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Author Topic: Death and Glory!  (Read 58238 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #465 on: August 04, 2008, 04:50:52 pm »

No, not really.  I'm thinking more of the archer from "Beasts and Bumpkins", a dreadfully obscure game that I absolutely adored.  Whenever you told one to go do something, he'd squeak out the phrase "Pumty-pum!". 

Whatever that means.

I'll snag some shots in the event something interesting happens.  I think it's kinda funny to be asking for screenshots from an ASCII game, but I get where you're coming from.  It's just that Bale's death was much less interesting to look at than how I described it.

Also, since I'm here:  WOOHOO!  Stores stock ammo!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #466 on: August 04, 2008, 06:35:54 pm »

Gagu sold the various trinkets that he had stockpiled over his years as a hunter, and used the resulting wealth to purchase new equipment.  And so it was with a happy heart and a new suit of chainmail (not to mention some fine rope reed gauntlets) that Gagu set out to make pincushions of the beasts said to dwell in the wetlands to the north.

Suddenly, beak dogs!

Gagu had no idea how his senses had failed to notify him of the foul creatures before they had managed to crawl onto his shoulders, but such was the case!  Gagu fired a single arrow into one of the beasts before his arms were mangled by their vicious beaks.  Frantically, Gagu tried to seek shelter in the nearby river, but a fish jumped out and bit him!  Utterly surrounded, he tried to fight back against the beasts, biting at them with his teeth.  He was summarily ripped to shreds.

And so ends the abrupt tale of Gagu Oblergorbe, "Rabbitshades".  Excpetionally dead, superiorly unimpressive.

Dammit, that was fast.  I had six or seven beak dogs within one tile of my location, poor sap never stood a chance.  Toady has really tightened the noose as far as ambushes are concerned...

On the bright side, one of the beak dogs got into a fight with a lamprey after I passed on.  And yes, all those bits and pieces are mine.

Oh, something else...  This dude managed to find a treasure trove of random trinkets, I actually ended up getting weighted down by them.  Then I had the bright idea to exchange them for coins, which bought out the merchant and landed me with over 3000 gold coins to lug around.  I left them, along with some excess arrows (I was really weighted down, so I did the bright thing and bought iron arrows in order to get rid of some of my heavy currency.  This just gets better and better...) in the corner of a tavern somewhere.  Whoever finds that bag is gonna be filthy rich...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #467 on: August 04, 2008, 09:44:41 pm »

Diary of Rulurshlakis.

Malachite 20
Rat carcass in alley today, boot tread on burst stomach.

Ate it.

Found several scraps today.  Good haul.  Food for a week.  Took sword from weapon shop.  Merchant looking the other way.  Humans seem edgy now.  Have to be careful.

Late.  Tired.  Going to sleep now.  Found good spot with quick escape route, should come in handy.

Malachite 21
Rhesus macaque bodies in the street.  Looks like a fight.  Found more bones in houses, took some fresh meat while at it.

Found fishery worker in bed.  No one else around.  Killed him.  Deviant was wearing a thong.  Set fire to thong, put it in bed with rest of him.  My quiver caught on fire.  Ran to put it out.  Guard saw me.  Had to drop quiver. 

Guard chased after me.  All I could do to not get hit.  Guard sprinted to catch me, I moved.  Guard ran into wall.  Stabbed sword into him.  Hit arm.  Sword got stuck.  Guard stood up, had to run.

Climbed up tree.  Guard shouted at me to come down.  I didn't.  Guard gave up and walked away.  Pulled sword out of arm first. 

Got sword, started looking for quiver again.

Found quiver, still burning.  Took quiver to lake.  Lake was frozen.  Put quiver on lake anyway, ice will melt in morning.  Hopefully quiver will last until then.

Found family of three sleeping in same bed.  Took fish from barrel in corner.  Set it on fire.  Threw fish into bed.

Late.  Sun coming up.  Used tree to get on top of store.  Should be safe.

Malachite 22
Went to lake, quiver had disintegrated.  Took arrows and put them in hole for safe keeping.  Went about business.

Climbed on top of town hall.  Humans were there, having meeting.  Knocked a guard unconscious and took his crossbow, started shooting people.  Killed a few before they started panicking.

Kid walked up behind me and started yelling.  Guards heard him, started shooting at me.  Got hit by arrows.  Ow. Ow. Ow.  Arrow went through lung, couldn't breathe.  Arrow went through back of head, poked eye out.  Could look at it with other eye.  Couldn't think straight, world started going dark.  Blood pouring out of me.


~Last entry~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #468 on: August 05, 2008, 03:22:57 am »

"Arkur, you are the finest knight to have graced these lands in over a century...  But your efforts here are not needed.  These lands have been made safe by your virtue and honor, and by the edge of that blade which you carry.

"No, your strength is needed in the lands to the north, where barbarians consort with goblins and tyrants rule the land.  It is your quest to cleanse the northlands, to bring justice to the bloodthirsty heathens.

"You shall cross the mountains that separate us from the cold north, and lay waste to those who have damned themselves through their greed."

These words chase themselves through my mind as I stand at the foot of the great mountains that guard the peak dubbed "the Point of Liberty".  Strange that liberty should keep us away from the rest of the world.

My trek shall take me past the peak, that I may marvel at its beauty while staying far removed from its treacherous slopes.  We have not had contact with the dwarves who dwell on the northern side for some years, so it is not known if they will be hospitable to a southlander.  But even in the event of their help, I will be very alone in my task.

But such matters should not be my primary concern.  For now, I should trouble myself only with the task at hand, which is to make my way across the mountains.  I only hope I have prepared for the journey sufficiently...


                                                                                                                     ~~        ~~          _╒
                                                                                                                         ~~            ☼  //  \\
                                                                                                                        /\/\/\  /\  /^\ /\ //      \_\

Alrighty, so this dude's gonna try and cross a mountain range.  After that, it's time to go up against civ critters with only his exceptional iron two-handed sword and all the armor he's managed to pad on.  No shield.

Still though, he's a frikkin' monster in melee.  'Course, he's not legendary in anything yet, so there's always the chance some damn shield-wieldin' weaponbastard will slice him in half...

But that's for the future.  I'm taking off to Catalina for about a week, so not only will my computer time be cut down (activities + running off of battery), but web access will be spotty.  In the meantime, do something useful.  Ta.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #469 on: August 05, 2008, 04:04:48 am »

It is the tenth of moonstone.  How prudent of me to begin my trek through the cold mountain range just as winter sets in.

I find the going easier than expected, however.  I have found a small stream running through the mountains that will help me ration out the supplies I carry with me.

The only life I have seen up here has been a solitary goat standing on a boulder.  It watched me as I passed, but made no other move to challenge me.

I have heard stories of vicious beasts inhabiting the high crags, venturing forth to waylay whatever travelers might be so foolish as to attempt the passage.  I only hope these stories prove as true as the other rumors that swirl around a mug of ale.

I have followed the stream for some time now, and it appears to follow more or less the route I had planned.  Truly, a fortunate discovery!

At one point on the way, I thought I saw snow covering the rock ahead.  Upon closer examination, I found it to be salt, not snow.  The mountain appears to be at least partly made out of the stuff...  Rather a valuable commodity in the southlands.

I have taken the liberty of packing some of the salt in with the meats I carry for food.  Hopefully, they will last me long enough to reach the other side.  When I have completed my task, I will likely have to find new provisions on the northern side.

Following the stream has awarded me a view of a landscape I would not say I could ever have expected.  The miniature valley this stream travels through is made entirely of salt, and were it not for the only mildly cool temperatures it would seem quite like some snowy vale in the dead of winter.

The powder landscape is dotted with solid chunks of salt that take on peculiar glows as the sun passes over them.  Speaking of sunlight, it would appear that my own is running somewhat thin...  The first day of my quest begins to wane, and I shall have to weather the night with little shelter.

And, as the day fades, so too does my companion stream find his source.  I take a parting sip from his cool and surprisingly fresh water and venture on alone.

I will try to make as much headway as I can before nightfall.  The sooner I can make my way out of these mountains, the sooner I can rest in any amount of comfort.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #470 on: August 05, 2008, 06:44:33 am »

Cool stuff. I love the quickfire series of adventurers who swiftly go from a promising start to an ignominious death - especially that chap I assume was a kobold who ended up looking with one eye at the arrowhead sticking out the front of his other socket...

Sending a knight out over the mountains is a nice idea... I hope he doesn't just starve though, before meeting (fighting) anything interesting.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #471 on: August 05, 2008, 09:40:41 am »

Nice Rorshash tribute Kagus :p those filthy sinners had it coming.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #472 on: August 06, 2008, 10:37:48 pm »

I'm pretty sure that nightime during winter on the peak of a mountain will kill you.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #473 on: August 07, 2008, 01:19:47 am »


though I assume only if Kagus actually wants this gut to make it will this be implemented.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #474 on: August 11, 2008, 03:53:34 pm »

Well, the temperature is actually pretty mild, at least so far.  And besides, I made sure this dude was bundled up in as many clothes as he can wear, including a pair of +dog leather mittens+.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #475 on: August 14, 2008, 03:11:25 am »

Night.  As the sun settled itself within the nestled mountains to the east a chill wind came from just that direction, as though the sun had stirred the winds as it bedded itself for the night.

My water pack is a comical sack of ice strapped to my back, frozen solid by the biting wind.  The cold intends to freeze the marrow within my bones as well, but although I feel the chill, I show no ill signs of it.  I only wish that I had worn a better coat, rather than this damnable armor.  I know not how I managed to survive the many years of my life with such a head upon my shoulders, but so be it.

The blanket of night wraps itself tighter around me, but provides not the slightest respite from the wind.  The saltscape is illuminated by moonlight filtering down from a sky so clear and beautiful it steals what breath I still have within me.  The stars conduct bold counsel with their patron on this night as the heavenly court opens itself to this mortal's eyes.  To the west I see the highest peak of this spine of rock, marking what is as close to halfway on my journey as I dare hope.

My teeth begin to clatter, and my hands start to shake as the night continunes.  My only hope for warmth is to keep moving, huddling my equipment around me pathetically as the wind howls with laughter at my puny form.  I only now realize that I have been able to feel my ears and nose not at all for some time, and I curse myself for not wearing better clothing.  How I could forget to adequately wrap the most important part of my body, I have no idea.

But I suspect that if my head were to freeze itself off of my shoulders, it would be no great loss.  I am obviously not using it overmuch.

I take out one of the smaller skins filled with hard drink (I laugh at the thought that the water within my pack is significantly harder than any liquor I carry) and take a sip, hoping that it will at least dull the chill's edge and allow me to put it out of my mind.

As I put the skin back, I hear another moaning accompanying the wind.  Looking up, I see a shape making its way towards me through the mountain night.  It is a great, shaggy beast, and a great plume of steam rises into the air with its every breath.  I have heard legends of these mountain-men, the sasquatches, but I did not believe them fully until now.

As the beast bears down on me and I ready my sword, I feel slightly comforted.  Although this fiend means me harm, it is an indication that I have traveled farther into the northlands.   It also provides me with reason to swing my sword, which will provide at least some amount of warmth.

The creature lies dead at me feet, steam rising from the warm blood I have taken from it.  I mourn that I was never trained as a hunter, for this creature's luxuriant coat would serve me quite well, if I but knew how to retrieve it.  Sadly, I must go on without it, leaving the corpse for whatever scavengers dare live in these mountains.

The moon makes its way across the night sky, trailing its courtiers in her great velvet cloak of darkness.  She retreats from the starry court as the sun begins to rise from his slumber and take back the kingdom of the sky.

As the first rays of sunlight set fire to the edges of the moon's velvet cloak, I feel the first pangs of hunger.  Hopefully, the warmth-giving rays will thaw some of this meat I've been carrying around...


Yep, he froze to death.  Wanna know why?  I sold his somethingsomething-leather cap in order to wear a better one, but I never got around to buying the new one.  He's been running around with just the iron helmet.  His throat froze itself out at around the same time his brain crystallized.  He bled to death.

Luckily, he recovered quickly.

Other than his head, not a single bodypart took damage.  I have to remember to bring hats for the return trip...

I'm starting to get curious as to how big my reader base is...  Just when it starts to look like I've only got the three repeat customers, someone completely random will pop in and make a comment.

In the meantime, while we wait for good sir Arkur to meet his untimely end, we might as well discuss what the next goon is going to be.  I'm going to have to streamline the process a bit, as excessively "out there" characters only lead to trouble...  Oh, speaking of which, playing as a hostile kobold inside a town is tons of fun, but somewhat difficult to write.  Just give kobolds the [FLIER] tag to emulate climbing, and go sneaking around town looking for bone scraps to eat.  When the night comes (or day, depending on your preference), hop on top of a roof and snooze for a bit.  You can live quite easily provided you're a good enough sneak to maneuver around guards in good time.

Anyways, here's the process:  Pick any sentient race (includes Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Goblins and Kobolds), and then pick any standard weapon that the preferred race has access to (in other words, no dwarven lashers or hammerelves).  Please do not suggest quirks unless they are very mild...  Excessive quirkiness will start rattling the DnG code again.  And since unorthodox weaponry ( a disturbingly common quirk) uses no weapon skill, it is very hard to effectively fight with such a character.  I have no problem with multiple standard weapons, however.  Just remember that dual-wielding is utterly ineffective.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #476 on: August 14, 2008, 04:49:33 am »

Elf swordsman.

I did one once where i got legendary throwing so i could recruit tons of folks. I recruited about 20 elves and then went giant slaying in human towns (ease of use). I used loot to buy myself an exceptional iron longsword and an exceptional iron shield. Also trained up archery by killing the last kobold from a cave. He had like 12 quivers full of arrows on (i carefully wrestled all of them off to assure that they wouldn't 'stick' to the corpse). Then i found another elf civ which actually had a keep in it's capital (humans built it).

I amused myself by shoving their druid of the side of the keep and causing an all out elf vs elf war (then savescumming and doing it a different way). Too bad i only brought melee elves, cuz their bowmen pincuishoned my poor guys and the best i did was when i killed their master bowman first and took his bow and started shooting the local elves.

Um, i told you that to show that theres no reason for a stereotypical character to be boring.  :P
Urist Mcsurvivalist has been accosted by edible vermin lately.

Goblins: The fourth iron ore.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #477 on: August 14, 2008, 12:07:24 pm »

I see you've stopped using mods. Because I'd still like a maniac darkelf crossbowman intent on killing off all site and civ leaders. He'd have to be insanely proficient with his weapon though...

Failing that, a kobold posessed by a spirit of a mighty warrior. Must wield a greatsword or a twohander. :)
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #478 on: August 14, 2008, 01:06:27 pm »

I'm using personal mods.  Little stuff like making all the races playable.  I'm running 39e, and I didn't think there were any major mods out for that yet.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #479 on: August 14, 2008, 01:41:13 pm »

Goblin scout and night-time child-murderer.
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