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Author Topic: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37  (Read 18280 times)


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #240 on: June 29, 2008, 07:22:56 am »

Sweet, already partway trained! See if you can raise crossbow skill next please. See if you can give her some armor as well, keeps the guards alive too.


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #241 on: June 29, 2008, 09:58:48 am »

Hrmpf.. My internet's down.
WIll try and get new steady connection ASAP.
Meanwhile, I might not be able to make a contribution to the story every day.
Don't worry. Updates will keep flowing..
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #242 on: June 30, 2008, 01:41:27 am »

(Hey, martinuzz what do you have Khazud doing? If he didn't come as a mason, or hell, even if he did, could you start training him as a Swordsdwarf? Unless of course you desperately need him for something. Due to this rather vague circumstance, I'm going to just post the arrival journal now. Also, do try not to kill him off. I have an idea.)

The Collected Memoirs of Khazud, Servant of the Great King Under the Mountain
Arranged from several recovered journals by the Human scribe Reginald Golding, by the order of King Jordan

Part 42: Of my arrival to Shinfusur Ilir Toral

The first thing I noticed as I entered the walls was the smell. Even now as I write this, so many years later, I can still clearly remember it. That all-pervading stench still haunts my dreams. The unrelenting smell of death.

Many dwarves had died before I came to that accursed place, and many died after. I admit with shame that at least a few were by my hand, and the only counsel I could give myself as I doomed my brother dwarves to die was that they were guilty of violating the our laws, and those that break dwarven laws are subject to dwarven justice. The justice of the King. I constantly told myself that they had broken the laws of the King, but I could not force myself to believe it.

They bore the resigned look of the condemned innocent, of those that did not know what they had done to bear such punishment. I... could not bear to look at those I was charged to bring to that hellhole, which was partly the reason why I had recruited the mercenary. At least then, I would have someone to help drive off insanity. Normally, one would worry of boredom, but such was the nature of our journey that merely making the trip would stave that off. No, it was the oncoming insanity of zero communication that was the worst.

Then of course, we arrived. I already told you of the stench, but there was far more. The gore-stained walls, the blood-covered parapets, and the huge, ominous tower that I would soon learn to greet with disgust and loathing. The prisoners were a defeated bunch, their once confused expressions now one of weary reluctance. Now, they merely tried to survive. It was... disturbing to say the least. However, the worst was definitely my fellow guards. Some were nearly as bad as the prisoners, unsure of what they were doing anymore. One was worse then all the others though. One who was completely assured of the righteousness of his cause. A cruel zealot who would slaughter us all at any second in 'the name of the king'. I made sure to never learn his name.


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #243 on: July 02, 2008, 08:07:03 am »

bump (have you decided to end the thread?)

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #244 on: July 02, 2008, 08:58:39 am »

The Journal of Maggarg Brokenhaft, aka maggarg Nokgollikot

Havin' evaded punishment fer nearly all mah crimes, an' that's a whole lotta crimes,
Ah've ended up in this Armok-forsaken hole.
Well, they were gonna catch up one day. I had ter fake *another* name. They're a bit dense though, I'm ALWAYS called Maggarg.. Anyway, I'll probably break out, the screws here think I'm a dumb brawler who can handle a few weapons. I were assigned the number 43, pretty nondescript.
I reckon this is a deathrow prison though, cause there aren't any prisoners wi' numbers below 20 summat. I'll have to gerrout fast.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #245 on: July 02, 2008, 03:35:49 pm »

I have 11, Red he's the one who lead the prisoner/ ambush repell...

Hope this thread dont die, hope mart just hasn't had internet...
Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #246 on: July 03, 2008, 12:02:50 pm »

The thread won't die as long as the fortress lives.
It is like DreadFang says, internet troubles....
'forgot' to pay my bill. Poor student and all.
But then, holiday's coming up, and I will fix it soon.
Next friday I'll be pending a day gaming at a friend's, I will make some time then to do an update.
Thanks for the support / bump / diary entries!
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin

Flar Moonchill

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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #247 on: July 04, 2008, 02:18:18 pm »

Heya mate, still loving the story, Will get round to posting some more journal bits but not for a while as the wife has decided to kick me out. Hopefully I'll get to it before Newt dies horrifically! Really quite glad he managed to fight through the ambush though  ;D

And remember kids, break ups can be fun!
« Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 08:37:02 am by Flar Moonchill »
- If you know what I mean, and I''m sure that you do.


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #248 on: July 04, 2008, 03:36:30 pm »

I'd add a journal entry to keep this going, but sadly I'm dead.

Oh what the hell, I'll do one anyway.

The Journal of Jools, Dwarven ghost:

Funny thing, Death. One moment you're full of blood and guts and hope and joy, charging out through a gate to what you've been told is freedom; the next, the hope and joy are leaking out of the same gaping wound in your lower body as all your blood and guts, courtesy of some goblin with a blade. My last words were cursing the Judge... reflecting on this (as it seems I have the rest of eternity, and little else to do) it seems a bit of a waste, as death concentrates the mind in a remarkable fashion, and the last things that flashed through my living mind were great insights on the importance of love and harmony, why we should live in a manner more like the elves, in tune with our environment, and I even had time to think up a full-scale set of blueprints for an infallible energy creation system that doesn't require any raw materials to run, but produces raw adamantium threads as a waste product. But did I use my last breath to communicate any of this? No. I used it on a curse instead. I'm rather ashamed of being so wasteful now.

Having chatted with some of the other spirits of those who have died in this place (quite a vibrant community these days) it seems these sorts of moment-of-death revelations are not uncommon. Suddenly becoming one with the universe means you understand a lot more about it, but are not quite in a position to tell any of this to anyone else... until you rise as a ghost, and meet other spirits of the dead who know it all already anyway.

Some of the more... idealistic among us (like that young Billy) occasionally try and make contact with the living, to pass on this wisdom, but the living are usually faaar too busy running about killing each other to notice us ghosts. And even if they did notice us, they'd never listen, with all that hot blood pumping into their brains and getting all those rash ideas.

No, I'm with the older spirits on this one. Leave the living to their little games, and let them get on with it. They're not even interesting enough to make a spectator sport for betting purposes - all you have to do is bet that they'll die for stupid reasons, and you'll be raking it in. Or would be raking something in if we actually had anything to gamble with.

In fact, that's the most difficult part of death - staving off the boredom. The living aren't any entertainment, they'll just run off and do the most stupid possible thing at any given moment, and it's not like us lost souls can throw dice or pick up cards or anything. The best I've come up with so far is some amusing word games, the most popular one being having to name a vegetable in between every word of the sentence you're trying to say to another ghost. Perhaps courgette that aubergine will cauliflower help potato pass leek a onion few garlic millenia...
« Last Edit: July 04, 2008, 03:38:09 pm by Jools »


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #249 on: July 06, 2008, 02:34:59 pm »

I must say that I am not totally sure of how this works, is it a savegame that gets distributed or is this a RP?
in the latter case I would love to join (if there is an immigrant-prisoner available off course ;))


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #250 on: July 07, 2008, 01:07:27 am »

Prisoner request!
Name: Biggs (M) / Brigg (F)
Gender: Preferably male, but whatever
Profession: Soapmaker (or something equally useless)
Crime: Biggs was a poor bottom-dweller in the Mountainhomes, who once tried to rise out of poverty as a hauler by apprenticing to a master tradesdwarf for six years. After blazing through the apprenticeship to achieve his Guild certification, he suddenly discovered that dwarf fortresses don't ever *use* soapmakers. Driven back into poverty by lack of work, Biggs resumed his dead-end job as a hauler for twenty years, and slowly forgot how to make soap. At the time of his arrest, he had given up on his prior profession to such a degree that he didn't even hear about the Count Consort's new mandate.
It having been so long since the Soapmaker's Guild received an order, it turned out that none of the practicing soapmakers actually remembered how to do their job. Instead, after a guild clerk found Biggs' name on an archival membership roll, the active members of the guild voted to use him as their scapegoat. He was sentenced to six Hammerstrikes.


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #251 on: July 07, 2008, 03:56:30 am »

Prisoner request!
Name: Kirrasj (M), Kira Sjhh (F)
Gender: No preference.
Profession: Mechanic
Crime: He/She started out as a farmer, growing prickle berrys in an above ground farming field, but quickly all fell out of hand, vermin and wildlife came from everywhere, destroying all of his crops but the uneatible.
He then decided he should defend himself, working on mechanics for hours.
Soon his complete farm was surrounded by ingenious types of traps, killing off any vermin coming near his farm, after this it was the unfortunate day at which the tax collector came by, unknowing of the traps his guard stood on a pressure plate, killing the entire floor around him, inclusively the tax collector.
As Kirrasj looked up from his farming to see what happened he felt a bolt striking his left upper shoulder, he fell and left himself to look dead. He would'nt have to do so though, as he soon passed out at the idea of killing a fellow dwarf.

Shorly thereafter he was sentenced to death row, now being a silent non-communicative dwarf he communicates mainly with himself or the walls of a fortress.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #252 on: July 07, 2008, 04:14:20 pm »

Dudes / dudesses,
thanks for all the support.
Still no internet at home and busy at the job.
I used to play, write something at the forum, play some more, etc.
I guess for now I will have to start writing in Word or something, and copy-paste it to the forum when I'm online.
Promise. Update will come this week. For me also rather sooner than later, for I really love writing the story.
Jools: dwarven ghost. I rofl'd at that one. Maybe I can incorporate something like that in the story... hehe.
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #253 on: July 08, 2008, 01:46:33 am »

Dudes / dudesses,
thanks for all the support.
Still no internet at home and busy at the job.
I used to play, write something at the forum, play some more, etc.
I guess for now I will have to start writing in Word or something, and copy-paste it to the forum when I'm online.
Promise. Update will come this week. For me also rather sooner than later, for I really love writing the story.
Jools: dwarven ghost. I rofl'd at that one. Maybe I can incorporate something like that in the story... hehe.
^^ good, are the new prisoners (me and muscle) accepted/brought in?


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Re: Shinfusur Ilir Toral (a bloody deathrow fortress)Kills:37
« Reply #254 on: July 13, 2008, 01:16:13 am »

Dudes / dudesses,
thanks for all the support.
Still no internet at home and busy at the job.
I used to play, write something at the forum, play some more, etc.
I guess for now I will have to start writing in Word or something, and copy-paste it to the forum when I'm online.
Promise. Update will come this week. For me also rather sooner than later, for I really love writing the story.
Jools: dwarven ghost. I rofl'd at that one. Maybe I can incorporate something like that in the story... hehe.

You have one day as of 23 minutes ago, US Central Time. :P
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