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Author Topic: Dwarven Musical Chairs  (Read 18927 times)


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #90 on: February 04, 2008, 02:50:00 pm »

YOU forgot to link it in your email.   :p


[ February 04, 2008: Message edited by: Blacken ]

"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #91 on: February 06, 2008, 08:54:00 pm »

I decided to finish my turn early this week, because I'm crazy and want to do a community fortress at the same time.

Journal of Liolel:
    1st of Granite: I just a humble woodcutter have been chosen to lead Jackaljaws, after the deaths of so many metalcrafters under our previous leaders reign. I’m not sure what to think, it’s an honor, but leading a fortress in the middle of a zombie infested wasteland is no easy task.

    17th of Granite: Elves have arrived at Jackaljaws.  They only brought cloth, but cloth could have been useful, if some idiot had not added a bone ring to our offer, sending the elves storming off.
   I’ve also started expanding our absolutely pitiful military. One soldier is not enough when you live in a ZOMBIE infested wasteland.

   25th of Slate. Migrants. 20 of them. Why bandits flock to such a dismal place I do not know. Among them there was a dungeon master. Just great. The last thing I need is to need to arrange fancy rooms to be built.

   17th of Felsite: News both good and bad. On the good side I’ve added a new touch to the defenses. If anything gets past the dozens of weapon traps, the lower portion of the fortress can be sealed off through a lever in the dining room.
   On the bad side, the mayor has seen fit to assign punishment to an engraver of all things for failing the impossible task of creating an anvil out of thin air, to make spears. Seriously an engraver has nothing to do with any part of the process. At least we’ve never assigned a sheriff, or built a jail, so far the engravers gotten off Scot free.

   23rd of Felsite: Stupid mayor. He wants spears again. The human caravan better have an anvil.

   15th of Hematite: Humans, with ANVILS. Who insisted on only making trades that would give them a fortune, and had more swordsmen that our pitiful military could risk taking on. At least we have more worthless pieces of stone craft then I know what to do with.

   8th of Malachite: As soon as we make spears we’re told to make more spears.

   18th of Malachite: A weaponsmith has been possessed. I wonder what masterful instrument of destruction he’ll make.

   22nd of Malachite: It’s a giant aluminum corkscrew. Why can’t possessing spirits have good ideas? Of course it is worth 192000 and seems to have nearly doubled the value of the fort.

   9th of Galena. The mayors banned the exporting of zinc. That will be easy as the only zinc in the ENTIRE FORT is a single bar we got from trading.

   10th of Limestone: The bandit caravan is here. No real noteworthy trades occurred. We got a little metal, and a little of this and that but nothing special.
   In other news, I’d like to announce big successes in two of my projects. Our military is now up to seven dwarves all of which now have their own suits of platemail, as well as weapons.
   I’m also putting the finishing touches on a catacomb for our dead. No more leaving the bodies in the remains of our older temporary home. Of course as per tradition, I’ve carved myself out a nice fancy tomb. I am the leader after all.

   20th of Sandstone: More migrants. Welcome to zombie land population 73.

   27th of Timber: Another possession. And this time it's the former leader Skanky himself. And he’s seized a mechanics workshop?. So much for getting an interesting artifact.

   4th of moonstone: The artifact is done. It's a mechanism. A fancy mechanism but a mechanism none the less. What more is there to say.

   11th of opal. After almost a full year of searching I’ve found it. Iron. Good precious iron.

   18th of opal: I’ve put the finishing touches on the next part of the defenses. By pulling the lever next to the stairs on the bedroom level, the entire fort will be sealed.

   1st of Granite: Spring. I’ve been in charge for a whole year, and I quit. All I get is zombie deer this, zombie fox that. No you’re doing a good job, no please except this solid gold statue. No rewards just complaints. Someone else can take this thankless job.


It was a somewhat eventful year. I've managed to get the military up to 7 dwarves, improve the defenses slighty (for more details, see the two lever points of intrest on the map) get some anvils, do a lot of exploratory mining, and build some catacombs on the bottom level of the map.
        The zombies proved frustrating. I was constantly shuffling squads from killing weak zombies, to training to killing zombies to training and so forth. They weren't common enough to justify a squad on full time duty, but were common enough to be annoying.
       The biggest worry for the next ruler is we have 73 dwarves. The next group of migrants will push the fort over the 80 dwarf threshold for sieges. I've made it so the fort can be sealed, and the previously rulers have added tons of traps, but more defense can never hurt.
       And of course the map is




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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #92 on: February 07, 2008, 12:04:00 am »

Yay, mechanism! How much was it worth, after all that? At least it was obsidian.
"Quickly now, the goblins are more devious these days." - Captain Mayday


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #93 on: February 07, 2008, 05:30:00 pm »

Originally posted by Skanky:
<STRONG>Yay, mechanism! How much was it worth, after all that? At least it was obsidian.</STRONG>




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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #94 on: February 08, 2008, 07:07:00 am »

Nilul, "Hammerpants", 1054 - 1055
by Skanky Umrilmörul

1st Granite
Started moving stuff around. I noticed a few copper and iron daggers lying around, I asked Tip to rig them to kill anything that walked through the entrances. I also was inspired to start work on an axe mural. The sheriff complained about not having an office, and was asking for weapon racks and armour stands and stuff. So I fired him.

12th Hematite
Sigun got struck with a strange mood, has taken over a craftsdwarf workshop.

20th Hematite
Blacken traded with the humans, grabbing large amounts of metal bars, gems and meat. Its no secret that he really likes fine pewter, so he asked for the next caravan to bring as much as possible. Sigun completed his turtle bone idol, worth 42000.

10th Galena
I have become a champion! Huzzah, I am sure everyone feels much safer! I also ordered our military to expand, drafting all 8 peasants and two random pump operators into a training squad. Each have been given full steel armour and a shield, although three will have to wait for their steel plate to finish being produced before they get to wear it. None are being armed yet. Defence-wise, roofing is being built over the external buildings above the fortress, lest any airborne menaces decide to enter the quick way. Weapon traps have been quickly put together in both entrances, but stronger weapons will need to be produced for better defence.

11th Limestone
Goblins at the gate!!! I have ordered all dwarves inside while we prepare our defences. My scouts see a goblin bowman, 4 crossbowmen, 7 pikemen, 3 swordsmen and a maceman. But that doesn't matter too much, I am chasing an elephant at the moment. I don't know why, but I will keep chasing him too despite my own orders to remain inside. I really should get back inside rather than running closer and closer to the invading goblins, but no. I'm crazy like that!

13th Limestone
Ouch. That arrow hurted my head. (Skanky has a yellow head injury)
I made it back inside though.

17th Limestone
Olon ran over the bridge a second after the lever that controlled it was pulled. We plan to retreive his body from the moat after the seige is over.

22nd Sandstone
The seige is broken! Unfortunately, the liason met his end when he insisted on leaving the fortress immediately, without waiting for the caravan guards to escort him. The goblins gave chase, and the inevitable happened. I guess Blacken's preference for fine pewter will remain a secret, at least at the mountainhome. Logun, a fisherdwarf, was also shot and killed as the goblins threw themselves against the passive defences.

4th Moonstone
Hungry. Tired. Why won't anyone bring me food or drink?

8th Moonstone
Adil became the second champion of the fortress. Hooray!

13th Moonstone
With thoughts of death on my mind, I have ordered the axe monument to double as my tomb.

1st Opal
Asten made a really cool pair of pants. It is even encircled with bands of rock!

3rd Opal
More migrants. More dwarves to haul stuff around and clean up after the recent goblin seige.

1st Granite
My head still hurts. I really need rest, so control of the fortress will pass to someone else. Created wealth is above 1 million, population is now 95 souls. The military has been built up with 10 fully steel armoured trainee wrestlers and two soon to be fully armoured champions with steel crossbows. Most of the fortress is now cleared of stone, as well. All in all, I feel I can rest easy.

"Quickly now, the goblins are more devious these days." - Captain Mayday


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #95 on: February 09, 2008, 09:30:00 pm »

Skanky awesomed my fort.  :D

I'm moving the deadline for fortresses back by 24 hours for the rest of the contest (to the end of MONDAY, instead of SUNDAY).

Why? Because I just completely blew up my computer and will need time to replay my turn. Since I'm running the game, I can do that.  ;)

Seriously though, if anyone has a problem with me moving it back, speak nowish (like, the next day or so) or forever hold yer peas. And carrots.

"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #96 on: February 09, 2008, 09:52:00 pm »

Why thank you.  :cool:

I generally can only get to play Monday and Thursday nights (Autralian time ie: still Sunday in some timezones), so if TotalPigeon could get his done by the normal deadline, that would be appreciated.

"Quickly now, the goblins are more devious these days." - Captain Mayday


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #97 on: February 10, 2008, 11:17:00 am »

My computer is in a worse state than Blackens (it won't even start...) so I'm having to do this at the uni, and this will at most be the minimum two seasons, sadly with no story or anything. This is as much as I can get done with the time and computer power available... but at a hefty day game time for a minute real time, and with other commitments, I don't really have a choice. But, I'll pass on whatever I have finished over to you today if you need, Skanky.

Scratch this - I can't play at this speed, it just feels like a chore. I'll just have to pass on the same save. I just haven't been able to play this week since my computer seized up, and I won't be able to get it running again until next saturday. I imagine Blacken should be able to sympathise... but under the rules, I guess I'm out. Meh.

[ February 10, 2008: Message edited by: TotalPigeon ]



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #98 on: February 10, 2008, 04:43:00 pm »

Originally posted by TotalPigeon:
<STRONG>My computer is in a worse state than Blackens (it won't even start...) so I'm having to do this at the uni, and this will at most be the minimum two seasons, sadly with no story or anything. This is as much as I can get done with the time and computer power available... but at a hefty day game time for a minute real time, and with other commitments, I don't really have a choice. But, I'll pass on whatever I have finished over to you today if you need, Skanky.

Scratch this - I can't play at this speed, it just feels like a chore. I'll just have to pass on the same save. I just haven't been able to play this week since my computer seized up, and I won't be able to get it running again until next saturday. I imagine Blacken should be able to sympathise... but under the rules, I guess I'm out. Meh.

[ February 10, 2008: Message edited by: TotalPigeon ]</STRONG>

Not at all. I'm aiming for fun over OMG POINTS. Play what you can and send it on, or just send it--until a fortress implodes, nobody's out anyway.


"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #99 on: February 10, 2008, 05:05:00 pm »

Windleopard - Turn 3

21st Slate, 1053
Am I too late? Did I miss the longears this year? Hah! I knew it would pay off to rest a few days fishing at a lake I came by! You won't believe how big the carps where there! As big as a dwarf! An adult one, mind ya! Man, they put up a helluva fight, almost died! I had enough to eat for two weeks! But now I'm looking forward to a good old-fashioned plump helmet roast. I can't stand fish anymore...

3rd Hematite, 1053
You know, It'll be a good day, when you overhear a rumor, that our armorer, Momuz Olonabod, has created an incredibly valuable low boot yesterday. That's the kind of news, that spreads around dwarfhood like the flu! Man, I have to see that, when I have the time...
(ooc: worth 132000 monies!)


12th Hematite, 1053
Today I was woken by a fanfare. Those bigshoe-nobles always have to make a lot of noise, when they arrive... Can't even let a hard-working dwarf sleep... At least we got repaid: We could give them our junk and got meat, leather, cloth, cheeses, some nickel, some bronze and finally some silver. It's just so difficult, to get some good cheese and meat... For next year they promised to bring some real useful stuff: aluminum, gold and platinum. I just know, someone here knows, how to put them into good use!

16th Limestone, 1053
Nothing ever happens... I was told, that there were some batmen flying around, but I never even noticed a shadow on the moon, indicating the presence of that nasty folk. Anyway, the roof for our entrance hall is half-way ready. That should make things for them a bit more difficult, if they ever get the idea, they could suck the blood of some innocent dwarves...
Yeah, our brethren from the mountainhomes came to trade. It was just like everytime: They got some of our jewellery, and we got some meat, leather and alcohol, since our own barrels are too full to brew. Strangely, they thought, they could bring some tower caps with them. We have enough wood here, but admittedly none of those nice mushrooms. I ordered gems for the next year. Our craftsdwarves shall have something to work with!

14th Sandstone, 1053
Sometimes I have to wonder about the dwarven mental condition. There is this Furnace Operator - what's he's called? oh yeah, Nish Bimvucar, who had a fixed idea we dwarves are so famous for. And for that he used the least valueable stones, he could find! For armoks sake! The armorer forges more valueable items than that junk! Every single armok-damned day!        

ooc: worth 4800 monies

5th Timber, 1053
It seems like the rumors of our craftsdwarfship has finally spread! We even had to build new rooms for our 11 new citizens! I just don't know, how my predeccessors thought that design could be expanded, was close to impossible to do it in an efficient way. Anyway, I think we did a decent job anyway.


21st Opal, 1053
Some dwarves just know, how to increase our reputation in the world, at least in the dwarven world. Tirist kelfeb had one amizing idea for a bracelet. But for that he needed wood - which we didn't have, because Momuz needed it all for the armors, he forges day and night. At least it was worth the trouble this time:
ooc: worth 58800 monies


17th Granite, 1054
Those hypocrites! Those slimey hypcrite longears!! They always preach to "save the trees" - they don't even do that themselves! They "murdered" 12 innocent trees, to bring their "dead bodies" to us! I bought them, just to smash them on their noggin, the next time they come tree-hugging!
On a side-note: The roof is finally done! And still not a single batman in sight, not even a filthy kobold. Wonder where they hide...
But maybe it's better that way, we still don't have a standing army, but some shiny steel plate mails, thanks to Momuz. I will tell my successor about it, when I seem them during the next days...

[ February 10, 2008: Message edited by: Firemage ]



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #100 on: February 10, 2008, 09:10:00 pm »

Here is the end of my turn this week.  As a side note.  I was unable to break apart the food into separate stockpiles.  I tried moving the seeds into the farming area, cooked food from the uncooked, and the booze into its own room incase of fire.  Unfortunately, they just won't move the foods and booze and seeds once I delete the old food zone.  I tried a clean install and moving it over but it still didn't work for me. *shrug*  Your turn at it :-D

DFMA:  Here


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #101 on: February 11, 2008, 10:47:00 pm »

DFMA goodness, can't do a writeup this week.

I'll have scores updated in the next day or two.

"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #102 on: February 12, 2008, 01:17:00 am »

I'll be able to play the next fort more.


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #103 on: February 12, 2008, 04:59:00 am »

Woot! Finally A sign of life from "my" fortress! I was already wondering, what happened. Mesa like! ^_^


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #104 on: February 12, 2008, 06:51:00 am »

That's cool, I didn't really want to drop out anyway  :D I sent on the fortress as is anyway, so Skanky should already have sunk his teeth into it. I should (knock wood) be completely back to normal on saturday, so the next turn should be business as usual
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