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Author Topic: Nist Akath - The Complete Story  (Read 602601 times)

Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #60 on: November 15, 2007, 01:04:00 pm »

Captain's Log. 11th of Felsite
Brave Sir Robin's first day on the job turned out to be his last.
Alas, the antlered menace, perhaps assisted by the mad elves, made their way into our homes unseen.
They surprised our fledgeling axedwarf and swordsdwarf, crushing them mercilessly before we could render aid.

The fortress was mobilised, but casualties did not end there.
Astesh Fathaval, a dwarf I hardly knew, and Nagash, my old friend from our expeditioning days, bit the antler and fell in battle with the beasts.

We shall truly mourn them in the traditional dwarven manner. By drinking until we forget they ever existed.

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Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #61 on: November 15, 2007, 01:35:00 pm »

Captain's Log. 28th of Hematite.
It had been a while.
I thought the madness might be over, but now a carpenter, the lady Olin Laboreddays, has withdrawn from society, running to the carpenter's workshop, and laying claim to it.

She hung sketches of a forest up, for all to see.
I took her aside, and had a kind word.
"Olin," I said, "We'd all like to see a forest again, but we're in the middle of an endless tundra. I don't think it's going to happen."
I don't think she really understood me, though. It's a pity. I hope she snaps out of it before it breaks her.

Captain's Log. 4th of Malachite
Good news and bad news.
Good news, the elves are dead. Waste not want not. I'm sure we'll find something to do with their belongings. And bones.
However, somebody tore down part of the wall for Olin. I ordered it sealed back up with stone. I suppose it has to be done sometime, anyway.

She began some sort of construction, using all three logs they tore down.
In the end she turned it into a magnificent chest. She called it 'Intensedrove'. Sounds utterly mad.
Has a picture on it of a dwarf striking down an elk, though, so it can't be all bad.
I asked her if I could have it, and she told me to get stuffed. I guess she wants to hang on to it for a bit.

[ November 15, 2007: Message edited by: Captain Mayday ]

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #62 on: November 15, 2007, 02:27:00 pm »

Originally posted by Captain Mayday:
Then he just gave me this look... like the bottom of his heart just dropped out.
I sent him on his way with a cheerful slap on the back.

Originally posted by Captain Mayday:
We shall truly mourn them in the traditional dwarven manner. By drinking until we forget they ever existed.


I suppose I'm still bedridden? You can make someone else book keeper and/or lock me in a room to death if you don't want me wasting food and taking up space... I don't think I'll get better unless toady reworked the wound system from last version  :(

Anyway, since you asked for requests, if you decide not to lock me in a room to death I'd like a trap setup outside my door so the elk can't get me in my sleep   :D stonefall is fine if you can't spare a weapon. Assuming, of course, that I have a door at this point.

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #63 on: November 15, 2007, 04:15:00 pm »

Alright, my idea! What I have in mind is something of a 'water trap' effect, with a very effective 'plug' at the end of it. It goes something like this:

. = Outdoors
, = Indoors
= = Ground/natural wall
Stairs as shown in-game
_ = Installed floor

We could plug up what holes there are in order to make this the only possible entry. Those ruddy elk won't have any way into the place, even after we tear up that floor to use the materials for somethin' else. What was once a downward stair becomes solid ground again at that point; they'd need to be able to DIG.

This, however, would also prevent anyone from getting in or out, but then again, we could just re-dig those stairs should the need arise. We'd only be vulnerable to attack while we had it open as such.

Edit: Just in case it wasn't clear, the diagram above is a side view of the contraption.

[ November 15, 2007: Message edited by: Hesitris ]


Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #64 on: November 15, 2007, 10:21:00 pm »

Captain's Log. 14th of Limestone
That jerk Vabok has returned.
while I will need to be annoyed by him for a while, the important thing is the caravan he accompanies.

Captain's Log. 16th of Limestone
The meeting with Vabok went about as well as expected.
The merchants also drove a hard bargain, but really all I was trading away was useless junk. The booze, food, and weapons I got in return were well worth it.

On an additional note, my tomb is very nearly complete. All that remains is some ornamentation. I realise it may seem ostentatious, but with all these deaths, I've been feeling my mortality rather keenly.
In any case, it's rather fine, with all sorts of engravings.
Hopefully I won't be using it in the near future, though.

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Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #65 on: November 15, 2007, 10:35:00 pm »

Hesitris: I just figure I'll trap the place. We now have a dual drawbridge setup, so they only get in when we're trading.

BurnedToast: Actually, you're almost healed.
Also, since you're now legendary, you have Strong, Extremely Agile, and Superdwarvenly tough.
I'd set up a trap, but I honestly think you'll be healed before needing it.

Captain's Log. 18th of Sandstone.
That jerk Vabok has just kept hanging around. I don't know why. He didn't leave with the traders though. Now he's in the party hall.
This party hall appears to be very much related to sudden spates of doom.

In other news, our furnace operator, Frank, went berko today. No reason, no indication why. It must be the curse on this place.
One of our axedwarves tried to put him out of his misery, dragging himself, as he was, along the ground, foaming at the mouth, and gnashing his teeth in rage.
Admittedly he did hit Frank a couple of times, but somehow Frank managed to break our soldier's left arm.

Our other Axedwarf stepped in to finish the job. He cut bits off Frank at a time.
I'm going to need to have a word with that Axedwarf. A quick kill is a clean kill. You don't lop off bits at random from the infirm and insane. Even if they are trying to kill you.

Captain's Log. 1st of Timber.
The Party's over for Vabok. He finally cracked, just like anyone else who spends too long in the party room.
He's now moping around, doing Armok knows what. As far as I can tell he's just going to stay there, in the party room. Forever.
Given our relationship thus far, I can genuinely say the party has just begun for me.

Migrants also arrived today.
1 Animal Caretaker. Because we have a lot of those. Sadly most are frozen corpses, but we have them.
1 Tanner. Thank goodness, all those skins from all those animals were really beginning to pile up.
1 Herbalist. Surely this will come in handy, what with being surrounded by vegetation aplenty.
1 Fish Dissector. Once again, I must reiterate. There is nothing alive out there. Undead fish do not count. I know there's a brook out there somewhere, but nobody has seen it.
1 Glassmaker. Yes. We can afford to make glass. What sort of brochure are they looking at?
1 Bowyer. Well, we can maybe use him.
4 Useless layabout peasants.

1 Cow calf.
1 Donkey.

Buggered if I know where they'll all be sleeping. Not like we have enough beds or anything.

[ November 15, 2007: Message edited by: Captain Mayday ]

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Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #66 on: November 15, 2007, 11:17:00 pm »

Captain's Log. 15th of Moonstone
A dwarf who was once some sort of hunter came to my office today.
"Elk!" he shouted at me.
Then he told me they were outside the gates.
I told him that they'd always been there.

Then he told me they were alive.

What. The. Hell.

For years, it has been nothing but the undead. Now we have actual, living Elk? It seems too good to be true.
I sent the young hunter out to gather them for our feasting.
He returned each time with a fresh kill. Excellent work.

In other good news, BurnedToast is up and about once more. Now he is no longer a drain to the fortress. Huzzah.

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Flok Speargrabber

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #67 on: November 15, 2007, 11:24:00 pm »


The meat is going to spawn a dozen or so swarms of flies, maggots crawling out after bursting foward from the center of the decaying meat.


Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #68 on: November 15, 2007, 11:36:00 pm »

Captain's Log. 13th of Opal.
One of those useless peasant folk went all weird today. Yes, she was in the party hall at the time. But she ran up and kicked one of our craftsdwarves out of his workshop.
Once again, the request was for wood logs.
Given what happened last time, I ordered some of the external wall to be torn down and replaced with stone, to accommodate her needs.
Soon she began her mysterious work!

Captain's Log. Amendment.
Today is the 21st of Opal, and her work is complete. It's a toy axe. Not even a real axe. A toy one.
It's has pictures on it, one of kobolds fighting with us dwarves, and another of we dwarves labouring.

It's really great work... completely useless though.
She's called it Grievedrams. I have no idea why. Must be a peasant thing.

Captain's Log. 1st of Granite.
It's been roughly three years in this fortress.
Three years since its founding. Three years of hell.
I've pulled up rather nicely.
Of the seven of us who struck the earth initially, only four remain.
Considering the turn around time on arrival versus death around here, I'd say we're living on borrowed time.
Admittedly, I'm not noticing the deaths as much as I once did.
My dwarves entombed Vabok, the mad liaison, without even letting me know he died so that I could celebrate.

Things could certainly be worse for me though. Most dwarves here are homeless, without even a bed. They slum it on the floors of the barracks, but I can't help. We have no wood.

One surprising factor is the lack of mining we have been involved in.
We have progressed no further than to strike a living area below the aquifer. Most of our food and workshops are still above it, however, leading to an interesting logistical situation, what with only the single stairwell connecting the two.

I'm putting a petition out for any suggestions on expanding our mining operations. There must be something of interest below us.

Captain's Log. 12th of Granite.
Elves. Again. You'd think they'd get the hint. This time I put a few axedwarves on duty near the trading depot.
Unfortunately only their squad leader could make it. The other two were... in bed together. I'm told they are grieviously wounded, with the wife having suffered brain damage, and a miscarriage. The husband has a broken arm.
Still, doesn't look good having that in the report.

[ November 16, 2007: Message edited by: Captain Mayday ]

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #69 on: November 15, 2007, 11:53:00 pm »

If you're still accepting personas into the fortress, I'd like to step up too!  :D

Name: "The Mimic"
Profession: Anything, really. Preference: Peasant Recruit Wrestler. Either I'll die instantly in a bloody maelstrom of pain or become a legendary martial artist. Wait. More likely one of the other dwarves will kill me in "practice".


Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #70 on: November 16, 2007, 12:09:00 am »

Captain's Log. 20th of Granite.
I was on my way to the trading depot to meet the pointy-eared bastards, when BurnedToast caught up to me.
He told me some peasant chap has begun calling himself 'The Mimic' and has started wrestling with other dwarves.
BurnedToast quickly relegated him to the military, where I'm sure he'll get his fill of fighting.


Captain's Log. 11th of Slate.
The Elves finally left. With no treachery at all. Perhaps they've learned their lesson?

[ November 16, 2007: Message edited by: Captain Mayday ]

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Flok Speargrabber

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #71 on: November 16, 2007, 12:20:00 am »

Name: Flok Speargrabber
Profession: Stone carving/engraving


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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #72 on: November 16, 2007, 12:31:00 am »

If you wouldn't mind adding me in as a peasant wrestler named Vanan, I would really appreciate it, so "The Mimic" will have someone to practice against.


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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #73 on: November 16, 2007, 12:43:00 am »

If there's any unnamed dwarves, pop me in.

Nickname: Teldin.
Profession: Miner.

His obsession in life is to hollow out glaciers, and then throw things off the edge down into the aquifer for no reason.


Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #74 on: November 16, 2007, 12:52:00 am »

Captain's Log. 16th of Slate.
Another weird one. For once, not in the party hall.
She's a woodworker by trade (hah!) and apparently usually pretty level headed.
That didn't stop her from seizing ownership of the carpenter's workshop, and demanding all sorts of things.


I've ordered the others to do what they can. We'll see how it pans out.

Captain's Log. 2nd of Felsite.
More migrants!
Our new population now makes us a real fortress, not some useless outpost.
That means I'm the mayor.
Bomrek is now the 'Captain of the Guard'. I can see we'll have to begin working more... closely.

In any case, rollcall!
1 Thresher.
2 Cheesemakers.
1 Brewer.
1 Herbalist
1 Grower
1 Stoneworker
5 Useless peasants.
1 Furnace operator.
1 Metalsmith
1 Fish cleaner
1 Trapper
1 Gem setter
1 Clothier
1 Butcher

1 Mule
1 Donkey
1 Foal
1 Kitten
I conscripted all the ones I deemed useless into the new Fortress Guard.
A few individuals stood out from the rest:

And yet another would-be wrestling dwarf. Youth of today!

Our population count is now at 68 souls. Most of who are useless.
Still, the massive population surplus gives me a chance to catch up on doing nothing at all.

Captain's Log. 6th of Felsite.
Looks like the weirdo carpenter is actually doing something.

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