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Author Topic: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort  (Read 5848 times)


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2008, 08:24:00 am »

Originally posted by Obsidian:
<STRONG>I'll take the second miner, and her name shall be "McFlibbles".

Don't ask.</STRONG>

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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2008, 08:26:00 am »

Originally posted by Jualin:
<STRONG>Name: Aikenguy

Occupation: Mason, Carpenter, any smithing labor, or/and Mechanic.

Notes: Security maniac. Has a deeply vested suspicion that the world is out to get him, and as such booby-traps everything, from his bedroom door, to the well he drinks from, to that scenic tree he gazed at one midsummer morning. It's the only reason he hasn't torn off all his clothes and jumped off a cliff/swam in lava/said hello to a dragon/an elephant/a giant eagle/a titan/a unicorn/carp. His goal in life is to live in a room set up to blow up by a single lever and pull that lever when fate comes knocking. Perhaps sooner.</STRONG>

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2008, 09:31:00 am »

Sorry about the delay with updating.. Let's just say I have a lot on my mind right now *cough* A levels *cough*


RAWR's personal journal entry:

It had been a few months since we had seen any goblin trouble, so maybe I started to let my guard down. This is a mistake I cannot afford to make again.

A goblin drunk, known as "Zolak Hellsabres" almost caught Sparrow, while he was cutting wood. Zolak had been engaged in the goblin's pasttime of chasing Elephants when he saw a more tempting looking prey.

Fortunately Sparrow saw him coming and fled back towards the fortress. Boltedhandles, my prize war hound, smelled the goblin coming from a mile away and ran to intercept him.

The other dogs followed, tearing into the goblin ferociously, one even ripping the goblin's arm right off. Luckily the dogs escaped injury, but I am growing more and more frustrated at never seeing combat myself.

I am now conducting regular training sessions with Aardvark in the Barracks, although we fight without weapons because I am fearful of an accident should we use our iron war axes.

It seems bad luck comes in twos because soon after the first goblin attack, two more goblins came, "Blackdeer" and a priest known by the fearsome name "dungeonanus".

Boltedhandles was enjoying the midday sun outside and was blissfully unaware of the goblins' dark intentions. Nevertheless it was his barking that alerted us to danger and myself and Aardvark immediately ran to the scene with the other dogs.

Boltedhandles found himself outmatched by the two goblins. Once the other dogs and myself and Aardvark arrived we turned the tide of the battle but we were almost too late to save Boltedhandles, who was left blind in both eyes, and with a mangled lower body.

Somehow, the legendary goblin scourge went on living, although he passed out from pain every few steps he took as he slowly stumbled back to the fortress.

The sight of this wounded animal still giving its all for the fort moved all of us deeply, and I have decided that myself and Aardvark will devote more and more time to training, so that we will eventually be able to take the fight to the goblins, in their unnatural sky towers.


An extract from Sparrow's diary, late spring:

I have scarcely had time to write in my journal lately, but so many strange things have happened recently, that I have been compelled to put pen to paper. First of all there is our leader and Aardvark.

They've been spending a lot of time in the barracks, only to later emerge sweaty and exhausted. As I was installing a bed I had made into the barracks, I saw the two of them wrestling on the other bed. (Author's note: this did happen!) Naturally rumours are spreading round the fortress but I would not like to comment.

Secondly, while on a break from cutting wood, I sometimes sit on a log and watch the goblins in the valley below. Of course they are always chasing elephants, herds of which seem to often come from the north east and south east.

Recently though, I watched as they actually managed to chase one into the northernmost fortress. I could hear various screams and trumpeting coming from inside, so I could only guess what happened while it was inside, but then it ran up the stairs (don't ask me how) onto the roof, pursued by many goblins and I could again watch what was happening.


Many goblins surrounded the elephant, and I watched with bated breath as to what would happen next.


What followed was absolute carnage, as the cornered elephant stampeded, crushing and mangling bodyparts everywhere it trod.

Bizzarely, even the critically wounded goblins crawled after the Elephant, seemingly determined to kill it no matter what.

One goblin got trapped between the elephant and a wall, and was splattered against it with a mighty blow.

All the goblins chasing the elephant had now been maimed somehow, and it disappeared away down the stairs. Later on I tried to pick it out again but it had seemingly disappeared away to the East.

For a second I almost felt sorry for the goblins, but then I had a better idea, and reported to RAWR about the elephant rampage.

(Author's note: before it reached the roof, Godthrone was cornered in a corridor by many goblins and a goblin guard, but escaped with only a slight head wound, mangling many goblins in the process.)


RAWR noticed that Sparrow was looking rather uncomfortable, as he came to give a report. RAWR couldn't imagine why, he was only holding Aardvark in a leg submission. He quickly stood up and listened to what the other dwarf had to say. He listened with glee to Sparrow's account, then immediately shouted to Aardvark to arm up.
"It's time to do what we came here for!" he said, eagerly. "Kill goblins!"

Leaving the war dogs in the fortress to guard it, and because he could not persuade Boltedhandles to stay behind without shutting all the dogs inside, RAWR and Aardvark set off for the Northernmost fortress. In his haste RAWR forgot his axe, but he still had an iron shield he had taken off a dead goblin.

They arrived at the fortress without incident and stepped inside the cold, dark, obsidian passages. In front of them, they saw a goblin drunk, and wasted no time in hacking one of his arms off.

Drawn by the sound of combat, a goblin guard armed with a bow joined the fray, attempting to shoot RAWR, his shot was blocked by his shield. RAWR immediately stopped attacking the drunk, and charged after the bow goblin.

Aardvark decided that he was actually kinda thirsty, and would return to fight more after getting a drink at the fortress.
"Hold on I need some beer, I'll be back in a second," he shouted at RAWR as he left.

However, his way out was suddenly blocked by another goblin guard, this one from outside, armed with a vicious whip and shield, and wearing iron chainmail armour.

The guard cracked his whip, stunning Aardvark momentarily, who was wishing he had some kind of armour. But he regained his senses quickly, driving his axe into the goblin's arm.

Meanwhile, the bow goblin had fled, but RAWR had found another opponent, an injured goblin drunk, who he quickly beat into unconsciousness.

Aardvark was not faring so well against the guard, who tripped him up using the whip then lashed him, breaking the dwarf's left arm. The pain shook Aardvark to his senses and with he regained his footing, flooring the goblin with a powerful strike that nevertheless did not penetrate his armour.

Realising that he was outmatched, Aardvark retreated to the fortress, because he really was thirsty, and he could never fight well sober.

RAWR had dispatched the drunk, and now rushed to his companions aid, engaging the guard before it could chase Aardvark.


He blocked the goblin's whip strike with his shield, then tore the whip out of the goblin's hand and knocked him to the floor with a shield charge.
"NOBODY. HURTS. MY. DWARVES!" he shouted, punctuating each word with a powerful punch into the floored goblin. He then used his shield to bludgeon the goblin, mangling various parts of him and sending him into pain excruciating enough for him to pass out.


After the slaughter was over, RAWR realised he needed a drink, and the fortress needed his leadership. He would leave for now. But he would be back.
Oh yes he would be back.


I will try and add another update soon, but tomorrow is not looking good because I have important exams. Next time: Kobold thieves, a cold blooded murder and RAWR's revenge.

Edit: Paragraphing again

[ June 03, 2008: Message edited by: RandomRandomUK ]

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2008, 05:45:00 pm »

Nice  :D

McFlibbles demands that we dig under the tower and cave it in, using supports.


Obsidian cancels common sense: Interrupted by insanity


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2008, 05:50:00 pm »

Don'ttell me Aardvark died. He can't die so soon   :(


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2008, 03:30:00 am »

Originally posted by Aardvark:
<STRONG>Don'ttell me Aardvark died. He can't die so soon    :(</STRONG>

He's not dead.. he is resting his broken arm in bed

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2008, 01:18:00 pm »

I must say that this is an interesting fort. When/if there are migrants, I'll take a farmer/cook. I must say that colapsing the Goblin tower sounds like fun. I might have to try it.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2008, 11:51:00 am »

As Summer wore on, on the hot dusty plains, things seemed to have settled down a bit. The dwarves stayed inside their cool clay and rock tunnels and focused on mining and masonry.

Everyone was busy, so nobody noticed two kobold thieves, who made off with some of the former posessions of now dead goblins. Possibly the dimmest kobold thief ever brought back a silk sock to his people.

(does goblin clothing even fit kobolds?)

The long summer days piled up, without anything of note happening. Aardvark was resting his broken arm in bed. RAWR tried explaining to him that if we put it in a cast he could carry on working for the fortress and just use his right arm, but he wouldn't listen.

RAWR had a dream, in which he was chasing a goblin, filled with murderous rage. He couldn't remember why he was so angry though, no matter how much he tried.

(Author's note: this is what would have happened if my PC hadn't died)

Suddenly he was awoken by a nervous looking Silentboulder and Sparrow. Sparrow told him how while he had been sleeping, Boltedhandles, the critically injured wardog had limped outside the fortress and been happened upon by a goblin called "Poisonfist".

The defenceless animal's barks brought Silentboulder and Sparrow running from the fields, but the effort of barking was too much and it fell unconscious. The dwarves were too late to save Boltedhandles, who was cruelly attacked, and bled to death.

Sparrow related how Silentboulder chased after the cruelly fleeing goblin and beat him to death. Silentboulder herself just stood there in silence.

Sparrow saw the rage building in RAWR, and quickly decided to make himself absent. Silentboulder, sensing she was no longer needed, returned to her fields.

For a while, RAWR was too angry to say anything, then he let out a mighty shout that reverberated through the corridors of the fortress.

Without taking the time to tell everyone where he was going, he took his two remaining war dogs, Stonewall and a nameless dog, and his blood encrusted iron shield and left the fortress. He didn't give the goblins the mercy of taking his axe.

He considered taking Aardvark's dog "holdceiling" with him, but with a name like that, he thought better of taking it out of the fortress, besides it had been keeping a vigil at its master's bedside.

(Author's note: Holdceiling gets the prize for being the most blood encrusted, with blood covering its right front leg and paw, left front paw and left rear paw, and having blood spattered on its left ear, right ear, nose, mouth, lower body and left rear leg. It also has goblin blood spattered on its tail, right paw and lower body. Someone should think of giving it a wash.)

Arriving at the northernmost goblin tower for the second time, RAWR found the bow goblin who had ran away from him before.

Again, the guard tried to flee, terrified at the sight of the dwarf who had killed his comrades, but RAWR was too quick this time, and chased the guard down, punching them in the back and damaging their kidneys.

The guard fell unconscious and RAWR used the opportunity to disarm the goblin, then started extracting his revenge. He again used his shield to start bludgeoning the goblin, mangling its head and arm, upper body, spine, left lower arm and left hand.

Blood spurted from the goblin, splattering the walls, meanwhile the war dogs, only a short way behind, were approaching. By the time they arrived they were too late and the guard was dead.

RAWR looked to some nearby stairs, which seemed like they led up further into the fortress. Without hesitating, he ran up, followed by the dogs.

The stairs led up to a wide open room, with only sky above, which contained several goblins, along with some of their "treasure".

RAWR ran to two goblins towards the West, while the dogs ran to attack a goblin in a northerly direction.

The goblin to the north, "Wargloom" carried a previous injury from the elephant rampage and the dogs wasted no time in disemboweling it. In doing so, one of them earned its name: Odorknives. Presumably its smell was so strong that it felt like KNIVES were cutting into you.

RAWR met a goblin called "Ruthless Clan" head on. For a while the two foes circled each other, neither damaging the other, then RAWR ended the deadlock by crashing his shield into the goblin's face. Then he went for his favourite punch, the liver punch!

The goblin's attempts to crawl away were in vain as RAWR used his second favourite punch, the unconscious-making kidney punch.

Thing's got a lot worse for the goblin very quickly, as the dogs caught up, one of them ripping off one of the goblin's legs, the other ripping off his right hand, then his left hand! RAWR punched him in the spleen, and the goblin was no more.

The last remaining goblin curled itself into a ball on the floor, hoping it wouldn't be noticed, but the dogs were soon onto it, tearing it to shreds in a matter of moments.

Not a bad day's work, thought RAWR, his bloodlust sated. He was getting kinda hungry so he decided to head back to the fortress.


Okay that's the update, and just a FYI, a certain dwarf has been keeping busy making different coloured statues.

Also I am still in the middle of exams, and afterwards I'm gonna be pretty busy still, so I am thinking of making this a succession fortress and handing over the reigns once the game year has passed. ^_^ Is anyone interested? People whose dwarves are currently in the fortress will get precedence. Also the rule is that people should try and respect the personalities of the dwarves, as described by their real life counterparts. I don't know where to host the save file so if someone could just give me an idea..

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2008, 08:25:00 pm »



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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2008, 03:57:00 am »

Originally posted by Strife26:
<STRONG>I must say that this is an interesting fort. When/if there are migrants, I'll take a farmer/cook. I must say that colapsing the Goblin tower sounds like fun. I might have to try it.</STRONG>

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2008, 04:31:00 am »

It became Autumn and the dwarves devoted their time to delving deeper underground in search of precious metals and gems and to gathering enough food to survive the Winter.

One day a shout went up as traders were seen arriving from the East.


RAWR had been conscious that the fortress lacked an anvil so he was looking forward to trading for one. Despite the fact that the trading post was built outside and easily accessible by wagon, the traders arrived carrying their goods on camels and donkeys.

While goods were being delivered to the fortress, there was also happy news as Odorknives gave birth to puppies.


Unfortunately, as RAWR assessed his stocks, he realised that they were slightly short on trade goods. Nevertheless they had a sizeable amount of goblin gear, some made out of prized giant cave spider silk, which they traded along with some gems and a nicely worked statue for just about everything the traders had.

To his disappointment RAWR saw that they did not have an anvil, so he lodged an urgent request for them to bring one next time.

The traders did have large amounts of cloth though, some seeds, some food and a steel flute encircled with bands of yellow jasper which he took a liking to.

After the traders left work continued on some of the fortress projects, such as "operation undermine".


One of the more interesting purchases from the traders was a tame dog in a cage. The dog was released and Sparrow trained it to become a war dog.


The dog was then tied up with a silk rope at the entrance to the fortress to deter thieves.

Meanwhile.. Dresdor was getting on with what he loves.



And then.. some migrants came.


RAWR was hoping to have some useful migrants, such as Gem Cutters, Soldiers, Armoursmiths or Engravers but he was to be disappointed.

Perhaps because of the slightly lacklustre exported wealth value of 135, the dwarves that turned up (8 of them) were mainly a bunch of hicks, that looked like they were laid off farm labourers.

The migrants were: a cheese maker, a donkey, a cow calf, a fisherdwarf, a peasant, another fisherdwarf, a metalsmith, another peasant and a bowyer.

RAWR immediately set about assigning them new roles, although the Herbalist Strife 26 seemed like she might be of some use, as did the metalsmith.


RAWR couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the fisherdwarfs arriving at the height of the dry season. One of them he told to produce crafts and they did the spirit of dwarvenkind proud, carving a nice ring out of goblin bone.

Unfortunately this dwarf became maybe a little obsessed with crafting items out of goblin bone, which led to disaster. Despite RAWR cleary forbidding all items in the goblin fortresses, perhaps the poor fisherdwarf did not receive the order in time, because he wandered into the easternmost fortress in search of more bones to craft items from.

He was immediately spotted by a guard, and, perhaps not the brightest dwarf, he ran away from it further up into the tower.

[ June 09, 2008: Message edited by: RandomRandomUK ]

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2008, 05:02:00 am »

(Continued from last post)

On the next floor he met yet another goblin guard, this one armed with a vicious morningstar. Cornered, he tried to fight, but was quickly struck down, becoming the first casualty of the fortress.

After this tragedy, the dwarves became more wary, only venturing outside for essential tasks.

Winter brought news that sent a murmur of excitement through the fort.

Mc Flibbles struck gold, only a short distance west from Dresdor's personal sculptor's workshop.

The news brought cheer to the inhabitants of the fortress, although they were painfully aware that they had only a limited supply of charcoal and that venturing outside to cut trees was dangerous.

RAWR worried that news of the fortress' new found wealth would spread, so he ordered all the wood supplies to be brought inside and the construction of walls and a drawbridge to protect the outside of the fortress. He knew that doors alone would not be enough to stop some foes.

Meanwhile, the rumours around the fortress about RAWR and Aardvark had thankfully stopped and new rumours about RAWR and Silentboulder started spreading. These had some substance to them.


Work on the outside defences was proceeding nicely, but then just as Sparrow was building one of the last sections of wall, goblins sprang from ambush, five spear goblins and a bow goblin.

Sparrow had been training with RAWR and Aardvark and the new recruit, he was after all a speardwarf, but he did not feel confident taking on six goblins by himself. Thinkly quickly, he sprinted back inside the fortress. An arrow narrowly missing him as he fled. Once inside, he bolted the doors behind him.

(Author's note: Sparrow is carrying some Orthoclase so he is where the yellow rock appears to be)

In its attempt to catch him, the bowgoblin, obviously the ringleader, fell foul of one of the stonefall traps, receiving heavy injuries.

Unable to get past the solid stone fortress doors, the rest of the goblins fled, while the wounded bowgoblin attempted to flee, but was slowed down by its injuries.

"That's the second time you've cheated death, Sparrow," laughed RAWR, as he grabbed his axe to give chase to the goblins. He gave Sparrow a slap on the back, inadvertently sending him flying across the room.

Leaving the fortress, RAWR chased after the bowgoblin, catching him and dealing him a mighty blow with the axe, instantly killing him and sending his corpse flying several metres until it hit the ground with a wet squelching sound. The new recruit, the former bowyer, looked on in amazement.

As Winter wore on, and the projects continued apace, including the new big statue garden, Mc Flibbles became the first legendary dwarf, achieving legendary status in mining as she continued the plans to undermine the south western goblin tower.

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2008, 05:10:00 am »

And that's the first year over.

Here are some pictures of the fortress as it is:

Ground level:

Workshops, stockpiles and new dining room:

Dresdor's beautiful statue garden:

The gold vein:

Actually there are two gold veins and a silver vein but I only mentioned the discovery of the first one.


This is the year over, now I am looking for people to succeed me, making this a succession game. I am sure you all have good ideas about how to defeat the goblin menace, or about what to do with all the gold, so please if anyone is interested then post!

Like I said before, dwarves already taking part in the game get priority in the succession game, but so far no-one has applied so..

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2008, 05:28:00 am »

PS: I forgot to post this:

One of the peasants became a Mechanic and the Cheesemaker is employed in farming or engraving.

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2008, 06:36:00 am »

Post the save game and I'll take the next year. Death to the Goblins
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