The advanced methods used by dwarves to classify stone layers many miles away have proven themselves nearly infallible. Large dwarven settlements owed their existence to these fine methods, but the stoneseers, dwarves of science, have always been bothered by one aspect of their work- Ocean bottoms.
No dwarf, elf or human had ever gone to the bottom of the ocean and returned alive, so their composition was a mystery to the stoneseers. The only thing they had was the ooze and clay model, based on extensive observations. Several distinct types of ocean floor were identified and classified as oozes or clays by their hypothesized texture.
A change of ruler at one of the larger mountainhomes lead to the formation of the very first dwarven oceanography expedition. The chosen site was a vocanic island in the middle of the ocean. The deep ocean around the island bore promises of actual, real-life ooze, waiting to be uncovered. Dozens of stoneseers, skilled workers and plenty of high-grade tools and materials needed to create an off-shore drilling rig were gathered, and the ship set sail in early 1050.
Unfortunately for the hopeful crew, the overloaded ship was taken by a storm. Only a handful of dwarves managed to reach the island, along with a pitiful fraction of the expedition's supplies. Thousands of miles away from civilization and dispatched by the power of a royal mandate, the survivors had no choice but to regroup and resume their mission.
The following souls gathered around an especially large crate that washed ashore:
A male architect; adventurous, sincere and candid.
A male gearhead; scatterbrained, laid back, compassionate and lacking an aesthetic sense.
A male fisherdarf; unaffected by the suffering of others, self-disciplined and an outdoordwarf.
A female Stoneseer; friendly, intuitive, unmoved by pity or urges and lacking confidence.
A female farmer; Easy to anger, assertive, energetic, helpful, a champion of modesty and seldom open about her feelings.
A female clown; Self-conscious, active, wary of crowds and appreciative of art and natural beauty.
A female ex-wrestler; Nervous yet cheerful, straightforward and reserved.
A breeding pair of miserable-looking dogs that managed to float to shore.
The stoneseer stepped up with a hollow expression on her face, and as if reading a script, spoke: "It seems that we are the sole survivors. Our first order of business is to asses our situation and set up a sustainable outpost. I'm Junior Stoneseer A.C.P. and I'll be taking down your names and professions for the expedition record."
One by one, the dwarves shared their names and professions.
This is the part where you claim the dwarves. I haven't embarked yet, so feel free to alter the professions, but keep in mind that the starting crew is not supposed to be perfect, far from it. As for the supplies, I've got the usual food and drink packed, as well as some seeds, picks, an anvil and copper ore.
Claimed Dwarves:
A.C.P. the Stoneseer
Claw the Fisherdwarf
Exoleet the Architect
Kira the Gearhead
Pook the Farmer
Rayna the Clown
Valter the Ex-Wrestler
[ April 14, 2008: Message edited by: AlienChickenPie ]