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Author Topic: The Chasm-Challenge  (Read 29608 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #225 on: April 19, 2008, 05:13:00 pm »

Originally posted by Akroma:
oops I must have missed you request to have another turn
I will put you in after generalvalter, if that is ok with you</STRONG>

Yes please. Lets see if I can put an end to some of this careful management and sanity  ;)



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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #226 on: April 19, 2008, 06:13:00 pm »

From the log of "Valter", 11th overseer:

  My tenth day as chasm overseer is nearing its end. After poring over the numerous books the dwarves have been keeping as a log of all the history here, I have learned much. Mainly, why I shouldn't be expecting immigrants at all this year. Statistically speaking, this place is a hell-bound deathtrap. The dead dwarves far outnumber the live ones, and it seems that one of the fort's previous overseers decided that it might be a good idea to make ramps that conveniently allow access to my fort. The only thing separating me from hordes of angry goblins is a few weapon traps and some cage traps which I am hooking up now.

 Besides all this, I have reviewed our stocks. They are, in a word, low. While there is no end of gold and iron to be found littered throughout the fortress as though it were abandoned in great haste, there are a total of 2 obsidian blocks available for use. There also exists some other blocks, but my main goal is to revitalize our block supply. This year will be spent perhaps not in "disaster recovery" per-see, (although it could certainly be used to describe this, with our thriving population of 30 dwarves), it will be spent expanding our resources, inflating our wealth, and perhaps convincing traveling dwarves that this freakish chasm monstrosity is not the hell-pit it has been described as for the last 10 years.

~General Valter

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #227 on: April 20, 2008, 01:52:00 pm »

Second log of Valter's journal:

  Argh! Goblins! Darn them! they'll be the end of us! No hope... no hope... I had wished to be the leader of a glorious stronghold, but now... now... *tears blot out the rest of the entry*

Third log of Valter's journal:
 I must say, weapon traps work like a charm. Especially weapon traps loaded with obsidian swords. Anyway, I've decided that the easiest way to bring the colony to prosperity will be further excavation of this mountain, and getting some proper obsidian block production on.

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #228 on: April 20, 2008, 04:48:00 pm »

"Hmmm. If there was an absolute total emergency, how would I seal up the Fortress? There must be some way to block off all access."

"Duh. Raise the bridge up front."

"Ok, which lever does that? I can see 10 levers from where I'm standing."




"Ok, then, fine. I'll just pull all of them in succession to figure out which one raises the bri-"

"Nowaitstopplease! Phew. Ok, I should have made this clear earlier. One of these levers is the WAFD. You might not want to try random switching."


I've decided to take the miner as 11th overseer. He's probably the most useful person here right now, as he's currently mining out all the rocks used to make blocks, and also working on some ore and gem mining. I'm hoping to get some immigrants so that I can have a few more haulers, miners, and maybe a gem cutter for the future.

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #229 on: April 20, 2008, 05:32:00 pm »

The miner is also your best mason and in my year he was the foreman of the masonry brigade. I had all the workers on masonry and minimized hauling jobs outside food until the last month when I tried to clean up the inside of the tower. Don't know if we will ever get any immigrants unless we find adamantium and dig some out.
With the final words said, the little bearded loony goes back into his cave.


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #230 on: April 21, 2008, 05:02:00 am »

Adamantine might do it, although we'll probably just get hordes of nobles doing that. The problem now is that we're really short on both blocks and stone, considering that the structure is currently taking up about 5k blocks. I noticed his skill in masonry, but I'm getting a little strip mining done first as a "safety net" sort of thing. The other problem is that I'm somewhat unsure of what to do next with the structure. It looks like all of the other overseers had some sort of plan with what to do with it, but we're sort of running out of space here.

  I'm going to try extending the structure down another two levels. If I build some precarious-looking floors at the bottom of the chasm, I should be able to build up and connect to the main structure.
quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #231 on: April 21, 2008, 06:16:00 am »

Don't worry about the blocks, as a skilld mason can make them at lightning speed, it's the hauling that will take time.

The structure aka the tower is supposed to be the fortress. So anything that goes into a normal fortress should, at proper scale be part of the tower. I don't think there is a single floor that is completely finished and many that have no purpouse other than being. What I did was pick one of the components of normal fortress, the food production in my case, and tried to build a "final solution" for it. For the other floors, all I did was work further on their basic structure. Or you can create an elaborate story line and only work according to it. Nothing is off limits to changes, just rebuild it in your time, I'd say.

/hint Dinning Room /end hint

With the final words said, the little bearded loony goes back into his cave.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #232 on: April 21, 2008, 08:54:00 am »

Alright, I can't access my computer right now (at school), but I can make some decisions about what to do. My goal for this round will be to expand the chasm tower both up and down. I think it would be cool to have the tower go up even above the countryside. The second goal will be hitting the adamantine posthaste. I've done adamantine once before, but there's just a few things to think about.

1: I think I could have a wall built before any demons escape the pits. Given the size of the tower, though, the miner that does the digging might get distracted before I can switch him to masonry and have him throw up a wall.

2: If things go from bad to worse, we will have to consider how to reclaim the tower without the demons annihilating our reclaim force. I've tried this once before. Even if we wall the demons in, upon reclaim the demons are spread around the fortress randomly, which will make proper reclaim quite a handful. Given the current circumstances (low population, desperate need for immigrants), I think I'm going to go for the adamantine anyway.

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #233 on: April 21, 2008, 03:34:00 pm »

Originally posted by GeneralValter:
<STRONG>Alright, I can't access my computer right now (at school), but I can make some decisions about what to do. My goal for this round will be to expand the chasm tower both up and down. I think it would be cool to have the tower go up even above the countryside. The second goal will be hitting the adamantine posthaste. I've done adamantine once before, but there's just a few things to think about.

1: I think I could have a wall built before any demons escape the pits. Given the size of the tower, though, the miner that does the digging might get distracted before I can switch him to masonry and have him throw up a wall.

2: If things go from bad to worse, we will have to consider how to reclaim the tower without the demons annihilating our reclaim force. I've tried this once before. Even if we wall the demons in, upon reclaim the demons are spread around the fortress randomly, which will make proper reclaim quite a handful. Given the current circumstances (low population, desperate need for immigrants), I think I'm going to go for the adamantine anyway.</STRONG>

if your miner might get distracted, simply turn on masonry for all dwarves
one of them will be able to do it in time

also, reclaiming is near impossible

the demons will not be contained in the pit, but be scattered all around the map
if shit hits the fan, savescum

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #234 on: April 21, 2008, 03:54:00 pm »

10th Slate

Today I bumped into Dopefish, one of the previous rulers of the tower.

 "Hello, Valter. Say, I heard we're under new management."

 "Umm. Yeah, that's me."

 "Really? It's been a month already, and besides a couple more goblins festering on our doorway and a healthy block surplus, nothing's really happened."

 "Well, I dunno. Maybe I'll try... uhh.... You know, I have some mining to do. I'll be right back."

He clearly recognized that I was trying to escape, but he had to get the last word.

 "Just don't mine west in the lower areas."

 "What? Why not?"

 "Well, there's usually one thing that you don't try to mine towards in a mountain. What do you think it is?"

 "Wait wait wait. We have adamantine!? This could solve everything! Mwuahaha!"

 "....dang it. I think it's time I tried running away again..."

30th Slate

 The surviving prior or current overseers crowded around the hastily cut wall.  

 "No doubt about it. See that light blue pound sign? That's Adamantine for sure!"


 "Never mind. Anyway, what do you think we should do about it?"

 Dopefish burst into the tiny shaft now.

 "Don't mine it out! You fool, you'll kill us all! There's not behind that frail wall but death! Death and Torture await us all!"

 "He does have a point" Lokum added. "They say that stuff's cursed. We're likely to be up to our heads in demons if we open that motherlode up."

 *Sigh*. They did not share my dreams of grandeur. However, I could not very well disagree with their points. I had heard the stories too. "Very well. We'll leave it here for now. I guess I'll have to work on plan B instead."

15th Hematite

 Plan B is well underway. No tower can properly be called a tower if it doesn't have any vertical height to it! I intend to bring this fortress up, up into the clouds themselves. by the end of my year as overseer, the spire should reach beyond the mountains north of us. Then we may truly be proud of ourselves.

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #235 on: April 22, 2008, 04:08:00 pm »

In short: The adamantine scheme worked.

See if you can spot the magic number in this picture:

:D ), and some serious task management for the next while, but this makes the overall project much more attainable.

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #236 on: April 22, 2008, 08:01:00 pm »

From the journal of Lorbam Rakustkokeb, new tax collector of Chambergrave:
 First impressions: Messy. Very messy. Things are strewn everywhere, with seemingly no regard for the rules of Euclidean geometry. Fortunately, the Overseer had an acceptable explanation for the mess. In the recent years, construction on the spire had accelerated in leaps in bounds. This had been a result of the previous leaders' decisions to remove all the stockpiles. By leaving things around, they could be accessed quicker, with little waste of good hands through petty moving jobs. While it has made the spire's current progress possible, it's beginning to get to be a nuisance. I asked him to start organizing things, and he agreed.

The next couple posts will be pretty boring. There's a lot of transport, repetitive construction, and rampant block-making to be done. It seems most of my turn will be organization. Oh well.  :o

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #237 on: April 23, 2008, 05:18:00 pm »

Alright, work is under way. I'm in the middle of summer. Sorry it's taking so long, but I'm getting an  FPS of anywhere from 1/4th (Exaggerated) and 20 (perhaps actual). I don't actually check the FPS much, but I can tell that this is the slowest DF's ever run for me.

Anyway, the main problem is furniture. There are barrels, bins and other random stuff lying just about everywhere, so one of my goals will be finishing flooring up some of the unfinished floors so that I can dump all the extra equipment on them.

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One


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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #238 on: April 24, 2008, 09:47:00 am »

A new artifact was made today. A cow leather thong.


I'm afraid the creator in question (a new immigrant, actually) may never live the event down. He was possessed to make the item, but even so, he'll probably never be able to go to another party without being ridiculed again.

quot;I guess all of the fairy tales were about people having their crap stolen." -Toady One

Kogan Loloklam

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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #239 on: April 24, 2008, 06:22:00 pm »

I blame it on the spirit of the dead child responsible for the WAFD obsession!
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