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Author Topic: Dreamhill: The time for revenge has arrived  (Read 2243 times)


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Dreamhill: The time for revenge has arrived
« on: March 02, 2008, 09:20:00 pm »

This is the followup to my previous community fortress Dreamshield
occurring roughly a year later with the same dwarves. A brief summary of the previous fort is that it was founded in a wasteland due to the instructions of an idiotic baron. It was short lived, after a goblin ambush, trapped the inhabitants inside, who were then unable to contain the overflowing volcano and forced to abandon.

I've decided to go with a bit more, no a lot more of an overall plot this time around.

   When I look back in time, I can hardly believe how much things have changed. I can still remember leaving Dreamshield, vowing revenge. I knew not what was to come. Events had been set in motion, leading towards an almost inevitable catastrophe. And Dreamhill, my pride and joy, was at the center of the coming storm.
   It all began six months after the fall of Dreamshield. Seven Dwarves sitting in a tavern, planning a new home. There were many dwarves to be recruited, many supplies to be acquired. Dreamhill was from the very beginning going to be the most well planned fortress in the world.
   But plans rarely survive contact with reality. Our planning was cut short, by a commotion outside.  I rushed out to see, to find Baron Gedor himself, the idiot who had sent us to Dreamshield. With him were a dozen soldiers.
   Ah Linthar, just the dwarf I was looking for he said. Ive come here to arrest you for the crime of treason.
   Treason! Thats absurd. Ive done nothing wrong. I replied.
   You abandoned Dreamshield, a lawful outpost of the Dwarven Nation. Now monsters roam its halls, slaying thirteen Dwarves who traveled their ignorant of your treachery.
   I had to evacuate. The volcano had become unstable, lava was flooding the land.
   Lava can be contained. You just chose not to.
   Choice had nothing to do with it. My miners were blocked by a band of marauding goblins. The lava could not be reached in time.
   Such a convenient excuse. A band of goblins appeared out of nowhere, and disappeared into thin air. If their truly was a goblin raid, then the bodies of those you slew should have been found when I investigated. Youre just lying to save your own skin.
   I tried to find the words to explain that the goblins had escaped unharmed, but I knew that it was useless. I had thought the baron an idiot, but he was turning out to be downright malicious. Then a shout suddenly rang out. The Goblins are attacking.
   Everyone immediately turned around distracted. I felt a pair of hands pull me around a corner. There I saw a dwarf who I had never seen before. Who are you? I asked.
   One who shares a mutual enemy. Ive opposed the baron for many years now and I cannot let another good dwarf fall prey to him.
   With that he pulled a carefully concealed lever, and part of the wall moved away. He then said Now go. Everyones distracted by the imminent threat, but they will soon realize its just a ruse.  Your friends and some basic supplies are waiting outside. Travel to the Wealthy Beak. There you will be outside the barons reach. I will send aid your way as soon as I can.
   The mysterious mans words did prove true. A wagon loaded with supplies was waiting for me, as were my companions, all of who had been safely escorted out earlier by the same mysterious man. It was on this ominous note that the saga of Dreamhill began.
   Little did I know at the time, but in the shadows somebody watched.

   Operation ???????
Agent ??????s Report.
   My surveillance of the baron continues. He tried to have a band of dwarves arrested for treason, but they escaped aided by an unknown group. The barons claims are highly suspicious. This new information warrants investigation of Dreamshield and The Wealthy Beak.

I should have the rest of the introduction and the first half of the year posted tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Sorry it took me this long to get it posted, but I had a frustrating time getting this started, due to a bug making the selection of the expedition leader random requiring about over 10 tries to get my dwarf selected as leader.



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Re: Dreamhill: The time for revenge has arrived
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2008, 09:54:00 pm »

Did Penguino survive?


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Re: Dreamhill: The time for revenge has arrived
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 10:17:00 pm »

Heres the second half of the introduction, and the uneventful start of the first year. I apologize in advance if I messed up with recreating anyones dwarves, but after ten restarts to get the right expedition leader the details cease to matter so much.

   By the time we arrived at the future site of Dreamhill a whole year had passed, since we abandoned our past home. We were located on the top of a spire of barren rock. To the east was a patch of jungle, rumored to be cursed, but containing vital trees and pools of water. And to the south a vast chasm split the ground filled with terrible beasts.

   The supplies we received were interesting. Plenty of food and plenty of drink were contained, although unfortunately there was no anvil. We had two axes which I made sure get safely stashed away. No kobolds were going to steal them this time. We also had though were 14 war dogs. Dreamhill would not fall as easily as its precursor had.
   Equally important were my fellow dwarves. Five of them I knew well, the other surviving members of the original expedition to Dreamshield.  Ive learned that my journals of Dreamshield have been published, but the publisher of my journal messed up all the minor details, even inventing a completely new pantheon of gods for us to have supposedly worshipped so Ill introduce everyone again.

First there was Imp. Imps skill was with stone, whether as a miner, a mason, or a mechanic, she could get the job done. Its hard to imagine what we would have done without her skills.

Second there was Skanky. When I first met him, he was merely skilled with the axe. But at Dreamshield he served as our first carpenter, and in the months following, hes also became a skilled woodcutter.

Third was Sigurd. A miner and an engraver, his work is evident throughout the whole of Dreamhill. Its likely that every room in the fort has either seen the touch of his pick or his art.

Fourth came Pengunio. She had always possessed many talents. She could farm, cook, brew, keep records of the stocks and more. Her aid was indispensable in the forts first year, for if there was anything that needed doing; she likely already possessed prior experience.

Fifth came Mulch. She could farm, and she could brew and she was very good at both. In later years she would seek to enter the military, but at Dreamhill's start, she was essential to keeping food on the table, and beer in the barrels.

Sixth came Brann. He was the only newcomer to the group. After the fall of Dreamshield to goblin raiders, I looked to acquire more military might, and Brann was the best I could find. His skill with the axe would later prove indispensable but at the forts start, he was most needed as extra labor.

Finally there was me. At the time I was a simple stonecrafter, with an eye for the value of goods.

It was just the seven of us the first half of the year. The barren mountain remained devoid of life, except for the chasm, and a few hardy mountain goats. We were busy carving out the fortress. We carved the first stockpiles the first bedrooms, even began the great dining hall. When autumn came around most of the fort was still a work in progress, with much rock just waiting to be dug.

The only area resembling anything near to its completed form was the entrance. While our numerous war dogs, supplemented by sixteen puppies all born simultaneously were a formable defense, we had already began work on a trapped passage, to weaken any invaders. The eventual plan was to carve out the area around the stairwell, and move the dogs there, so any invaders would be forced to walk the gauntlet of traps before being overrun by our fury friends.

Soon though we would get our first hints at the storm to come.

OOC: Not as challenging a location as the previous map, but this time around it's all about revenge. Given that I already have 30 dogs, any guesses as to how  long it will take for their population to reach critical mass and become a black hole.



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Re: Dreamhill: The time for revenge has arrived
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 10:50:00 pm »

- Journal of Brann Oddomor, entry #1

Finally, we've set off. As I write this, we're camped a good week's journey from the city, well on our way to wherever it is we're going, and a respectable distance from that damned Baron. The man who sent my sister to an early grave at the filthy green hands of the forsaken goblins. It took a lot of doin' for me not to go after that bastard Baron myself, and thoughts of splittin' his oversized, self-important head like a ripe melon still taunt my dreams... But I'll concentrate on the goblins... for now.

- Entry #2

I gotta admit that it's feeling a bit awkward, being the only one of us seven that doesn't know any of the others... But we're getting along alright. I've been keeping my axe close... the 'leader' of this little band told me to, but I always keep it close anyways. I won't be caught off-guard if any gobbos should attack us.

- Entry #3

Well, it looks like we're here... wherever 'here' is. The trip here's been so boring... at least I'll get to sharpen my axe on some trees, though there's something else that's green that I'd rather sharpen it on.

(Dogs are good... strong early defense, and an emergency food supply. Mmm, *puppy tallow roast*.)

[ March 02, 2008: Message edited by: Tyrving ]


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Re: Dreamhill: The time for revenge has arrived
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2008, 10:14:00 pm »

The story continues

Chapter 2:

The second half of the year marked the end of our isolation. Our mysterious friend had promised to send aid, and only a few days into autumn it arrived. He had somehow managed to send an entire caravan our way. Whats more he had traveled there personally to be our liaison.

I made a few trades with the caravan, acquiring an anvil, as well as food, leather and cloth. Then I showed our new Liaison around the fort. His name was Sanith. I showed him the massive dining room I had planned, which would eventually hold a full 200 dwarves, and deep into the depths of the earth, the hall of history, while the history of our fort would be chronicled. As I showed him around he asked me about our mining operations, and was not happy to learn that they had only just begun.
Afterwards we negotiated future trades. I made a few minor requests, some seeds some more rope, and a few other odds and ends. He then made his own requests.

I commented on the fact that he was requesting a lot of weapons, especially since the fort had yet to start its metal working operations, or even mining for the necessary metals. He merely replied that the goblins had been causing trouble, and that I should keep digging.

Right before he left I asked about him how he managed to send an entire caravan. Sanith said that he had contacts in the Dwarven Government, and had gone over Baron Gedors head, and made Dreamhill an official outpost of the Dwarven Nation. In fact he said that the first migrants were already on their way.
Those words would soon prove true. The caravan had only just left sight when 6 dwarves appeared on the horizon. A brewer named Otin, as well as a Clothier, a Woodcrafter, a Leatherworker, a Gem cutter, and a Gem Setter. They were all talking about the latest rumors. Spies had detected a lot of activity in Goblin Fortresss all across the world. Something was going on, but no one yet knew what.

After I put the migrants to work, the rest of the year past uneventfully. I still have the map I drew of the fort still in its fledgling state, and Ive taken the liberty of reproducing it here. Thinking back to Dreamhills first year, it strikes me how little I knew. I knew not that while I was drawing that map, events were being set in motion in the Ruins of Dreamshield that would change the world.


There are 5 migrants up for claiming. The brewer I'm saving for later use in the plot. This leaves a

a Clothier
a Woodcrafter being used as a Stonecrafter
a Leatherworker   
a Gem cutter
and a Gem setter being trained as a woodcutter

up for grabs. Anyone who requested a migrant in the previous thread, with get the first dwarf matching the original request, and if anyone wants to make a claim to the first dwarf to match a yet unseen profession feel free.

Finally the Pantheon for our fortress

 Ast the Stances of Ferocity, deity: fortresses, war, death
 Asn, deity: mountains
 Tobul, deity: earth
 Ber, deity: jewels, wealth, justice
 d the Right of Esteem, deity: courage, the dawn, the sun
 Grem, deity: sacrifice, duty
 Limr Amusematched, deity: gambling, luck, games
 Krar, deity: fame
 Gadan Cherishedbanners, deity: the moon, revelry



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Re: Dreamhill: The time for revenge has arrived
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2008, 01:26:00 am »

I 'll get the woodcrafter/stonecrafter migrant

Name this dwarf as Sidew if male or Jaina if female.

I l'ke to see my dwarf acting into the history...

"I am Urist Threepwood, mighty engraver!"


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Re: Dreamhill: The time for revenge has arrived
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2008, 08:59:00 pm »

I said in the begining of the thread that there was an overall plot going on. With that in mind this next update details whats going on elsewhere in the world. If anyone is writing journals keep in mind that this information has not yet reached Dreamhill. This is purely for the readers.

Chapter 3:

Classified File:
Agent: Liolel Shadowborn of the Twilight order

Objectives: A. Infiltrate Dreamshield, and gather intelligence on the nature of the events that have occurred,
           B. Field test Project DEADLY GREED. See attached file

Agent Liolels Reports:

   Report 1: The infiltration has been a success. There is no sign of intelligent life, merely scattered troglodytes and antmen. They have easily been dispatched with the aid of Project DEADLY GREED.

   Report 2: Ive begun a systematic search from top to bottom. The first few floors have been devoid of clues other then a high number of loose objects left lying on the ground, suggesting a hasty departure by the previous inhabitants.

   Report 3: Every surface in the dining hall is covered with engravings. Ive made copies of a few that if accurate document the forts history.

   This one documents the forts founding.

   The next suggests an initial prosperous period marked by great works of art. Pictured in the engraving is the famous spike Abbeyworks, that now resides in a vault in the capital.

   The third shows the fort, being harassed by goblins. It appears their initially the defense of Dreamshield was successful.

   However the last engraving shows the defense failed. Soon after the event depictated our intelligence shows Dreamshield was abandoned. It is my opinion that the two events were related.

   Report 4: Ive have located the catacombs. 11 tombs, 5 occupied. The number of unoccupied tombs suggests that the inhabitants felt their life was in danger and prepared for the worst.

   Report 5: My investigation of the volcano is complete. As the sketch I made shows, the overflow of lava, has reached dangerous levels.
       So far all evidence supports, the claims made by Linthar, the dwarf that was accused of treason as detailed in my previous report. I am now proceeding to the goblin fortress of Scourgemenance to gather more information about the goblin raids.

   Report 6: The entire population of Scourgemenance is dead, killed by some unknown group before I arrived. Inquiries in nearby towns show that no military activity has taking place, from humans, elves or dwarves. This is an alarming development, and group powerful enough to wipe out an entire Goblin Fortress, could prove a significant threat to our nations interests. I am returning to base to report this development personally.

End of File:

Classified File: Project DEADLY GREED

   Overview: The goal of project DEADLY GREED is to create deadly weapons easily disguised as ordinary objects. Stage 1 of the project focuses on disguising razor disks as ordinary coins.

   Field Test 1 Agent Liolels Report: Project DEADLY GREED is a success. The razors are indistinguishable from ordinary coins but are deadly weapons. In addition I found they can easily be thrown from hiding without alerting any foes to my position. I recommend increasing production, and giving them to all agents.

End of File:

   Any update with Liolel, will be very loosely based on adventure mode. I do have an adventurer visiting the sites but, most of the story has little to do with what actually occurs.
   I will get back to Dreamhill next update. I have already played a few months and now have the following additional migrants up for grabs

Peasants 2 (1 architecture/mason)
2 Woodcrafter (1 plain, 1 trained in bonecarving)
Soap maker (Military)
Animal caretaker (animal training)
Fish cleaner
Animal disector
Lye maker
Furnance operator
Milker (Military)

I've already given dwarves to every that requested migrants last thread.

Edit: The position of sherrif is open for the first person that wants it.

[ March 05, 2008: Message edited by: Linthar ]



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Re: Dreamhill: The time for revenge has arrived
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2008, 10:14:00 pm »

I think Brann'll take the Sheriff position, if you don't mind.