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Author Topic: Nist Akath - The Complete Story  (Read 602893 times)


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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #255 on: November 30, 2007, 08:38:00 pm »

New version = STORY TIME! WOOT!

Yeah, sorry bout the lack of content bump.

[ November 30, 2007: Message edited by: Xotes ]

Quote from: Josephus
"Compatibility mode", dude. If he tries running it under "capatability mode" some terrible thing involving elder gods will probably happen.
Quote from: Aqizzar
You say that like it's not a good time to discuss weird people. It's always a good time to discuss weird people.
Quote from: freeformschooler
I was like, ha, this looks like a pretty dumb and boring game. I was so wrong. Gentlemen, I have discovered true fun.

Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #256 on: November 30, 2007, 09:34:00 pm »

Originally posted by Xotes:

Yeah, sorry bout the lack of content bump.

[ November 30, 2007: Message edited by: Xotes ]</STRONG>

Nah, man. Thanks for making it easy for me to find.
I'll have some more content up within a few hours.

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Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #257 on: November 30, 2007, 11:48:00 pm »

Captain's Log. 2nd of Galena.
As we were finishing hauling all the stuff we bought inside, one of our farmers became peculiar. He's also one of our best cooks, so I sincerely hope he will be okay.
He grabbed a crafts workshop, and went about grabbing items, like so many others before him.

In less important news, I have finally become completely tired of wading through vomit every time I step outdoors.
I have ordered a trade depot to be constructed indoors.

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #258 on: December 01, 2007, 12:11:00 am »

Captain's Log. 8th of Galena.
Yet again, my crazy mandate for black bronze items has gone ignored. This time, it is prison time for Unib Arzesablel, our brewer, who has no history of metalcrafting at all.

51 days in prison! I will not tolerate laziness!

Captain's Log. 11th of Galena.
Bad news.


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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #259 on: December 01, 2007, 12:15:00 am »

break out the catapults and hope it doesn't decide to fly over the walls to get us   :(

unless the captain is fireproof as well as titan-proof?

Edit: side note, I think I see part of your desktop leaking through on that picture? if you press alt-printscreen it only captures the current active window so there is no need to crop out your desktop.

[ December 01, 2007: Message edited by: BurnedToast ]

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!

Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #260 on: December 01, 2007, 12:23:00 am »

I believe it's a flaw in window transparancy actually, since that's what I'm doing.   :(

Captain's Log. 12th of Galena.
We were lucky. Most of us anyway.
We will never forget Kinneus' contribution.

I will be sure to recommend against wrestling dragons with your bare hands in future.
Xeno should get some sort of reward. I have brought this up to Dirty, since he is, now, the only one qualified to give out such rewards.
He just smirked and said no reward would be given for doing one's duty.

It took all I could muster not to strike him down there and then.

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #261 on: December 01, 2007, 01:45:00 am »

Captain's Log. 17th of Limestone.
The dwarven merchant caravan has arrived, and we've move our trade goods to the old depot, which is still the one being used.

I was on my way to trade when I was stopped by a young dwarf.

"Captain, sir!" he greeted me, "I was wondering if there was more I could be doing around here. You see, I'm quite poor, and..."
I stopped him there.
"My boy," I said to him, "a dwarf needs not ask my permission for the pursuit of work! He must take his fate boldly into his own hands, and seek it out! That is the way of a dwarf!"
"So... I can look for work?" he asked me. I could see he was uncertain.
"What is it you do, lad?" I asked him.
He told me he was a siege operator. No wonder he has had so little work. Apparently he's been spending most of his time hauling stuff from place to place.
"Try looking for masonry work." I suggested.
"But," he protested, "I don't know anything about masonry!"
I reassured him it would be easy for him to learn, and sent him on his way with a pat on the back.
Unfortunately, this pat on the back sent him flying down the hall, but I believe it was in the right direction, and I'm fairly certain he was conscious afterwards.
Youth today, they need a guiding hand.

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Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #262 on: December 01, 2007, 02:20:00 am »

Captain's Log. 16th of Sandstone.
The nobles finally have their precious bedrooms. Not to be outdone, I've had one constructed of equal size alongside them.
I figure it's a good way to get my point across, but they don't seem happy.
It's also a good way for me to keep an idea on that Baron Dirty.

I've finished excavating for the bath house, and I just happened to notice that BurnedToast was doing nothing.
The sweat was dripping from my brow, and I believe he was trying to figure out what to have for dinner.
I've assigned him to masonry tasks. It's not like we have anywhere near enough dwarves to keep up with those tasks.

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #263 on: December 01, 2007, 02:47:00 am »

Captain's Log. 3rd of Timber.
It appears my rivalry with Baron Dirty has intensified yet again. This time, after his mandate for precious warhammers was ignored, he has ordered Bubbles, our soap maker, be hammered twice. This is a new low, even for him.

On learning of this, I quickly told Bubbles to get some plate armour.
The Hammerer does not care for the Baron, and although she must carry out the Baron's order, she won't have Bubbles take the armour off. As far as I am aware, that is.

If poor Bubbles survives this, he will not have to serve any prison time, at least.

Captain's Log. 3rd of Timber.
As soon as I hurried Bubbles from my office, the Hammerer grabbed him. The Hammerer just happened to be there, too.
Perhaps her loyalties have changed. It warrants watching, however.

Unfortunately, even I, a hero to so many, am bound to Dwarven law.
Bubbles did not survive the beating. Undoubtedly, as a 'criminal', his body will be disposed of ignobly.

As if that wasn't enough, yet another of our citizens has begun acting strangely. The last one, the cook, didn't fare so well, and I've been missing my quality meals.
Ast, however, is just a bonecarver. Valuable, given the number of bones we have, but not irreplaceable.

[ December 01, 2007: Message edited by: Captain Mayday ]

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #264 on: December 01, 2007, 06:00:00 am »

Captain's Log. 5th of Timber.
No sooner have we defeated the dragon, than we receive a slew of new blood.
I was welcoming them in, while Baron Dirty's lady was having a tantrum inside.
Although I hear she just had a miscarriage, so maybe it is with good reason.

Also within, our Bone Carver, Ast Taronkeskal began his project, completing it quite quickly. The ingredients became 'Towertrotted the Sea of Guilds, a turtle shell amulet. Upon it, an image of a dwarf striking down an Elk. That's what we do here, I suppose.

We have welcomed:
1 Farmer.
1 Carpenter
1 Bone Carver
1 Thresher
1 Potash maker
1 Soaper (it doesn't bring poor Bubbles back, though).
3 useless peasants (all were welcomed into the fortress guard).

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #265 on: December 01, 2007, 06:33:00 am »

Captain's Log. 21st of Timber.
I did my weekly rounds today, and while doing so, realised I had not seen our Tax Collector in some time.

While usually this would be a cause for rejoice, not hearing from him didn't feel right.

I decided to go visit him in his room. He wasn't there.
I continued making my rounds, and found him in some unnamed bedroom, a pathetic mess of a dwarf.
His upper torso had clearly been smashed, and his right arm and leg were broken, and had not been set. He croaked at me.
"Thirsty!" he said, deliriously.

I asked him, begged him, what happened to him.
How long had he lain like this?
He remained tightlipped on the subject.

I did some investigating, after sending someone to care for the poor man.
This had clearly happened after his most recent mandate, the one for the production of crowns, was failed.
Normally I would suspect an Elk attack, but there's really no reason Silverfinger would ever want to leave the fortress, and even if he did, the outside was far safer now that the wall was mostly established.
And why would a mere tax collector want crowns? It made no sense, by itself.
The only conclusion I could draw was based entirely around Baron Dirty.

Dirty indeed.

I called a meeting of the founders to discuss this. This is the first time I've ever had to do this in verging on ten years.

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #266 on: December 01, 2007, 07:01:00 am »

I'd like to watch over one of those recent fortress guard additions... Name the little fellow Glip, and give him a hammer, he aspires to be an executioner

Captain Mayday

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #267 on: December 01, 2007, 07:05:00 am »

Events as they happened on the 1st of Moonstone.
Many had thought that the cold winds of winter had come weeks ago. Winter was never far removed from Nist Akath, but somehow today seemed different.

Xotes and BurnedToast stood in the Captain's office, waiting for his return.
Finally, he opened the door, and closed it quietly behind him.
"My old friends, I apologize for my lateness." he said. "Silverfinger is dead."
The other two stood aghast.
"But... why? It makes no sense! His wounds were not so bad they would not heal!" protested BurnedToast.
"Were you tending him?" asked the Captain.
The others shook their heads.
"Neither was anybody else." said the Captain, seating himself. "It appears everybody was too scared. Why do you suppose that is?"

There was a quiet moment.

"The Baron..." murmured Xotes.
"Got it." said the Captain, nodding.
"Why would he do that?" asked BurnedToast.
"Delusions of Grandeur, I fear." replies the Captain.
"The mandated crowns? Bubbles died for that... and that was just awful!" cried Xotes.
"Yes. Silverfinger clearly tried to shift the blame. I guess the Baron didn't buy it. Do either of you know who attacked Silverfinger?" asked the Captain.
"I may have heard something." said BurnedToast.

All eyes were on him.
"Yes?" the Captain and Xotes ask at once.
"I heard the Baroness attacked somebody." answered BurnedToast, "I don't know the details. I didn't even hear who was attacked. I heard nothing afterwards, so thought nothing of it. More Nobles being jerks, I figured."
"I heard about that, too." said Xotes, "It coincides with Silverfinger's injuries."
"I see," said the Captain, sighing, "it appears we have a problem."

BurnedToast slammed his hand down on the desk, gripping its edges so tightly you could see his veins.
"DAMMIT! Captain, we built this place! WE did! Sweat, and blood, and toil and tragedy. The world above is a field of bones, thanks to you, Captain. Without you, they would be our bones! What makes this... bastard, think he can come in here and do as he pleases?!"

Xotes nodded in silent agreement.

Sighing again, the Captain stood. "You're right, old friend. We can't allow it. Action must be taken. We must discover, however, who stands with the Baron, and who merely fears him too much to act against him."

"The military will be with us, Captain, should we... press our point. You're a damned hero! A legend even!" said BurnedToast.

"I don't doubt that. But I'd prefer to keep bloodshed to a minimum. The Hammerer perplexes me. Is she with the Baron, or merely forced into servitude?" ponders the Captain aloud.

"They're related." said Xotes.

"What?!" cries the Captain, in surprise. "Related? Are you certain?"

"Yeah, they come from my own mountainhome. I remember them, vaguely. I know that much, at any rate." said Xotes.

"My dear Xotes, you never cease to amaze! With that, we have a fairly accurate idea of who is on our side. I believe our Captain of the Guard remains on our side, yes?" asks the Captain.

"Hard to say, Captain. I think she feels conflicted between duty and honor. I don't envy her for that." replies BurnedToast.

"Well... she may have to decide one way or the other in the near future." states the Captain simply. "And I suppose that concludes our meeting. Be safe, old friends. Don't tempt the Hammer before the time is ripe."

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #268 on: December 01, 2007, 07:08:00 am »

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Re: Nist Akath. Betrayal in the Tundra.
« Reply #269 on: December 01, 2007, 07:26:00 am »

I wonder, has the Baron ever faced a dragon in combat?  Or anything, for that matter?  Has he ever done ANYTHING in his life, other than to demand crap and order people executed?

Let HIM face a dragon.  Let HIM beat one in combat.  (Or, failing that, a skeletal elk or two.)  THEN, he can talk to me about duty.

*goes back to sharpening his axe*

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