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Author Topic: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf  (Read 10835 times)

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #60 on: March 16, 2008, 01:07:00 pm »

This story is truly excellent.  :D


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #61 on: March 17, 2008, 04:15:00 pm »

Brilliant. If it only had more killing it would be the intrigue sister of Nist Akath.
..."I bumped Nist Akath and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"...

Kaelem Gaen

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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #62 on: March 20, 2008, 05:53:00 pm »

Come on Dungeon Master! Peg Mosus down to size!  And yet I still love the Mosus character, though Senseability only gets you so far, then you just start hurting. 'specially when you're constantly trying to stay in power.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #63 on: March 26, 2008, 06:25:00 pm »

Whew!  Back from vacation, so here's the next update!

From the journal of Udib Fullrazor, Pickmaster

10th Hematite-

The mayoral election is only a week away!  We've been conducting an underground campaign, trying to gain support for Alath without tipping off the mayor that he has serious competition.  As long as Mosus thinks he's running unopposed, he won't bother campaigning.  Plus, I'm worried what he would do to Alath if he were to find out we're trying to oust him.  But this tactic has its drawbacks.  I'm not sure if we can garner enough support in time!

On a random note, the weaponsmith that came with the latest wave of immigrants has claimed a forge for his own, and is now running around grabbing metal bars!  Mosus seems excited.

12th Hematite-
While I was digging out some hematite today, I was approached by an unfamiliar face.  He introduced himself as Lorbam, said he was our dungeon master.

"Ah, the wondrous hematite.  No other ore quite so solid, eh Udib?"

"Well, I guess not."

"Did you hear?" he continued.  "That weaponsmith finished his work.  And did he make an iron axe?  A steel spear?  No, he made an enormous silver corkscrew.  Completely unusable.  Plus, it seems the possesion has left him completely... he's no better at making weapons than when he started.  I've never seen the mayor so disappointed."

I smiled.  Anything that upset Mosus was good.

"Your smile betrays you," said Lorbam.  "I suspected that Mosus was no friend of yours."

"Yeah, you suspected right.  What are you getting at?"

"I'm getting at the upcoming election.  You see, when I first moved in here, I noticed the disturbing lack of a fortress self-destruct mechanism."

I blinked.  "A what?"

"A FORTRESS SELF-DESTRUCT MECHANISM!  They're all the rage back home!   Goodness, you yokels really are cut off out here!  What would you do if goblins managed to overrun this place?  With your last breath, do you simply curse their name, or do you pull a lever and DESTROY THE MOUNTAIN?  Better to lose a fortress entirely than let the goblins get control of it."

I was starting to wonder about this dwarf.  "That sounds like it might be kind of..."  What was the word?  "Impractical?"

"That's what Mosus said.  Are you saying you agree with him?"

"NO!  If Mosus doesn't like it, I'd build one just to spite him!"

"Good.  I have a proposition for you.  I know you're behind Alath's campaign for mayor.  Promise me my self-destruction mechanism, and I'll make sure you win."

"Make sure?  The election's only a few days away!  How are you going to convince enough dwarves that quickly?"

"Convince?"  Lorbam put his arm around me.  "Ah Udib, my boy, you have much to learn.  The dwarves who vote for mayors decide nothing.  The dwarves who count the votes for mayors decide everything."



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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #64 on: March 26, 2008, 08:04:00 pm »

This has given me an idea for my own fortress!
..."I bumped Nist Akath and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"...

Kaelem Gaen

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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #65 on: March 26, 2008, 10:53:00 pm »

Ooo,  betrayal, drama... crazy dungeon masters who plan to destroy the fortress.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #66 on: April 01, 2008, 08:06:00 am »

AlmostEverywhere suspends Tale of a Sensible Dwarf: Interrupted by real life.
Well, I'm more busy these days, but I'll try to keep the updates coming once or twice a week.

From the journal of Alath Esheten, Mayor

24th Hematite-

The mayoral election was last week.  And I WON!  I didn't think we'd gathered enough support with our low-profile campaign, but I guess word-of-mouth really spread.  I'm so excited!  There's so much I want to do for this place.  I really think we can make Authorgilt a fortress that we're proud of.  I feel bad for Mr. Shocktorches, though.  He was really surprised by the results.  I was starting to worry when he ran off to his bedroom ranting and raving, but Udib said he'd handle it.  And to think, if I had remembered to wear my boots the day I dueled Ingish, none of this would have happened.

I was assigned the mayor's office.  For some reason only a small piece of the wall is engraved.  Well, I'm sure there's a good reason behind it.  I started immediately on my new work.  Firstly, I cancelled Mr. Shocktorches's silly mandate for Giant Cave Swallow bone items.  He must have forgotten we don't have any Giant Cave Swallow bones!  Instead, I've banned the export of low boots.  I don't want any recruits making the same mistake I did.  Speaking of the military, I've removed myself and Usrir from duty.  We're not much use with our pair of bad backs, and I know how much Usrir hates patrols, and I can't stand how sad and tired she looks when she comes in after a long day.  I've put us into the fortress guard.  Our positions in the military will be filled with guard dwarves, namely a plucky warrior named Catten, and my good friend As.  I think it's time As got a chance to prove himself, and I'm going to give it to him. (My eye has started drifting towards that chasm to the west...)

Next, I've opened up a back door to the fortress.  Though sealable, this door should allow travellers coming from the valley a safe way up to the cliffs on the east side, as long as they travel through our fortress.  For our part, we now have access to the more abundant lumber in the canyon:

Also, Udib wanted me to build some sort of self-destruct thingy.  Well, it sounded weird to me, but I wouldn't be where I am without him, so I decided not to question it.  I noticed that a glassmaker had produced a cherry opal hatch cover of the highest quality about a year before I moved here, and it had just been sitting in a stockpile gathering dust.  So I had it installed in one of the drains for the waterfall, linked to a lever in an alcove in the control room.  Pulling this lever will prevent the water from draining and flood the fortress.  I guess Udib had a good reason for wanting it, but let's hope no one ever uses this thing...

Overall, I think I've been very productive.  Usrir said she's so proud of me and what I've accomplished.  Now that we're in the guard together, we've got even more time to spend together.  She's wonderful to spend time with, and lately I've been noticing how beautiful she really is.  But before I think any more about that sort of thing, there was one more project I had to complete, one that I think we can all be proud of:



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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #67 on: April 01, 2008, 04:13:00 pm »

AH HAH HAH HAH! I LOVE your tricky writing! You really surprised me with the last part!
..."I bumped Nist Akath and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"...

Lazer Bomb

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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #68 on: April 05, 2008, 06:01:00 pm »

Kinda funny that the plot twistes on April 1.
Kagus: "Still, demonic spelunking is always a promising idea."


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #69 on: April 09, 2008, 06:09:00 pm »

From the Diary of Mosus Shocktorches, Sensible Dwarf:

1st Malachite -  Conspiracy!  Betrayal!  How DARE they!  I don't know what chicanery was pulled, but I've been ousted from the seat of mayor!  By a MILITARY dwarf, no less one who was so incompetant he was crippld while sparring!  I can barely contain my rage.. (The rest of the page is scribbled and torn).

16th Malachite - It was relaxing to watch our mason tear apart a kobold thief with his bare hands this morning.  I've calmed down a bit... or more accurately, my loud, uncontrolled rage has been boiled down to a pent-up, careful planning sort of rage.  This Alath will rue the day he crossed me.  In my coffer in my room, I've dug out that old sharpened scepter that was meant for Dodok so long ago... it looks like the sharpening may not have been in vain after all.  Now all I need is the proper time.

23rd Sandstone - A small wave of migrants came today, and I seized an opportunity.  While Alath and Lorbam were meeting to discuss the migrants' sleeping arrangements, I peeped over our dungeon master's shoulder at the schedule and assignment chart.  I saw the barracks layout, and where all the guardsmen have their various beds in the barracks, as well as their sleeping schedules.  Now I know exactly where you sleep, Alath.  And I know when you'll be alone.  I'll move within the week.

4th Timber - My hands shake as I write this.  I've just returned from the barracks.  According to the schedule, only two dwarves, Alath and a dwarf named As Gingmorul, would be sleeping there at that time.  I had bribed As with a few of my masterful stonecrafts (crafting stone was all I've been doing these days), probably worth more than two monthes of his pay, so that he would not be in the barracks at that time.  He seemed reluctant at first, but I got him to agree in the end.

Slowly, I crept into the barracks.  It was dark, but I could see that all but Alath's bed were empty.  Excellent!  I moved, quiet as a mouse, across the room, until I stood above the slumbering figure.  I pulled the sharp scepter from my coat, holding it above him, savoring the moment.  Finally, with a jerk, I thrust it down into his heart!  Blood spattered up and covered my hands.  He gasped, and briefly cried out, as I smiled and twisted it in the wound.  But something was wrong.  That voice that cried out, why was it so unfamiliar to me?  I rolled him face-up, and with horror saw a complete stranger's face stare up at me, andgive me a look of confusion before falling into death.

"I thought so."  The voice came from behind me.  I spun around, and saw that blasted dungeon master Lorbam standing at the door to the barracks.  "You really should try to be less predictable."

I was panicked.  I didn't know what to say.  As I stupidly gaped, I sputtered out, "I... that isn't Alath..."

"No.  Alath's recently been assigned to his new mayoral quarters.  I'm afraid you've managed to slay one of our recruits from the recent migrant wave.  You see, I noticed you spying over my shoulder at the bedroom assignments, and I suspected your plot even then.  When As came to me and Alath about your bribe, it was a simple matter to deduce the time and place to catch you."

My face was going red.  "As!  That no-good, backstabbing..."

"Backstabbing?"  Lorbam interrupted me.  "He is a loyal dwarf and a true companion.  Or didn't you know that Alath and As were fast friends?  Perhaps you would have, if you had spent more time with the people and less time in your office trying to maximize fortress wealth and extract revenge on your foes.  That of course was your flaw, Mosus... you placed yourself above the populace; instead of working with them you tried to control everything they did.  But I'm beginning to ramble."

"So... what happens now?"  I had committed murder.  Even with no hammerer, I worried what might happen to me.

"I've witnessed what you did.  But I won't turn you in.  This will be recorded as an unfortunate sparring accident, on the condition that you won't move against Alath again during his term in office.  You've seen you can't outdo me, Mosus.  I know your plans before you even finish devising them.  I'd advise you not to try to best me.  Now take this to heart:  If one hair on Alath's head is harmed, if one cut is opened in his skin during the night, I will reveal what you did to the entire fortress.  So keeping him happy and healthy would be most... sensible.  Are we clear?"

He was right.  He had me beat.  "We're clear."

So it seems I cannot move against Alath, at least not for the moment.  I've lost...  But, no.  I REFUSE to simply fade away into my workshop.  I don't know how, and I don't know when, but I WILL return to power in this fortress.  Armok as my witness, Authorgilt has not heard the last from Mosus Shocktorches!


Kaelem Gaen

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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #70 on: April 09, 2008, 09:27:00 pm »

The Dungeon master friggin Rocks.  And still Mosus has yet to seen he stepped beyond Sensible after his first kill.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #71 on: April 10, 2008, 03:36:00 pm »

I'm in love with the dungeon master... he is so... awesomely cool!

And your writing is as good as ever.

..."I bumped Nist Akath and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"...


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #72 on: April 11, 2008, 07:40:00 pm »

Freekin awesom! Beyond Quality!

This has the potential of another Boatmurdered or Nist Akath!

Just splendid.

Dont change anything!(that is, don't make it comunity)
And write it long, long, long!

If I need to critizise anything it is somtimes hard to undestand exactly who is saying what.

So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #73 on: April 13, 2008, 04:12:00 pm »

Thanks for the good words!  I'll try to keep it coming.  Here's the next update:

From the journal of Udib Fullrazor, Pickmaster

7th Timber - I was having a drink today when I saw Dodok approach me.  I was surprised, since she rarely gets out of her office any more.  But she told me she had finished her record keeping!  She had recorded every pig tail seed, every piece of leather, and every stone in the fortress, and could now return to mining duties.  I leapt out of my chair with glee, and we danced around the dining room, not caring about the strange stares of the other dwarves.  Neither of us needs to work alone any more!  We set off immediately together, heading for an exposed gold vein just outside our gates which Alath wanted mined out.

14th Timber - I was in my bed today, when I heard some commotion.  I got up to see what was the matter, and saw Dodok stumbling down the entrance hall, covered in blood.

"What happened?  Are you all right?" I cried as I ran up to her.

"Some rhesus macaques jumped me at the gold vein," she answered.  They're a little ways behind me now, but heading right for us.  I tried to run, but one of them grabbed me, and the next thing I knew I had buried my pick in its skull."  Seeing my concern, she managed a smile.  "Don't worry about the blood," she continued, "it isn't mine.  I'm just a bit shaken up, is all."

Alath came running to the hallway.  "Did I hear you say RHESUS MACAQUES?" he bellowed.  When Dodok weakly nodded, he shouted at the top of his voice, "ALL SOLDIERS GET TO THE GATE ON THE DOUBLE!  DON'T LET A SINGLE MONKEY ESCAPE!"

And so, as a crowd of onlookers gathered on top of the hill, our soldiers (the axedwarves in front, as they were on duty at the time) charged forth, and a bloody melee ensued as our brave dwarves chopped the monkies into pieces.  Ingish, the leader of the squad, felled three of the creatures, swinging his axe like a whirlwind.  Alath's friend As felled another pair of them, and the third dwarf Catten killed the last as it tried to flee.

Alath seemed unusually excited.  "That's right!" he cried towards the battle.  "Who's laughing now!?"  Despite his strange behavior, everyone had a good time today.

20th Timber - Alath called me to his office today.  When I got there, I saw Mosus and Lorbam were already there.

Alath spoke.  "I've called the three of you here because you all have experience with leadership and advising.  I was hoping to hear your opinions.  You see, after that poor recruit was killed sparring, and the recent rhesus macaque incursion, I've been doing a lot of thinking as to the safety of our dwarves.  And I've decided it's my duty to make this fortress as safe as I can.  So I've decided to move on that chasm in the west.  I don't want another death when we leave a single window open for giant bats, and no harm can come from a dead cave swallowman."

I heard Mosus say quietly, "A dead cave swallowman can be more dangerous than you think."

Alath must not have heard, because he just went on.  "Do any of you have suggestions as to how we rid the chasm of its vermin once and for all?"

Lorbam spoke up.  "Well, back at home, magma pumps are getting very stylish.  Perhaps if we set up a channel-"

I interrupted him.  "The chasm and the magma vent are rather far apart for a plan like that.  Besides, most of the chasm-dwellers can fly, and would easily escape any magma.  Why don't we dig a tunnel into the chasm for our soldiers?  Dodok and I can dig deep, beneath the river valley, and up the other side so that we can break through on any level of the chasm we like.  That way we won't open up any other entrances into the fortress, and we'd have the element of surprise on our side.  And those critters aren't too tough.  Why, when I felled that giant cave swallow years ago I wasn't half as tough as some of our soldiers are."

Mosus spoke.  "I agree."

I blinked.

He went on.  "Udib's right.  We just need to dig a path for our soldiers.  Some axes will quickly finish off the iron man, and our marksdwarves will make short work of the fliers."

Alath nodded.  "Well, if Mosus and Udib are telling me the same thing, it must be a good idea.  Udib, get started on the tunnel.  I'll start organizing the soldiers."

"And don't forget to mine out that wonderful exposed gold and platinum in the chasm once it's clear," chimed in Lorbam.  "A platinum statue would really liven things up around here."

So now Dodok and I are digging an invasion tunnel.  I don't know why Mosus was so quick to agree with me when he's usually so stubborn... I can only assume he's up to something.  Until I know what it is, however, it's best to focus on the chasm, and the deadly creatures awaiting us at the end of this tunnel.


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Re: The Tale of a Sensible Dwarf
« Reply #74 on: April 13, 2008, 04:48:00 pm »

Just to annoy you. :mwaha:
I made Kivish the Sherif in my fort of 'RoutedCrypt'  :)
h, Nessing is cool and all. And Civilization goes from stone to steam punk, but nothin'' beats a good dose of Fanaticialism to Dwarf Fortress and a load of Dwarfen Rum!
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