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Author Topic: Death and Glory!  (Read 58256 times)

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #330 on: May 05, 2008, 11:54:00 am »

Er, yeah, among other things. I'm currently considering drastic measures regarding the crash problem, because it's the only thing that's holding the new release back. It's still pretty straightforward, and if you absolutely don't want the crash to happen, it probably won't - every time I tried to replicate the crash by saving and reloading right after an ambush has happened, the crash never appeared.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #331 on: May 05, 2008, 04:02:00 pm »

I like the kobold bug-tosser personally.
Even the cutest things can be endearing when on fire. ~ Cajoes
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #332 on: May 05, 2008, 04:08:00 pm »

I don't know, the darkelf assassin sound like a cool idea to me.  After all, there haven't really been any "stealthy" types as of yet.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #333 on: May 05, 2008, 08:14:00 pm »

I vote for the bug-tosser. The possibilities seem hilarious.
..."I bumped Nist Akath and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"...


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #334 on: May 05, 2008, 10:50:00 pm »

My vote goes either:
Silly:BUGS,and seriously in a silly way,make his(MUST be a he) greatest quest to wear a thong.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #335 on: May 07, 2008, 12:08:00 am »

Right.  Looks like a kobold bugflinger gets the vote.  Enter, Glibitikusree!


It was a hot day on the forth of Timber, but for Glibitikusree it was just a hot day.  Having no knowledge of the standardized dwarven calendar, Glib was unaware that it was officially late autumn, when the weather should've been cooling down to more reasonable levels.

Glib scratched his hide and took a drink from the nearby stream.  He had decided a few days previously to conquer the world, but he was as of yet unsure of what all that entailed or where he should start.  
He noticed a beetle crawling around on one of the river-smoothed rocks and picked it up out of habit.  The creature squirmed inagitation at first, and then settled down contentedly on the kobold's forearm.

Glib sighed wistfully.  This harmless insect wasn't anything like the bugs that lived in his cave.  Great, oozing things with spiny protrusions and pores that seeped the most vile of poisons, creatures that scared the townsfolk away.

He sat down and stuck his feet into the stream, letting the cold water counteract the effects of the senselessly hot sun.  While he sat, a worm crawled out of the ground and up his arm, eventually settling itself inside Glib's armpit.  Kobolds are innately connected with bugs in ways that have baffled researchers for some time.  Kobolds view all things crawling and creeping as kindred, and the bugs feel the same way about kobolds.

Eventually, Glib picked himself up from his sitting position and began walking downstream.  He didn't know where he was going, but he knew that he wasn't going to get there by just sitting around.

He had been walking along the stream's bank, sometimes stepping in to cool himself off, when he heard a loud rumbling noise.  He ducked underneath the nearest rock he could find, a decision made by the kobold instinct to hide at every possible opportunity.

The sound, however, did not come closer.  Nor did it go away.  Glib waited for a few moments and then stuck his head out to see what was going on.  Eventually, he clambered out of his hiding place and went of to investigate, a decision made by the kobold trait of irrepressible curiosity.

The sound came from farther downstream, and when he finally came to its source he was slightly crestfallen.  The stream, for all its gentle trickling nature, was plummeting downwards off a very high cliff.

The area ahead was a maze of plateaus, large outcroppings of rock, and generally unsafe-looking crags.  Unsafe-looking, that is, to a person acquainted with the outdoors.  Glib thought nothing of the potential hazards, and bravely traversed the precarious spires and unstable shelves through sheer force of ignorance.

As night fell, he made his way across the treacherous terrain and plopped himself down on the floor of the canyon, where the stream had grown from various other trickling water sources and had grown into a full river.  Glib went over to continue walking alongside it when he noticed something.  Underneath the water's surface a shiny form was lazily trailing about.

Glib wasn't exactly knowledgeable in the field of water-dwelling creatures, but he had been told of nasty things coming out of cave water and eating young kobolds.  He backed away slowly and settled for following the river's path from a greater distance, always wary should something jump out and try to gobble him up.

He carried along like that for some time, until his attention wandered and he lost track of the river.  Once he noticed that he was nowhere near any source of water, let alone a flowing river, he shrugged his bony shoulders and kept on in what he assumed was the direction the river had been going.

The turned out to be a roughly East-Northeast direction.  The river had been flowing due North until it turned West, but Glib had wandered off in what only madmen would consider a straight line, and even after he had set himself to a specific direction he was incapable of following it exactly.

He continued in this psuedo-direction for some time until his sensitive nose picked up a particularly pungent odor.  He crouched down and began skittering around under what little cover he could find, and eventually came across the source of the smell.

A jaguar, unnaturally large, lay on the hard-packed ground ahead of him.  For a moment, Glib was overcome with fear at such a large creature and could do nothing but sit and look at it.  His initial response was the generic kobold reaction; when in doubt, run away.

However, Glib steadied himself and remembered that he had come out into the world to do something amazing, not run away from something amazingly huge.  He began plotting methods of dealing with the large feline ahead of him, but he found it dificult with the worm in his armpit squirming around as it was.

The worm.  Glib's amber eyes lit up and his small teeth gleamed in a mischievous grin as his impish nature took over from the more cowardly -and the more dangerous- aspects.

The great cat slept soundly, utterly unaware of the highly embarassing events to follow...


This shall be continued shortly.  It's 10:36, and it's time for me to have some breakfast.  Back in a bit.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #336 on: May 07, 2008, 01:02:00 am »

This is looking promising.  :cool:


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #337 on: May 07, 2008, 02:23:00 am »


The great cat leapt up in surprise and let out a yowl of indignance.  It spun around looking for the source of its annoyance, but in its newly-awakened state it was in no position to notice the kobold concealed in the nearby rocks.

The worm, slick with kobold ooze, squirmed around on the jaguar's flank in an attempt to find a slightly more comfortable location.  The wet, tickling sensation caused the great cat to spin about wildly in its confusion, and it was all Glib could do to keep from giggling out loud.

He plucked the beetle which had since settled on his shoulder and looked at it briefly.  Then, pulling his scrawny arm back, he hurled it onto the whirling cat with uncanny precision.  The beetle struck the jaguar's ear as it spun about, and the new source of annoyance caused the great feline to perform an unusual acrobatic maneuver which was apparently an attempt at a backflip while still spinning.

Not even the agility and reflexes of a cat such as this could pull it off however, and the jaguar collapsed onto the ground in a spitting, yowling, writhingly angry and confused lump of yellow fur.

The cat got up, shook itself vigorously, and trotted off to find a slightly less bug-infested locale, holding itself in the appearance of nonchalance that only a recently embarassed cat can affect.

When the cat had gone, Glib allowed himself a quick giggle before picking up a few more beetles from the surrounding area and following after the jaguar.  Mischief had taken over his better judgement, a rather frequent scenario among kobolds.

Glib hefted one of the uncommonly heavy beetles from the area by its shiny carapace and tossed it at the jaguar.  When the beetle hit it, however...


The beetle exploded with a sharp noise and sent shards of its armor into the cat's hide.  The jaguar roared in pain and dashed off, leaving Glib a few moments to sit with his jaw hanging low as he recounted the events.  He hastily picked up a few more and hurried after the cat, dreadfully eager to see how many of the beetles were of the exploding kind.

Glib followed after the cat for some distance, pelting the confused creature with the uncommonly volatile beetles that lived in the area.  After a time, the minor wounds inflicted by their blasting hides started to add up, and the jaguar's fur was caked with dried blood from a myriad of small cuts and gashes.  Glibitikusree threw beetle after beetle, and although not all of them blew up, there were quite enough to satisfy Glib's sense of humor.  

He picked up another of the countless beetles and cackled madly as he threw it at the jaguar.

The great feline turned around instantly and glared at Glibitikusree, who had not only laughed aloud, but had also stepped out of the rock cover in order to make that last shot.

For a few moments, they stood there like that.  Glib's eyes were incredibly huge in the dawning realization that he was in plain view of the jaguar that he'd been taunting with thrown beetles for the better part of the past day.

His throat made a dry plunking sound as he tried to swallow.  He then opened his mouth and shrieked in the high-pitched kobold tone reserved for mortal danger, and then ran away as fast as his legs could carry him.

It was only after quite some distance that he noticed not only had he not been pounced upon and eaten, he also wasn't being chased.  He stopped running, looked around...   And saw nothing.  No giant jaguar.  He couldn't even smell it from here.

Glib scratched his head in wonderment for a bit, and then started walking again.  Best not to question good luck.


If you're wondering, the giant jaguar ran away from him.  I guess it'd had just about enough of those bomber beetles, so when I threw the last one from just two spaces behind the jaguar, it saw me and skedaddled.  I saw a giant scorpion wandering around nearby, so I don't think I'll be trying such close-range tactics again...


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #338 on: May 07, 2008, 03:36:00 am »

I approve of this first post.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #339 on: May 07, 2008, 11:10:00 am »

Yay! Go Glib!
In a fat-fingered moment while setting up another military squad I accidentally created a captain of the guard rather than a militia captain.  His squad of near-legendary hammerdwarves equipped with high quality silver hammers then took it upon themselves to dispense justice to all the mandate breakers in the fortress.  It was quite messy.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #340 on: May 07, 2008, 11:49:00 am »

Cantona_7 likes kobolds for their irrepressible curiosity.


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #341 on: May 07, 2008, 03:48:00 pm »

Need I say more?

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #342 on: May 07, 2008, 04:09:00 pm »

I often wonder what vermin could do with a higher value in the [PENETRATION] tag...
Nice story so far. Poor little puddy tat.  :)
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #343 on: May 08, 2008, 02:13:00 am »

Glib walked North for several days, eventually finding another river that he decided to follow.  After a few more days of travel, the terrain changed from the hot and rocky wasteland he had come from, to a verdant forest with crystalline springs.

For some time, all Glib could do was walk around in amazement at all the green plants that filled the area, and watch the pixies flittering between the trees in their intricate dances.

He acquired a lively skip to his step, and rarely was there a moment when he did not boast a wide grin of merry enjoyment on his face.  After a while of wandering about, Glib came across a tight-knit group of unicorns in a small clearing.  Their silky silver-white manes cascading down their flawless necks as they nuzzled one another in the soft sunlight.  Glib was entranced, and let out a small "Oooooh...." as he watched them.

The herd leader's head snapped up and turned towards the source of the noise.  Glib, who had assumed that everything that could live in this forest must be friendly, was not hiding.  The kobold stood flanked by two trees at the edge of the clearing, his small arms hanging limply at his sides as he observed the now-aware equines.

The lead unicorn snorted.  Glibitikusree gulped.


Glib howled in fear and ran as fast as he could, arms now flailing above his head as though to ward of insects.  The unicorns charged en masse, their hooves pounding the forest ground beneath them as they chased after the kobold.

Glib pumped his little legs with as much speed as he could possibly muster, charging blindly through the undergrowth.

The unicorns, although very well adapted to the forest terrain, were simply not small enough to fit into the same places that the kobold could -and did-.  Glib managed to keep a fair distance between him and the charging unicorns, although he was too preoccupied with running away to notice such.

He did glance around at one point during the chase, but before he could see much he slammed into a tree.  Glib screamed in terror at the tree for slowing him down at such an inopportune moment, and then dashed around it.

He was in no state to notice, but the pounding of hooves had grown distant and slightly less rapid.  The unicorns, for all their speed and grace, simply could not keep up with the madcap run of a terror-stricken kobold.

Glib ran until it felt as though his lungs would burst, and he stopped by one of the many available trees to lean against it and steady himself.  After a couple gasping breaths, he looked back around, fully expecting to see the unicorns coming after him.  

He didn't.  He cocked his head to one side and listened.  Nothing.

Glib took a cautious step forward to see if he could determine what had happened to the unicorns.  This was his curiosity creeping back up on him, but he was fortunate enough to step on a small twig with that cautious step, giving off a loud crack that re-activated his survival instinct of natural fear, and sent him flying into the bushes for cover.

An active day, to say the least.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Death and Glory!
« Reply #344 on: May 08, 2008, 02:48:00 am »

Hehe. "Stampede! Stampede, Earl! Run away! Run away!"  :)

I wonder how many know where that's from...

Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India
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