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Author Topic: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort  (Read 5843 times)


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Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:04:00 am »

NOTE: This is now a succession game, as well as a community fortress, please apply if you are interested!

Year 1: RandomRandomUK (DONE)
Year 2: Aardvark (DONE)
Year 3: Obsidian
Year 4: Strife
Year 5: DF Newb
Year 6: Zen

Well well hello everyone ^_^ I only very recently dled this game but I have spent many an hour reading the annals of Boatmurdered and Nist Akath and I can't resist joining in the fun.

Just as a ground rule, although I think I have got to grips with the basics of the game, this is only my second fortress worth mentioning and the previous one I abandoned after a year and a half when I encased my legendary miner and his friend in ice        :rolleyes: so don't expect miracles from me, if possible I'd like to be given no help and advice whatsoever, which should make these chronicles more interesting to read.

I already played about a season so I'm sorry if people wanted to pick their dwarves starting skills ^_^;; the way I saw it.. it's better to get a good start by posting the early struggles of the fort to gain some interest in the thread.. then you know what you're buying into when you pick a dwarf as well.

Anyway bearing in mind that losing is fun.. I chose to start right next to a goblin fortress.. little did I know there was even worse in store! From hereon out I'll try and carry on the narrative in character.. The story starts with our leaderdwarf "RAWR" Dakostust being called to the King of "the virginal standards" Cog Domasuvar's throneroom.


RAWR felt his trademark rage brewing inside him, like so much dwarven ale. All he had done was lead a protest in the great hall against the pitiful lack of funding and resources for the fortress' army and now he was being summoned to see the King.

Too late he remembered that his commander, the corrupt captain Nish, was a distant cousin of the King. Evidently blood was thicker than water in the halls of the Virginal Standards.

After a long period of peace, the military had waned. Any small funding they recieved was now embezzled by Nish, probably going towards buying more Platinum statues for his extravagant quarters.

RAWR was outraged because of the growing threat of the goblins known as "The Cradled Malice". Breaking etiquette, before being asked to speak he launched into a tirade about the pitiful state of the military and the danger of a goblin siege.

King Cog waved away his comments and interrupted,
"But of course we know this."
"Do we?" replied RAWR, incredulously.
"Yes of course," replied King Cog, "and your eminent fervour has marked you out as the perfect man to lead a force against the goblins."

RAWR was taken aback, but quickly recovered with,
"And how many dozen men will your majesty grant me?"
"You may pick six men to accompany you, two soldiers, two miners, a peasant and a woodcutter. In addition to this you may take supplies enough to last the winter and five war dogs."
"But your majesty, miners? Peasants? They will not last seconds.." RAWR started, but then he realised that what he was receiving was basically a death sentence, dressed up in words. Well, he would prove them wrong, he would prove them all wrong!


Having journeyed for many days, eventually RAWR and his team arrived.

In front of them were not one but three huge obsidian towers, stretching up into the sky. Such a construction seemed unnatural to the dwarves, and the peasant immediately started whimpering.
"Snap out of it dwarf!" barked RAWR and slapped the offending peasant. "You two, and you, peasant, grab picks and strike the earth!"

RAWR had always been an ambitious dwarf, and now was his chance to make history, here at Ustosagak Nazush! While the miners got to work and the other dwarves busied themselves unloading the wagon into temporary stockpiles, RAWR surveyed the area.

Cliffs rose to the west, while the entrance to the nearest obsidian tower was only a few hundred metres away to the south east. Between the towers was a curious stone building, built around a pool of water, perhaps a temple. and The surrounding landscape was a mixture of schist and forest, interspersed with pools of water.

The miners dug into the clay of the nearby cliff. Hopefully the clay would make fertile soil for the plump helmet spawn they had brought with them optimistically. No-one really expected that they would survive.

RAWR's thoughts were interrupted by a pack of six dark gnomes, bearing down on the intrepid advenurers. RAWR's three war dogs and his lieutenant's two wasted no time in charging at the gnomes who were soon scattered, fleeing in all directions.

The gnomes were soon hunted down and ripped to pieces, some having the misfortune of fleeing straight into prowling goblins.

RAWR soon realised the danger of the dogs being let loose and tried to call them back, but it was to no avail as one of the war dogs strayed too near the goblin towers.

It fought bravely, killing two goblins before it was pulled down. Any hope of getting a fortress established before the goblins noticed was now ruined, thought RAWR to himself grimly, and all because of a couple of gnomes.

He stood guard with his lieutenant as the other dwarves worked frantically to tunnel out the beginnings of a fortress. Then he saw something that made his blood run cold -reminding him of the legends of the fortress Boatmurdered- Elephants!


At the top of one of the towers, "Utes Hategripped" the Goblin Hammerlord was still unaware of the dwarven intruders onto his land. But if he had known he would surely have chuckled at their weakness as he admired his <large harlequin opal>.



okay that's it for now.. but I have plenty more exciting events to chronicle that I have documented..

next time, the goblins learn how it pays not to underestimate Es as they meet "Godthrone"


I have six remaining dwarves to be filled by forum members, and I will add more when (if) I get to the migrant stage.

They are: An axedwarf, who is basically RAWR's lieutenant
A Hammerdwarf, who is currently working as a peasant because she forgot to pack her hammer        :rolleyes:
A peasant, who has no skills at all but he is learning mining
Two miners, both female
A woodworker, male, (he is also a speardwarf??)

Okay so I was a bit sporadic when allocating skills so sue me         :p

I welcome any and all feedback!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 10:10:56 am by RandomRandomUK »
You live and learn then you die and forget it all


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2008, 08:05:00 am »


World map:



You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2008, 09:24:00 am »

I'll take Woodworker/Speardwarf

Name : Sparrow



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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2008, 09:34:00 am »

Originally posted by Sparrow:
<STRONG>I'll take Woodworker/Speardwarf

Name : Sparrow</STRONG>

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2008, 11:32:00 am »

Could I be the Axedwarf, and can he end up being the Sherrif/Captain of the Guard? Captain Aardvark.


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2008, 12:27:00 pm »

Hammerdwarf for me. Named Silentboulder.

Trademark comment: "They don't call me 'Silentboulder' for nothin'."

[ June 01, 2008: Message edited by: Dwarfaholic ]



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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2008, 02:15:00 pm »

Originally posted by Aardvark:
<STRONG>Could I be the Axedwarf, and can he end up being the Sherrif/Captain of the Guard? Captain Aardvark.</STRONG>

Yes that should be fine. Also there's some action coming up you'll be in.

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2008, 02:17:00 pm »

Originally posted by Dwarfaholic:
<STRONG>Hammerdwarf for me. Named Silentboulder.

Trademark comment: "They don't call me 'Silentboulder' for nothin'."

[ June 01, 2008: Message edited by: Dwarfaholic ]</STRONG>

Guess you won't complain if I don't give you any dialogue then.. *pictures Silentboulder working the fields, smouldering with quiet resentment at not being in the military*

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2008, 03:33:00 pm »

one of the true miners name: Dresdor.  Dresdor demands statues everywhere, and will also do masonry work.


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2008, 07:05:00 pm »

Originally posted by dresdor:
<STRONG>one of the true miners name: Dresdor.  Dresdor demands statues everywhere, and will also do masonry work.</STRONG>

Statues everywhere? Okay sounds like a plan. I can make yellow and blue statues too because I have lots of crappy different coloured rocks.

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2008, 07:30:00 pm »

Ok then time for the next installment..

RAWR had braced himself, expecting an attack from the goblins any day soon, but he soon realised that the goblins were preoccupied.

Whether it was some kind've goblin manhood right, or whether it was an attempt to get food (goblins are not renowned for being good farmers) many of the goblins seemed to spend all their time chasing the local elephants relentlessly.

This however seemed largely futile as the hulking pachyderms lumbered away as fast as the goblins could chase them, resulting in neverending chases up and down the mountains.

Just as RAWR was letting his guard down however, two goblins passed nearby, and seeing some of the war dogs, decided that they looked like softer targets.

Again, RAWR's attempts to hold the dogs back were futile as the three nearest sprinted at the goblins, baying for blood.

One of them clamped on to each of the first goblin's arms and the creature's murderous cackles soon turned to shrieks of pain as the third dog started tearing into him, damaging his spleen and spine.

Suffice to say he did not last long, but the other goblin, a guard, sliced one of the front legs off one of the dogs. Far from being put off, this only maddened the dog more as it jumped straight for the goblin's unprotected head, mauling it as well as its left ear.

The other dogs joined in and finished the job, then all three dogs returned, having earned the nicknames "Stonewall" (the three legged dog) "Holdceiling" and "Boltedhandles"

A lull followed, in which the dwarves found time to move everything into the newly created caverns inside. Sparrow had the most dangerous job, venturing out to the surface to cut wood, then making it into beds and other wooden items.

Silentboulder poured her silent rage at not being able to be in the military (because she forgot her hammer) into any task she could find, dabbling at being a mason, carpenter and mechanic.

When RAWR said they needed to build a farm, she was the first to volunteer, although she knew nothing about farming.
"Are you sure you know how to grow plump helmets?" questioned RAWR. He got no reply.
"They don't call her silentboulder for nothing," said Aardvark, chipping in.
"I suppose not," said RAWR, backing away slowly.

The useless peasant who RAWR had ordered to dig when they arrived started learned how to be a miner under the guidance of Dresdor, there was plenty of work to be done tunneling out the beginning of the fortress.

One day Dresdor came running to report to RAWR.
"We've struck Orthoclase sir!"
"What?" replied RAWR, with a blank expression.
"Orthoclase! It's like normal stone, but it's yellow."
"And you're telling me this why?"
"Statues!" said the miner, with a fervent gleam in his eye, "now we can make yellow statues! And grey ones.. and we can have them line the corridors.. and put them in the dining room.. and the bedrooms.. and the barracks and the.." Dresdor stopped, feeling that he'd said too much. There was a brief awkward pause, then RAWR spoke.
"First we need to get this fortress up and running, and that means carving space for more workshops and carving rooms for us all, after that you can make all the statues you want."
"All the statues I want?" said Dresdor, the mad gleam returning to his eyes.
"Yes yes.." said RAWR, backing away again, making a mental note to keep an eye on Dresdor.

He was starting to wonder why he'd picked some of the dwarves to accompany him, the funny thing was, all he could remember about the night he picked his team was that there was a lot of ale involved.. after that it was all a blank.

Despite everything, RAWR was beginning to think they might survive, at least for the next few months, now as soon as they could make some fortress doors and some traps.. Besides, he was growing tired of standing watch outside with Aardvark, it was unnatural for a dwarf to be outside most of the day.


Sorry only a semi update.. with a bit of character development.. and no screens.. but I will be back soon with a full update with lots of action and screens. elephants going on rampages, incredibly stupid goblins, horribly crippled but still alive war dogs, the reason why so many of the dwarves say they "recently delighted in slaughter" all still to come   ;)

Edit: More paragraphing again to make it easier to read

[ June 03, 2008: Message edited by: RandomRandomUK ]

You live and learn then you die and forget it all


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2008, 08:09:00 pm »

I'll take the second miner, and her name shall be "McFlibbles".

Don't ask.

Obsidian cancels common sense: Interrupted by insanity


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2008, 08:15:00 pm »

Name: Aikenguy

Occupation: Mason, Carpenter, any smithing labor, or/and Mechanic.

Notes: Security maniac. Has a deeply vested suspicion that the world is out to get him, and as such booby-traps everything, from his bedroom door, to the well he drinks from, to that scenic tree he gazed at one midsummer morning. It's the only reason he hasn't torn off all his clothes and jumped off a cliff/swam in lava/said hello to a dragon/an elephant/a giant eagle/a titan/a unicorn/carp. His goal in life is to live in a room set up to blow up by a single lever and pull that lever when fate comes knocking. Perhaps sooner.



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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2008, 12:19:00 pm »

Need updates. Csn't wait to know what it was that sent poor Captain Aardvark to th sick bed


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Re: Ustosagak Nazush, community fortress AND succession fort
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2008, 02:54:00 pm »

Well now you know that that voice that shouts "We've stuck (Useless rock name here)" is me!  MUAHAHAHAHA!!  STATUES FOR ALL!!!!!!
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