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Author Topic: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf  (Read 10829 times)

Earthquake Damage

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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #90 on: May 03, 2008, 10:32:00 am »

Originally posted by Coke_Can64:
<STRONG>Wow, I just read parts 1&2 then and this is something to rival Nist Akath! I'm serious! It took me 1/2 an hour but it's awesome, keep making them!   :)</STRONG>

Rival my ass!  It's only just begun.  It's a good beginning, I agree, but it'll take a good 10+ more pages before it enters the same league as other DF epics.   :p


Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #91 on: May 08, 2008, 01:58:00 pm »

I'm inclined to agree.
This is still awesome.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #92 on: May 10, 2008, 02:41:00 am »

I would contend that the caracters have all of the possibility for further development that Nist Akath is so noted for. However, 4 pages cannot really stand up to 71 (at this time). The story thus far is like the first chapter of a good book while Nist is like being halfway through Red Storm Rising.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #93 on: May 10, 2008, 02:49:00 am »

Kobold's Quest 2 is 30 pages and is like 5 times longer than Nist Akath, so the measurement system is a bit iffy.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup." - Unknown


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #94 on: May 11, 2008, 03:26:00 pm »

Well, I'll do my best not to let all this comparison's to Nist Akath and boatmurdered go to my head.   :)  Anyways, I'm all rested up and ready to start up again.  I'm purposely not updating too frequently, under the theory that I don't want to burn myself out.  Now that summer's here, though, I've got a bit more free time, so I'll try to do 2-3 updates a week.  So, here begins part III:

Edem "Slicer" Slingecho walked along the ridge of look-out hill, as she surveyed the countryside.  Behind her, her partner, Libash "Dicer" Syrupfish, walked silently.  Slicer looked to the east, and saw the outer wall of Authorgilt at the base of the gentle slopes which began to rise into the mountains in the distance.  To the southeast the rise was sharper, and only by traversing Cheesmaker pass could one ascend the cliffs.  Slicer knew somewhere in the nook of one of those cliffs was the top of a magma pipe, ready to boil over and flood the region if it had not been sealed.  To the west was a steep drop down into the river valley.  As Slicer looked carefully, she could see Zan, Captain of the Guard, in the valley below, chopping down trees by the river.  Somewhere below her on the cliff face was the back door to Authorgilt through which most of their wood came these days.  Further west, across the river, the valley abruptly ended, rising in another cliff.  She couldn't see it from this angle, but she knew that the circular chasm was somewhere on that other side of the valley.  Above it she could see batmen and cave swallowmen flying about, who had fled the chasm once the marksdwaves had invaded.  Finally, she looked to the north, where she saw what once was Mosus Otunglitast's project, but had been taken over by Alath and was finally complete:

It was orginally going to be a likeness of Old S.O.S., but Alath had altered the design so that it would look like him.  He proudly boasted that this would be the ground floor of an enormous green glass tower, which would have a different work of art on each floor.

Slicer sighed.  Her obsidian sword hung loosely at her side.  It had been far too long since she had used it in a real fight.  She still remembered, oh so long ago, when she was still green, how she had been sent to fight that nightmare of a flying monster in the south.  She had been lucky then.  She remembered when, a bit more experienced, she had charged forth against the goblin ambushes, taking joy in the slaughter.  But that was all so long ago.  These days, it seemed that the only thing threatening Authorgilt was monkey thieves.  Even then, she was lucky to get a kill in.  The military had expanded so much... now there were some macedwarves and hammerdwarves in training, and that axedwarf squad who had been sent into the chasm.  Rookies.  Slicer pined for the days when she could really put her skills to the test.

"Beautiful countryside, no?"  It was Mosus.  He had come out to visit Slicer on her patrol route.  Slicer and Mosus went way back.  In fact, they had both come to Authorgilt with the first wave of migrants.  "I thought you might want some company."

"I've got Dicer.  He ain't much of a talker, though."  She smiled at Dicer, who simply stood at the ready, prepared for any attack.

"Indeed.  It seems something's on your mind."

"Oh, I'm just missin' the old days.  Fightin' off goblins and monsters and whatnot, 'steada being stuck on patrol duty while them rookies get to have fun in the chasm.  And what's this I hear about a ban on exportin' ballista parts?  Are we plannin' siege defenses?  Then I'll never get another good fight in!"

"That ban was my idea.  Alath wanted to issue some mandate in celebration of the victory at the chasm, and I talked him out of the mandate for blue shark leather trousers.  Don't worry, I don't think we'll actually be setting up any siege equipment for a long time to come.  Your job is safe for now."

"My job... if you can call it that.  Patrollin' back and forth, all day.  I end up hopin' we get attacked, just so I can finally have something ta do besides patrol and train.  But even if it happens, seems like Alath'd just use his pet axedwarves.  He trained with them, he knows them, but they ain't the best we got.  Ingish, their commander, he's too impetuous, and As is too soft.  Neither of them could've..." she trailed off, realizing she wasn't in the right company for bringing up the Nightwing story.

"You know, I have Alath's ear these days,"  said Mosus.  "I could talk to him.  Maybe make sure you're on the front lines next time."

Dicer folded his arms, but Slicer was beaming.  "You'd do that?" she asked.  "You'd do that for me?  What would you want in return?"

"Nothing right now," Mosus answered.  "But," and his voice lowered.  "Events may occur.  I don't know when, maybe not for years, but... well, let me put it this way.  How do you feel about Lorbam?"

"The dungeon master?  I've never been too fond of nobles, really.  He's always spendin'his time trying to keep up with fashion trends back in the mountainhomes, 'stead of doin' any real work."

"Good."  Mosus smiled.  "I'll make sure you're in the next fight.  And just... remember who your friends are, allright?"

Slicer smiled.  "Sure thing, boss.  Sure thing."

Mosus walked back down, heading for Alath's office.  They needed to have a long talk.  Today was going to be a good day.



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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #95 on: May 11, 2008, 06:41:00 pm »

Yay! A new update! Beyond Quality!  :D
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #96 on: May 11, 2008, 07:46:00 pm »

Well, won't this be... fun.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #97 on: May 11, 2008, 09:15:00 pm »

Yay :O!
..."I bumped Nist Akath and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"...


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #98 on: May 17, 2008, 08:47:00 pm »

Weekends seem to be the easiest time to write these days... well, here's the next bit of the tale.  I'm going to try to get another update done tomorrow.

"Ah, hello Mosus."  Alath looked up from his desk as Mosus came in.  "Please, have a seat."

Mosus came in and sat down.  He looked grimly at the four engravings at the back of the room... they were made when the office was still his.  But this was not a time for nostalgia; there were important things to discuss.  "How's the fort, Alath?"

"Well, I'm still worried about the safety of the dwarves." Alath looked troubled.  He leaned in, speaking quietly.  "Did you hear that one of the brewers was attacked in the chasm by a batman?"

"Really?"  Mosus's face betrayed no emotion.  "I thought the marksdwarves had cleared it out?"

"They did their best," continued Alath, "but those blasted bird-men and bat-men flew out of the chasm and took to the air.  Even after Udib dug out stairs connecting the ledges to the surface, those beasts would fly over the valley, so that our soldiers couldn't follow them without jumping off a cliff.  When they went back through the tunnel to our fortress and out the back door into the valley, the fliers jump hopped back up onto the cliff!  And while they were trying to chase one of these things down, this brewer got jumped by another."

Mosus was still controlling his reactions.  "What happened to him?  Is he all right?"

"Oh, he' fine," went on Alath.  "Apparently, as soon as the batman grabbed him, he went into some kind of trance.  People who were there said he got this strange look in his eyes, and started screaming bloody murder.  Then he tore the batman apart with his bare hands!  I'm impressed, the guy had always seemed so peaceful."

Mosus gave a tight-lipped smile.  "I guess a dwarf in distress is capable of things he never imagined he could do."

"Yeah.  Anyways, I'm worried about security.  First of all, what do you think of this?"  Alath passed over a schematic he had been working on.  "It's a design for a stairway up the west side of the valley, so that our marksdwarves won't have to go all the way around through our fortress to get to the top."  

Mosus looked over the diagram.  "Sounds like a sensible measure.  Once it's done, Lor and the other marksdwarves should have no problem finishing off those last few cave swallowmen."

Alath beamed at Mosus's approval.  He went on.  "Also, I'm worried about frontal assaults.  Our fortress population has reached seventy-nine.  That's a lot!  It can't be too long before the goblins sniff out the wealth of Authorgilt and siege us!  So I want to cover our front entrance with traps."

An image came into Mosus's mind, an image of Slicer and Dicer standing behind rows of traps, sadly denied any combat while goblins were cut to ribbons in front of them.  He could almost imagine Slicer's sadness.  "Well, Alath, I don't know if that's such a good idea.  After all, we can't put traps over our roads, nor can we build them on the drawbridge."

Alath frowned.  "But... we've got to do SOMETHING!  I mean, right now an ambush party could sneak right up to our front door without us noticing!"

Mosus almost smiled.  A plan began to form in his mind.  "Oh, you're right!" he cried, trying his best to sound saddened and hopeless.  He wasn't much of an actor, but it seemed to be enough to fool Alath.  "There's nothing we can do!  The goblins won't leap from hiding until they have something to attack!  And what would they attack besides dwarves?!"

"Yeah, it's a real problem..." muttered Alath.  He was a bit confused at this sudden outburst of emotion.

Mosus had hoped Alath would answer the question.  He'd need more prodding.  Mosus put on his best woe-is-me face, and continued.  "Yes!  They slaughter us, plunder our treasures, even KILL OUR LIVESTOCK.  Oh, it's such a shame that they ATTACK OUR ANIMALS.  And they don't come out from hiding until they're close enough to attack!  If only there was some way to trick them into attacking too early!  Before they came in and KILLED OUR ANIMALS!"

Alath looked at Mosus strangely.  Slowly, he began to get an idea.  "Heeeeeey... Mosus... I'm not sure how, but... maybe we could trick them into attacking early with some animals?"

Thank Armok, he had finally gotten it.  "Oh, excellent plan, Alath!  We'll tie up some of our livestock, animals we'd end up slaughering anyway, to ropes far from our front gate.  We'll tie up three, one to the north by the hills, one to the south by cheesemaker pass, and one to the east by the edge of our road.  Then any attacking ambush parties will reveal themselves to kill the chained animals, giving us warning!  Oh, your idea will make the whole fortress safe!"

"Well, thanks..." Alath seemed a bit unsure of himself.  "But, um, was that really my idea?"

"Of course it was!  Quite a clever one too!  If there's nothing else you need of me, I'll go distribute the orders immediately!"

Alath began to look more confident.  "Well, I... yes, I suppose it WAS my idea.  Yes, you go and distribute those orders."  He leaned back in his chair, smiling.

Mosus left the room, the false emotion melting from his face as he turned from Alath.  Sometimes you really had to throw subtlety to the wind to put an idea in that dwarf's head...

And so it happened that, on a fine summer morning, Mosus and Alath stood on lookout hill, watching a craftsdwarf tying up the decoy bull in the north.  And as he tied the bull at its post, far from the front gate, a squad of goblin ambushers lept from hiding and charged him with a wild howl.



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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #99 on: May 17, 2008, 09:17:00 pm »

*Reads whit glee*
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #100 on: May 17, 2008, 10:13:00 pm »

Very much Beyond Quality. I especially liked the "dodged off a chasm" thing with As.
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #101 on: May 17, 2008, 10:29:00 pm »

Heh. I guess that'd be an... Issue...


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #102 on: May 18, 2008, 02:36:00 pm »

Yeah, that fight between As and the iron man was a nail-biter.  I basically went through the same thing as Alath when my soldier suddenly disappeared from the screen.  I was super-relieved to see him a z-level lower, bruised but nothing broken (in fact, by the time the miners got him out, he was fully healed).

Anyways, here's the next update!

"Oh no!" cried Alath.  He watched as the poor craftsdwarf dropped the rope he was tying and began running like mad from the goblin swordsmen coming for him.

Mosus shouted, so that the whole fortress could hear:  "All non-military dwarves get inside and stay there!  We're under attack!!  All soldiers, get to the front gate!"

Alath looked a bit surprised.  "But, can't we all get underground, and let our traps deal with these cretins?"

"And what about him?"  Mosus pointed.  The poor craftsdwarf had some speed in him, and was managing to keep ahead of the goblins.  But the leader of the ambush carried a crossbow.  Leveling it, he let loose a bolt, which sailed just past the poor dwarf's ear with a WHOOSH.  "We can't leave him to be shot!  We've got to save him!  Look, Slicer and Dicer and a couple of marksdwarves are on duty, and they're already at the gate!"

It was true.  Slicer, a fierce glint in her eye, was at the front gate, relishing the chance for battle.  Behind her stood Dicer, sword in hand.  With them was Fikod Chaossling, a marksdwarf who was one of the orginal four dwarves who had fought the battle of Cheesemaker pass.  His partner was Lor Roughshrines, who had gone to re-fill his waterskin and wasn't at the gate with them.  They peeked from the gates as the poor craftsdwarf ran toward them, narrowly ducking another bolt.

Slicer smiled.  "I've got an idea!  We'll ambush the ambushers!  Wait fer the craftsdwarf ta run through the gate, n' hide behind these walls on either side!  When the goblins come through, we'll jump 'em!"

Dicer nodded.  "Quickly!" was all he said.

"Okay, me n' Fikod'll wait on the north side.  Dicer, you go to the south.  Now, wait fer my signal!"  The dwarves got into position.  The craftsdwarf sped by them in such a frenzy that he didn't even notice them, and Slicer smiled.  Soon she heard a loud "MOO!" followed by a bovine wince of pain.  The goblins were killing the animals outside.  As the goblin swordsmen advanced on the gates, their leader was cackling, taking wild shots at the poor beasts.  Some of them even flew right through the gates past the waiting soliders!

"Wait for it..." Slicer said quietly.  "Wait for the signal..."  The other squads were on their way, but Slicer knew they wouldn't arrive in time.  It looked like the three of them would have to face the goblin squad on their own.

But wait!  A dwarvish figure was approaching from the west.  It was Lor, returning from filling his waterskin!  Slicer smiled at seeing him, but her heart fell as she realized he didn't know their plan!  He was walking straight for the front gate!

Slicer fervently gestured towards the south side of the gate, trying to tell Lor to hide.

Lor saw her, smiled, and waved.  He kept heading for the gate.

Then his jaw suddenly dropped.  "Oh no, goblins!"  He pulled out his crossbow and began firing through the gate at the oncoming sqaud.

Slicer slapped her forehead in dismay.  "Okay," she whispered.  "Just wait!  When they come through to charge Lor, we'll jump them from the sides!"

So they waited.  But Lor was no rookie.  He had been training at the archery range for nearly three years now.  Each bolt he sent flying struck true, and it took him but seconds to load the next.  Three, then four swordsmen fell to the ground or were slowed, with long iron bolts sticking out from their bodies.  It looked like the squad might never make it to the ambush point!

"Ah, fer Armok's sake.  Nuts to the plan!  CHARGE!"  Slicer lept from behind the gate towards the goblins that were just on the other side, and with glee hacked off the nearest one's arm.  Following suit, Dicer lept out and cut the legs out from another, while Fikod sent more bolts flying around them and into soft green flesh.

Slicer caught a sword blow on her shield, and was sinking her sword into the goblin's shoulder when she heard a bolt whistle towards her.  Just in time, she lept out of the way, and looked to see the goblin leader perhaps thirty feet away, sneering and loading another bolt.  She ran towards him.  He raised his crossbow and fired again!  But Slicer was ready, and deflected the shot with her shield.  The goblin began to load another bolt, but before he was ready Slicer slammed into him, knocking him to the ground with the fury of her onslaught.  He stopped sneering; indeed, Slicer saw to it that he would never make any sort of face again.

Looking up from her work, Slicer glanced behind her.  All the remaining goblins had either been cut down or were lying helpless with bolts in them, as Dicer went about and finished them off.  The battle was over: the fortress had been defended without a single loss of dwarven life.  She looked up and saw Mosus and Alath standing at the top of look-out hill.  Mosus waved, and she waved back, her heart full of gratitude.

The all-clear was sounded, and Slicer stood guard as slowly dwarves came out to clean up the aftermath.



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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #103 on: May 18, 2008, 03:35:00 pm »

This thing is gaining speed again.  :)
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #104 on: May 22, 2008, 01:02:00 pm »

Alath sat at his desk, working halfheartedly.  He was tallying up the worth of the fortress,  but his mind was on the poor craftsdwarf who had nearly been killed in the goblin ambush.  He was also thinking about As, falling off the cliff.  Why couldn't he keep his subjects safe?

"Ah, I see our wealth has surpassed two million," he muttered to no one in particular.  He stared at the papers in front of him:

He stared at the paper for several minutes, doing nothing.  "I've got to get out of this office," he finally said, and pushed his work away, heading out the door.  He strolled through the work floor, watching as busy dwarves knit cloth, cooked meals, and built bins.  There was a crowd gathered around the craftsdwarf's shops.  Alath saw a Trapper standing above the crowd, holding up an idol beautifully crafted of cave lobster shell.

"Yes friends, I was POSSESSED I tell you, called upon if you will, to make this idol!  It is to remind us all to take control of our own lives!  Too often do we take up the axe for desruction and cutting, when we should be looking into our hearts and joining together.  So remember, control yourselves and join together!  And focus upon this idol, which I name 'Calledcontrols, the Axe of Joining'!"

Most of the dwarves seemed unimpressed, though none could deny that the craftsdwarfship of the idol was of the highest quality.  Alath suspected that this trapper had mistaken some unsavory wild mushroom for a plump helmet.  And he realized that now he'd need to tally this idol into the fortress wealth, perhaps find a place to put it, and he hadn't even finished the work in his office...

"A beautiful idol."  It was Mosus, who had come up alongside Alath as the crowd began to disperse.  "That whole philosophy bit is nonsense, certainly, but I'd guess it'll add at least 25,000 onto our fortress wealth."

"I guess so," said Alath.  He sighed.  "Well, I guess I'd better get back to work..."

"Before you do," chimed in Mosus, "I think you should start thinking about your campaign.  The election's only a couple months away, you know!"

"I don't know, Mosus, I'm really busy these days!  I need to tally the rest of the wealth, sort the good goblin stuff from the crap, designate melting... I mean, I wanted to become mayor so that I could make a fortress we'd be proud of!  But lately it seems like all I'm doing is getting bogged down with details."

Mosus clapped Alath on the back.  "Ha ha, Alath 'the Proud'!  Now you're learning that it takes more than just a dream and a gold road to make a good fortress run.  But you've got to find some time for campaigning!  Haven't you heard?  Dodok's already starting to engrave posters and hand out quarry leaflets for her election campaign!  You've got to get on the ball!"

Alath sighed again, deeply.  All this work!  "Okay... I guess I..."

"Hey ho there!" came a cry from above the fortress.  It was Ingish, the axedwarf on duty, calling down from lookout hill.  "A wave of immigrants is coming!  Twenty- no, there's a child- TWENTY ONE IMMGRANTS APPROACH OUR GATES!"

The fortress erupted in tremendous excitment.  Everyone wanted to rush up and meet the new migrants.  But Alath could only think about the rooms he'd have to dig and the beds he'd have to make and the cabinets he'd need to allocate and and job allocations and thewealth andcoffersandbedroomassignmentsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUGH!!!!!!!

"Excuse me, everyone!"  Alath cried out at the crowd running to look-out hill.  "I have an announcement!"

Mosus smiled.  At last Alath was thinking big!  This was a perfect campaign opportunity!

"As you all know, the election is coming soon.  I want to let you know, that I will not be running.  I will not seek re-election this year.  I think we've made this a place we can all be proud of, heck, I'm proud of what I've accomplished, but I don't want it any more.  So go ahead and vote for Dodok, I'm sure she'll do a great job!"

Alath was turned away from Mosus, and thankfully, as he wouldn't have liked to see the expression on his face.  Mosus stayed quiet, making noises like little explosions, as Alath went out to the gates, and greeted each migrant.  He made little popping noises as Alath talked with Udib about mining out the new bedrooms, and he made little horse-like noises as Alath assigned the newcomers appropriate jobs.  Finally, when Alath had finished tallying the new wealth totals, Mosus approached him.

"Hi, Mosus!  Look at that, our population is now a grand total of exactly 100!  Isn't that great!  Wow, I feel so much better after deciding not to re-run for mayor.  It's like a huge weight's been lifted off my shoulders!"

"Alath..." Mosus took a deep breath.  But before he could say anything more, he was interrupted by a voice that boomed across the entire river valley.

"LITTLE DWARVES!"  The voice was loud and deep.  "I BE MON LUNGOBUKU, TITAN!  I HAVE COME!"

"Uh oh," said Alath.  "Sounds like trouble.  This'll have to wait, Mosus."  And he scurried up towards the gate.

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