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Author Topic: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community  (Read 9784 times)


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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2008, 09:59:00 pm »

The Steelfang Project Annals
-Entry by: Vactor Castlemerchant, Expedition Leader
17th Limestone, 1052
Wealth: 54,983
Drinks: 370

The fall supply caravan arrived today.  I have scheduled several meetings with the liaison, but the formalities he insists upon will likely force the traders to wait for some time before I can trade with them.  It is comforting having their guards in the compound.

The new magma tunnels are complete, and will allow any forges or smelters built in the annex to easily tap into it.

Wreck of Theseus: My 2D Roguelite Mech Platformer

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2008, 10:25:00 pm »

The Steelfang Project Annals
-Entry by: Vactor Castlemerchant, Expedition Leader
21st Limestone, 1052
Wealth: 60,476
Drinks: 362

 The compound is in chaos, from what i've been able to sort out so far, this seems to be the course of events:

In the twilight hours this evening some dwarf spotted several goblins just outside the compound gate.  In the midst of them was Dwarfaholic.    
The odds look grim

No one is sure why he was there, but as the alarm was raised he took off running, the goblins ran too, either with him or in pursuit of him.  Our marksdwarf ran to the roof and began shooting the goblins, while the caravan guards charged into the fray.

Dwarfaholic made it into the side door of the compound just as the caravan guards came out.  One speardwarf was lost, an axedwarf injured, but they were able to rout the group of goblins.  Only two managed to escape.

Dwarfaholic's Escape

Accusations have been flying, it is unclear who saw what, and what is true.

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #47 on: May 04, 2008, 05:29:00 pm »

Ducim Baldbolted was perched upon the face of a dead goblin, something he had never perched upon before.  Under normal circumstances it would have been a small feat for the stocky Shadwarf, but the achievement was less than grandiose in his current form.  He had never particularly enjoyed being a trundlefly, but it certainly had its advantages.  It took his utmost concentration to  override the incredibly instinctual actions of his body, and to will it to do anything specific was an exhausting endeavor.  A compromise between his consciousness and his new body was reached upon the face of this dead goblin.  Ducim could overhear the dwarves shouting and arguing inside, while his body contented itself noisily sopping up moisture from the corner of the goblin's eye.

He had not heard from his contact in some time, and had spent several months locating this site, had 'coerced' a few elven traders, and eventually found a band of goblins that led him here.  

The dwarves were split, it seemed evenly, over the fate of the one called Dwarfaholic.  Half of them insisted he had been in league with the goblins on which Ducim rested, while the other half were certain he had narrowly escaped their blades.  He took note of the names said and pieced together who sided with whom, he would have to make a note of this later, this dispute was an opportunity not to be missed.  He gladly noted his contact was still alive and well.

Ducim took to flight, his body lurched, gorged to the point he could barely fly he weaved and wobbled towards the horizon.  If he had had a mouth, it would have been smiling.

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2008, 04:32:00 pm »

ugh, between my sister's wedding, being cast in a movie, fixing my car, and work I haven't had much of a chance to put together much for updates lately.  Hopefully my schedule will clear up a bit more from here on out, and I'll be able to get the fort back on track.
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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2008, 05:30:00 pm »

Question: does anyone know of a way to build downward from something suspended in the air?  i've got a way figured out to do what I want to do, but am looking for a better way, (essentially I'll build walkways from a ground level beside the area i'm building, build a staircase up, then remove the walkway.

[ May 06, 2008: Message edited by: Vactor ]

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2008, 09:16:00 pm »

The Steelfang Project Annals
-Entry by: Vactor Castlemerchant, Expedition Leader
24th Limestone, 1052
Wealth: 60,468
Drinks: 361

A hearing was held to determine the truth behind the goblin attack, and Dwarfaholic's involvement.  After extensive debate we were split, Pingles, Silu and Ricemastah concluded that Dwarfaholic had been pursued by the goblins.  Myself, Elfchopper and the marksdwarf concluded we had been betrayed.  As it stands Dwarfaholic is a free Dwarf.  I cannot afford to divide the compound over this matter.

Our liaison has brought us information regarding the future of the steelfang project.  Just to the south of the magma vent we are to begin laying the foundation to a grand palace, the likes of which have not been seen since the days of the mountainships.  The design had come to the king in a dream several years past, he had awoke and sketched it down in charcoal and chalk.  We are to make his dream a reality here at this place.


The structure is to be built out of limestone and marble blocks.  I will set the slaves to work cutting stone for the project.  I can only assume from the sketch that the domes are to be made with precious metal, and the keep of glass.

I am still puzzled as to what the red strip at the top of the keep is.

[ May 06, 2008: Message edited by: Vactor ]

Wreck of Theseus: My 2D Roguelite Mech Platformer

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #51 on: May 06, 2008, 09:45:00 pm »

~Excerpt from the journal of Silu Threecanyons~

14th Moonstone, 1052

Just when we got our smelting operation running properly we were forced to shut it down. That confounded Ricemastah has been so busy carving out giant wheels down in the quarry, that he never prospected for new hematite veins. I stormed down there today to give him a talking to and saw that he had left hematite ore in the walls of his little creation.

I pinched a pick off one of the passing slaves and went to work taking out all the hematite I saw. Ricemastah saw what I was doing from across the quarry and practically threw himself against the walls to stop me.

Boss Vactor must have seen me head over there in a huff, and was close on my heels, because the next thing I knew he had my arms pinned to my sides. I'm amazed at how strong he got just from doing bookwork. He talked to Ricemastah and myself and we worked it out where we'd take out the hematite and use walls to rebuild Ricemastah's precious little shrine.

The quarrys been all stirred up after Boss Vactor laid into Ricemastah quite a bit about not finding us a new source of ore, the mining gang has been putting out shafts every-which way. Until they find us some ore my boys are sitting on their smelters. The metalworkers sure got a good union.

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #52 on: May 06, 2008, 10:57:00 pm »

The Steelfang Project Annals
-Entry by: Vactor Castlemerchant, Expedition Leader
1st Opal, 1052
Wealth: 69,135
Drinks: 429

Any hopes of being properly reinforced were dashed today upon the arrival of a squadron of soldiers.  Not only are they fresh recruits, most of them are still wearing the clothing of their past trades.  They total 7, and I have sent them to practice wrestling in the courtyard as they did not bring their own weapons.  Our marksman has quite a job to do turning these recruits into soldiers.

Ricemastah has interred the speardwarf who fell in the first raid.  A limestone coffin now stands in the quarry near Ricemastah's great wheel.  I will let him deal with the burial arrangements from now on.

[ May 07, 2008: Message edited by: Vactor ]

Wreck of Theseus: My 2D Roguelite Mech Platformer

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #53 on: May 06, 2008, 11:18:00 pm »

The Steelfang Project Annals
-Entry by: Vactor Castlemerchant, Expedition Leader
5th Obsidian, 1052
Wealth: 80,286
Drinks: 366

This morning I noticed that the stairwell to the food and drink cellar was closed off by a Palm hatch cover.  Upon closer inspection it was quite clear that this was an amazingly crafted hatch cover.  Across the face of it was carved "Sodubal"

I consulted my library and eventually discovered that Sodubal is what ghosts were called in the old tongue.  "Misty Spirit" would be the proper translation.  None of the other dwarves knew where it came from.  Some of them think we may have a guardian spirit watching the compound, I am unsure what to think.

The hatch has a carving on it, it appears to be of me surrounded by the 6 others who founded the project.

Wreck of Theseus: My 2D Roguelite Mech Platformer

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #54 on: May 07, 2008, 05:43:00 pm »

The Steelfang Project Annals
-Entry by: Vactor Castlemerchant, Expedition Leader
19th Granite, 1053
Wealth: 101217
Drinks: 276

We have entered into our 3rd spring at this place.  Our smelting industry has been idling all winter while it waits for a new source of ore.  They will idle no longer! Today one of the miners noticed a glint in the corner of the quarry.  Ricemastah did a bit of exploratory digging and found magnetite! He's sure there is a vast deposit behind it and has started drawing up plans for excavation.

Our marksdwarf happened upon a kobold sneaking around the trade depot.  A few steel bolts stopped the kobold from running away.  The marksdwarf walked up to it to put a final bolt in its head when a pair of elves strolled through the main gate.  Seeing the look on their faces when the blood spattered up at them was the most entertainment I've had since coming to this place.  Once they had unloaded their goods I sat down to meet with them.  With a proper miltiary I felt much better at dealing with these kniving forest spawn.

A smile spread across my face,"You will take nothing from this place."

"I knew they wouldn't have anything to trade to us," The elf huffed to his companion.  "What a waste of our time, load the camels back up."

"I'm sorry I think you may have misunderstood me, you will take NOTHING from this place." I reiterated.

The slow spread of realization spread across the elves faces.

I stayed true to my word and sent a pair of embarrassed and furious elves into the shrub land.  I suppose I could have taken their loincloths too, but I think they got the idea.

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #55 on: May 07, 2008, 07:43:00 pm »

The Steelfang Project Annals
-Entry by: Vactor Castlemerchant, Expedition Leader
28th Granite, 1053
Wealth: 102,247
Drinks: 278

A stream of new dwarves arrived today, a hunter led the band of 3 metalworkers, a pair of jewelers, one a cutter, one a setter, a clothier, and 11 slaves and 1 child.  It will take some time to sort out living arrangements for everyone, Elfchopper is our only woodworker, and is already quite busy supplying the charcoal and ash furnaces.  Our population is now at 61

They brought with them a decree declaring me the Mayor of Steelfang.  With my growing work load I have our trapper helping with the bookkeeping. The decree made it clear that I was expected to have an increased quality of housing.  Some antiquated mandate intended to preserve the glory of The Oceanic Arrow.  This seems like it would be Pingle's department, I will see what she has in mind.

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #56 on: May 07, 2008, 08:16:00 pm »

The Steelfang Project Annals
-Entry by: Vactor Castlemerchant, Expedition Leader
9th Slate, 1053
Wealth: 103,404
Drinks: 265

During a meeting with Pingles today we heard shouts coming from outside.

I ran to the top of the compound wall and was staggered at what I saw:

The huge grey beasts dotted the landscape surrounding the herd, and on the near side of them we saw what had become of the hunter.  

The dread beast Endosigam and his mighty herd were upon us.  This Bull-Elephant is known for his fierce nature, and the elephants of his herd are said to have the strength of 10 of their lesser cousins.  Their migration has brought them to our compound, while they do not seem interested in approaching I shall be very vigilant of their presense.

Wreck of Theseus: My 2D Roguelite Mech Platformer

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #57 on: May 07, 2008, 09:17:00 pm »

Can I be a slave?  Name: Dresdor   gender: prefer male

Profession: Mason, particularly a statuer.  You can never have enough statues


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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #58 on: May 08, 2008, 12:09:00 am »

-The Writings of Slave Dojango-
(date unknown)

(the first few entries seem scribbled on a crumpled piece of parchment, each bit jotted down when the opportunity arose.  Judging by the handwriting long periods of time elapsed between each small entry)

I've kept my head low... done my work.
But that doesn't mean I've given up.

At night they have us sleeping in the courtyard, they don't have many gaurds, so they just watch the exits.

I've been able to sneak off now and again.
I had noticed that some of the floors that have been built sounded hollow.

My guess was right, they built part of this compound over a dried up pond.

I've finally managed to dig down to it! I altered an empty bin in the leather stockpile to have a false bottom, then dug a hole beneath it:
Here is where I will keep my notes, and here is where I will plan my escape.

I will not tell any of the other slaves yet, but there is one who seems to share my mindset, he was an artisan, gems by trade, pressed into masonry.  He spends his day cutting stone into blocks, but he seems to be an artist at heart, sculpting bits of marble into figurines when the gaurds aren't watching. I will keep in contact with him, he goes by the name of Dresdor


[ May 08, 2008: Message edited by: Vactor ]

Wreck of Theseus: My 2D Roguelite Mech Platformer

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Re: "Steelfang" of the Everseeing Spear (Community
« Reply #59 on: May 08, 2008, 01:28:00 am »

Not the haunting moo's.... NO!!!

This is awesome, thank you.

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