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Author Topic: Dwarven Musical Chairs  (Read 18905 times)


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #135 on: February 23, 2008, 10:51:00 am »

I was sure - until I looked in my outbox...
I hopefully didn't mistype again.

Blacken, how do we deal with that?



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #136 on: February 23, 2008, 02:54:00 pm »

This time you didn't misspell, and I got that fort.

Fortunately, I'm home again, and I've got more powerful computer in my use this time. No 15 fps for me now.

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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #137 on: February 24, 2008, 04:48:00 pm »

Originally posted by apache1990:
<STRONG>Perhaps we should extend the time to two weeks per fort, because of the slowing FPSs?</STRONG>
I like this idea...mostly because my current fortress has been going pretty much whenever I've been awake this week and it's only half done. It's getting ridiculous, my computer is a fairly good one and this shouldn't be getting so slow. So let's do it--extending to two weeks per fortress. So this Monday isn't a fortress submission deadline, but NEXT Monday is.
"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #138 on: March 01, 2008, 10:16:00 pm »

Since I haven't seen a decision yet, on whats going to happen now that we're down a fort, I'm just posting to say that since I was the one that destroyed it, even though it was just really bad luck, I'm willing to be the one to drop out, especially since time for me is less abundant then I thought it would be.

Oh and if anyone thinks their computer can actually run the fort above 4fps and wants to see the demons actually wipe everyone out, let me know and I'll send the save.

[ March 01, 2008: Message edited by: Linthar ]



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #139 on: March 02, 2008, 03:19:00 pm »

I wanna see it =D


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #140 on: March 02, 2008, 05:37:00 pm »

Since I don't have your email, I uploaded it here for anyone intrested. I've played a little past that save myself, and the fort is doomed. I'm sent all my military against the demons, and at the rate it's going even if they do suceed, the body count is going to end the fort in tantrums. The only good thing is so fall only four demons have revealed themselves, but who knows how many demons are still hiding.

EDIT: Quick update. The games suddenly running faster for me so I finished the battle for the fort on my machine Surprisingly I won. End results

19 toad demons and one regular demon dead, one toad demon trapped outside the fort. Of course more demons may be waiting in hiding.

50 some odd dwarves dead leaving 34 dwarves alive. Of those I would estimate 10 at most healthy enough to work. There are five children remaining, and the rest are heavily wounded, and almost certain to die. The framerate is now back to a playable state. I've uploaded the fort  to see if anyone thinks the situation is salavagable.

[ March 02, 2008: Message edited by: Linthar ]



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #141 on: March 02, 2008, 07:11:00 pm »

Guiltybeers DFMA

14th Limestone: I arrived at Guiltybeers today. I have been travelling for months to reach this fortress, since rumours of a fortress built in dedication to beer reached my ears. The thoughts of beer, beer beyond quality! have kept me going through all the hardships of the journey. And now I find that the beer is a foul lie! All they have is Dwarven Wine, and not even much of that. Blasted Dwarven liars, I should pluck out their eyes!
Still, I am not exactly keen to begin another journey straight away, and these dwarves do have some cave wheat seeds, so beer isn't out of the question. Ah, damn it all, I'm going to have a decent drink before I leave this place!

20th Limestone: Dare I say it, but the layout of this fortress is quite horrible. The meeting area is slap bang in the middle of a corridor, ponds are undrained and mean winding corridors, and the dining room is in a room with a sand floor and ceiling. I have some suggestions to make to Phantom, the mayor of this area.

29th Limestone: Phantom seems quite pleased by some of the suggestions I have put to him, and considering that I have been to a great many fortresses to sample their brews, I have seen many wonderful designs and ideas. For this reason, he has employed me to help out. If I do this, apparently I can have all the free beer I want. Sounds good to me! So to start, we will obliterate these ponds all over the place to make new rooms and corridors. No harm in getting wet, after all! Then after they are gone, we will roof over the top to protect us from goblins archers.

20th Sandstone: Removal of the surrounding ponds is going well. However, I have also noticed a disturbing lack of military personnel. While the entrance to the fortress is heavily trapped, we don't have any offensive capability here. I have suggested to Phantom that some of the idling dwarves may be better employed learning to fight, and to this end we are also constructing a barracks. I have put in plans for another dining hall as well, as the current one is just horrible.

20th Moonstone: The alcohol problem has been partially solved, as we now have enough wine for any dwarf that might like the vile stuff. Still waiting on the cave wheat.

15th Granite: Invaders! Around 40 goblins have appeared and attacked the fortress. Sadly four of our dwarves were caught outside and killed, though the cage traps were successful in capturing many Trolls and Goblins, who we will make pay for their deaths. One of the Trolls was also wrestled to death by around half of our current army. They still have a way to go, it seems.

20th Felsite: The execution chambers are under construction. I am not sure if we have enough weapons to make them lethal for trolls, but once we dispose of a few of the goblins we can use their weapons to make the rooms even more deadly.

1st Limestone: The execution chambers are complete, and so far tests have shown them to be very capable of killing goblins. Once a more weapons have been salvaged, the Trolls can take a turn.

14th Limestone: The Cave Wheat crop has finally grown! It has been a long year, but now it is time to take my reward.


Okay! All done. Anyway, with regards to fps, I wonder if it might be worth upgrading to the new version to get rid of the artifact lag. That might make a difference, and the saves are definitely compatible.

EDIT: Actually, with all the historic events in the new version, the saves might be too large to send around by email. If we do switch over, we'll have to find another way of working it.

[ March 02, 2008: Message edited by: TotalPigeon ]



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #142 on: March 03, 2008, 11:03:00 am »

Well, this seems to have imploded. Ergh. I was so organized at the beginning and it all collapsed.  :(

With two fortresses out and the current ones getting bigger and bigger, I don't think this is feasible anymore--so I'll be ending this contest as of today. Send your final forts to me, not to the next guy, and I'll calculate things. I'm pretty sure I know who won already (y helo thar Skanky), but I want to make sure.

Getting the prizes sent out might be an issue--I'm going to NYC for a couple weeks, then hurrying back up to school.

"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #143 on: March 03, 2008, 03:36:00 pm »


Sorry for not making a log again. I'm actually glad, that this was the last turn, since I was getting lazy anyway. But at least I did finish the year. (actually last week already)

Blacken: Thank you for the fun experiment!



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #144 on: March 03, 2008, 03:52:00 pm »

Phantom's Journal, in "Worlddoor", Skanky's fort

7th Granite, 1055, Early Spring
"New year, new fortress" is my motto now. I've been traveling across many forts by now, and I'm starting to forget where I've been. I'm now at fortress called Oramtun, "Worlddoor".
I wonder how long I'm able to control this place... As usual I've promoted myself as Bookkeeper.

14th Granite
I'm starting to give orders here, and I've noticed someone has made some kind of perpetual motion waterfall to door of dining hall.
First things first: all quarters should be at least smoothed. Always.
Secondly: Barracks should be fitted with those 30 vacant beds we have in stockpiles
Thirdly: Bar and block stockpile has to be made near to smelters: they are filled with bars.
And well, let's make me a office, shall we?

16th Granite
Wait, what did just happen? I heard about death of new recruit: Tekkud Asmellîral, who I ordered to train in barracks to hone her wrestling skill. I turn my back and BAM, she lies in mud bleeding to death. I never knew what really happened...

24th Granite
Perpetual waterfall is now working, and making dwarfs happy and clean.

14th Slate, Mid-Spring
Some elven merchants came and went. We bought them out.

25th Slate
Some Food-Hauler has strange mood. He claimed Craftsdwarf's workshop.

28th Slate
Immigrants. Like we wouldn't have enough dwarfs by now. Though, drafting them is useful, as we don't have proper military yet. (I don't count few soldiers as army.)

8th Felsite, Late Spring
That Food-Hauler made Zanorrur, "Heartrun" turtle shell crown, worth 4800 monies.

20th Felsite
Large galena vein found and some tetrahedrite, I'm ordering some chain armor to be made for our new troops.

12th Hematite, Early Summer
I'm bored. There's not much to do, and I'm just running some boring errands. I think that I'm going to start some project soon...

14th Hematite
Human traders. I'm ordering those crafters to make lots of crafts so we can buy some stuff from them.

23rd Malachite, Mid-Summer
I sent some archers to take care of hovering Giant Eagle near our fort. They scared it off the map. And I thought that Eagles are brave...

16th Sandstone, Mid-Autumn
Pfft, dwarven caravan came to trade, but they wanted to have more than 108 monies profit. So they left. Carp.

23rd Sandstone
Being wisened by that... incident with Human traders, I'm building Lock-A-Tradedepot-bridge system, which I will activate if those traders are going to leave again, even when I'm making fair offer.

5th Moonstone, Early Winter
L-A-T-B is ready, finally. I'm going to take a test run with it soon.

6th Moonstone
It works! But looks like I should restrict that area first, as I crushed wardog in testing process...

*****Oh yeah, I made it to Mid-winter... And then the lag came. 7 FPS.*****


It has been pleasure playing these Musical Chairs.


EDIT: Hey, why wouldn't you just post all the last-minute saves? We could see all historic events and stuff on them, if we use newest version.

[ March 03, 2008: Message edited by: UltimaPhantom ]

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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #145 on: March 03, 2008, 05:00:00 pm »

EDIT: Hey, why wouldn't you just post all the last-minute saves? We could see all historic events and stuff on them, if we use newest version.
I'm going to.  :)

This experiment has been interesting. I might put together a little DF Succession Game website in order to facilitate these games in the future, sort of like Markavian's done for DFMA.

"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #146 on: March 03, 2008, 10:22:00 pm »

Sent the smoking ruins of Moonboot.

This was fun while it lasted. I got to see some vastly differing fort designs, and  end it all on a high note, by witnessing the single bloodiest battle in my history of playing the game. Thanks for organizing the game.



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #147 on: March 03, 2008, 11:14:00 pm »

I plan to organize another one, if I do the website mentioned above.
"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #148 on: March 03, 2008, 11:20:00 pm »

Linthar could you send me Moonboots as you got it before you hit the HFS wanna look through it before it asploded =D


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #149 on: March 04, 2008, 11:42:00 pm »

I've posted the save of moonboots I received at the start of my turn here
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