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Author Topic: Dwarven Musical Chairs  (Read 18929 times)


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #105 on: February 12, 2008, 09:14:00 am »

What happened to UltimaPhantom?


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #106 on: February 12, 2008, 12:07:00 pm »

He sent his along, just didn't post a journal.
"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #107 on: February 12, 2008, 06:57:00 pm »

I think I missed the "no journals for this turn" memo.  ;)
"Quickly now, the goblins are more devious these days." - Captain Mayday


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #108 on: February 15, 2008, 09:03:00 am »

Hmm, well looks like I am the first to have a previous leader's dwarf die under my rule.   :(
(Do I lose points for that? lol)

Zefonmeng, "Moonboots", 1054 - 1055
by Skanky Egathsibrek

1st Granite 1054
I have arrived at the little-known fortress of MoonBoots. From what I can see, the majority of the fortress's wealth lies in its frankly formiddable defences and the military / noble complex located near the large defensive wall. Over a quarter of the population are military. The civilian aspects seem to be lacking, however, as these dwarves lack the ability to make themselves even the simplest leather armour or clothing. Rectifying that and making rooms for all dwarves was my first task.

28th Granite
Production of steel has started. Ahh, its feeling more like a home already!

17th Slate
Onul the armorer has gone crazy, gathering copper and platinum bars, red tourmalines, wood, bones and silk. What will he make? A copper low boot, apparently.

2nd Felsite
Immigrants. Two marksdwarfs, two swordsdwarfs, a dungeon master and a fair few haulers. Nice.

18th Felsite
The arena is now in use. Libash gets to test his skills first. He strikes the goblin in the left upper arm, stunning him, then follows through with a severe cut to his right lower arm. With a flick of Libash's wrist, his sword ends the goblins miserable life.

1st Hematite
Summer has arrived. The arena's next battle will involve 9 goblins versus Libash. A pump gym is being built near the arena to help train strength.

1st Malchatite
The human caravan arrived, carring mainly cloth and leather with a smattering of meat and cheese. I grabbed all the leather and food, as well as some of the clothing. Where is their metal and tools and decent amounts of food?

7th Galena
We have found magma! Praise Armok, our production of implements of war will soon be in full gear!

24th Limestone
Goblin invaders! I think they must be following me! I ordered everyone inside, which didn't help the woodcutter already out there, nor the wrestler and the squad of marksdwarves who needlessly charged out to face the goblin threat despite being ordered to stay inside and having their station set to inside. "Just picking up equipment, boss!" Four marksdwarves and the wrestler died, leaving only one marksdwarf alive in the fortress.

2nd Sandstone
The goblins have climbed over the wall via the ramps on the mountain. Tun sacrafised his life delaying the goblins while our elite wrestler squad leader decided to go have a nap. Fortunately the loss of a few extra goblins to stone traps has caused them to run away. Or maybe it was the loot they stole. Either way, the goblins are leaving and the rebuilding can start.

14th Moonstone
More goblins. Everyone managed to get inside safely, althoght one squad of goblins was hot on the heels of a woodcutter. Fortunately, he made it inside and even managed to get four of them killed by the outer weapon traps. A brewer got curious about the noise outside, and was rewarded with an arrow in his leg. There were no other dwarven injuries, and the goblins left with significantly less numbers.

2nd Opal
Did I not sacrafise enough to Armok? Now we are being attacked by Acik Adorpado, a titan.

4th Opal
Blacken has died by the titan's hand. Dwarves keep refusing to listen to my orders to stay inside, but I still don't enjoy when the inevitable happens. Fortunately I had found the tomb's access points beforehand, so Blacken received a proper burial.

1st Granite
I seem to be bad luck for the fortress. Never before in this fortresses history has it been attacked so much in a single year. Not that it has had much history written down. For both of these reasons, I will dedicate the rest of my time to engraving the history of this fortress into the very rock itself.

Moonboots now has a legendary dining hall for all dwarves to share. Magma forges and smelters are now up and running, production of steel armour is going as well. Invading goblins can't go around the wall to gain base entry anymore, they will need to enter via the trapped entrances. All bedrooms have a cabinet and coffer and are smoothed. With the hordes throwing themselves at the fortress, the refuse stockpile is getting rather full.

[ February 15, 2008: Message edited by: Skanky ]

"Quickly now, the goblins are more devious these days." - Captain Mayday


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #109 on: February 16, 2008, 12:40:00 am »

4th Opal
Blacken has died by the titan's hand. Dwarves keep refusing to listen to my orders to stay inside, but I still don't enjoy when the inevitable happens. Fortunately I had found the tomb's access points beforehand, so Blacken received a proper burial.
It's ON now.   :mad:
"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #110 on: February 17, 2008, 03:38:00 pm »

Fortress "Windleopard", Phantom's journal.

Early Spring:
I arrived here in early Spring, just to see fortress with lots of people around...
I started construction of water supply, so we shouldn't go outside from our "courtyard" to get drinkable water (blargh, water is no good, but we'll need it for our injured ones.) and it's going very well.

(Rest of timestamps have been scribbled on... Probably work of some kiddo.)

Hmmh, I wonder why those elves didn't just jump over our cagetraps like they did when they came here? They got trapped. Hah, nice for those tree-huggers! I'm pitting them and their animals to little pit, which I'm going to fill with water. Anyways, we stole all their items and stuff.

I've been working on "arena", where gladiator battles should be fought. Gweh, let's see how elf battles against wolves!

Gobbo ambush. Carp. They came and killed some fishers and then leaved. Oh yeah, they killed ex-clerk who worked as hoardmaster, until I came. Pity for him. He was Tun somesurnameIcan'tremembernow.

Humans have arrived, and they ran to our traps. I wonder why no-one knows how to not walk on traps anymore... Maybe our mechanic is covering them better now?

Water supply is nearly ready. Great, our booze has run out, so it'll be great to have it. I've started booze produtction again by now, and we should be able to quench our thirsty throats with booze soon again.

Someway in Mid-Summer:
Titan attacks. Carp. We didn't really need this. Anyway, I drafted 12 peasants to attack it. And they all died without doing even a scratch. Really great. I also ordered one sworddwarf (who have lost his sword...) to attack it. And that sworddwarf just wrestled that titan to death in 3 seconds. Unbeliavable. And he got no injuries. Oh yeah, half or dwarves are unhappy because their friends have died against that Titan. I've been making hasty burials for nearly everyone of those dead ones.

Late Summer:
Many berserk dwarves. Too many. I'm going to leave soon, I can't take this anymore. You've got to be scared all time, fearing another dwarf to snap.

Late Summer too:
Moldath Ustirkivish lets out roaring laughter. He's crazy, and ravaging around fort... Carp. ((I got this message in announcements: "Moldath Ustirkivish, Leatherworker looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible." And his profile shows: "Strange Mood" and "Throwing a tantrum". He has also blinking purple exclamation mark and blinking yellow exclamation mark. Omg, I've never seen that kind of mood before. Maybe that's because of new version. He just claimed butcher's shop too... Scary. Now Leopard on other side of fortress just died. No cause. And that leatherworker suddenly after that ended his tantrum in Butchers shop and started walking around normally. WEIRD. Too weird.))

22th Galena, Late Summer:
Now that Leatherworker murdered Woodworker. I'm going to watch what he's got in his mind. Now that Leatherworker carried woodworker's body to butcher's shop... He's working in menacing fury...

27th Galena:
Remember that leatherworker? He made now Dwarf Leather bag. Eww. It's called "Hideous Dark Touches of Carnage".

1st Limestone, Early Autumn:
I'm leaving. This is too scary and crazy. I wish luck for next trier.

DFMA link.

((I've played this game for 6 hours straight with 15 FPS. I don't have really great laptop here on vacation. I'm really tired by now, and I'm going to go to bed just now. C yah.))

A HREF="">


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #111 on: February 17, 2008, 11:09:00 pm »

I only had the time to play three seasons this week.

Talakin's Journal
10th of Granite: After our previous leader was wounded by goblins I have taken over leadership of this fort. Seeing as all the necessities are already taken care of, I’m going to spend my time building an impressive but completely unnecessary tower.

5th of slate: A dyer was taken over by fey mood. He wants shells and we have none. Apparently some former leader saw fit to make all the shells into crafts. I’ve ordered my fisherdwarves to fish but I have little hope.

23rd of slate: The baroness is here. Before she could even enter the fortress she decided to promote herself to countess. Delusions of Grandeur that can not be a good sign.

6th of Felsite: I was told that there was an elephant INSIDE the fortress, who had just killed a hunter. I repeat, somehow there was a rampaging elephant INSIDE the fortress. The military decided to give a stunning display of competence, and take FOUR DAYS to catch the beast and kill it.

20th of Felsite: The dyer went stark raving mad. Despite not having a single other labor assigned, my fisherdwarfs have managed to catch a stunning ZERO fish in the month long period.

15th of Hematite: A human caravan has arrived, bearing among many things cooked turtles. There shells should prevent a future tragedy.

20th of Hematite. We have run out of wood. Our stocks listed a huge amount, but it turns out it was all contained in floors, or inexplicably submerged. I’ve ordered more trees to be cut down, but few are old enough to yield proper logs.

4th of galena: The Countess is throwing a temper tantrum. So add a short fuse to Delusions of Grandeur. This can not be a good combination.

22nd of Galena: A child was taken by a fey mood. He made a bed out of perch bone. Something is seriously wrong with that kid.

16th of limestone: The countess has gone on a rampage in her latest tantrum. She has attacked and seriously wounded a pump operator and gotten off scotch free. Stupid nobles.

1st of Moonstone: I’ve had it with stupid insane nobles constantly complaining and expecting me to tend to their every need. Someone else can take charge.

I'm not at my regular computer, so I'm not going to be able to upload the map till tomorrow. I'm just feeling thankful that the deadline was moved back till monday, made the logistics alot simpler for me.



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #112 on: February 18, 2008, 03:39:00 pm »

Sorry, this time it's me, who hasn't made a a log...


Anyway I have good news and some bad news:
The good news: I have more than doubled the fortresses wealth during my one year reign! Proof:

The bad news:
One of the first seven dwarves, 'Hauler' Emgashalath, has died because of a failed mood. (May he rest in peace)
He wanted cloth, so I began the whole process of cloth making, from sowing pig tails on. Just when the weaver was ready, 'Hauler' went berserk. Luckily I had stationed both Swordmasters beside the door, just in case.

The other bad news is, that the waterfall has stopped. I hope, someone can get it to work again. It is really a beautiful setup! Kudos to the one, who created it!



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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #113 on: February 18, 2008, 05:13:00 pm »

The map for hammer pants is now up here here


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #114 on: February 18, 2008, 07:29:00 pm »

Humans have arrived, and they ran to our traps. I wonder why no-one knows how to not walk on traps anymore... Maybe our mechanic is covering them better now?"

[begin all caps zone]



[end all caps zone]


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #115 on: February 18, 2008, 07:32:00 pm »

...they wouldn't be running into the traps if you were using 33g.
 find that I identify forum goers more by their signatures than anything else.
That being said, I should probably think of something witty to put here.


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #116 on: February 18, 2008, 07:34:00 pm »

That was in quotation marks from an above journal, btw.


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #117 on: February 18, 2008, 07:42:00 pm »

Ah, you're right, my bad.
I'll go back to lurking.
 find that I identify forum goers more by their signatures than anything else.
That being said, I should probably think of something witty to put here.


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #118 on: February 18, 2008, 11:55:00 pm »


An eventful half-year has passed since my arrival.

I was overjoyed to find a fortress designed by a brilliant soul--no thrown-about garbage here! But the defensive networks are sadly poor. I immediately began to apply my--if I do say so myself--significant architectural prowess to the purpose of active, rather than passive, defense; I find that networks of traps only work so long before the goblins overwhelm them. Our progress was hindered by the cave adaptation of my dwarves; vomit covered everything I could see from their nausea. Curses.

I had little time to begin preparations when Inen Bokbonaroth, the feared dragon, attacked. He laid waste to our countryside, his fiery breath roasting trees and grass all about. He burned to death a few dwarves of no consequence before charging into the fortress tunnel--and being caught in a cage trap.

I redoubled construction of the second story fortifications designed to protect the entrance with a volley of arrows. This was only half-complete when the goblins came to siege us. They climbed the external ramp to the roof of our second level barracks/archery ranges and took the roof. Given that there was an internal stairway...not good.

Obviously not a good state of affairs. I drafted our mayor, one 'Phantom', and used him as bait. One glimpse of him and the goblins charged into the cave traps. Not a good plan for them; the remaining half turned tail and fled, and we continued our battlements, consuming entire quarry tunnels of limestone in the process.

At the end of two seasons' here, the battlements were almost completed - but given a lack of dwarves who did not vomit at the sight of the big yellow ball in the sky, I did not begin the army.


(OOC: I could only play two seasons because these fortresses are just getting too unwieldly on my machine. I was tempted to murder half the dwarven populace to speed it up, but decided against it.)

"There's vermin fish, which fisherdwarves catch, and animal fish, which catch fisherdwarves." - Flame11235


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Re: Dwarven Musical Chairs
« Reply #119 on: February 19, 2008, 09:19:00 am »

The save I got won't work in G, pretty sure it was played through in A.  Especially since I now see merchants in cage traps.  Any suggestions? Just keep playing it?
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