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Author Topic: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered  (Read 14890 times)


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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #60 on: May 18, 2008, 10:09:00 pm »

Personal Journal of Dwarven Adminstrator 'Mido'
Glovebreakfast, Year 2

Entry 22: Another New Years Eve, another New Years Day. Hard to beleive I've spent a year in this stinkin' pit...

(These part of the page is illegibly smeared with beer and rum)

...abilities, calls himself a wrestler or some crap like that. Some of the dwarves have been complaining about not having 'proper rooms'. I tell 'em I would gladly set them up with the same fine living quarters the animals have been given, that is, all twenty or so of 'em stuffed in a single cage. Despite their complaints, the overall mood seems to be fairly pleased with the fortress, and everyone is still working as busily as ever.

Entry 23: The offsetting smell of hemp, cloth, and poor hygiene was all the indication I needed to realize the Elves had arrived. The damn tree huggers are offering to trade, and as much as it pains me to accept these degenerates into our territory, they may in fact have something useful. Sounds like they're coming in now, I'm off to oversee the trading.

Entry 24: Stubborn! Stubborn idiots! I figured they might be interested in trading for some food and drink for their journey, so I offered them some fine prickle berry wine and a number of our finest prepared meals. I made sure to bring vegetarian meals. Upon offering them the goods, however, the elves completely snapped. One of 'em began crying, the other started babbling something about a 'poor, innocent creature'. Turns out one of the meals had a thin garnish of goat meat chunks. It was around this time I grew tired of their shenanigans, and told that if they didn't hand over the goods they'd find themselves being carried off to the refuse pile in pieces. We seized the bastards for everything they had, including a gorilla and a cheetah which were being carried on the back of a single mule. Enough said.

Entry 25: A small group of migrants arrived, asking to join our cause. Again, the question of how anybody found us out here or why anybody would want to join us arose again, but I figured we could use the extra hands.


Entry 26: Today, the hunter was a little...odd. Instead of doing his work, he began drawing pictures all over the workshop. He then rushed off, grabbed a few rocks, and began working furiously for hours. He emerged later with a small ring made of obsidian, which he claims is an "artifact". It didn't look very impressive to me...I mean, it was just a rock carved into a ring, and detailed with more rock. I didn't want to hurt his feelings though, so I just smiled and nodded.

Entry 27: More migrants? As much as I appreciate the extra help, it would have been nice if these assholes had come along with us in the first place so we didn't have to bust ass so much last year.


Entry 28: Summer has been more or less uneventful. I've been thinking of erecting a wall around the perimeter of the fortress, but that will have to wait until we have a mason that is not completely incompetant.

Entry 29: The Dwarven caravan from the mountainhomes has returned by the looks of it. Looks like they're just coming up the hill now.
What is the meaning of this? The traders have turned around and appear to be leaving! All except for one wagon. I must go and investigate.

Entry 30: Something absurd has happened! Though I am not entirely sure of the details, it seems that a tree sapling matured while the wagon was moving over it. By some strange inconsistency of nature, the wagon completely fell apart, and the merchants ran off leaving their goods behind. What appeared to be a disaster has ended up being in our favour! A great deal of useful commodities were salvaged from the wagon, including quite a few anvils. This will surely come in handy.

Entry 31: These dwarves sure are an odd bunch. Today, the miner was happily digging away, doing his job, minding his own business when suddenly he bolted off towards the craftsdwarves workshop at top speed. He then began carving out chunks of obsidian into...something. Upon finishing, he proudly proclaimed that the slab of cold rock he had created was an artifact obsidian bed called "Edem Gesis". I don't think I can put up with this idiocy much longer.


Entry 32: We really should organize our stockpiles better...


Entry 33: I've never seen animals breed as rapidly as these ones. Despite not having food, water, or even room to move around, the animals stuffed in the cage have been reproducing like crazy.


Entry 34: Bloody goblins! An ambush! Luckily we managed to fend them off, but one of the dwarves died in the process. Our first casualty...and yet, I have some sort of sick suspicion that this is just the first of many.

Entry 35: MORE MIGRANTS!! Seriously, is Glovebreakfast being advertised somewhere? Judging by their skills and abilities (or lack thereof), these dwarves are quite likely just a band of hobos...

(To be continued)

[ May 18, 2008: Message edited by: Mido ]

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #61 on: May 18, 2008, 10:12:00 pm »

Side note: I have no idea why some pictures are larger than others. I'll manually resize them later.
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #62 on: May 19, 2008, 01:59:00 am »

Personal Journal of Dwarven Adminstrator 'Mido'
Glovebreakfast, Year 3

Entry 36: At last, my final year of administration. My work here is two thirds done. Although, it might sound ridiculous, but...I've become a bit accustomed to the place. Maybe thats just the New Years rum talking.

Entry 37: Elves, again. Didn't they learn their lesson last year? We siezed 'em for everything they had, again.

Entry 38: Just when I thought the elephants were leaving us alone, one came along into our animal pit hallway and utterly ripped apart our tame cheetah. I don't think we'll ever be able to scrub the cheetah guts off the walls in there.

Entry 39: I can't say I'm too impressed with our butchers. I don't suppose the other dwarves are aware of where exactly their meat comes from.

Entry 40: A human merchant caravan came to trade, but was ambushed by goblins. Cursed little bastards...we really needed that stuff too. The human escort killed the goblins, but the merchants left, so basically all we were left with was a pile of goblin corpses. Great.

Entry 41: I have to say, these so-called "master theives" are really not what they make themselves out to be. One of them was killed today by a dog. And I don't mean no war dog, just a mangy mutt one of the dwarves was keepin' as a pet. I can at least sleep easy at night knowing that the goblin theives are better at bleedin' than at theivin'.

Entry 42: Apparently a few of the goblin ambushers survived the human escort, and one of our recruits was brave (or stupid) enough to take on all of them. As a result, he lost an eye, his left hand, and his entire right leg.

Entry 43: I feel a bit guilty for not providing enough beds...the poor guy is just lying out there in a pool of his own blood and limbs. He's still making some noise now and then so I believe he is still alive.

Entry 44: In light of recent events involving rotting dwarf limbs causing a horrible stench in the caverns, I decided to dig out a new section of the cavern and dedicate it to improving the military. After a few days of digging and smoothing, the barracks were born. Oddly, the dwarves seem to have trouble grasping the fact that the barracks are for sparring in, not for sleeping in...

(Continued in next post due to image limit)

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #63 on: May 19, 2008, 02:00:00 am »

(Continued from previous post)

Entry 45: Autumn has come. Another dwarf has been afflicted by a so-called 'fey mood'. A carpenter, this one. He ran off to the carpenters workshop and began screaming things he needed at the top of his lungs, including shells. I tried to calmly inform him that we didn't have shells, and that we couldn't get shells since the pools had all dried up. But the dumb bastard just kept on screaming. He hasn't moved from that spot for days, and he's still screaming about goddamn shells.

Entry 46: The goblins have gone from inept to just plain annoying. They have resorted to hit and run tactics, only they are now employing them on infants. Today a goblin snatcher basically ran up to a mother dwarf and her child, stabbed the baby in the leg, and ran away. I'm really not too sure what they are trying to accomplish.

Entry 47: The Dwarven caravan has returned. I had a whole pile of good stuff ready to trade, but to my suprise the caravan had arrived with nothing more than a pile of chalk, coal, and kaolinite. I traded for it anyways, I'm sure we can use it for something.

Entry 48: Late autumn has arrived. A few interesting things have happened recently. A few days ago a dwarf gave birth in the middle of the dining room. A bit gross, but someday the kid will be more dumb muscle to order around. More migrants arrived...I won't even waste my breathe on the subject. Yesterday, the carpenter screaming about shells finally snapped and went insane. He began throwing himself off the rooftops, which I found quite amusing to watch. I guess I really do have a sick sense of humour. After a few bouts of basediving off the (still in construction) craftsdwarves building, he went and threw himself into the pit at the front gate. We had designed the pit so that anything that fell in sure as hell wasn't getting out. As a result of the insane dwarf's "unplanned" joyful jaunt into the pit, we have concluded: it works!

Entry 49: Winter has arrived. Another snatcher came by, but was easily dispatched by a woodcutter. These goblins really are
(The writing here appears to have been hastily interrupted)
An ambush! I should have saw it coming. The troops were rallied up and sent out as fast as possible, but an herbalist out by the river was killed by goblin crossbowmen. Unfortunately it was one of the original seven dwarves...and apparently the lover of the mayor. Oddly the mayor doesn't seem too distressed about her death...

Entry 50: The year is finally drawing to an end...and with it my term as administrator. Recently a tanner had a fey mood and made an artifact donkey leather headscarf, bringing us up to a total of four artifacts.

Conclusion: Glovebreakfast has the potential to be something great, or to be an utter failure. Either way, I'm leaving that fate in the hands of the next "lucky" administrator. Now I'm off to collect my salary and find someplace to live that doesn't smell like miasma.

End of Mido's journal

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #64 on: May 19, 2008, 02:18:00 am »

And here's the save. By the way, there is a dwarf who is currently trapped in the well system, and is thirsty. The floodgate that needs to be raised to let him out just needs to be hooked up to the lever (already half done) and pulled to let him out.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #65 on: May 19, 2008, 01:44:00 pm »

For those interested in what the fort looks like so far, I uploaded it to the DFMA.
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2008, 02:25:00 pm »

I have to leave out of town before I'll be done with my turn, so I'm going to just say go ahead and skip me.  Add me to the end of the list (if the goblins and such haven't killed us all by then).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #67 on: May 20, 2008, 07:35:00 pm »

Ok, moving on to Fey Dwarf. I've sent him a PM.
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #68 on: May 21, 2008, 02:12:00 am »

OK, Ill start now. I'm only on a Dial-up connection so it probably won't be complete until this weekend.

[ May 21, 2008: Message edited by: A_Fey_Dwarf ]



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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #69 on: May 22, 2008, 07:40:00 am »

By the way Fey, here's the stuff I didn't have time to do/finish.

Things that need to be completed:
-The crypt (should be at the lowest Z level that I dug to)
-Well system
-Alunite roof on the craftsdwarves building
-The barracks
-The drawbridge at the front gate (currently isn't hooked up to any levers)

Things that need to be done (haven't been started):
-Bedrooms/living quarters
-A true farming area. Those farm plots I built were meant to be temporary. The big pit to the west would be good for this.

Good luck!

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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #70 on: May 23, 2008, 09:50:00 pm »


12th of Granite
As the sun rises above the mountains on our thirty forth day of traveling I see my destination before me. The mountains glow with the first light, silhouetted by the sun. The small open outpost of Glovebreakfast sits within the foothills, glistening like a gem.  I have come to the newly created fortress as a humble soap maker. It is here that I hope my dreams of prosperity, will take shape. A new Life and a new Hope is before me.

13th of Granite
The great gates of Glovebreakfast lie open to any immigrant who wishes to enter. Unfortunately this applies to the goblins as well. As I entered the township, the gatekeeper warned me of a goblin ambush in the area. I was quickly rushed inside to the safety of stone. Here with my fellow immigrants we listened as the battle was fought.


The battle was finished quite soon after it began. Apparently all of the goblin lashers stumbled onto the only weapon trap  protecting the fortress. They were all smashed into oblivion by a multitude of falling and raising maces. There was however a great tragedy that occurred. Apparently the leader of Glovebreakfast, Mido, was killed in the battle. The fortress is now leaderless.

14th of Granite
These Dwarves must be out of their mind. For some strange reason, they choose me to be the next leader of the settlement. I haven't got a clue how to lead but i guess ill give it a shot. The second in command, who was also a brain damaged wrestler, lined up all of the immigrants including me. He then told us to guess the number he was thinking of. Apparently my guess of "3" was the closest. As a result I was appointed leader/overseer of this place. I hope the power doesn't go to my head.

19th of Granite
My first order as the new head designer of glovebreakfast was to strengthen the defenses around the central courtyard. At the moment if any (cross)bow goblins showed up they could slaughter the entire town. All they would need to do is sit upon the ledge and shoot at all of the confused dwarves. So to fix this I ordered more obsidian to be cut for an outer wall.
In other news it appears that the mechanic who had trapped himself in the well has managed to get himself out. I can't believe that the dwarves here are stupid enough to wall themselves in on such a simple task.

24th of Slate
Life as a overseer suits me. Telling your dwarven peoples what to do has a satisfiable feeling.  
Migrants have just arrived, our population is now up to 92 dwarves. Among them is our new Dungeon Master.
I have drafted 6 immigrants and set the rest to masonry. This should hopefully speed up the task of building the wall. However with the migrants arrival I notice that the dwarves here do not have their own rooms yet. I have mandated new rooms to be dug out immediately. Hopefully the dwarves will not get to pissed off in the mean time.

13th of Felsite
Today a magnificent construction was created by a weapon smith.
'Istamersrel' a copper war hammer of great smashing was constructed by a possessed worker. What possessed him  to build this thing? I don't know, but it has got a strange image of a tentacle demon sewn into it. This slightly disturbs me as it is sewn in kitten leather. Other than the strange artifact, nothing out of the ordinary has happened.


14th of Hematite
Life is going on as usual. The outer wall is coming along nicely and all is good. I have ordered some of the hematite to be mined out of the cliffs and made into steel. Hopefully I can get a couple of platemails for my 2 wrestling squads. On a stranger side of things, it appears that the local elephants have think its fun to play in the small pond coming off of the brook.
It never fills higher than 2/7ths full so its a bit strange. Now... if I could somehow capture and tame these brutes, they would make a powerful defensive system.

2nd of Galena
The first stage of the wall project been completed. Now instead of having multiple entrances we have only one. This should make Glovebreakfast a lot safer from goblin attacks. The bedrooms have also been fully dug out, now all I have to do is to get my slaves, er, i mean dwarves to build the beds and doors. The only other incident was a tanner beaten to death because he couldn't couldn't meet the elected mayors mandate of 3 lead items. Hopefully that should be a motivation to teach the other dwarves to complete what they are told to.

16th of Galena
Stage 2 of the outer wall construction has begun. I have ordered my numerous masons to build a platform around the entrance wall for the marksdwarves to shoot from. There is also a moat to be built around the entrance.

I have also ordered a glass monument of my brilliance to be erected in the central courtyard. This monument must be built at any cost. I am going to milk these dwarves out of everything they got. Everyone who isn't vital is to be either a mason or a glassworker. My awesome power shall be known throughout the land.

To be continued...

[ May 24, 2008: Message edited by: A_Fey_Dwarf ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #71 on: May 25, 2008, 08:13:00 pm »

There was however a great tragedy that occurred. Apparently the leader of Glovebreakfast, Mido, was killed in the battle. The fortress is now leaderless.

Bit of an inconsistency there., Mido already ditched Glovebreakfast (end of my update). Other than that, great work, glad to see those traps worked. And great idea with the outer wall, I was a bit worried about ranged goblins. Maybe Glovebreakfast will actually survive longer than we thought...

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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #72 on: May 26, 2008, 04:26:00 am »

Sorry about that. Any way its update time.


17th of Limestone
Our dwarven brethren from the mountain homes have arrived to trade with us. However as we are currently in the process of building a second bridge their wagons have no access.

18th of Limestone
We have been ambushed.
Someone has let in the goblins. One of my not-so-loyal dwarves must have betrayed me. Everybody must get inside, Military outside. Hopefully we can keep the hammer goblins at bay long enough for the draw bridge to be raised. Any dwarf trapped outside will die but its a small price to pay. Then I will hunt down the traitor who told the goblins of our position. I will hunt him down and strangle him with my own hands. Their plan to sabotage my monument will cause them their lives.

19th of Limestone
It looks like we are safe from the goblins as the bridge retracted just in time, four civilian dwarves are trapped outside though. I will consider them dead. The troops tell me that the goblins had followed the trade wagons to our fortress. However I am smart enough not to believe them. They are trying to trick me. Someone with-in the fortress has let these foul creatures in. I am sure of it. My search will begin with the marksdwarf squad who are suspiciously sleeping during the time we need them most.

24th of Limestone
The goblins were finally all disposed of today. It turned out that the dwarven caravan guards were quite capable of killing the goblins by themselves. I have ordered the bridges to be opened so that the traders can finally trade there goods. I also gave them all the goods they could take as gratitude for their help defending Glovebreakfast. At least some dwarves around here care for our safety.

6th of Sandstone
The glass industry hasn't yet managed to build one glass block. They apparently keep complaining of the lack of bags for holding sand. Hopefully with the leather we obtained from the caravan I can start producing these necessary tools. I have also executed one of the wood cutters for conspiracy to overthrow my government.

The captain of the guard complained to me that there was no evidence of wrong doing. But my gut instinct hasn't failed me yet. These traitorous acts will not be tolerated.

15th of Sandstone
The bedrooms have finally been completed. There is now a 2x2 room for every dwarf. The pet cemetery has also been finished.

As I write this down I hear news of a child going stark raving mad. Apparently he is crawling around, naked and babbling. I don't mind about this however as he has been in bed with a broken leg since spring. One less mouth to feed, and for me to worry about.

16th of Timber.
Stage two of the outer wall is complete. The moat is dug and fortifications set.

Those fucking farmers are trying to sabotage my great construction. They keep taking all of the leather bags needed by the glassmakers. They say they are using them for seeds, but I know that they are just trying to piss me off. Lets see how they like it when I cut off their booze rations. Ill get the last laugh for sure.

14th of Moonstone
The monuments progress is to slow. These dwarfs are going to have to put some more effort in for or they will suffer the consequences. Alcohol rations are only to be handed out to dwarfs who are actually doing some work. Anyone who challenges my authority or rules are to be executed. Enough said.

20th of Opal
The great Monument is getting nearer to completion. I can see its form taking shape. However many of my slave workers are seeing things in a different view. They think that they deserve a break. They don't deserve a break, they deserve a whipping. I have ordered my wrestlers to do exactly that. They will beat anyone who is slacking off.

27th of Opal
The monument is finished. Now the only thing remaining is to remove the scaffolding around its length. The workers are beginning to get disgruntled and I am worried that they might revolt. I lost one of the our best miners today because of this disruption. He was refusing to work anymore and taking a stand at the top of the great monument. I sent the wrestlers to sort him out, they did a good job.The lead wrestler threw the miner 17 z-levels to his death. That should teach these so called 'freedom fighters' a lesson.

(Out of Character: It was actually an accident caused by the miner removing a construction he was standing on)

15th of last Obsidian
The scaffolding is nearly all down. But I now fear for my life. These workers are nearing revolution, I am assigning the loyal fortress guard to protect me. What am I going to do? I must plan my escape before they assassinate me. I will take everything of significant value and get the fuck out of here.

28th of Obsidian
Those bastard dwarves have locked the gates to ensure I do not leave. Their revolution is in full swing. My only hope is with-in the personal guard. At the moment they are guarding the door with their crossbows. I have ordered them to shoot any dwarf that they see.

Tomorrow I have planned for them to sacrifice their lives in order for me to escape. They will work as a diversion while I rush out of the secret entrance to my safety. With my I have all of the artifacts including the great copper hammer. These will serve as my retirement fund when I reach the mountain homes. There I shall live the rest of my life in luxury. I can see it now.

29th of Obsidian
I hear the chanting outside. Nearly every man, woman and child have formed a massive mob surrounding my compound. My guards should sort them out. Guards?? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING GUARDS. The chanting is drawing closer. Oh shit.Oh shit. I'm a gonna. They are smashing the door down with their bare fists. Here they come. At least I will be remembered for my great monument. The gorrilatron 4000 Xtreme will stand in its proud glory as a reminder in years to come for what I have done.

I will be remembered, I will be remembered, I WILL BE REMEMBERED.

*A_Fey_Dwarf cancels leadership, Interrupted by angry mob*
*A_Fey_Dwarf cancels screaming "I WILL BE REMEMBERED", Interrupted by being smashed to a pulp.*

-I won't be able to post the save file until later. We were supposed to be upgrading from dial-up to broadband this week, but it hasn't happened. Damn ISP. If they don't upgrade soon I will probably have to waste 4 hours uploading a 23mb file at 3 kb per second. Also I apologize if my writing is shabby as I had to use notepad for the write up and then spell check with Firefox.

[ May 27, 2008: Message edited by: A_Fey_Dwarf ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #73 on: May 26, 2008, 07:45:00 am »

Imageshack FTW  :D
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Re: Glovebreakfast, the spiritual successor to Boatmurdered
« Reply #74 on: May 27, 2008, 12:11:00 am »

Good post, I can't wait to see what the new monument looks like. I hope that Tarx goes all commie on us as a leader of the revolt so that I can bring the copper hammer down like a BREAKFAST GLOVE!
Those are brave men over there. Lets go kill them.<BR>~Tyrion Lannister
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