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Author Topic: The Chasm-Challenge  (Read 29595 times)


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #300 on: May 15, 2008, 05:40:00 am »

Yes, it would certainly be that.  You'd also be able to detect the presence of the invisible ones by looking for the steam clouds.  But that's only for as long as they decide to stay in there...

Yeah...   You're probably going to want to consider investing in a good shooting gallery with a ballista at the end.  They don't have any internal organs, but you can shoot off pieces of them.  The first time I died as an Adv. mode spirit of fire was when some pikeman decided to poke my head off.


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #301 on: May 15, 2008, 05:45:00 am »

^ Agrees with Akroma.

I had forgotten that cave-ins punch through floors. I'd say just to be sure to drop to floors on them instead of one. Heck, 8 or 9. Also, I did some mining work directly above the pits looking for adamantine. It's not really that big a deal, but whoever plans to get this plan under way will have to make sure everything's very well closed of before pulling the switch.

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #302 on: May 15, 2008, 09:34:00 am »

out of interest how effective are spear traps(with metal spears) against the deamons? and how fast do they break down doors? my plan for dealing with them when I finally find a pit has always been a long hallway like this


where I lock all the doors and have all the spear traps linked with masterwork mechanisms to a single lever.
Do the spears have to be magma proof? are the demons immune to them?

How about traping demons in stone?
plan B has always been a long corridor flooded with magma and one level above that a long corridor flooded with water and floored with hatches all linked to 1 lever. flood the demon pits with magma, let the deamons swarm into the magma tunnel, when they're close to breaking through the last door pull the lever and freze them all in stone.
the beauty is that if any of them go after the hatches above their head then the moment they break through that deamon gets encased in stone as water floods down on top of him.

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: HungryHobo ]



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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #303 on: May 17, 2008, 03:37:00 am »

page 2 ?


Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #304 on: May 17, 2008, 09:49:00 am »

Alrighty, I'm back. Damn sickness got the better of me again. I'll have the updates done and everything by sunday. I'll be posting the spring/summer update shortly, and then the get to the others later today.

As for the demons, they're still plugging around waist deep in water. I've carved out a pathway I plan on lining with traps, but I may not be able to finish them off in my turn. Spear traps better work, because their is no military beyond the few dwarves I couldn't undraft.



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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #305 on: May 17, 2008, 09:59:00 am »

before you unleash them, prepare a little cave in, so you can block the route, should the spear traps fail.
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #306 on: May 17, 2008, 11:39:00 am »

I write down the last few months with a trembling hand. I have seen death. All of us at Chambergrave have had a loved one die. It is a part of life that one gets used to, and the rows upon rows of coffins see that our loved ones rest easily. What I have never seen before is such drive, such maniacal disregard for life. There is no time for frivolous pursuits, no time to relax, no time to be DWARVES! We eat. We sleep. Then we work. Onkrin is everywhere of course, a man that is drives us to super-dwarven lengths, but he pushes himself always harder. I have not seen him sleep.
After his first few days of the initial planning and bulldozing any of his opposition, he sealed himself away in the mechanics workshop. He is always in the workshop, mumbling to himself.

“Power… I need more power…”

“Yess….. that will do nicely? But what will hold it together? Wild animal’s skin is too soft… it will not hold…”

“I need more workers… more meat. Are we not oil? Does a machine not run the smoothest when the oil is the best?”

These were just snatches of the conversation I heard between him and whatever mad spirit he calls his god. I have been collecting the mechanisms he produces and have been laying the groundwork for what he calls “The Hearth Room”. It is a canal that puts the majority of the mason’s workshops in a peninsula, and from what I can understand he plans on attaching water wheels to power… something. I wonder if I will be damned should I find out.

After a solid week of not seeing him, the community once again… felt… his presence.

“I NEED MORE WORKERS!” He roared, his knuckles clenched so tightly they were ugly knots of flesh and bone.

The crowd was silent, wondering who should answer. Dopefish, one of the braver dwarves, or more foolhardy, I know naught which, spoke up to him “Sir… you’ve emptied the guard. You’ve emptied the army… you’ve emptied…” he glanced over to another one of the previous overseers, Valter, who leaned against his mining pick heavily, the instrument currently being used as a crutch. Another proclamation saw that Valter was working with a broken leg. “…the sickbeds. We have no more fit dwarves for these halls.”

Onkrin’s eyes went wild. Violence and suffering seemed to emanate from his very being. Dopefish looked around worriedly, hoping for allies, but he now stood alone. Everyone was afraid that his downfall might be contagious. Suddenly, the madness was gone, and Onkrin seemed almost sane again. Dopefish continued to sweat profusely, his guard was still up.

“Then I will MAKE more fit dwarves to serve us.” With those ominous words, he set out towards the sleep halls.

The crowd followed, mute in its obedience to the unspoken command. I myself felt imperceptible iron will override my own fears and concerns for safety. Or was his madness affecting me as well?

Finally, the crowd was gathered outside the halls of Domas Cilobkoman. She was a soldier of the armor, before Onkrin disbanded them. She was injured in the same attack that killed her lover, a sword master that died protecting her. She would never walk again.

A gasp came from the crowd as we realized what Onkrin intended to do. Work her into the ground until the woman breathed her last. It was something he was capable of.

“NO!” Came a cry from the crowd. It was Valter. The crowd parted from him silently as he laboriously made his way to the front, his every step an effort. Finally, he stood in front of Onkrin, and stared him in the eye.

“You can do this to me you sick bastard, but you can’t do this to her. She’ll die.” He paused for a moment, before finally adding “I’ll take her workload you shit.”

Onkrin stared back at Valter, the duel of wills crackling through the air for all eyes to see. Suddenly, and without warning, Onkrin struck Valter in the chest, a audible crack of bones breaking rung out. Valter spun backwards, slamming into the crowd, before toppling to the floor.

Onkrin spoke slowly before the crowd, his every word a hammerstrike on hot steel “I work. You work.” He pointed to Domas behind him, but his entire being was focused on the crowd “She works. But, I do not work my people beyond what they offer. That would be…” he smiled slightly, not lifting the mood at all. “unethical”.

He finally strode over to Domas, who had been staring at him fearfully the entire time. Stretching out his hand to her, he grasped her shoulder, and hauled her up to stand beside him. She stood on her own will. Her legs held out.


I wish to say that only silence greeted this, but it did not. The dwarves, witnessing the miracle of Domas’s health, as well as this short, fiery speech, broke into cheers. His will completely dominated ours, and the crowd cheered him like a hero. The only ones silent were myself, Domas, and a seething Valter.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #307 on: May 17, 2008, 11:47:00 am »

good god what are you building ?
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #308 on: May 17, 2008, 12:38:00 pm »

Wee, storyline!

I'm currently being set up as the working-class hero! That means that I'll either incite a rebellion and depose of our Bourgeoisie nobility, or he'll be killed as an example to others. Considering that it's at least another year before my turn, I'm thinking it might end up being option two   :(

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #309 on: May 17, 2008, 06:56:00 pm »

Oh, hey, this looks fun.

Sign me up. We will pierce the heart of the earth goddess, for the glory of Armok!

C++ makes baby Cthulhu weep. Why settle for the lesser horror?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #310 on: May 18, 2008, 03:58:00 pm »

Originally posted by Akroma:
<STRONG>good god what are you building ?</STRONG>

Must be a U-bend.  Maybe even a W-bend.


Duke 2.0

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #311 on: May 18, 2008, 07:54:00 pm »


Don't be surprised if in a year or two, that tower in the chasm climbs out and starts to walk the earth. It will have a beard made of Adamantine, and will vomit lava.

Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #312 on: May 19, 2008, 04:00:00 am »

The days are long, and the work longer yet, but there is nothing of interest beyond the shaping of Onkrin’s plans. He has outlined a series of ambitious projects that keep the masons, miners, and haulers all busy with important work.

The first task is Onkrin’s mysterious “Hearth Room”. He wishes to divert our waterfall to power some sort of massive mechanical room. Already the miners toil night and day to complete his wishes, but the oddest thing about the project is that there is no runoff for the water. The plans for the canal simply show the trench as… stopping. No doubt the miners know more, but as for me I am baffled. Valter has been appointed as head of the duties, in punishment of his defiance, or some other unknowable reason, I know not which. Here is a quick sketch of the designated area. The plans are not included, but the trench is set to run around the workshops.

The other item that consumes the attention of the miners is the new burial chambers. Onkrin insists that the rulers of Chambergrave have their own burial chambers, and in his word “Honor our leaders with a mixture of the elements.” I have an inkling that the water from the canals may be diverted to these chambers, but I still am curious as to how the element of fire will be represented.

Another element of Onkrin’s plan is expansion of the spire and the outer walls. In his own words again “Our castle will only be so grand, unless it is guarded by another castle” So in addition to keeping everyone working for hours on end, he forces them on two projects at a time. Expanding the spire ever higher, and creating a castle to guard it. I have no idea how Onkrin can expect the workers to keep up the hours they currently work at. Already many are sick, and vomit litters the work areas.

I leave the final news for last. It is in regards to the mutterings that I heard from Onkrin early when he arrived. “Yess….. that will do nicely? But what will hold it together? Wild animal’s skin is too soft… it will not hold…”

The elven caravan arrived earlier this year, with few goods actually worth having. Onkrin still lowered the gates, allowing them inside. There was little resistance with the idea, the elves were at least an interesting diversion from the weeks of straight work. Valter and a small group of followers protested, citing previous incidents in which allowing the snooty elves in ushered in tragedy for the dwarves. Onkrin ignored them, saying he had grand plans. He should have listened.
It seemed like a grand experiment when I first heard it from Onkrin. Elves and dwarves co-existing together. I was surprised that the elves would agree to such a thing. They can scarcely travel to other civilizations without having their sensibilities offended by glancing at a kitten leather glove, let alone live in a dwarven stronghold. They can’t stand the end product, I can imagine them watching us fell trees and butcher animals for food. Of course my concerns were correct.

Onkrin didn’t tell the Elves that they would be staying.

We finished our trading, and closed the gates. We soothed the Elves by reporting the Goblins were lurking about, but such lies would only work for so long. Towards the end of the spring, the first elf snapped. His name was Nithe vilelavafica, and he let out a feral snarl before leaping onto his companions. I remember Onkrin let out a feral smile, and then he ordered the doors sealed shut, trapping the elves and one miner, Vucar Zagodomeng outside the spire.


One by one the elves snapped, and attacked Vucar. The dwarf fought ferociously, but the fury of the elves could not be held against. He was brought down. Eventually, the guards were summoned, as well as the remaining miners to put the elves down. They went down hard, but it was over. The crisis was averted. Then a new one began.

“You filthy bastard, your scheming has killed one of our own.” Valter screamed at Onkrin.

The gathered dwarves were silent, and watched the confrontation unfolded. Valter looked ready to strike down Onkrin, yet he held his ground. Onkrin stared at Valter carefully, then spoke slowly.

“I hold power here miner” Onkrin spat the last word as an insult “and I will use it as I see fit. I have the materials required now. Vucar was a necessary sacrifice. And I will continue other necessary sacrifices as I see fit.”

Valter’s face contorted in rage. His fist leapt out before anyone could stop him, connecting squarely with Onkrin’s jaw. A deafening crack rang out, and Onkrin’s neck snapped back. We all thought that Onkrin was surely dead.

A low chuckle dashed that hope though, as Onkrin’s head rose back up again, and he spit out a bloody tooth at Valter’s face. “I’ll give you that blow. Touch me again, and I’ll throw you into the chasm, everyone you care about following you shortly. Then I’ll piss down it just so I have the please of being relieved of something at your demise. You are no threat to me Valter.”

With that he turned away, carrying the corpses of the elves on his shoulders.

[ May 19, 2008: Message edited by: Donkringel ]



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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #313 on: May 19, 2008, 04:11:00 am »

Work continues as planned. The spire grows higher, and the Hearth Room comes along nicely.

The castle itself has halted in its construction, but a new threat has appeared. For the last few months, Valter and Onkrin have been at each other’s throats. Valter has struck Onkrin repeatedly, never more then once, and each blow seems to only bounce off our Czar. Oh well. In the meantime, Onkrin has selected dwarves to construct him artifacts of great power, a scepter, and a cup. I do not know what magic is in these items… but the remains of the elves were used in their construction.

It sickens me.

However, I think my feelings must be put aside, because Onkrin has decided to do the unthinkable. Open the pits. He has taken precautions, installing traps and spikes, and a series of crushing ceilings. There is only one problem. Some unlucky miner must open the shafts. Some poor bastard needs to operate the levers.

Onkrin has asked for Valter. I cannot believe that our leader would willingly send a fellow dwarf, even a rival, to certain death.

Oh Armok, here they come now.

[ May 19, 2008: Message edited by: Donkringel ]



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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #314 on: May 19, 2008, 04:16:00 am »

Gah sorry folks, that's all for now. I'll be a bit longer for the next update, the frame rate is just slaughtering me. I thought that I could finish up df and the actual storyline and images would be the time consuming part, but its the gameplay thats bogging me down. I worked on it for bout 20 hours this weekend (yay computers at work) and I've only gotten through summer til most of the fall. My main goal now is slaughtering the demons so that the person next to me can have an easier go of it. The next update should be wednesday. Again, apologies, although I hope what I offer now was satisfying.
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