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Author Topic: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress  (Read 8463 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« on: May 05, 2008, 09:16:00 am »

"Long kobold here. Longer kobold survive." The raspy voice of the high priest Kebublib echoed throughout the dark cave. His blind, filmy eyes glowing dimly in comparison to the others as he waved his slender fingers before the assembled crowd. The rest of the room was nearly silent, only the sound of narrow claws tapping against the floor giving any indication that the pinpoints of light that were the rest of the tribe were not glow fungus themselves.

"From time of dragon kobold come. From time of man kobold leave. From many monster kobld escape and live once more." The prophet continued, shakily stepping forward as the throes of prophecy washed over him and animated his old body with vigor and energy. His staff tapped against the floor with every statement, emphasizing his vigorous statements.

"Kobold survive. We survive always. But!" The priest stopped, raising a finger in the darkness. His staff creaking as his weight shifted to it. "But... no more."

The assembled kobolds began to mummer at this, their indistinguishable canine yips hardly audible as the prophet rested. After a time he waved them to silence so he could continue. "Kebublib see future of kobold. Kebublib see future of man. Kobold will become great, as dragon once were. As Kobold once were when dragon were. Yess..."

The old prophet bent down and drew one claw across the sand at his feet. The loose floor readily ripping up under the assault of the sharp appendage. Rapidly a crude map was formed, a familiar map in the hard-packed floor of the cavern. "There" the prophet said as he sketched a small star on a river between mountains and the ocean. "There man is. Good man. Man who help kobold tribe. Kebublib has seen it, it be so."

Pausing, the prophet drew a small box at the head of the river. The assembly stirred as they recognized the shape of the mountain range. "Here is kobold now. Kobold cave on same river. Far away."

Finally, the prophet sketched a small half-circle between the two. A mark where the lowest edge of the mountains met with the tallest hills. "And there, there kobold must go. Meet man. Trade." he said haltingly, his eyes dimming as the last mark was made. Slowly he stood with the aid of a middle-aged female. Her sweet musk filling and clearing the head of the old prophet. As she steadied him he looked out on the rest of the kobolds with his rheumy eyes and spoke firmly. "Seven go. Who go matter not. You leave, make new home. Must make, not find. Learn men ways and make kobold great."

The female led the prophet away, steadying him as she half-carried the old kobold to his damp room. The others looked amongst themselves, quivering with excitement and fear at this new prophecy. Kobolds are not brave, even the warriors. For a full minute none of them stepped forward, instead their high-pitched voices filled the largest chamber of the cave. Protests and rumors flew as each kobold voiced a reason not to go. As each kobold spoke of things that humans, dwarves, and elves have done to them.

Finally, however, one of the creatures stepped forward. His husky muzzle piercing the air and his eyes shining bright in the darkness. "Shame you!" He called out, bringing silence to the room, "Are kobold not brave? You ignore wise prophet? We must do, we make kobold great!" He shouted, his fury steeping his words and preventing protest. Then, a female voice replied to his challenge in kind. "You go!" it called viciously, ringing against the earth and stone around them.

The kobold who had stepped forward stepped back, a look of terror crossing his face. But it was quickly replaced by a determined look. "I go!" he shouted back, his eyes shining even brighter in the light "Who follow?"

Yes, you guessed it, this is another community fortress. However, this time I don't intend to use dwarves. That's way too easy. No, this fortress will a Kobold fortress.

Things will not be easy. Kobolds have a number of limitations that dwarves do not. They cannot eat plants or prepared food made entirely of plantstuff. They are physically smaller and weaker and than any of the other vanilla races, they only can embark with copper materials... and there is more explained in detail later on.

However, it is in the spirit of Dwarf Fortress to try things that can end disastrously. After all, losing is fun.

If you'd like to name a Kobold in the fortress, just state your entire name (Kobolds do not start with last names), preferred profession, and what you are bringing (if you are one of the initial seven). 44points each are permitted, and we cannot embark with anything better than copper and no plants. The extra points will be used to buy turtle meat.

We need seven kobolds total before starting. I cannot guarantee gender, but I will do my best to keep stated preferences in mind.
Important facts about Kobolds:

Kobolds are not alcohol dependent. However, if it is available they prefer to drink alcohol over water. In the case of stagnant water, a kobold will wait until they are nearly dehydrated until they are willing to drink it.

Kobolds are carnivorous and are able to eat bones. However, they cannot consume plants or prepared food without a meat ingredient. (This includes wholly alcoholic foods.) I am not certain if they will eat foods made from tallow. Eating bones produces a happy thought, but in very rare cases may cause the creature to choke to death.

Kobolds are smaller and physically weaker than dwarves. However, they grow up faster and multiple births are more common.

Kobolds speak a language in such an estostic grammatical sense that no human can directly translate. The best we can come to is understanding the very basic meaning of their phrases though gestures. As a matter of fact, because their vocal physiology is so different it is nearly impossible for a human to pronounce many of their site and personal names.Any nickname will overwrite the entire name of a Kobold.

Kobolds only start with copper as an available metal. Meaning, no anvils and a very few points at embark.

Kobolds are highly energetic, anxious, and make friends very easily compared to dwarves.

Only humans are willing to trade with Kobolds. Goblins consider them chattel and will kidnap and sige them, Dwarves consider their homes easy plunder and attack early and often, and Elves consider any item made by a Kobold fair game to be stolen.

[ May 05, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2008, 09:39:00 am »

Damn you, I was thinking of doing this.  Are you digging a fort of your own, or taking over a cave?  I'd think that taking over a cave would be rather fitting...  It's dangerous though.

Anyways, sign me up.  

Main skill:  Trapper
Auxiliary skills: Animal trainer, ambusher, and wrestling.  

This guy will provide your early food supply.  Get him to make a few animal traps (bring along about five to get started, the rest he can make from wood) and then set him out to capture small animals for food.  Later, train him up in the use of either a sword, or whatever ranged weapon your kobolds have access to.  From then on out, he can be either a hunter or a high-standing warrior.  He'll also handle whatever taming you might want/need.  It's always good to have a few tame creepy-crawlies in a kobold warren.

Starting supplies would be the five animal traps and a hunk of mule meat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2008, 10:19:00 am »


preferrablely a miner, if you don't need one then a soldier type guard will do, with sword skill

and ill spend the points on brings a few pieces of cheap meat and some drinks, ill just say then that i guess my person is afraid of starveing the death, even if he is much more likely to be killed instead



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2008, 10:29:00 am »

I'll join. Name doesn't matter, nor does gender. Skills are as follows:
4 Mason
4 Mechanic
2 Building Design

Preferably with an intelligent personality. Can be as crazy as you like, as long as he has some intellectual curiosity.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2008, 11:21:00 am »

Kagus : We'll be digging out our own fort. The point of this is to be a trading outpost between a human town and the most advanced kobold civ (which isn't very much)

Vugor: Kobolds are not alcohol dependent, we cannot embark with drinks... or plants, for that matter. If we want any alcohol or cloth (or flour... or dye) we  need to find it via herbalism. Fortunately, kobolds also do not work slowly if they don't have alcohol.

Boski: 4 ranks in a skill is 26 points. Meaning you will be getting far more than your share in skills alone. The points for kobolds starts out exceptionally low (a max of 310 points, taking into account 15meat, 2picks, and 2copper axes) This averages to 44 points each.

I'll name the kobold Boski if you have no preference. We don't want to accidentally assign somone else your kobold.

Current Gear:
x1 Copper pick (20points)
x1 Copper Battle Axe (20points)
x1 Copper Sword (20 points)
x5 Animal Traps (I'm not certain they are available, but if they are I will bring some)
x1 Mule meat in a barrel (2 points) (1 meal)
x6 Turtle in two barrels (12 points) (12 meals, 6 shells)
x6 Perch in two barrels (12 points) (12 meals)
x6 Horse meat in two barrels (12 points) (6 meals)
x4 Donkey meat in two barrels (8 points) (6 meals)

Current jobs:
Kreegus: Trapping(some skill), Animal Training(untrained), Ambushing(untrained), Wrestling(untrained)

Vugeour: Mining(untrained) - Total of 44 points

Boski: Mason (some skill), Mechanic (some skill), Building Design (some skill)

Meegus: Novice Axekobold (5 points),Novice Woodcutter (5 points), Carpenter(11 points) - total of 41 points

Fluffy: Swordskobold (11 points), Fisherkobold (11 points) - Total of 42 points

[ May 05, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2008, 11:26:00 am »


Name: Meegus <cat>  (Whatever the kobold language has that's close to that)

Meegus will take carpentry and woodcutting, as well as one rank in using an axe.
If we can afford to bring a copper axe, please do!

Meegus is allergic to cats and kittens, and would rather see them on his plate instead of walking around.

Edit:  If it makes the difference between getting an axe and not getting one, I'll drop all of my current skills--just turn on woodcutting and carpentry so that I can train them back slowly.

[ May 05, 2008: Message edited by: DoctrZombie ]

DoctrZombie has been happy lately. He admired a masterwork poorly drawn webcomic lately.He wrote about a community fortress recently.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2008, 11:44:00 am »

Kobolds don't have a language. Their names are a series of word fragments jumbled together without any valid meaning. Though if someone were willing to write a kobold language...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2008, 11:48:00 am »

Hague beat me too it.


Kobolds speak a language in such an estostic grammatical sense that no human can directly translate. The best we can come to is understanding the very basic meaning of their phrases though gestures. As a matter of fact, because their vocal physiology is so different it is nearly impossible for a human to pronounce many of their site and personal names.

For example, I DARE you to pronounce a triple consonant diphthong accented with a ў on the trailing end. And don't get me started on the chirping click-growl or the sounds created by grinding a kobold tooth against the softer scales of the lower jaw.

[ May 05, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2008, 05:27:00 pm »


I'll take one.
Name: Fluffy (male or female yes I know they are scaly not fluffy)
Profession: Fisher/swordskobold
Items: I want a sword if it's affordable.  Otherwise put everything into the community pool.

And I'm pretty sure carnivores can eat meals made from tallow.  I do it all the time with a carnivore race.

[ May 05, 2008: Message edited by: Greiger ]

Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2008, 06:04:00 pm »

The blessing of copper, everything is very cheap. (Swords are 20 points)

It's very nice to know that carnivores can eat tallow meals. If/when we capture a population of breeding animals the fat could be very useful in meals. Especially since kobolds will eat prepared food as long as it has a meat ingrediant (meaning tallow + alochol can increase our food supply).

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2008, 07:46:00 pm »

Could I be in?

Name: Pun-Pun
Gender: Male

Personality: Any of these, if possible.

Loves to defy convention/
Is put off by authority and tradition/

Will persist in the face of any difficulty until the task is complete/
Possesses great willpower/

Constantly strives for perfection/
Thinks it is incredibly important to strive for excellence/
Strives for excellence

Put a single point in Appraiser and Persuader.  [noadjective] Cook/Brewer.  There should be some points left for any skills that are missing from the group as a whole.


Impending Doom

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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2008, 08:19:00 pm »

Ooh, I gotta jump in on this one!

Name: Suthzig

Gender: Female(if possible)

Skills: Spearbold, building designer, leatherworker.

I'll take along a spear if I can afford it.

Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2008, 10:01:00 pm »

Impending Doom, I've given you two ranks in Spearkobold and two ranks in leatherworking. The spear takes half of your points, but you also have that.

Qmarx, the only personality trait I could get was "Is put off by authority and tradition."

Boski, I couldn't find any kobold who particularily valued (or disvalued) intelligence. So instead I gave you our candidate who was "Board with reality and has a wonderful imagination" and "Loves a good thrill"

Kagus, no animal traps at embark. I gave you two competent skills (trapping and animal trainer) and novice ambushing. That, along with your meat, is your share of the goods.

Interestingly enough, I was able to name the fortress this time (in the pretest I was not, but back then kobolds didn't have all the proper tags and they wouldn't work anyway). Thusly it has been named:
Xunoxlugo - "Priestplayed"
and the group name is called
Tamunegu, or "Dragonbraves"

Shortly I will upload profiles.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2008, 11:10:00 pm »

Document found in the libary of Mistalgrut, dark Dwarven tower.

Label: Assessment of Kobold Outpost Xunoxlugo

Citizens: Seven

Personality assessments:







Dieties and Worship - Identified Worshipers


Glayrin - Meegus, Pun-Pun
Chamis - Boski, Suthzig
Jrarbin - Kreegus, Fluffy
Fruduluchlayayrbus - Vugeour


Expedition Leader - Kreegus
Bookeeper - Vacant
Manager - Vacant
Broker - Pun-Pun

[ May 06, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stories of Terror and Energy: Kobold Fortress
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2008, 11:11:00 pm »


Site Defenses: Minimal
Site Supplies: Minimal
Site Value:  Minimal
Threght level: Minimal
Recommendation: Ignore the worthless skulking filth.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.
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