglides is the third dwarf to look as if his mind had be taken over.  He's kicked everyone out of the forge and is grabbing materials.

23rd Limestone
I'm quite disappointed at what the caravan brought.  Sigh.  At least they'll have something to talk about on the way home.  What?  I don't want to say until it's done.Ber finished his creation:  Muthirtan Angenranzar, Columntick the Fair Coalition, an iron bracelet.  Quite the mouthful, it's also nice and valuable at 40800.  It's studded with iron and has bands of silver and lead, as well as herring bone rings.  There's a nice picture of a dwarf in Bauxite.  Ber has no memory of its creation though.  I think if I
worked nonstop on an item of such value I'd remember it, but there you go.

2nd Sandstone
Ye gods, more migrants!  Another 9 trickled in today, making 3 waves totalling 45 dwarves this year- tripling our population.  I'm going to really have to crank out the beds now.  Several were drafted, two farmers, and one guard.

12th Sandstone
We lost a dwarf in a sparring accident today.  Another has a broken head and brain damage, so I fear he is a goner as well.

12th Moonstone
Well well.  A cry went up that there was a goblin snatcher about, and I caught a glimpse of him as he ran.  As it turns out, he was Atu Tostgudsnodub, Poolplague, a local leader, and one of the most notorious goblin snatchers in the land.  So we have a local enemy to contend with.  Unfortunately, there were no squads in the area, and he's quite fast.  I bet he'll be back.

15th Moonstone
Apparently he was scouting.  A goblin spearman ambush sprung out on one of our farmers, who demonstrated his great running ability.  The military was mobilized and moved to crush the menace.  All told, four goblin spearman and three goblin thieves (clearly trying to sneak in during the confusion) were struck down, at the cost of a single dog.  I've left the military on standby, in case there are more goblins.

22th Opal
Alåth Rampartsquirted has become our first legendary champion!  Hail!
In other news, we've hit a coal vein.  Our fuel worries are solved, for now.

1st Granite, 1054
A new year!  Year four of the fortress begins.  Our population is now at 61, having suffered some losses from injuries.  I'm beginning to wonder if starting without water was worth it...

Oh well!

27th Granite
Inod Mountaintouch has been affected too.  He ran out of the mason shop he was working in, ran to another mason shop (why?), and took it over.  He's now shouting loudly at anyone who gets in his way as he charges back and forth, grabbing materials.

5th Slate
Inod has created Sezukgikut, Slappeddabbled, a chalk floodgate.  I'm not sure what we need a floodgate out here where there's no water, but it's worth 19200.  Inod's become quite the mason, as well.

Also, Slappeddabbled?

16th Slate
Good gods.  29 migrants.  In 14 months, we have gone from 20 dwarves to 89.  I don't know what to do with them all.

17th Hematite
In a blow for international relations, a human caravan ran into a goblin ambush.  Two merchants and a guard are dead, as well as many goblins.  The rest of the caravan turned around- curses!

19th Hematite
The fortress has its first baby!  Olin Craftlightnings has given birth to Kūbuk Minedmarkets.  I think she has her mother's beard.

9th Limestone
Another goblin ambush!  This time they brought crossbowmen.  One engraver is already dead, being in the wrong place at the wrong time.   I've sent the soldiers to cover the entrance.

11th Limestone
The caravan sure picked the wrong time to show up.  They're on the other side of the fortress from the goblins, though, so hopefully they won't get shot up.

Great- the liaison ran right into a lasher ambush.

15th Limestone
Absolute slaughter.  The troops ran at the lashers on the liaison, right into a bowman ambush.  Those poor dwarves were cut down in droves.  I believe we lost around 16 dwarves, but more are injured and may not recover.  In addition, all our champions are dead or wounded.

18th Sandstone
Dōbar Cyclonelanced has dropped what he was doing and started yelling about a great idea he's had.  I hope he can find what he wants.

19th Sandstone
Our fifth immigration wave in seven seasons has shown up.  This'll help with the losses we've suffered- a little, since there were only seven.

25th Sandstone
Dōbar has completed Sil Omtäl, The Planes of Liberating, a turtle shell bracelet.  It's only worth 6000, but it's got nice rings and gem encrusting on it.  I'm not sure about the shell spikes, but whatever.

26th Sandstone
Alåth- our most experienced champion- has gone berserk in his bed.  Good thing his door's locked.

1st Timber
Ral, the mayor, has become a legendary siege operator.  The other two trainees are merely fairly accomplished at it.

9th Timber
A wounded marksdwarf who went melancholy took a short walk down the main shaft today.  I've sent a team to scrape him up.

23th Moonstone
Three total legendary siege operators now.  Hurrah!

27th Obsidian
The latest victim of one of these odd moods is the child Doren Heatherguilds.  He's developed a vacant stare, as if there were some other force controlling his moods.  Very strange.  At any rate, he's taken over a craftdwarf's shop.

1st Granite, 1055
My final year of leading this fort has begun.  Our population took a drastic turn downward to 72, thanks to the attentions of the goblins.  I'm winding up the plans to take this tournament by storm, though between the death of much of the military and bad calculations on my part, I really needed this warmup round.  I'm ready for the next level, though.

HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #142 on: April 26, 2008, 05:27:00 pm »

In five years I've gotten "further" into this game than I have in any of my other forts, including some that have been going on their tenth year.

Egur Ziril is now a Dutchy, complete with an Incoming King message (It appears I need to send offerings and build a few more silver roads.) and a philosopher (who I was totally NOT expecting to get in five years). Our population numbers over 150 and it's still early spring of year five.

FPS on the other hand, has tanked. I've gotten to letting the game run on it's own and doing other stuff (re-reading some of the Xanth books, baths, etc) while I wait for things that require my attention. It's really scary that half an hour can amount to far less than five days of in-game time.

Fortunatly, I think I can get far enough to be at the point of completion, even if I don't make it to the very end of the year.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #143 on: April 26, 2008, 05:59:00 pm »

So, how will the deadline be handled?

I'm currently assuming one has to finish before Sunday is over, GMT. That is to say, before 00:00 turns up and changes Sunday to Monday.




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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #144 on: April 26, 2008, 08:13:00 pm »

And that's a wrap.

The Factional Works
Foreman's Log

1st Granite, 1055
My final year of leading this fort has begun.  Our population took a drastic turn downward to 72, thanks to the attentions of the goblins.  I'm winding up the plans to take this tournament by storm, though between the death of much of the military and bad calculations on my part, I really needed this warmup round.  I'm ready for the next level, though.

4th Granite
Doren has completed Vathsithrūl, Squaresubmerged, a goblin bone drum.  It rates at a mere 2400 value, but makes a nice sound when played.  The child seems to recall nothing of making it.

17th Granite
A goblin siege has arrived!  Two groups of hammer goblins.  We're taking no chances- the gates are locked.  The elves can just sit out there in a drum circle or something and try to sing the goblins away.  Personally, I'm going to watch out the peephole to see them get slaughtered.

27th Slate
The elves didn't last too long, but the goblins still remain.  I cut some fortifications to allow crossbow fire at the goblins, but for some reason they have no urge to shoot at them.  They're just standing there looking at the goblins.  I have no idea.

19th Hematite
The goblins finally got bored and left.  We're reopening the gates now.

21st Malachite
We've found a strange cavern on the deepest level.  It just appears to be some rock structures in a smoothed out room.  It seems significant, but no one can figure out.  Maybe we're looking at it the wrong way...

5th Galena
Eight more migrants trickled in, bringing us up to an even 80.  No sign of true nobility.

11th Galena
Lokum Streamfence has gone strange on us.  She quit talking to anyone, and acts like she doesn't trust anyone anymore.  She's claimed a workshop and is sneaking in materials now.

17th Galena
Lokum has created Ziksiskikrost Zatam Bubnus, Splitstockades the Clout of Scouring, a microline idol.  What a mouthful.  It's valued 10800, which isn't too shabby.  I'm not sure about its design, though- it has leather spikes on it (?) and an image of a goblin shooting a dwarf.  That's not the spirit we want to promote!

15th Limestone
Another siege!  The dwarven caravan I just traded with is out there- methinks they're screwed, unless they can hold off the swordsmen and lashers.  They're welcome to try, because I'm locking the gates.

19th Limestone
I guess I underestimated the marksdwarves the caravan brought along.  They made swift work of the enemy troops, and the siege is broken.

1st Timber
More migrants, no nobles.  Eleven of them, two of them already soldiers.  Up to 92 dwarves, counting the most recent birth.

19th Moonstone
Mestthos Rocksslick, like many before him, has the appearance of one possessed by foul spirits.  He's dropped what he was doing and charged for the nearest craftdwarf's shop.

26th Moonstone
Mestthos has created Amstumäm, Openbroils, a granite crown, worth 7200.  It's got granite spikes and a nice engraving, among other things.  Not too bad.

22nd Opal
Within two days, we are blessed with two babies!  Two boys born deep in the mines, like it out to be.   Brings a tear to my eye, it does.

1st Granite, 1056
So it ends.  Five years have passed at this place, and I have received notice to head back to the mountainhomes and let this fortress be judged.  I've learned quite a lot during this project and I feel much more prepared for the upcoming events.  I'm on my way to fame, fortune, and dwarven babes with big arms and soft beards, oh yes.

Until next time, STRIKE THE EARTH!

Not my best fort, but it'll fly.  The early losses and fourth year ambush really hurt, especially when most of my military got wiped.  Starting without water was a big mistake.  I definitly would have gotten a dungeon master and maybe a baron if I could have kept many of those dwarves alive.  In addition, the point bonus is probably negated by the dead dwarf penalty, and definitly so from losing those champions.

I got *five* possessions in five years, four of which were successful.  I want my skill increases!  Arg!  My cook was grand master right as the game ended- a first for me.  I wanted to get major points through meals and booze, but that proved to be a dead end value.   My architecture point ideas were crushed when I realized how surprisingly little a golden road is worth.

Architecture is worth way too much.  I have 262 points from it alone.  I'd say lower its value to maybe 4k or 5k for a point, lower the value of military a little (a bowgoblin ambush can wreck even a stellar military, which comes down to luck), and maybe slightly buff booze and food- it's hard to get tons of that stockpiled.  But hey, that's the opinion of a player.

I've uploaded the filehere.  Judges, note that the mayor is my third legendary siege operator.  The other two are obvious.

That was fun!  Bring on the next round!

HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #145 on: April 26, 2008, 09:47:00 pm »

Just hit winter of the third year...  Getting 15 FPS.  I was hoping for 'submit by midnight local time', as I'm over in PST and it'd be due by 3 PM... But, I'm content to drop a four-year fort if I have to.

...Hey, let's try turning off temperature.  Ooo, 25 FPS.  Maybe this can be done in time.

Some things were made for one thing, for me / that one thing is the sea~
His servers are going to be powered by goat blood and moonlight.
Oh, a biomass/24 hour solar facility. How green!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #146 on: April 27, 2008, 01:13:00 am »

I'm submitting early, since I won't be able to play later today anyways.

I reached the summer of year 5 before the submission date, and I feel I did a good job with this fortress even though the massive lag and inane nobles.

Please note that the traps outside of my enterance are not stonefall traps, but rather cage and weapon traps. The constant snowstorms in my region have made all of my traps white as they have many of my floors

File is here:

Current Breakdown of Points calculated by self:

maximum is 100 points
Aquifer freezing              10 Points 1 Points per layer = 12points. Even though I had two biomes, I still voulentarily dug through the aquifer twice (once for my main entryway, the second time to get acess to sand.)
Undead biome:                 10 Points = 10 Points? Again, the glacier is supposed to be haunted, however due two the dual nature of my region I did not actually get any undead in my area.

No trees                      30 points = 30points. Every bit of wood here is imported. The elven diplomat was quite happy.

Embark Points: 30-52

Prepared foodstocks, for every 100: 1 point = 64 (6489 prepared foodstuffs)
surely... BOOZE, for every 100: 1 point = 26 (2655)
architecture for every 800 1 point =  1964(1,571,340)
Furniture for every 7.000 1 point =  37 (263,875)
other objects for every 10.000, 1 point = 138 (1,383,345)
artifacts for every, max 10 1 point = 9points
proficients for every, no recruits 9 points = 90 points(x3 Marksdwarves, x3 Hammerdwarves, x2 Axedwarves, x1 Speardwarf, x1 Swordsdwarf)
masters for every, no wrestling 18 points = 0
champions for every, 23 points = 0
leg. siege op. for every, max 5 20 points = 100points
traps for every 20 no stonefalltraps 1 point = 10 ( 213 (214 if pressure traps count!)
dwarfs (alive) for every, max 100 1 point = 151
dwarfs (dead) for every -1 point = -6
satisfied nobles for every, overall royal rooms 30 points =  240 (8 nobles without any outstanding demands or mandates in a four room royal suite. Mayor, Captain of the Guard, Philosopher, Dungeon Master, Duke, Dutchess Consort, Tax Collector, Hammerer)
power for every 1000 must be used 10 points = 0

No Achievments attempted for this round.

Total Estimated Points: 2845 - 2868 points, depending on how you score it.

I look forward to striking the earth anew.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #147 on: April 27, 2008, 02:41:00 am »

There should be a bonus for killed goblins/dangerous animals.

Maybe 1 Point per 5 goblins killed.

As you journey to the center of the world, feel free to read the death announcements of those dwarves that suffer your neglect.

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the cosmos. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips, I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my veins. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk and free throw.


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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #148 on: April 27, 2008, 02:47:00 am »

Oh yes, almost forgot.

This movie was made after my upload. Enjoy the gladitorial combat of my dragon, pet bear, a random armorsmith, seven wardogs, and thirteen goblins.

Pet dragons rock yo.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: the Dwarven Tournament - 1 round has started
« Reply #149 on: April 27, 2008, 04:06:00 am »

Nice going  :)

Because of my hate recalculating the actual time during timezones I though the deadline would be in german time  ;)
So it might be at 8:00 in Seattle and 6:00 (5:00 ?) on Monday morning.

I believe nobody does actually have a problem with "Oh you grant us 8 hours more, arrr lets smooth the walls" does anybody?

So long

The evaluation will take until next sunday I think, theres no way we might start the next round today... Every juror is told to count every fort, so we can see where are problems counting stuff.

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