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Author Topic: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress  (Read 8465 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2008, 09:58:00 am »

I would recommend getting an animal trap or two made up as well.  Kreegus is going to run out of good bolts eventually, and hunting is particularly dangerous for kobolds.  Trapping, on the other hand, keeps vermin away from your food stockpiles and puts food into it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2008, 10:35:00 am »

We've got two lizards and a cockroach captured, I just didn't think it was worth mentioning.

Don't worry too much about Kreegus, when he hunts I watch him closely to make shure he doesn't die.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2008, 05:32:00 pm »

11 Slate - Meegus chirped as she put aside her latest work, the thick wood of the barrel swelling as it rolled out from under the makeshift roof that covered his workshop and clattered against a pile of many similar barrels. With glazed eyes she looked out across the clutter of wooden workshops that stood outside the wide enterance that Vugeour had carved into the mountain. For the first time in a month, everything nearby was quiet.

Too quiet, Meegus let her eyes wander across the empty landscape. The others were nowhere to be seen! She looked around at the empty workshops, every one of them unattended. Boksi's shop was empty, the fishery only held a few stacks of prepared fish... even the small fire pit in the kitchen was unattended. It was as if... as if everyone had vanished.

Snapping fully awake Meegus ran across the brook, her right hand firmly gripping her axe as she began to shout for the others. Her thoughts drifting to the various demises that could have befallen them as she vigerously searched the camp for signs of them... or at least what was left of them.

She circled the camp checking the lower level of the future cistern, the treeline, the south end of the brook, and finally rechecking the workshops. Everyone was gone... everyone.

Disheartened, she walked towards the cave mouth. Her mind whirring as she considered ways in which she could live on her own. Vugeour's body, if he hadn't been teleported away like the others, would be in the mines. He had a pick, with a pick Meegus could dig out a small cave and then use wood to build a small house on top of the cave. She could live untill others listened to the prophet and went looking for her. Yes!

Those thoughts were dashed by snores as soon as she entered the cave. As she entered, she was able to hear all six of the other Kobolds were snoring soundly within. Everyone had fallen asleep, all at once. Meegus nearly laughed out loud as she realized this, her copper axe glancing against the floor as her body sagged with relief.

A moment later a wave of lethargy washed over her. And suddenly, it didn't seem so terrible for Meegus to fall asleep here.

3rd Felsite - Boksi watched warily as Pun-pun ran from bush to bush, twigs and small creatures scattering as he vienly searched the local plantlife. She thought he looked like a scaly elf while he searched like that, even back when he was just looking for something to make wine out of. However, Boksi was curious why he was still looking now that they had enough wine to subsitute for the horrible muddy brook water. Quietly she walked up behind him, keeping her footfalls low as he noisly searched though the bushes.

"Pun-pun! You lose something?" she called out softly, her voice causing the cook to jump nearly a foot into the air as he whirled on her.

"Boksi! You scare Pun-pun." he replied, his hand hovering near his heart as his body slowly unwound from it's invoulentary terror. As he calmed down she chirruped irritably, causing him to reply, "I looking for weedy thing!"

"Weedy thing?" She asked, tilting her head in puzzlement, "You find weedy thing last month Pun-Pun! You and Fluffy make it into tasty water and grow more, remember?"

Pun-pun shook his head, "Not that weedy thing. Different weedy thing. Reedy weedy thing for rope!"

"For rope?" Boksi asked, tilting her head the other direction.

"For well-rope in dining room!" Pun-pun said, exhasperation in his voice. "Water rope!"

"Oooh, water rope!" Boksi repeated, her face brightening, "I make water-blocks before. Pun-pun get rope?"

"Yes, pun-pun get rope! Need reedy weedy! You find any?" Pun-pun replied, shaking his head as if worrying a bone. When Boksi indicated no by flicking her fingers he sighed, "Then Pun-pun keep looking."

With that, the cook slunk over to his next bush and began repeating the process.

30th Felsite - Kreegus grinned as he brought back a second elk carcass to his butcher's shop, his voice raising in a happy bark as he called over Suthzig.

The leatherworker peeked her head out of the main entryway to the outpost, her tounge chasing after bits of lizard that dotted her face. "More skin?" she inquired after a small piece of her dinner disappered from the caress of her tounge on her scales.

Kreegus simply waved back as he began to dissect the first of the two elk, smiling as he pointed towards the kitchen, "Find Pun-pun to care for fat!" he said as he began to focus on his work, resising the urge to lick the carcass before he was finished dressing it.

Some time later Suthzig returned, a look of confusion on her face. "No find pun-pun." she said solomnly.

"What?" Kreegus replied confused, his hands already cutting into the second elk, "Where you look?"

Suthzig flicked her fingers toward him, "I look in workshops, across river, in sleep room, in big platform, and in new hall. Pun-Pun nowhere!"

Engraved on the walls of the cistern at Xunoxlugo
Pun-pun afraid for life! Went down to take stone out of water room, big door shut. Pun-pun trapped. Nothing here, pun-pun carve wall as last act! Pun-pun nothing else to do! This place cold, wet.

No more wall now. Pun-pun sleep...



20th Hematite - Boksi connected the last mechanism to the lever, linking the gears as carefully as she could. After all, this mechanism belonged in the dining room. With infinate care she linked the last few rivits and then pulled the lever.

A moment later a grinding sound indicated that the connection was sucessful, a loud "thomb" reverberating from the floodgate that connected to the cistern to the brook as it opened. Granted, the final wall connecting to two hadn't been removed... the cistern still wasn't smoothed.. but it was a start.

Suddenly Boksi heard a cry above. She raced upstairs to see what the matter was, and was nearly knocked flat as she passed the trade depot by a flying Pun-pun.

25th Hematite - Pun-pun furiously slammed the wooden pot containing the tallow he had been cooking down, the container spinning rapidly and nearly spilling on the counter before a slender hand stopped it.

Pun-pun looked up, his eyes meeting Suthzig's as she returned the pot. "Pun-puns?" She said cheerily, patting him on the shoulder as she walked towards the cistern with a small satchal of makshift chisls slung across her back.

Upset, Pun-pun slammed the pot back down and stalked out of his kitchen. Looking for somone to talk too.

29th Hematite - "Un huh" Fluffy said, resting against the entry to the main hallway.Pun-pun had talked incessantly about his time trapped in the cistern for nearly six hours, at one point crying on her shoulder and at others insisting that had he not been rescued he would have starved or went insane in there. Or how badly everyone treated him when he was rescued... and how bad the water was.

When Boksi walked out of the tunnel, Fluffy took initiative. "Pun-pun story was good... but Fluffy have fish to catch. Can Fluffy leave?" She asked meekly, motioning to the other female for help behind her back where pun-pun couldn't see.

"Wait, but... pun-pun have more to say!" the male kobold said plaintivly, a small whine creeping into his voice. However, his protest was cut off by a stare from the Mason, " Pun-pun can wait. We talk agian fluffy?" he asked gently.

Fluffy smiled and pointed over toward the animal traps just outside the enterance, "Fluffy and pun-pun eat lizard and talk soon." she said, hastily retreating from the male kobold. "But now Fluffy have work"

"Pun-pun have work too" Boksi said, helping Pun-pun up and pushing him towards the kitchen. "Go make food." She called at his retreating back as Pun-pun happily skipped away.

[ May 08, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #33 on: May 08, 2008, 06:06:00 pm »

Great story so far.  Would it be at all possible to have a copy of the changes you made for this game to work posted or PMed?  I'd really like to try my own kobold fortress. Anyways, look forward to seeing more.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #34 on: May 08, 2008, 06:53:00 pm »

I sent you the info via PM. Don't forget to regen once you do the changes.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2008, 05:23:00 am »

Pun-Pun find odd reeds.  They make thin cloth?  Too thin for wear.  Adding blackwater?

[ May 09, 2008: Message edited by: Qmarx ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2008, 07:59:00 am »

I haven't died yet. I just haven't had time to post due to on roaching finals and a major project over my head.

I should update either tonight or tomorrow night.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2008, 06:33:00 pm »

19th Galena

Kreegus grinned as he watched the lizard in front of him knawing at the wooden barrel, his tounge rolling over the small scales that covered his long muzzle as he anticipated slurping down the vermin along with a swing of Whip wine. Slowly he crept up behind the small creature, readying the wooden trap that would become it's final resting place and then..

"Kreegus!" A shrill voice rang out from the enterance of the cavern, startling the lizard and causing it to race into it's burrow in the ground. Kreegus lunged for it, his leap falling short as the small vermin dashed into a small hole on the ground, leaving him with a sore chin.

Gingerly Kreegus stood, his hand holding his jaw as he looked at the 'bold who had addressed him. It was Suthzig, the leatherworker approaching him with a furiuos stride.

"Why Suthzig smooth walls?" She shouted as she reached the de-facto leader of their group. "Day, Night, all time suthzig carve! Smooth this, smooth that! Why no skins? Why no leather? What is Kreegus doing?"

Kreegus shuffled his feet warily at her accusations, his eyes casting about the ground for another lizard and finding none while the female Kobold shouted. "Kobold no need food. Tooo much hunting scare animal away Suthzig."

"Bad excuse!" The leatherworker shouted, throwing her chisle to the ground in rage, "Kreegus have stone on mind! Not food. Suthzig not going to carve another rock untill more leather to work with!". Finishing her declairation, Suthzig turned around and stomped towards the drink stockpile. Evidently on break.
1st Limestone

"Reeeeddddyyyyy weeeedddyyyyyy!"

Pun-pun's shout echoed across the valley, it's volume enough to startle a nearby heard of mountain goats to scatter. All across the small encampment the six other kobolds, absorbed in their tasks, stopped to watch as thier resident cook seemed to go mad with joy as he carried back a small basket full of thick flaxen weeds.

In a few moments everyone had gathered together in a small knot around the cook, looking on with curiousity as Pun-pun threw down the reeds and began dancing around them, chanting in a low voice, "Reedy, Weedy, Reedy, Weedy,"

Finally, after a few minutes of this Boksi stepped forward. Leaning over the reeds with a disdainful look on her face and intonine, "What that?"

Pun-pun stopped his dancing, giving Boksi an embaressed look as he gathered the plants. "It reedy-weedy! This make cloth for rope, and socks for feet!" he said triumpantly, holding up a hank of the stuff so everyone could see it. "We have rope for well and horse now!"

Suthzig looked on with interest, taking a handful of the stuff from Pun-pun's grip and letting the coarse fibers run though her fingers, "Not hide, but good" she announced, pointing to the space where the old kitchen had been. "I make rope. Kreegus too lazy to get more leather anyway."

Boksi snorted disdainfully, waving her hand at Pun-pun dismissivly, "No need" she said, walking toward the stairwell that led to the drink stockpile. "No eat, no drink, no need."

Pun-pun laughed as she started to walk down the rough stairs, calling over to Boksi before she disspeared from view, "Boksi try River Spirits lazter. Boksi see what real drink is!"
7th Limestone

Vugeour swung her pick halfheartedly at the stone wall in front of her letting gravity do most of the work of her swing as the copper tool plunged into the hard stone and caused it to break apart in shower of small rocks. With a faint growl she lifted the pick back up, slowly fighting the pull of gravity before letting the pick fall back down again. Every day was like this, boring and slow as the miner worked her way though the sand and rock that made her new home.

It seemed like forever since she had seen the sunlight, although in reality it had only been a day or so. Much of the food and drink was still on the surface, despite the effort that Vugeour had put into carving out places to store the food. And it was pretty easy for the miner to slip away from the mine shaft when nobody was looking to take a walk by the brook.

'clink', 'clank', the pick echoed in the dim tunnel as Vugeour continued to dig downward. Her mind elsewhere as he body followed the automatic response that had virtually been engraved into every fiber of her being in several months of solid mining. So focused was she in fact, that it took a few moments for her to notice that the tunnel she had dug was lined with silver and white strands that laced the limestone around her. Only the difference in the sound of her pick hiting the iron ore drew her attention back to the real world, the realization of what she had hit causing Vugeour to drop her pick in suprise.

She had hit both Magnetite and Platinum at once!

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #38 on: May 12, 2008, 09:25:00 pm »

Excellent idea, I was just thinking about doing this since Qmarx's post in the Nist Akath thread.

So, I'm seeing an interesting combination of a few facts

What conclusion do you draw from these?
a) Kobolds are widely known as not understanding the concept of property
b) Nevertheless, they appear to be exclusively trying to steal artifacts
c) These artifacts are being used as part of an ancient evil ritual.
d) The ritual is being performed by allies of goblins, who tend to be enemies of kobolds.

That's right. The kobold thieves are actually adventurers trying to save the world.  

Also, could I get a Kolbold on the immigrant wave?
Name: Fippy Darkpaw
Job: Swordskobold if possible



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #39 on: May 13, 2008, 03:52:00 pm »

Report found in the Library of Mistalgrut, dark Dwarven tower
27th Timber - Activity report of the Kobold Outpost Xunoxlugo
Entry by - Mosus Demokad

Today is our fourth day of fourteen in this valley and there is little to note. The kobolds have mostly moved underground, their goods on the surface rapidly diminishing as one or another of the inhabitants returns to the top to squirrel away another piece. Aside from the bridge at the enterance and a small tower that they have erected over the brook there is hardly any evidence that the kobolds are here at all now.

Today the brook froze, cutting off our water supply. We have enough alcohol to return to Mistalgrut, but our observation period is forced to be cut short until spring.

Honestly I really don't know why we are here. These kobolds are no danger to us. Nor do they have anything of value.

13th Moonstone
"Up there" Pluchrayder said softly, fingering the coin that hung from his copper necklace. His nails scratching the soft metal lightly as his fingers clutched the trinket. "Where prophet say. You belive now?"

Shrewdly Kijujucal looked out from the front flap of his wagon. His eyes surveying the rapidly cooling valley. The merchant had been many places, and had met many people, but he could still hardly belive that one of his own kind had actually been brave enough to make a new outpost outside of the capital. Make... and not find anyway. In all of his time trading with humans and other Kobold civilizations he had yet to honestly belive it was even possible. And yet, here he was. The work below was not elven or dwarven or human. That only left his own kind. It was like a dream... a miricle.

"I er.... Kiju, wants to trade with them." the merchant said, hastily catching the grammer that he had picked up from his time with the humans. Pronouns are selfish, which is perfectly acceptable when talking with or about a lesser race. However, these were other kobolds. Noble in deed and work as they were carving a home from this mountain. They deserved kobold respect.

Pluchrayder smiled as he dropped his necklace, using his free hands to fix his tunic neatly across his body. "Prophet say more things happen with them. Important things. Be friendly yes?"

Kiju smiled enigmicly, recalling his own encounter with the prophet before the first caravan to Xunoxlugo, "Kiju be very friendly."

21st Moonstone

Stealthily, six humanoid forms worked their way over the rocks. Noislessly approaching the small pile of goods that sat outside of Xunoxlugo. Twenty-four paws padded against the ground, turning small rocks as a cold breeze whistled through the valley. Ruffling the long fur that covered the invaders. The sun shined down on the barren ground, reflecting from a small piece of metal that rested in the afternoon sun.

Suddenly, one of the creatures lunged forward. It's nimble hands snatching the shining hat. Behind it, the five others followed suit. Each one grabbing a piece of gear that was laying unattended in the cool winter air.

The creatures lifted their prizes into the air. A trumphant hoot rising from their throats as they danced in a merry circle.

Their dance was inturrupted swiftly however, as a cry from the enterance of the nearby fortress drew the attention of all of the Rhesus. Kreegus and Suthzig charged out of their home, weapons in thier hands and scattered pieces of armor covering parts of their bodies.

The Rhesus, recognizing the weapons of ther adversaries, scattered. Leaving the two Kobolds to give chase.
23rd Moonstone

Kreegus snarled as he returned to the enterance of the fort. Cursing as he whiped away the blood that coated the edge of his crossbow. Behind him Suthzig meekly followed, whiping the tip of her bloodied spear on her loincloth as the leader raged. At the enterance they were met by Pun-pun and Pluchrayder.

"How much we lose?" Kreegus asked as he and suthzig closed the distance, his mouth twisted into a grimace as Pun-pun avoided his gaze.

"Metal Hat, Metal bolts, pike trouser, waterbag, and carp armor." the trader said softly, shifting as Kreegus cursed again. Angerly looking towards the south. "How many you catch?" Pun-pun asked quietly, loath to draw the ire of the trapper.

Kreegus pointed north, towards a limb body that lay in the light of the setting sun. "One." replied gruffly, shaking his head at the loss the Rhesus had brought to his home. "Just one"

"Two!" a clear voice shouted from behind the two warriors. Kreegus started and looked back as a cheery Meegus crested the hill, her axe glistening in the sunlight as she waved towards the small group of Kobolds. "Meegus get waterbag back! Monkey meat over hill."

1st Opal

The noise of a crate slamming on the ground echoed though the loose semicircle of wagons as one of the merchants shouted, "Kijujucal have enough of this!" Pun-pun dropped the basket of biscuits he had been trading, taken aback as the merchant stormed away, cursing and shouting to his fellows. His high-piched voice echoing as he chased after the affronted merchant.

"You can't leave!" he shouted, his voice nearly drowned out as the workers in the depot began packing the goods they had bought into their wagon. The merchant he had been trading with hastily stacking one of the bins of stone goods onto the back of his own mule. "Wait! Pun-pun make new offer!"

Kijujucal whirlled on him, pointing a sharp sceptre at the cook with a venomous thrust. "No! Enough offer. Pun-pun make bad deals! Now Pun-pun get nothing!" Hastily he returned the sceptre to it's place on the wagon, his back tense with frustration.

"But..." Pun-pun objected as one of the gaurds took the copper chainmail he had been trying to bargen for out of his hands and returning it to the wagon. "But we still need trade!"

The merchant turned and snarled, his lip rising against his teeth "You find new merchant then! We done for this year. Next winter we come back. You treat us right or we no trade ever again!". And with that he mounted the wagon and set off.

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #40 on: May 13, 2008, 08:46:00 pm »

We don't have anybody that can tell the price of goods do we?

Heh, just like 2D early game.

Except in 2D the merchants wouldn't get angry and storm off.   Oh well, always next year.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2008, 12:24:00 am »

Pun-pun has appraising, that's why he's our broker.

No, I was just getting too greedy not willing to part with giving them a value of nearly double what I was asking for. Really I wasn't ready for the caravan (we had just started getting the crafter's workshops up) and the only thing I had to trade of any value were prikle and fisher berry seed biscuits.

Next year, once we get migrants, I will be far more ready for merchants.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2008, 02:29:00 pm »

We just got a migration. Apparently utterances don't produce names when used as a civ tag at all (the originals have no first name and a dwarven last name that was produced by hardcoded stuff.) I'm going to use some memory editing to give each kobold a last name. This is the maximum extent I intend to use tweak for. But I felt you all should know before the next update.

Edit: Damn it, tweak doesn't have a renaming utility. Does anyone know where I can find something to give these newbies names?

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2008, 05:30:00 pm »

Updated to DFMD. I'll post the next update eventually.

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2008, 07:20:00 pm »

Wow i'm loving this story.
How did you get the creature and entity files to work? every time I try it I get a crash and the errorlog says that there is an unrecognized token no MATGLOSS or something like that.
Even the cutest things can be endearing when on fire. ~ Cajoes
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
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