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Author Topic: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo  (Read 18298 times)


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #195 on: August 06, 2008, 11:44:43 am »

~~~Diary of Besmar Melbilamal, Army supply officer, 1062~~~

-14th of Granite

The Elves have unloaded their goods. I spoke briefly with Gica Lacoirene, an Elf Merchant woman, about why they had brought so little to us. To my displeasure, our king and their druid-queen have gotten in some bitter argument over the war with the goblins, and the elves will be doing less business with us in the coming years. Elves are such a weak and pitiful loathsome race. Just because our great king Lamokol beat a badger to death with the leg of a recently slain goblin, then baked the badger into crumpets and served it to the Elf witch claiming it was made of “Toe-Fu” is no reason to suspend diplomatic ties! Back in the mountainhomes we have a word for that kind of display. “Hilarious!”

=Events as they occurred, 16th of Granite, 1062=

Ruefus paused momentarily to gaze down into the valley below, where her clan was moving bins of stone goods toward the trade depot, where Besmar was arguing with some horridly thin Elf woman. Elven women had no muscle… they were gaunt and fair-skinned. Hideous. How their race ever managed to populate itself was a mystery to the greatest dwarven minds who appreciated a curvy woman who could drink them under the table.

Lifting her axe, Ruefus moved to the last of two tries in the plateau scheduled for a good chopping. The Elves brought so few logs that Besmar had ordered the entire forest cut down to make into charcoal. As she strode toward her mark, Ruefus caught the glint of iron in the sunlight. She cried out an alarm to her comrades below, and turned to flee as bolts filled the air.

Ruefus could hear the echo of warning bells from the great halls as she clambered across the grassy field, her boots sinking into the soft soil. Once she made it to the hard stone mountaintop, she would be able to escape. She paused for a second to glance behind her.

Five goblins wielding crossbows, protected by a wrestler and a guard, moved swiftly in the grass, yelping and hooting in their vile language, as dozens of iron bolts flew from their position. Ruefus’s luck didn’t hold out for long, and she caught an iron bolt in the center of her chest, narrowly missing her right lung. The force of the impact knocked the dwarf to the ground, which may have saved her life, as two more bolts filled the air where she had just been standing.

Crawling through the grass, spurting blood behind her, Ruefus vowed not to give up so easily. The bells were ringing, and the militia was on its way. Even now she could see Cookie standing in the guard tower to the north. She crawled quickly through the grass with the pounding of goblin feet and vicious snarling behind her.

**Editors Note: You can see three bolts flying at her and a couple that dug into a tree if you look closely.**

Cookie watched helplessly from the guard tower as his friend fell in the grassy field. She was out of range, even if he had any bolts with him, which he did not. He cursed his foul luck as he begged Dastot Zatamezar to take vengeance on the goblins. Below him he could only watch in horror as Ruefus took a bolt to the chest and went down. Cookie’s fingers dug into the stone, teeth pressed together preparing to see the worst, but Ruefus crawled to the edge of the grass, leaving her blood behind. When her feet reached solid stone, she stood up and ran.

“Run, Ruefus! Take flight or the filth will catch ye!!”

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #196 on: August 07, 2008, 08:11:30 am »

=Events as they occurred, 16th of Granite, 1062=

Ruefus clambers up the hill from the grassy plateau to the rocky Cliffside of the mountain, and runs as fast as she can toward the stairwell next to the guard tower, reaching up to her chest to hold the shaft of the bolt steady in her chest. At the stairs down she saw a beautiful sight, Sibrek was the first dwarf to respond to the call for help.

When Sibrek saw Ruefus approaching, her expression soured. “Ruefus! Quickly, do you taste blood?”
“Copper, in your mouth? Does it taste like copper?”
“N..No, but…”

Sibrek places one hand around the bolt and yanked it from Ruefus’s chest. There was a splash of blood, but Ruefus remained standing, aghast. “Lucky… Never seen a dwarf take a goblin bolt to the chest and not lose an organ…”

Without a moment’s rest, the goblins had begun to climb the slope toward the guard tower. Sibrek pushed Ruefus on her way, then readied her copper mallet. With a fierce roar she barreled down upon the first of the goblin forces, hammer held high in the air. A rain of iron bolts flew around her as she brought the force of her hammer into the Goblin Guard’s leg, crushing it. Sibrek followed through with her blow to cause the most damage, but it left her off balance. The goblin wrestler behind her grabbed her leg and shoved, throwing her off the cliff for a three-story fall below.

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #197 on: August 09, 2008, 09:52:07 pm »

Good news and bad news...

Good news is I finally closed on my new house! Bad news is that I won't be playing much Dwarf Fortress or writing in this forum quite as often while we move our stuff...

I will try to keep the updates to at least 1 per week, even if the content is light.

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #198 on: August 12, 2008, 01:02:12 am »

Woo, I just got back from my 3 day lack of internet.

Good luck with the new house, when's the party?


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #199 on: August 15, 2008, 10:52:24 am »

=Events as they occurred, 16th of Granite, 1062=

With a crash that echoed through the canyon, Sibrek collapsed from a three story fall to the solid stone earth just a few feet from the statue of Nilumoz. The force of her fall knocked he wind out of her and shook the shrubs and trees nearby. After a moment she shook off the effects of the fall and stood up. She had small cuts and bruises across most of her body, but her left ankle was sprained. Being the warrior she was, Sibrek turned and charged back up the stairs, following Krash and Alath, the other dwarves in her squad.

Krash brought his flail down into the shield of the Guardgoblin, spitting into its face as the creature sliced into his arm with a dagger. He barely noticed the pain or blood as he continued to strike madly at the fiendish greenskin, while Alath moved to flank the guard as Sibrek barreled down on the goblin wrestler who had given her a toss off the cliff before.

With a sickening crunch Alath brought his hammer into the ankle of the goblin guard, sending the creature to its knees, where Krash’s flail took off the loathsome beast’s head, sending it tumbling across the plains. Their victory was short lived, as Alath’s grin faded when two iron bolts burst through his ribcage. Four goblin archers clambered onto the Cliffside on all fours, snarling as they let loose a second volley of bolts toward Krash. Sibrek slammed her huge copper mallet into the torso of the wrestler goblin, crumbling the filth to the stone; she joined Krash in assaulting the marksgoblins.

Krash’s first instinct was to charge, and charge he did, but as bolt after bolt tore into him, he turned to flee for the first and last time. Krash fell to a bloody heap on the mountaintop with several bolts sticking from his limbs and chest. Sibrek charged on, taking bolts in her already wounded leg, before collapsing on the rocky slope. Refusing to give up, she drug herself across the earth with her hands, dragging her useless leg behind.

Sibrek gazed into the vacant face of Krash’s lifeless body as she cursed the skies, goblin arrows whizzing over her head, but soon she realized that bolts were flying in the other direction! Arrows from the marksdwarves in the tower!

Sibrek leaned forward to admire the bolts of her comrades as they pierced the throat of the marksgoblin closest to her. The creature fell to the earth gripping its throat, trying to breathe air but only taking in blood.

A goblin bolt struck Sibrek in the shoulder, and she collapsed content to rest on the stone while the world around her grew dark. In the distance she could hear the emergency warning bell ordering the reserves—nearly half of the fortress—to take up arms and charge the field… the front lines of Zirilzuntīr had fallen.

Above Sibrek, the Marksdwarf Bemul put down three goblins with her crossbow, sending the remainders fleeing into the woods from which they came. Cookie looked down in distress at his fallen comrades, when he spotted movement.

“She lives! Sibrek is moving!”
DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #200 on: August 16, 2008, 06:30:17 am »

If i could i would like to request a dwarf
Proffesion:MarksDwarf or a craftworker


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #201 on: August 16, 2008, 02:37:17 pm »

Only half? I try to make my entire forts skilled axe users. I'll request a speardwarf nemed Strife with this exact goal.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #202 on: August 19, 2008, 08:47:59 am »

I'll add both new dwarves into the mix as soon as time allows. Right now things are still hectic with the house moving and I still don't have internet at home.
DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #203 on: August 19, 2008, 09:02:22 am »

~~~Diary of Besmar Melbilamal, Army supply officer, 1062~~~

-20th of Granite
Two recent Goblin Ambushes have hit our fortress, with one causing significantly more damage than the other. We have lost a pair of our front line militia, among them Krash, one of our finest. Needless to say Morale is low. On the upside, Kornash single handedly defeated an entire goblin squad with the help of the boulder traps in the upper magma pipe hallway. The peasants have begun to call the hallway “GreenSkin Grave” – as it seems the goblins suffer the most horrific deaths there.

-23rd of Granite
The stinking elves have imposed an embargo against us! As a result, their traders have only brought a tiny percentage of their normal haul to us. I bought all the cloth, some food, and wood the elves had, selling them a few stone crafts that didn’t have any blood or bones on them. I can’t see why the Elves would ban the sale of some of their more pricy goods from us, given that we did them the favor of paving over all those bloody plants with good solid stone.
DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #204 on: August 20, 2008, 09:40:24 pm »

Amazing, Ruefus. From a cave-in early on, eating a possession-cookie, and now surviving a goblin arrow to the chest without organ damage. What will be next?  ::)
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #205 on: August 20, 2008, 10:24:50 pm »

Amazing, Ruefus. From a cave-in early on, eating a possession-cookie, and now surviving a goblin arrow to the chest without organ damage. What will be next?  ::)

Dwarves and Elves forging an alliance.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2008, 01:15:21 am by Hadriel »
Urist McDwarf: 'Ey, Kogan. You're now known as Assbutt in human.
Kogan McDwarf: Damnit!
"Urist McMayor likes copper for its lustre, giant olms, and talking to small pebbles.  He has trouble opening doors.  He needs alcohol to get through breakfast."


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #206 on: August 21, 2008, 12:25:22 am »

Amazing, Ruefus. From a cave-in early on, eating a possession-cookie, and now surviving a goblin arrow to the chest without organ damage. What will be next?  ::)

Dwarves and Elves foring an alliance.

NEVER!!! That must not happen!


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #207 on: August 21, 2008, 07:13:02 am »

Amazing, Ruefus. From a cave-in early on, eating a possession-cookie, and now surviving a goblin arrow to the chest without organ damage. What will be next?  ::)

I think I'm going to start calling her "Lucky" =D

Sorry no new content lately--been busy every night... Also the temptation to play Xbox for 10 minutes instead of DF for 10 minutes is high since I havn't had the Xbox for almost 2 months =p

I'll try to run a bit of the story today inbetween unpacking boxes...
DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #208 on: August 22, 2008, 01:21:19 am »

Sorry no new content lately--been busy every night... Also the temptation to play Xbox for 10 minutes instead of DF for 10 minutes is high since I havn't had the Xbox for almost 2 months =p

I'll try to run a bit of the story today inbetween unpacking boxes...

No sweat Doc, even DF players need a break once in a while, unless God decides to look in our preferences and use the draft/undraft exploit.  :o
Urist McDwarf: 'Ey, Kogan. You're now known as Assbutt in human.
Kogan McDwarf: Damnit!
"Urist McMayor likes copper for its lustre, giant olms, and talking to small pebbles.  He has trouble opening doors.  He needs alcohol to get through breakfast."


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Re: Zirilzuntīr - FireAnvil - The Forge of war (Community Fo
« Reply #209 on: August 24, 2008, 08:20:33 pm »

Ok, finally played a bit and got some content, including a new migrant wave! no nobles yet, and I doubt I'll have any story written up before tuesday, but now's your chance to get a dwarf if you have been watching and waiting! (especially militia. As typical, I got a lot of useless dwarves)
DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.
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