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Author Topic: Dwarven Musical Chairs  (Read 19574 times)


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #75 on: February 02, 2008, 08:52:00 pm »

It's been a bit of a busy week so I just played one year. Here's my journal for turn 2.

28th of Granite: I’ve arrived at the secret destination. The order’s I’ve received are complete nonsense. I’m to go take control of a fort on the complete opposite side of the world. Oh, and for some reason despite my skills as a mason, I’ve been ordered to not use them, and instead take up the skills of an armor smith. Someone in the mountainhomes must be absolutely insane.

8th of Limestone: After a miserable journey I’ve finally arrived at Worlddoors. It’s actually decently well built, except for the abomination, that’s dropping a sheet of water over the entrance to the dining hall. However there is much work to be done. There is no metalworking operations or military. This will be remedied.
14th of limestone: Even here the kobolds are just as cowardly as ever. The thief took one look at our wardogs and fled.   

20th of limestone: merchants: I awoke to find that the caravan has come. I rushed out to see what wondrous goods they brought us, and found two metal bars, and an unnecessary anvil. Still the metal would be useful, so I scrambled to find goods to trade. Eventually I found them, bin after bin consisting solely of rock mugs. Mugs. What kind of dwarf needs a mug? Real Dwarfs drink straight from the barrel. Luckily the merchants were all insane and saw no problem trading valuable metal, for mugs that no real dwarf would ever use.

28th of limestone: One of our haulers has gone fey. He’s seized a clothier’s workshop and produced this.


A headscarf. Of all the useless things to make a headscarf. At least his skill at cloths making is now legendary, which might be useful except that I’ve yet to order a single pair of cloths to be made.

13th of timber: One of my fellow dwarfs has done something useful for once, and sabotaged the abomination. At last I can eat my food dry.
(ooc) I have no idea what actually happened. I didn’t do anything; it just stopped working on its own.

14th of moonstone While mining an iron vein our miners made an important discovery. They discovered a magma pipe, and that means the magma itself can not be far away. Suddenly my plans for the metalsmithing operation have become much grander.

15th of opal: The miners have found the magma vein. Unfortunately it’s infested with fire imps, and magma men. I’ve ordered a channel to be built to access the lava safely.

26th of granite. Today I had to deal with an unpleasant task. Elvin merchants had arrived. As usual they had little of interest to trade. Except for the animal in one cage, a tiger. After carefully handpicking out 3 dozen pieces of stone craft because the elves would not stand the sight of a single wooden bin, the great cat was mine. It’s now chained by the entrance as a guardian.

10th of slate: I’ve made great progress towards my goals. There is now a vast room carved out for metalworking, and the lava lies safely beneath. Already the first few smelters and forges are operational. Meanwhile I have three dwarfs training in the arts of war, all fully protected by iron platemail forged by my own hand.

13th of slate: Another hauler has gone fey, and made another piece of useless clothing. This time it’s a dress, and I now have a second legendary clothier, and I still have yet to order a single stitch to be sewn.


5th of Felsite: Migrants. 14 of them. And the majority of them are utterly useless. I have just enough spar beds for all of them to sleep/ Three of them have been sent straight to the military and given armor, but it will be challenging finding work the rest are suited for.

13th of Hematite: Humans merchants have come and gone. It was a routine trade, just increasing the fort’s stockpiles, without gaining anything remotely interesting. In sadder news the fort’s has had its first death, due to a sparring accident. My fellow dwarves instantly placed the body in a coffin curiously placed by the trade depot before I could figure out a suitable resting place.

28th: Morons. Idiots. The miners can’t read a simple map. I was seeking to expand the bedrooms while keeping the same design the previous leader used, by my miners dug out the stupid lines, instead of in-between them. I’m converting the area into rooms for future nobles to try and salvage the mess.
(OCC: I messed up, and dug out what should have been the walls, instead of digging out the rooms.)


2nd of Limestone: I’ve now seen the fort through a full year. I’ve jumpstarted the metalworking operations, and added a basic military. Now I’ve received orders to leave again, where I’ll be sent next I do not know. Farewell worlddoor, you were a lot saner then WindLeopard ever was.



The fort is in very good shape. There is more food and drink then will ever be needed, plenty of metal to be crafted, and more wood then you could ever use. There are a few minor issues. One I never got around to appointing a sheriff. I started on a jail, in the engraved room next to the bedrooms. Secondly more bedrooms are needed for the next group of migrants. Thirdly while there are a lot of weapon traps, as well as a horde of wardogs waiting to be unleashed by the pull of a lever (see map for location) the fort defenses can be improved. There is currently no way to seal the fort except for two doors. Upgrade the defenses as you please.

Edit: Forgot the map. Here's the Link

[ February 02, 2008: Message edited by: Linthar ]



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #76 on: February 02, 2008, 10:50:00 pm »

Originally posted by Linthar:
[QB]13th of timber: One of my fellow dwarfs has done something useful for once, and sabotaged the abomination. At last I can eat my food dry.
(ooc) I have no idea what actually happened. I didn’t do anything; it just stopped working on its own.
Odd. It should be easy enough to restart by manually operating the screwpump on the same floor as the dining room. Dwarves need their daily dose of mist!

In sadder news the fort’s has had its first death, due to a sparring accident. My fellow dwarves instantly placed the body in a coffin curiously placed by the trade depot before I could figure out a suitable resting place.
Yay!  ;)
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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #77 on: February 02, 2008, 11:28:00 pm »

Soshoshstîgil, "Jackaljaws", 1052 - 1054
by Skanky Athelunol

19th Limetone
Before Tap passed out, he put me in charge. Me! I always knew he had it in for me.

20th Limestone
The slackers were all partying. I told em to get back to work. I got one of the peasants to start counting how much loot we had actually had. He had the hide to ask for an office, of all things. Yeah, sure. Unfortunately for him, moving all our stuff into a more permanent hideout has higher priority. I then told Edem and Likot to start making weapons from the obsidian we had lying around. They both started complaining about not knowing how to work rock and how it wasn't their job anyway. Before they got too far, I let them have it. Now Edem has a black eye and Likot is walking funny. Strangely, the other dwarves looking on suddenly decided they needed to do work elsewhere. Immediately.
Hmmm, maybe this leadership thing isn't so bad after all.

5th Timber
We have started moving all our stuff closer to the aquifer breach. Food processing is already set up close to the surface, now bedding for the lazy slobs. The ranger has finally trained the dogs to attack and kill - a highly useful trait for them when surrounded by undead.

6th Timber
And now migrants arrive. Like we needed more mouths to feed at this point. Gah! 32 dwarves to look after. Looks like we will need to count what we actually have. Sigh.

20th Moonstone
Our trade depot has been relocated closer to the "Big hole in the ground", as the boys have taken to calling it. The area has been walled off except for a small entrance tunnel, which I have had trapped. Can't be too careful. Zombies animals are the least of our worries if any of the towns we have been raiding find our location, so I have disguised our entrance to look like a warehouse. Any attacking mobs won't know whats hit them! Bedrooms for everyone are still being built.

22nd Opal
Today we finally got our stock of alcohol above 100. To celebrate, we drank large quantities of it... It made sense at the time.

24th Obsidian
The roof is finally finished, as is the residential section. I suppose a permanent dining area should be the next priority.

17th Granite
The elves arrived. Unsurprisingly, they are leaving with less items.

1st Slate
More immigrants. Some of them were useful. Two hunters appeared and didn't even wait to visit our little hole in the ground before attacking and killing the local wildlife. They will be quite useful. We also gained an additional carpenter and another stone crafter. Jackaljaws is now called home by some 50 bandits.

11th Felsite
More zombie animals everywhere. The constant complaints had finally gotten to me, so I ordered the woodcutter to go "destroy the zombies or die trying". Suprisingly, he did a good job and survived. There are several less zombie foxes and deer.

20th Felsite
Apparently he couldn't handle a pack of zombie wolves by himself. Oh well, I've ordered the mason to make a coffin for him and ordered my hunters to kill the wolves.

3rd Hematite
Finnaly we are moving production underground. If we want to remain hidden, we can't have workshops on the surface. Also, one of the metalsmiths has insisted that a forge be built so that he can start producing metal goods, and refuses to work until it is provided. We still don't have a forge, so I don't see him being too happy. Hmm, time will tell.

1st Malchatite
The metalsmith finally snapped, and our resident war dogs were only too happy to rip him to shreds. Tis a right shame. I mean, if I knew this was going to happen, I could have sold tickets to my fellow dwarves and made an afternoon of entertainment from it.

25th Limestone
The bandit caravan has returned again. They brought metal and a few bits of leather as well as the obligatory alcohol. Still no sign of an anvil though, which is a shame as another metalsmith has refused to work until he gets a forge. I don't hold out much hope for his survival, but I learnt from the last time. I have started selling tickets to his death already. We also have a bet on how long he holds out for - the winner gets a cave spider silk sock.

8th Sandstone
The metalsmith went bezerk. So far no violence from him, he seems to be yelling obsenities from his doorway. Sibrek won the sock, having guessed closest.

15th Sandstone
Tosid brought it on himself, standing outside the metalsmith's room and provoking him. Tosid didn't last long after that. The hunters were called in again to make the metalsmith into a pincushion. It was actually quite exciting!

3rd Moonstone
Today we breached the magma. Soon we can begin work smelting metal ores. Onul, an engraver, suffered a burn-related death.

28th Opal
Another day, another metalsmith went insane. I'm thinking of banning metalsmiths from the fortress, they don't seem to go too well here.

1st Granite (Spring)
Watching onul the metalsmith slowly going insane, the others have been complaining over the number of 'accidents' that have occured whilst I was running the fortress. Two dead metalsmiths with another soon to die (we are running another death pool, buy your ticket today!), one ranger beaten to death when teasing an insane metalsmith, one engraver burnt to a crisp... I tried to protest that 4 of those deaths were directly related to not having an anvil which could hardly be blamed on me. They didn't find the arguement too convincing, suggested I step down and give someone else power, or otherwise I may find myself the victim of an 'accident' too. I certainly will step down - these bandits are bloodthirsty enough to carry through with their threat, and they also know there are extra coffins prepared already...

The fort is in good shape. Food and drink stocks are adequate. Workshops are all started up, smelting operations can begin and if there is any sand, so can glassworking. Still no anvil, although the human caravan should be arriving soon. There should be plenty of finished goods (like deal kobold / goblin clothes) to sell for whatever you need. There is only one military dwarf (swordsdwarf) who is running around killing zombie animals, although the barracks can hold many more dwarves.

[ February 02, 2008: Message edited by: Skanky ]

"Quickly now, the goblins are more devious these days." - Captain Mayday


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #78 on: February 03, 2008, 10:52:00 am »

Bravo Skanky, I enjoyed that.


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #79 on: February 03, 2008, 05:21:00 pm »

Map after round 2

6th Granite, 1054
This is not like home. This is not like home at all! Everything is so confusing and cramped. So many stairs leading nowhere. Corridors are so narrow, I feel like the whole mountain is falling on my head. *Sigh* I have to pull myself together! I'm sure after a while things will look more brightly...

11th Granite, 1054
I still don't feel at home... But at least, it's not so bad as when I arrived. Today the longears came to trade. I ordered to bring all the amulets and earings and those junk to the depot, like I did at home. The faces of the guys I gave the orders to went blank. It seems, they never made stone crafts, like I'm used to, but mugs! You know, these are the kind of times, when I feel stupid, lonely and out of place...
Anyway, we traded some clothes for the mugs. Not, that we can make anything out of it yet, but it's way better than any of the other junk, those longears have to offer.

20th Granite, 1054
Our scouts sighted some kobold thieves in the valley. As soon they noticed that they were spotted, they fled. Those cowards can be glad, they didn't run into my arms...

7th Slate, 1054
With the latest immigration wave a dungeon master arrived. He stormed into my room and demanded to know, where our kennels are. Unfurtunately I had to shrug. And now, that I think about it, I haven't seen any animals here yet...

18th Slate, 1054
Today one of our soldiers complained, that the barracks are too crowded to spar. In fact the people were covering all of the training area sleeping! We had to take emergeny measures: The carpenters were ordered to work overtime to produce beds, and the miners were ordered to build another bedroom shaft, just like the one, that already exists.
Later they reported, that they found lots of galena ore, meaning silver and lead. I know, the old rooms contained those as well, but it seems the ore walls were just smoothed over. I hate wasting good material! Artificial walls are just as well!  

16th Malchite, 1054
For weeks the 6 year old ushrir Thoblek annoyed us, that she wants to tinker something with shells. We told her all the time, that we need them for more important things, and that she should wait, until she came of age. Of course she didn't care about anything we said and didn't stop to annoy us. You know how children are...
Anyway, yesterday she threw someone out of a workshop, locked herself up. We begged her to come out, but all we heard of her, were the noises of the tools. After a while she came out as if nothing happened, with an animal trap made of turtle shell under her arm, and left us grown ups perplexed, scratching our heads. We just didn't knew, if we should scold or praise her.




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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #80 on: February 03, 2008, 05:39:00 pm »

Good to hear that one of the gems I ordered in case of mood has been used already!  What's the value of that trumpet?

Also, if any legendary stonecrafters are around there, the next person can go ahead and make normal crafts.  I normally just make mugs because I'm used to it, but after seeing the values of the crafts made at Windleopard, I've changed my mind.  You may need to change the workshop profile for the craftdwarf's workshop though, as I may have it set to only allow the original crafter.  It might just be set to skill level though.

(I'll get my journal and stuff sent and posted tonight, I've been pretty busy.  BTW, Windleopard is now a better name for the fortress than it used to be!  You'll gear why when I get the journal posted.)


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #81 on: February 03, 2008, 09:51:00 pm »

Okay, second year finished. DFMA here. Enjoy.


1053, 1st Granite: It appears that Mayor Blacken has neglected to keep the records of the stocks up to date, and urgently requires some time to work out what we have and project some plans for the future fortress. Until he has prepared, having recognised my talents, he has asked for me to take the position of advisor, overseeing the fortress and preparing what I feel is necessary for the good running of the fort. I, Tip the Dwarven Mechanic, am more than happy to aid him in this manner, espcially as he has promised that I may have my own tomb for helping in this manner. As long as it isn't as grand as his.

4th Granite: I've taken a good look around the whole fortress, as being the mechanic means I've been hanging off the bottom of the main bridges for most of the year, setting them up for emergencies. Anyhow, it seems to me that most of our population of 34 requires rooms, as many dwarves appear to just be sleeping anywhere. And further, I cannot abide sleeping in my room under its ceiling, made of sand and crumbling onto everything in the room. I considered a main barracks briefly, but then I walked past Lor, who works in the fishery. My nose alone has convinced me that we all need rooms in good solid stone.

7th Granite: My first challenge! A Giant Tiger has appeared between us and a platinum vein on the other end of the map, effectively blocking our access. Sure, it may leave the area in days, and that stone may lay there for centuries. But that is not the point, good dwarves. Nothing shall ever stand between us and our riches!

9th Granite: The skilled marksdwarf squad, having trekked hard to the location of the Giant Tiger, were about the attack. Stealthily creeping around, Tirist had trained the sights of his crossbow on the tiger. Tirist began to squeeze the trigger... when suddenly, he realised his throat felt very dry. "Back down, squad, I feel in need of a drink."

14th Granite: A goblin master thief appeared in the fortress! And was quickly ground to paste by our legendary woodcrafter, Tulon Kolgutid. And another at the edge of our claimed land. Luckily... We only have one child, so we know their target. I shall keep a close watch over him for the moment. In other news, Tirist also killed the Tiger.

15th Granite: I took a closer look at the dead goblins possessions today, and realised with a great deal of surprise that he was their ruler. First things first, Tulon has been made a national hero. I cannot imagine nominating anyone else for sheriff. Secondly, party! However, I can only wonder at the retribution that the goblins will demand.

5th Slate: My order for training devices, four pumps, has been fulfilled. Now all we have to do is figure how to set these things up... they never come with good instructions... and we will have some effective hauler training going on.

13th Slate: Mayor Blacken has demanded clear glass items to be made. Sand is in abundance... but we seem short of bags, for collecting sand, and we have no rock crystals either. We could make some bags, I guess, but we also seem short of leather and cloth. Luckily we have some pig tails, so we can at least make thread and go from there. And deep digging will commence for rock crystal!

12th Felsite: I've ordered the old Trade Depot torn down and replaced with one made of platinum bars. Now any wandering Traders will surely be impressed by the wealth of our fortress!

12th Hematite: More snatchers! Adil has been taken by an unexpectedly fleet footed goblin, who outpaced our fastest dwarves even while carrying the struggling child. This is a sad day.

14th Hematite: I realise the refuse dump entrance I have created is a potential gap in our defences. One day, I forsee a grand castle on the plateau, but for now a block wall around the refuse pit will have to suffice.

11th Malachite: The bedroom complex is more or less functional now. We're still in need of around 10 rooms, but with armour coming out of the forge I think I can turn some of the dwarves into soldiers and stick them in the barracks instead.

11th Limestone: We failed to find any rock crystal, sadly. Tulon was despatched to beat the stuffing out of our resident Glassmaker, but it seems he locked himself in his room when he went to sleep.

17th Limestone: Logem, our glassmaker, woke just as Tulon went to get a drink. When he informed him of the problem, he went and suited up in some of the new armour. This didn't help his beating much, however, as he didn't reach the armour in time and had his right leg broken in two places. Luckily, we aren't actually in any glass production at the minute and don't really need his talents.

18th Limestone: One of our many many fish cleaners seems to have snapped under the lack of fish guts I am assigning him to deal with, and has claimed a craftsdwarves workshop.

28th Limestone: Some mysterious workings are apparently going on within the workshop as I write this. I wonder why the dwarves gathered around and watching cannot tell what he is making and report it to me? It must be something chaotic, conjured up by a crazy mind.

4th Sandstone: Fantastic! He has made a wooden cup. The dwarves who watching and wondering what he was making are clearly idiots.

9th Timber: Another group of migrants has arrived. We have plenty of room for wood haulers, as there is a lot lying outside which I want to use for metalworks.

3rd Opal: My tomb is nearly complete, and as planned Mayor Blacken has come nowhere near it all year. Now it is too late, and he will never catch me in the act. My tomb is a beauty far beyond his own, but he will never know it.

16th Opal: Now a gem cutter has decided to ignore my instructions and make something off the wall. I wonder what he intends to make with that rough gem? The dwarves watching report something mysterious again.

22nd Opal: Wonder of wonders, the gem cutter has cut a gem from a rough gem. I didn't see that coming.

19th Obsidian: Just in time for the turn of the year, the tomb is finished. A picture here, showing my glorious tomb in full glory. However, as in this picture, when the bridge lowers and the tomb opens to the world, a series of floodgates descends to hide the extravagance. I don't know, I'll tell Mayor Blacken I wanted floodgates instead of statues. He'll never know mine is better.   ;)

1st Granite: Mayor Blacken has left his room again after reading my latest report. Apparently, because of all the work on my tomb, work on the rest of the fort has become too slow and I am being demoted. I would complain, but this means that I now have more time to spend in my lovely tomb. Haha!


[ February 03, 2008: Message edited by: TotalPigeon ]

[ February 04, 2008: Message edited by: TotalPigeon ]



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #82 on: February 03, 2008, 11:12:00 pm »

Turn complete and documented.
Windleopard - Turn 2
I'm not very good at role-playing outside of sci-fi stuff, so my journal may be somewhat bland.

Well, after my work at Rocktomb, I've been sent out to manage a fortress named Windleopard.  No one has seen any leopards there, or actually checked to see if there is any more wind than at any other fort, but at least the name isn't morbid like Rocktomb.  Yikes.

Before the next event on the list
I read from the last manager's notes that batmen have been a problem here in the past, so today I've ordered the start of construction of a roof to keep the batmen out of the fort.  Also began getting supplies to build an ashery to begin fertilization of the farm plots for super farming.

13th Granite, 1052, Early Spring
An elven caravan has arrived.  Let's see what they've got.
A kobold thief (Chrikis) appeared, but was quickly dispatched by the dogs at the entrance.
Another four shortly after, Stastrayker, Kraylin, Pobogobeersnus, and Koboplaymbus, made off with a piece of giant cave spider silk cloth!  All but Kraylin got away, and one of them slashed out a war dog's eye.
Bought a leopard, some seeds, alcohol, and a couple pieces of cloth from the elves.
Chained the leopard to a rope by the entrance to keep the kobolds out.  Haven't checked the wind here yet, but now the fort is guarded by its namesake!

Sometime in Mid-Spring
Twenty-four migrants have arrived, including a leatherworker, a jeweler, a gem cutter, a soap maker, a craftsdwarf, two fishery workers, a fish cleaner, a farmer, a potash maker, a clothier, a wood burner, a butcher, a hunter, an armorer, seven peasants, and two children.  Time to carve out more bedrooms!

23rd Felsite, 1052, Late Spring
Adil Thumerib got into a fey mood today, and ran off to the above ground craftdwarf's shop.  Needs wood and cut gems, but ours are uncut now.  I've got the jeweler working on cutting the gems we have available.  Let's hope he doesn't need one we don't have.

6th Hematite, 1052, Early Summer
Adil began construction of his...whatever it is.  I hope it's worth something.

10th Hematite, 1052, Early Summer
Oh wow.  Adil made a cup, how exiting.  At least he's become a legendary woodcrafter, not that we make wood crafts.  So, to his dismay, Adil will be our new engraver.

18th Hematite, 1052, Early Summer
The Human caravan arrived today.  Unfortunately, the wagons couldn't make it because of the stupid trees.  At least they sent some loaded pack animals anyway.  Note to self: cut down those blasted trees!

23rd Hematite, 1052, Early Summer
Now teaching the migrant armorer to be a weaponsmith, made a new steel battleaxe to give to a new woodcutter, to get the trees knocked down faster.

Sometime in Early-Summer
Expanding bedroom area for immigrants...

*The journal is strangely blank for several pages.  Random scribblings are present though.*
Channeled a hole in the ceiling over each farm plot, got the dwarfs pouring buckets of water in in attempt to raise the fertility by making mud.....
Bah, why didn't I think of this earlier!  Just mine a tunnel to the nearby pools of water, and let them flood the area.....
Water is pouring down the stairs to the bottom of the mines.  We'd better make room down there for it, or it'll flood the bottom.....
I guess we should refill that pond again, or it may become hard to fish eventually.  Got everyone running buckets of water up there.....
Need more water in the pond, it evaporates too fast.....
Finally, it's full again.  Forgot to mention that we filled the wall back in a bit smaller than the original pond size.....
Hmm, the farm plots can grow above ground plants on the spots that were exposed to sunlight. Not that that'd be a waste of a good plot to.  Just keep growing plump helmets and stuff.....
Fertilized the plots, now they're growing bumper crops!

Early Spring, 1053
Elven traders have arrived again, along with two goblin thieves and three kobolds.

6th Slate, Mid-Spring
More migrants have arrived.  Among them are a dyer, a jeweler, a gem cutter, a bowyer, a milker, a potash maker, a furnace operator, a weaver, a cook, a brewer, a fishery worker, an engraver, a blacksmith, six peasants, a donkey, and a cow calf.  A siege engineer and a siege operator also came.  Perhaps the capital is trying to suggest that we should have some sort of defenses?

Well, I'm being sent to another fortress now.  I was only able to get them to partway finish the ceiling over the main area, but that can be finished by my successors.  I've enlarged the bedrooms (not enough, I might add), trained a hunter (they're good at killing those batmen, even finished off a giant eagle!), armed and partly armored a swordsdwarf (I think he's still resting from his fight with that giant eagle...bookkeepers sure know how to fight though), but it feels like so little.  Well, after all, I only stayed for about a year, compared to my four years working at Rocktomb.  What's that?  Ok, I've got to leave now, may the next manager of Windleopard have a profitable stay.  Just don't try to hand-feed the leopard.


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #83 on: February 03, 2008, 11:20:00 pm »

The Second Overseer of Fountainlashed-Moonboots
Year 1053

It's nice to end up at a fortress that I don't have to build from scratch for once.

Czar Stravitch--that's what the sodder in charge decided to call himself--set up the beginnings of a decent place in a mountainside. Lots of lime, interesting stone formations, all of that.

Problem is, he forgot to defend it. That was Part One of my job here; the King sent me to build the defense system--I'm known for that, after all. When I got here, all I could find were a few catapults set up in a room with a bog-standard retrieval pit. I should mention that they were *inside* the fortress. So I dragged the catapults outside and set 'em up outside the front gate, with raised bridges to stop the ammunition during practice fire. I assembled a hell of a wall bridging the main entrance, in front of the frankly embarrassing amounts of magnetite that Czar Stravitch had found.

Stravitch liked the wall. He liked more the fact that I redecorated his room and had our legendary engraver scribble a bit on his floor. To be honest, I approved of the scribbles and had 'em put in my own rooms.

Rooms? Yeah, didn't I mention? Czar Stravitch was impressed by my acumen. Made me captain of the guard and had me take over the bookkeeping duties--I think he hit his head falling in the giant pit, because all he really wanted to do was haul rocks all day.

That let me divert a bit of labor for something to honor me. It's a terrible, narcissistic habit of mine, my penchant for building monuments to me. But it's fun.

The King only sent me for a single year. Admittedly I didn't finish all my plans--the metalsmithy is done but not truly finished, it needs expansion--but it's in good hands for whoever comes next.

I'll not spoil the surprise as to where the access points for my monument are, but you'll find them eventually.

DFMA: here

"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #84 on: February 03, 2008, 11:28:00 pm »

Any chance you could resize that picture, TotalPigeon? It kinda kills the thread.
"Quickly now, the goblins are more devious these days." - Captain Mayday


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #85 on: February 04, 2008, 12:15:00 am »

Yeah, I was wondering if it was messing with other peoples monitors. I'll get right on it.

Edit: Let me know if thats okay, I've got a 22" monitor so I can't tell if its still too big, but its no hassle for me to change it if it is. (I'll change the ones in my other post too, if the size is okay)

[ February 04, 2008: Message edited by: TotalPigeon ]

[ February 04, 2008: Message edited by: TotalPigeon ]



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #86 on: February 04, 2008, 12:19:00 am »

It's good.  I'm running 1024*768 on a laptop and can see everything without scrolling sideways now.


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #87 on: February 04, 2008, 12:58:00 am »

Yep, thats great. Cheers!
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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #88 on: February 04, 2008, 01:38:00 pm »

Scores are updated, link's in the first post
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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #89 on: February 04, 2008, 02:27:00 pm »

Blacken, you forgot to give me the points for the journal!
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