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Author Topic: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo  (Read 18290 times)


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2008, 07:17:00 pm »

That was legendary. Great work, I'm loving it so far.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2008, 06:38:00 am »

Another update later today, stay tuned!
DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2008, 07:57:00 am »

~~~Diary of Besmar Olonmuzish, Army supply officer, 1058~~~

-13th of Malachite

Cookie, our chief of meals, has just limped into the fortress and climbed into his bed, bleeding something fierce. He spoke of a great battle with a Giant Eagle, and had two huge chunks torn from his arm to prove it. I ordered Xombis to tend to Cookie’s wounds, and mandated that every Dwarf in the fort work on finishing our well, canceling any project that I deemed temporarily un-necessary. I want that well built so we can get fresh water into the fort quicker. We will need it if Cookie starts getting feverish.

-21st of Malachite

Cookie’s condition is getting better. His twisted ankle has already healed and the torn flesh on his arm is scabbing over nicely. Xombis has done a good job of tending to his wounds and providing him with fresh water and plump helmets. As soon as the well is done, Xombis’s job will be easier and he can tend to the plump helmet fields and breweries more closely.

Nifo and Kira approached me today, asking about news of the Anvil. I told them that we should expect the Dwarven Caravan in the fall, and hopefully we will have enough to trade for an Anvil. They both pointed out the difficulty a caravan might have getting to our trade depot if it came from an upper or lower level, and it might pass us by entirely. I’ve quickly drawn up plans for ramps built up and down from the floor we are on. It may be unsafe, but we need the anvil more than anything else. Truly, my mind is far from these things, as I am worried mostly over Cookie’s health.

Events as they occurred on the 27th of Malachite, 1058

Ruefus clumsily swung her copper pick at the rock wall, trying to leave a slight slope upward so that the caravan could come down the Cliffside at this point. To Ruefus, it didn’t make much sense to dig upwards, but she wasn’t about to challenge the decisions of those with greater skill in mining.

“Careful lass. That be a pickaxe you’re swingin’ around, not a garden hoe. Ye could take someone’s eye out, or cause a cave-in.” Boatsmoke heaved another chunk of the cliff face back, and heard a rumbling from above. Recognizing the familiar signs of a collapse, he grabbed Ruefus by the shoulder and pulled. “Run ye fool or the mountain’ll eat ye!”

The two dwarves dropped their picks and ran as the mountain above fell into an avalanche.

Edit reason: Refering to Ruefus as a man instead of a woman. oops.

[ May 29, 2008: Message edited by: DoctrZombie ]

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2008, 11:31:00 am »

~~~Diary of Besmar Olonmuzish, Army supply officer, 1058~~~

-27th of Malachite
DISASTER! TRAGEDY! While tunneling out the ramp to the upper levels, my careless design caused a cave-in over the heads of poor BoatSmoke and Ruefus! They have both been critically injured and are unconscious on the surface! I fear my careless designs have doomed us!

-28th of Malachite
Boatsmoke woke up almost immediately, a testament to the stout Dwarf that he is, and went to rest in his bed. Ruefus is, however, still stunned from the collapse, and in poor condition. It looks like Xombis may be taking care of more dwarves…

-4th Galena
Our spirits are high in spite of the recent disaster. Cookie has gotten out of bed, and although he is not fully healed, he has returned to his duties. Ruefus still sleeps on the surface. Hopefully there was not too much trauma for her head.

-13th Galena
Ruefus finally woke up and took to her bed downstairs. It seems as though all of our dwarves are still living, and I count this as a blessing. The well is also almost complete. I have ordered a lever linked up to a floodgate so that we can add water to the well without flooding the fortress altogether. Unfortunately, Ruefus is our best mechanic, so a less experienced dwarf will be doing the job. I don’t want another accident, so I’ve paid close attention to the schematics this time.

Edit reason: Refering to Ruefus as a man instead of a woman. oops.

[ May 29, 2008: Message edited by: DoctrZombie ]

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2008, 08:29:00 pm »

Wow, that was a quick recovery for Cookie.  I'm really liking your writing.  Keep it up!
All generalizations are false....including this one.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2008, 04:33:00 am »

Hey, sounds like a pretty cool fort going on.

If possible, would i be able to sign up for an immigrant spot? (please don't drown me! *cowers*)

(Nick)Name: Kornash
Gender: Male, if possible
Occupation: Any metalsmith, with preferance to armour, and in the case of an emergency I'm happy to grab a spear and guard the fort.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2008, 05:07:00 am »

Ruefus' mental note: Mining is best dealt with by the experienced. Also, I must somehow become tougher. Oh look, more stone gerbils, gwerrrb. *Out Cold*
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2008, 09:05:00 am »

~~~Diary of Besmar Olonmuzish, Army supply officer, 1058~~~

-1st of Limestone

Autumn has arrived, and with it I know the Caravan is on its way. I’ve gone through our stocks and determined that we don’t have many crafts to sell, but we have several barrels of prepared meals made by Cookie that should be enough to cover the cost of an Anvil.

Speaking of Cookie, although I earlier thought that he was completely healed, he had simply decided to leave his bed for a while. He is back resting, but the signs are good. His arm wound is not nearly as bad as it was when he first came back from the fight with the eagle. I expect he will be up and working again by the end of the season, which is good because we will need someone replacing those delicious meals we plan to sell.

Ruefus on the other hand is not well… She has been placed in one of the spare bedrooms below the main chambers, and is being looked after by me personally. I desperately want the well finished but an old dwarven proverb goes “Hasty building wells are we, Drowning quicker soon shall be.” And I’d like to keep from downing. I put a second failsafe floodgate in place, and had a reserve pit dug out. The result is a well sewer system that works a little like spitting—sucking water in, turning, and spitting it into our well.

… That reminds me, I will post a “no spitting” sign in the well room.

The other dwarves are working on smoothing out our dining room so that it is more appealing to the eyes and feet.

-5th of Limestone
I built a carpenter shop by brewery, and assigned a stockpile for wood and another just for barrels beside it. I believe we can all see the wisdom in this.

Ruefus has woken up and moved to her own bedroom on her own feet, and rests there. She is looking much better now. It is my belief that both her and Cookie should recover soon. I take personal pride in the fact that, in spite of disaster, our healthcare system is better than most dwarven communities this far removed from the mountainhomes.

-17th of Limestone
This morning while I was stretching my legs outside a shout went out from our eastern Cliffside. The Dwarven caravan has arrived!

They have brought 5 pack animals with them, but no wagon. The cliffs are too filled with rocky boulders and such, so they had to leave their wagon at the base of the mountain. I assured them that come next year we will have a paved path directly to the base of the cliffs.

They have begun unloading their goods, and I pray that they have brought an anvil with them.


-19th of Limestone
While the traders unload their goods it seems like a good time to take a nap.

-1st of sandstone
It’s been several days since I woke up from my nap, but the traders have yet to inform me that they are ready to trade goods. They’re staring at me expectantly and don’t seem to be doing much work…It’s almost as if they expect me to come up and ask if they’re done! Hogwash! I’ve got things to store in stockpiles!

[ May 29, 2008: Message edited by: DoctrZombie ]

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #38 on: May 21, 2008, 08:29:00 am »

How's Boatsmoke?


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #39 on: May 21, 2008, 09:53:00 am »

No longer in his bed, so I assume he's fully healed or only has a few minor wounds. I'll check on his exact status later tonight but if he isn't in bed he's probabally 100% or only 1 gray wound.

New post soon!

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #40 on: May 21, 2008, 09:59:00 am »

Events as they occurred, 6th of Sandstone, 1058

~Sorry about the lack of an anvil this year, I know I promised you one, but I doubt you could afford to pay for it anyway! Too busy digging your homes I’d imagine! Har har! –King Kosoth Lamokol~

Besmar crumpled the note in his burly fists, threw it on the ground and spit into the dirt, a traditional dwarven display of disgust.  “DAMNIT! No ANVIL?! How are we supposed to forge steel weapons without an anvil for the forge?!”

The Dwarven traders stepped back, aghast at the emotional outburst. After all, they had brought with them fine wares of leather, cloth, and steel toys!

“And good steel, WASTED on Children’s toys?! STEEL GONE TO WASTE WHILE OUR CHILDREN ARE KIDNAPPED AND MURDERED!? What comfort will a steel drum be as the green skinned filth gnaws on their flesh?!” Besmar tossed aside a bin filled with silk cloth as he rampaged through the trade depot, swearing and shaking his fists above him in anger. He left the traders to ponder their misfortune as he returned to his chambers to brood.

“Is.. uh… Is he going to pay for that?” A skinny merchant dwarf named Tokar asked aloud, but got no reply from the stunned merchants and their equally shocked guardsmen.

~~~Diary of Besmar Olonmuzish, Army supply officer, 1058~~~

-12th of Sandstone

After giving myself a few days to cool off, I returned to the trade depot. After all, an ancient dwarfish proverb goes “Do not put the messenger into the magma-death-trap.” After all, it can be hard to find good messengers. I traded our small craft stockpile and some prepared meals for a copper pick, axe, leather, silk cloth, and pig tail seeds so that we can grow our own cloth. Cookie’s meals fetched a particularly high price, as they should. Even this far north the fact that we can still get a fantastic hot meal puts a smile on our dwarven faces every night.

My smile is a little bigger than the others tonight. I got a piece of my own vengeance. I sent the messengers back, after offering them a fair deal for their goods, with a sealed note to be delivered to the king.

~To my lord, the great King Lamokol, terribly sorry that we cannot send any weapons home this year. We won’t have any next year either, as the mountain completely lacks anvils of any sort! I’m sure you don’t need them right now anyway! Har Har – Besmar Olonmuzish, Army Supply Officer of Zirilzuntîr”

-21st of Sandstone
The traders have left, and we have finally tested our well pump system. Everything works fine, as you can tell by the lack of water stains in this journal! We now have fresh water safely imported to our fortress from the surface! At least now nobody will die of thirst.

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #41 on: May 21, 2008, 03:32:00 pm »

Boatsmoke's totally healed 100%. He's digging the magma pool out that will serve as the fuel for our forges.
DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #42 on: May 22, 2008, 06:35:00 am »

First fortress death. Who will it be? Stay tuned =D
DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #43 on: May 22, 2008, 07:07:00 am »

~~~Diary of Besmar Olonmuzish, Army supply officer, 1058~~~

1st of Moonstone
Winter has come to our mountain, but we cannot tell the change in season because the magma pipe keeps the entire Cliffside warm as spring. Even the brook has not frozen over.

I should mention that the brook, an important part of our lifeblood here, contains a giant waterfall, at least 10 dwarves high, to the south and east of our main encampment. While nothing specific comes to my mind at the moment, the engineering possibilities are incredible! I’m considering finding a way to harness that drop into a misty shower, something to bring happy thoughts to those of us saddened by the loss of our loved ones and our distance from home…

I’ve had to temporarily pull Nifo off of mining duty to care for our wounded. This means the magma pool will come along a little slower… We also struck a copper vein down there. I’ll mine some of it out but… well, we have lots of copper as far as I’ve seen, and the king wants steel for his troops. Copper will make for good picks and good logging tools though.

-21st of Moonstone
Our wounded are still recovering, but to the credit of our stalwart dwarves, they are being well cared for. I have heard tales of other outposts where dwarves die of thirst or starvation while resting in bed. Horrible…

I’ve ordered a large area dug out near our magma smelting pit for ore and bar/block storage. Nifo and Kira are digging it out quickly. I assume they are both anxious to put their real skills to work making weapons and armor. To be honest, I’m anxious too. If the Goblins have heard or seen us or our kin coming to this place then we will soon need weapons of our own. Until we get an anvil, however, the point is moot. Perhaps I can get someone to fashion some swords out of Obsidian… Not yet though. There is more than enough work to go around, and we are short two Dwarves.

-11th of Opal

We really could use some extra muscle around here… While most of the critical jobs get done, others suffer. Digging is going at half speed, and there is junk lining our halls. At least we do not have crops rotting in the fields or anything like that. Having a freshwater well so close by is a big boost as well. Wish Cookie and Ruefus would heal faster… but these things cannot be rushed. I would hate to have either of them perish because they returned to duty before they were ready…

I praise Baros, god of sleep and water, that the two only have non-life-threatening injuries, and did not die. In fact, I feel fortunate that none of our original seven have died horribly in some accident or battle…

I’ve taken over the hospitality duties myself, since I feel personal responsibility for each of the fine, stout dwarves under my command.

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntîr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #44 on: May 22, 2008, 08:14:00 am »

This fortress is too happy. Catastrophe will ensue.
Brace yourselves.
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