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Author Topic: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)  (Read 19228 times)


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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #345 on: March 05, 2008, 11:29:00 pm »

Originally posted by AlmostEverywhere:
<STRONG>And he really knows how to wield his weapon.</STRONG>

That better not be innuendo.


Kogan Loloklam

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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #346 on: March 06, 2008, 12:29:00 am »

I want Ral Mörulolin!
(assuming she still lives)
And she can get the name "Ziriltharnas"




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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #347 on: March 06, 2008, 12:41:00 am »

Originally posted by penguinofhonor:

Originally posted by AlmostEverywhere
And he really knows how to wield his weapon.

That better be innuendo.</STRONG>


Irwin's log,
3rd Sandstone, 1054

Bloody hell! I hardly arrive here at Nokzamoslan before a goblin army decides that they have had enough of the Hydra Stredac. Murdering the amazing beast before my very eyes.

Unfortunatly, I've spent too much of my coin and influence to be posted out here in this backwater region. So it appears that I am stuck untill the end of my tenure here. Perhaps we will get lucky and have the mate of the creature come later so that I may capture it.

Scrubs followed the small horde of dwarves in exiting the fortress, wincing under the heavy glare of the sun. Everyone moved industriously, the metalcrafters grabbing the narrow armor and weapons of the goblins that were to be smelted down into their component iron and recast into proper dwarven steel. The other dwarves raced for the silks and leathers of the backline goblins, squabbling slightly over the valuable cloth. Apprehensivly he let his eyes wander from Dogar the smith, the shroud of soot, tobacco,vomit, and grit that fell behind him leaving a faint trail over the surface, to Akroma who was fiercly arguing with Systar over a giant cave spider silk sock. Shaking his head at the two Scrubs walked over to the growing crowd who had gathered around the hydra. Five of the new migrants, including the new Dungeon Master Irwin were looking over the felled beast. Their low conversations lost in the gentle breeze that bent the sparse and disturbed grass.

Scrubs walked past the group, disinterested in their conversation. A good number of the group appeared to have had some experiance with taming and training, and Scrubs wasn't interested in that. He knew it was unlikly that enough of the beast would get inside to salvage the fat for Hydra tallow, and it was saddening enough to lose the vicious, old defender of the fotress.

"Rest in peace Stredac, may you find you're way in the after life." He said to nobody in particular, watching as the great beast continued to bleed deep into the ground.

It wasn't for several minutes untill he noticed the dwarf on the far side of the hydra, furtivly approaching the beast when he thought nobody else was looking. Quite suddenly Scrubs snapped to attention, his gaze fixed on the far distant dwarf.

The dwarf, or dwarfett rather, was Whappsie. Her approach was quick, but Scrubs was able to see the small vial that the Axedwarf corked and stashed into her backpack before furtivly returning to her post.

Scrubs Jornal
5th Sandstone

Today I saw something odd. For some reason the Axedwarf Whappsie had with her a clear glass vial or sorts. Since I've heard of no such thing being made in the fortress to date, she must have gotten it somewhere...and she must be using it to carry something, the way she was acting. Either way, I must find out where she got the vial so I can comission a magnifying lense of my own. For now I will follow her closely, if nothing surfaces then I may ask her outright, but I would  rather not have her thinking that I was being a peeping tom.

In other news, Durien agreed to starting construction of the showers! I've made some modifications to my plans to have the showers self-powering, which I havn't shown him yet. But with a little luck and a lot of dwarven ingeniuity we may very well have our own "Golden Mist of Halls"... as I call it anyway. It is a shame however, that we do not yet have an alchemists shop for me to work at my proper calling... making SOAP!

[ March 06, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

[ March 06, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #348 on: March 06, 2008, 12:41:00 am »

All in the eye of the beholder friend, all in the eye of the beholder.

Or eyes, as the case may be.

My life among the dwarves
-By Aban Gosteroddom


It has been my great privilege these past few years to have been given the opportunity of researching these strange and wondrous creatures in their natural environment.  I feel it is of utmost importance to garner what information we can from these beasts, before rampant poaching and development by our species forces their numbers even lower than they are now.

These creatures are not entirely unlike spiders, I have found.  They carry their young until they are developed enough to move about on their own, they develop massively complex structures to live in, and they are innately genocidal.  I have taken a particular fondness to one of the females, whom I have dubbed Yebzith, for her uncommonly curious ways.

I study Yebzith and her fellow dwarves often, and I am currently attempting to unravel the mysteries of their unique social order.  There is an underlying order to the chaotic hustle and bustle of their serpentine tunnels, and I intend to find out what exactly it is that makes it tick.

Some of the dwarves here have yet to become accustomed to my presence, and still exhibit their naturally skittish personalities when I am observing them.

To think that for so many years we have been poaching these gentle creatures for their chin-webs appalls me.  So much can be learned from their simple and yet dazzlingly intricate lives, and that knowledge is not something that should be tossed away so lightly.

And so I invite you, reader, to join me on my travels and experience the exotic and spellbinding ways of these small yet amazing creatures.

EDIT: Had to change the name to Yebzith.  Apparently, there's already someone on these forums named "Griz".  I have absolutely no idea how these things happen.

[ March 06, 2008: Message edited by: Kagus ]


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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #349 on: March 06, 2008, 02:28:00 am »

Akroma's log

Wondeful. Truly wonderful !
The blood of the hydra is a substance I couldn#t even think of in my dreams. When I first heard it was killed, I was afraid it#s blood had already dried. Now, it seems Hydra blood works different than normal blood. I was able to retrieve 4 cups full of it, and it is not only still liquid, it is still warm. And it seems to stay that way.
From now on, my experiments will start.

'Akroma' Urdimothôs, Miner cancels fooling around.
'Akroma' Urdimothôs is taken by a fel mood.

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #350 on: March 06, 2008, 02:33:00 am »

Kalen's log, 3nd of Sandstone. 1054.
Been a long time since I wrote last, and so decided to change that particular fact. I made a neato bracelet. Durien said it's worth almost a hundred-thousand coin. I didn't know I could make something that nice. However, what I named it disturbs even me. "Pleatedbusts the Whiskered Tick?" What the 'ell is that supposed to mean? I'd change the name of it, but... That is its name, and it'll stay that way.

Tired. Watched that crazy ol' hydra die. Was kinda hopin' that it would actually do somethin' more that kill a couple gobbo's. Made the military's job easier, at least.

In other news, that mini cave-spider leapt outta the shadows and nearly landed on my face. I like the little guy for the way he's able to sneak around like that. It's quite neat. Now, if only I could get a spider or two for myself.

I still have no friends, though. A few aquaintaces, like that one mason Leo, but nothin' else. I'm lonely. This is why I want one of those neato spiders.

ADDENDUM: Turns out it was a giant cacoon spider instead. Even better, 'cause I like those even more that them giant cave spiders.

[ March 06, 2008: Message edited by: Xotes ]

[ March 06, 2008: Message edited by: Xotes ]

Quote from: Josephus
"Compatibility mode", dude. If he tries running it under "capatability mode" some terrible thing involving elder gods will probably happen.
Quote from: Aqizzar
You say that like it's not a good time to discuss weird people. It's always a good time to discuss weird people.
Quote from: freeformschooler
I was like, ha, this looks like a pretty dumb and boring game. I was so wrong. Gentlemen, I have discovered true fun.


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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #351 on: March 06, 2008, 08:44:00 am »

3rd Sandstone 1054, Diary of Kurn Inethestil

At last I can stroll across the eastern boarder without fear of the Hydra! The goblins took care of it for us, although I am somewhat saddened by the loss of the fortress' unknowing guard dog. Of course, this means the eastern boarder might actually be less safe now, since the Gobbos no longer have to sneak by the multi-headed monster!

Even with the Hydra, about 30 of the 'orrible green menace charged on to our fortress. M'self and the other militia got a chance to test our skills, and I'm proud to say I held my own, although most of the more experianced dwarves got the glory. We came back after cleanin' up the scum and walked past 'Scrubs'. 'e nearly went white as a ghost, seein' all our bloody covered arms and armors! I think 'e might have 'ad a tantrum, seein' all the blood and mud we were trackin' inside, if he didn't know that the shower system of his was under construction.

Since the Gobbos always seem to come from th' east, why don't we put up a moat, or a wall, and funnel the little bastards into a death chaimber. I'll bring the subject up to Durien. Now that the Hydra's gone, we should think about puttin' up some good dwarven defences out there.

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #352 on: March 06, 2008, 09:02:00 am »

4th Sandstone, 1054
Durien's log
Stredac's death has relieved many of the dwarves, not that I blame them, but militarily it has left us weak.  Several of the soldiers have mentioned the need of greater to defend the east now, and I must agree.  I believe I will begin by constructing some watchtowers, and Kurn's idea of a moat is a good one.  
Ral has more than proved herself in the battle, and now insists on being called Ziriltharnas.  I suppose I can understand her reasoning, since Ral was a coward and Ziriltharnas has the potential to become a military hero, if she survives long enough.

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #353 on: March 06, 2008, 09:06:00 am »

7th Sandstone, 1054
Durien's log
That giant cocoon spiderling, Aban, seems to have been following me around lately.  It kind of creeps me out, reminding me of the tiny cave spiders.  I hate those!  I thought I saw one the other day, but it must have been my imagination.  After all, they only live near chasms and we don't have one.
I also haven't seen Akroma for several days.  Not since the hydra's death, in fact.  I'll have to find out what he's doing, but I don't have the time now.
In other news, Grukol's younger daughter Erush became a child today.  Her mother fortunately was not in the battle, choosing to get a drink and eat a good meal instead.  I can only applaud her wisdom.

[ March 06, 2008: Message edited by: Dame de la Licorne ]

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #354 on: March 06, 2008, 09:32:00 am »

10th Sandstone, 1054
Durien's log
Grukol's wife has given birth to another girl, whom they have named Mosus, meaning room in the old tongue.  An odd name, but it is their child.  Their two elder daughters are overjoyed and their shrieks echoed through our halls for the greater part of the day.
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #355 on: March 06, 2008, 09:39:00 am »

Akroma's log

In my first experiment, I tried to connect the arm of a ratman with a living goblin. I knocked him unconscious before, the screaming would disturbe the operation. I succesfully removed it's original arm without too much blood loss. After connecting muscles, bone, and main arteries with a few stitches, I pourred a bit of the hydras blood directly into the wound. The results were astonishing, eventhough not perfect. The new wound quickly formed new tissue, in a similar way a tumor would, but so fast, I thougth it would explode. Eventhough the arm and the body were a mismatch, it connected in an improvised way. The newly formed tissue between the ratman flesha nd the goblin flesh was coeverd in thin, red scales, much as those of a hydra, but colorless, you could see the blood shining through. Most noteworthy is that on the newly formed tissue, there was a fully develped eye, as well as 3 theeth coming out of the scales covered skin. I assume that the blod, in it's raw form, is still trying to replictae the hydra.
Shortly after the process, the goblin woke up in an extreme pain. I tried some simple tests to see if the eye on it's arm was operational, but it simply wouldn't shut up screaming words in a goblin language, that either express pain, or call me a monster, or both. Eitherway, it died shortly after from what seems to be a clogging of the arteries. Mixing goblin blood with ratmen blood must have caused this.
I will have to find out which creatures share a blood that is similar enough to be mixed without problems. Also I will have to refine the blood, tp prevent it from forming a hydra head in the wound it is supposed to be healing.

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos

Kogan Loloklam

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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #356 on: March 06, 2008, 11:56:00 am »

What Sphere(s) is the god Ral?

(Ral Mörulolin's notes)
9th Opal, 1052
Kobolds are out to get me! I know they are. Everywhere I look, there are kobolds appearing, trying to steal my soul! Other dwarves say they only steal socks, but I know different. They are after socks to locate tasty souls, and my socks recently went missing! My only hope is to run away from here, before the Kobolds get my soul. I have heard of a fortress where criminals are sent. Surly if I went there no Kobolds would find me. I am departing tomorrow, three hours past dawn. The kobolds would never expect that...

7th Slate, 1053
I have arrived at the fortress called Nokzamoslan. There are many tough dwarves here, and even a honest to goodness seven headed hydra! I am sure I will be safe from Kobolds here. The leader of the fortress has decided I would make a great soldier, slaying goblins and all that. I am looking forward to strangling a goblin with my hands!

14th Hematite, 1053
A KOBOLD SHOWED UP! It was clearly after my soul. I ran like the, well, like a kobold intent on my soul was behind me! Luckily a nearby wardog saved me. This worries me, I hope that one didn't tell his buddies I was here. I don't know what I would do if they tracked me here...

18th Hematite, 1053
Another Kobold arrived, proving they ARE tracking me. Luckily someone killed it before it found me. I curse the day I ever left my socks laying around! Durien came by and told me I should take a lesson from it, and I have. Kobolds will track you across the world, no doubt with the use of their spies, RATS! That is why they look so similar, because they work with each other.

21st Hematite, 1053
A horrid sentence was passed down to me today. For 'cowardace', I was banished to the magma, with my only redemption granted if I kill the fire imps located there. They only gave me a shield! At least it is far away from where any kobold would expect to find me.

1st Malachite, 1053
I've managed to kill one of the Imps so far. It's not so bad, except the imps keep running away from me and hiding in the lava. I'm sure I'll eventually succede, but it may take some time.

1st Galena, 1053
I got another one recently! I pretended to be sleeping and it came out. I jumped up and bashed it with my shield. The imp didn't last long.

15th Galena, 1053
Halfman arrived today and asked my progress on killing the fire imps. There is only one left, but it seems more cautious then the other two. Well, that isn't entirly true. I know it poses no threat to me, and I get plenty of food and drink, but when I kill it I will be where the kobolds will find me again. Perhaps I should migrate out after I kill it? But what if they track me down. I think I will spend some time thinking on this.

1st Limestone, 1053
I still haven't decided if I want to stay here or take my chances elsewhere. On one hand, the kobolds know I am here now, on the other, the dwarves here seem formidable and kill kobolds easily. I must continue to think on this.

1st Sandstone, 1053
I have decided that if the punishment for running from a kobold is a task at killing things, Then the dwarves here must be formidable at killing things. If I run from kobolds again, I will just be assigned to a cushy job patrolling another dangerous area again. I have decided to stay. I think I will go ahead and slay the last imp now.

23rd Sandstone, 1053
The slippery sucker dodged me for twenty-three days, but I finally managed to corner and slay him. The last imp is dead, and I am forgiven for my cowardace.

27th Sandstone, 1053
Appearently my task served the whole fortress, as a magma channel was carved and now powers some magma workshops. This makes me feel bad about how long I took to kill the imps. I will be more diligant next time.

22nd Moonstone, 1053
Another Kobold was sighted in the fortress. It was tracking me! It was sighted near the magma forges, probably thinking it was still my duty to handle fire imps. Luckily it was slain before it could get me.

22nd Hematite, 1054
Our great leader Durien has handled the threat of the Kobolds! Dogs chained at the entrance ate one today as it tried to slip in!

7th Malachite, 1054
Another Kobold was slain today, by dogs. I think I am starting to become rather fond of dogs. Anything that kills soul-stealing kobolds is a positive thing in my opinion.

3rd Sandstone, 1054
The Old Hydra, Stredac, has been slain by goblins, not kobolds. Stredac seemed so unkillable, but to be slain by goblins... What good is a soul if you are slain? I think I will no longer be afraid of kobolds just because they want my soul. I will take a page from Stredac's book and fight all who come, and if I am slain, I will ensure that my enemies will pile around me, as they did around Stredac. No kobold will have me waste another day in fear! Strangely though, the law for cowardace seems to be less severe if it is goblins that you are running from, as our siege operators kept abandoning their posts. Perhaps there is something to this kobold soul-theft after all...

( Ziriltharnas's Notes)
4th Sandstone, 1054
I went to the leader Durien today, and insisted I be called Ziriltharnas. I feel it is a name I earned with my actions against the imps. I always felt a little weird to be named after a god, and being named after my actions is much better.

10th Sandstone, 1054
I was reading a strange book today, and it explained that the Arothkel has strange powers when it comes to souls. It said that there is peril for those who seek it, for the ultimate corruption of souls lies there, trapped amongst the material that protects souls. The book says that if you pull the small slivers of the metal out of the stone, your soul will be strengthened. I think I will go to Durien and ask him to give me the task of pulling the strands out if we ever find the magic metal. Until then, I must get stronger to protect my soul!



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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #357 on: March 06, 2008, 03:59:00 pm »

Nog's Thoughts

They wouldn't give me a sword to kill those slimy goblins! But at least our army dwarves are fighting them. There's this crazy guy who is like playing with blood or something. He says he is experimenting. I think he just likes dead things.



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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #358 on: March 06, 2008, 05:46:00 pm »

Systar's Log
5th Sandstone

Goblins attacked a couple days ago and managed to overwhelm the hydra, finally slaying it before working their way to the fort.  Our military managed to fight them off, as they were no doubt weakened by the hydra.  Kurn mentioned plans for strengthening our defenses, which I am all for.  While we have less to worry about locally, goblin attacks are an ever-present menace.

For now, I'll keep to the brewery as life goes on.

[Can I see Systar's stats/skills?  I think my last request got overlooked.]

HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Nokzamoslan, the exiles (a community fortress)
« Reply #359 on: March 06, 2008, 05:55:00 pm »

Reinhold's Diary Entry:

Seems like our unlikely ally, that Hydra has died in the hands of those filthy goblins. It's a shame. I could've think of it as the fortress' mascot.

I had a nice day while at work. It feels weird to work with glass with that... psycho nearby. I think he may stab me with his glass works. Well, i better be prepared for anything, so i'll be making a few... glass 'contraptions', if you catch my drift.

quot;''Mike Haggar'' Jaritek let out a sinister laughter! ''Mike Haggar'' has began a mysterious construction! [Several slaughtered goblins later] ''Mike Haggar'' has created Murrdusk, a Goblin Blood Pond. The Pond Menaces with skulls of Goblins and is hi
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