Hello everyone, I'm newly registered but have lurked a rather long time (before the start of Nist Akath) and I wanted to try my hands on a community fortress.
The idea popped into my head while reading the viking challenge (Linky).
Since I was unable to find a suitable ocean site in over 30 generated worlds, I thought of my own rules to make a interesting challenge.
[Game Rules]
This is an above-ground challenge, so underground areas are limited to cellars, mines, and mausoleums.
Outdoor farming and meat production with cattle is required.
Standard armor will be limited to Leather armor. Elite troops may be equipped with better equipment, including chainmail but no plate. Weapon choices are simple: Spears for guards and expendable troops, Swords for the rich and Axes for the elite.
No impenetrable defenses, drawbridges and no moat. Traps are allowed as long as they are not used for general defense (for building defense / tombs only).
Buildings should be constructed out of wood, high quality buildings can have the ground level constructed out of stone blocks.
Immigration is not limited and it will be my first game with the economy turned on.
I don't want to play this alone with named dwarfs, so each of you can give ideas and suggest constructions and stuff. If a suggestion recieves 2 additional recommendations it will become a binding mandate and I must fulfill it.
Once upon a time in the Plane of Dragons, there was a dwarven kingdom located in the Land of Excavation. It was named "The Gloves of Defending", after their most holy relic...
This pair of ☼Gloves☼ was given from ruler to ruler and was their symbol of the true capability of Leather Armor in combat.
In early 1050 a rather famous trader was summoned to the current ruler of "The Gloves of Defending" for urgent business, as the king's messenger told him.
The king praised his great trade abilities and gave him the direct order to establish a new trade outpost in the south. Before he could answer, guards led him out of the throne room and a clerk handed him a scroll.
"Here are your instructions, follow them to the letter. Personally I doubt His Majesty's sincerity but...", hushed he disappeared behind a corner.
The scroll contained a map and direct instructions... His order was not only to found a new trade outpost, but a new settlement. Amazing!
Wait... What was this? No mountainhome? A human settlement? Wooden barricades? Aboveground housing and farming... And the name, oh Armok, the name!
The place should better worth the hassle...
Oh no!
And so starts the Story of Ingtaktogal Akamgeshuddumed Akam, "Twilightstorm the Fortunate Fortress-Fortification of Fortune". Founded by "Rethal Nish", The Society Of Trade.
Currently looking for 6 Dwarves. Please name your Dwarf (and if you wish a profession name), give him professions and stuff.
Also here is the first question for you: Drop the anvil to make room for more stuff or keep it?
Edit: Backstories are welcome. I will give no limit of stuff for each of the starting dwarves, but please be reasonable.
[ February 29, 2008: Message edited by: TimeOut ]