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Author Topic: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.  (Read 14566 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #90 on: August 09, 2008, 05:42:58 pm »

I've been following the thread, just caught me at a bad time. I'll get started on this tonight though, sorry for the wait.

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  • Bay Watcher
  • Jovian Dwarf
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #91 on: August 09, 2008, 05:59:12 pm »

No worries!  :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #92 on: August 10, 2008, 11:22:44 pm »

1st Granite, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

I have returned to my management duties after a long abscense. A number of problems have caught my eye. I shall continue work on the Skyseal, but I shall also need to solve the issue we are having with our water supply. Additionally, we shall need a source of water in the palace above as well. Perhaps I shall have a pond constructed above. If it were filled with fish, it would certainly be a sight to behold. Fish in the sky!

Moreover, I shall construct a proper tomb for my beloved Myra in the sky. It saddens me she will never see our work finished, but her spirit shall have it's place in the sky.

11th Granite, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

Lorbam Niralas has finished her mysterious construction, for which I reluctantly bade her use our precious dragon leather. She has created Kithin Akrul, a clear glass cabinet encrusted with gems and encircled with dragon leather. It is by far the most valuable artifact made without adamantine in our fortress, and a piece of furniture worthy of the gods themselves. A symbol of our new age of the demon!

14th Granite, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

The elves have arrived.

16th Granite, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

More filthy creatures have arrived. The fortress is sealed to prevent the elves from escaping, and only Zas was stationed outside the gates. May she slaughter them all!

It has been several hours, and Zas hasn't a scratch on her. She's slain ten so far. They're coming at her from east and west at once.

20th Granite, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

There are no more signs of goblin activity about our fort. All told, Zas slew 23 today, bring her total to 41 kills. We lost a wardog in the fray, but no dwarves were injured. Let all know that Zas triumphed this day!

(I suck at making videos and missed the first battle where she walked through about 20 bolts and slew goblins from both sides entirely.)

22nd Slate, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

No immigrants will be arriving here for some time it seems. Word has spread of the unfortunate fates of many of the workers here. No matter, we shall press on!

9th Hematite, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

Humans have arrived, just when the stench of that insane elf was starting to wear off.

3rd Malachite, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

Our Baron has been crushed underneath a drawbridge after throwing a tantrum earlier and destroying our still. Serves him right, wasting good booze like that!

11th Limestone, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

A dwarven caravan has arrived, at last. Unfortunately the fools didn't bring their wagons, so we'll have no lumber or ore from them this year.

I'm having my doubts as to whether we'll get enough rain to replenish our ponds, I've been keeping track and theres been no increase in the water levels at all so far, and the wet season is over now. The roof is proceeding on schedule. Several hundred more blocks are now in place.

17th Sandstone, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

Rains have finally come to us. Perhaps the ponds can be refilled afterall, in time. When we finally have enough spare hands we'll need to fill the eastern pond enough so that the rain that falls within does not evaporate though. Water should be collected from the other, full ponds to the west, by bucket if necessary.

1st Granite, 1062, 'Project Skyseal'

It's time I passed on the mantle of leadership once more. Aside from the goblin seige fended off by Zas, it's been an uneventful year. I was unable to make any progress on my goals of creating ponds in the sky due to the incomplete roof. There is so much work to be done that even with nearly 100 dwarves there simply isn't the labor to spare for rounding up all the goblin remains, stray animals, and odd dents in our fortress. At least I got the weeding of the courtyard finished so there should be a nice crop of trees for the next few years. We also acquired a fine artifact- it belongs in the palace to be certain.


Heres the save:

I didn't bother making a map because there are only 2 differences: The roof is a bit bigger and I added a stupid bridge in front of our gate in a futile attempt to mash a stupid elf that got outside the depot. It's connected to a new lever in the gatehouse which is labeled with a note. I'll probably turn it back into a road if nobody else does before I get another turn.

I didn't realize Demos had taken Myra as a lover before she died, I'd have insisted she be given the artifact coffin. Too late for that now though. I suppose it can be used for someone elses tomb in the sky. That cabinet is one hell of a piece of work too. Not too often you get to see a clear glass cabinet encrusted with gems and encircled with dragon leather.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #93 on: August 11, 2008, 12:22:10 pm »

My turn again already?  I'll get right on it.

Oh, and I take it we've upgraded to 39f?
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #94 on: August 11, 2008, 01:50:56 pm »


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  • Bay Watcher
  • Jovian Dwarf
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #95 on: August 11, 2008, 09:12:54 pm »

Zas=epic!  :D

I was also thinking of sky ponds, but I wasn't sure it would work.  If it does, we should definitely do it!  :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #96 on: August 12, 2008, 07:05:24 am »

What you could do is make a channel in the sky made of glass.


. = floor
_ = empty space
[] = wall

Top level


Level below


All other levels:

Same as above but with open space between walls shortened by one

and you'd just keep funneling it downwards, eventually turning it into a single column that transports all the to the ponds. Of course, with DF physics this may be impossible with the protruding walls catching all the water.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #97 on: August 18, 2008, 12:54:33 am »

Well, I'm really sorry for taking so long.  I've been moving back to college this week, so I haven't had much time.  I did finish the turn, though, so a write-up should be around by Tuesday.  I've probably caused a lot more trouble than I solved (a dwarf with a nickname is dead, due solely to my stupidity; find out who in the write up!)
All generalizations are false....including this one.

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  • Bay Watcher
  • Jovian Dwarf
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #98 on: August 19, 2008, 10:44:51 am »

No worries! Looking forward to the update :)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #99 on: August 20, 2008, 02:13:59 am »

((I'll say it again, I'm really sorry.  Marching band camp has taken everything out of me, so I'm afraid I only have half a write-up for now.  I'll include my scratch notes for the rest of the dates, and the save as well.  I would just put it off till tomorrow, but I've got practice from 8:00AM-11:00PM for the next four days.  And then school starts.  When I finally get some time on my hands, I'll edit it to make it sound good.))

1st of Granite, 1063
It has come again: my turn to govern the great fortress Skyseal!  I can only hope that I prove up to the task.  The first item on the agenda: get rid of those pesky humans.  I don’t know how they still survive, but they do.  A pity there isn’t enough water for the Merchant-Learn-To-Swim program.  No matter, perhaps some playing around with the new drawbridge will work.

My, today has been a busy day.  Working with the drawbridge, I finally managed to catch one of the humans upon it.  He flew so high in the air when that bridge went up: it was wonderful.  Unfortunatly, he didn’t die of it.  Now, he crawls around, looking for an escape from what I’m sure to him is the center of Hell.  When the drawbridge was lowered, it had the fortunate side effect of crushing one of the dogs.  That’s one less of the foul beasts around here.
In less morbid news, Zon the woodworker gave birth to a girl today.  Another child who will grow up to be a great worker, I am sure.

6th of Granite, 1063
I had a very cunning idea which was put into action today.  While the surviving human lay unconscious, I had Archimedes lay a trap over his head.  When the human woke up and crawled forward, he triggered it, and now is caught in a cage.  Perhaps I should chain him up in the courtyard for people’s amusement.  Although, it would probably be more useful to chain him at the entrance in order to warn us of the next goblin siege.  Decisions, decisions…

11th of granite, 1063
The pansy elves have arrived.  Likely, they won’t have brought anything useful, the pointy-eared spies.  If only we had water, but I suppose ballista bolts will be good enough for them.

15th of Granite, 1063
Goblins have come to siege us again!  I wonder if the elves are in league with them.  The timing just seems too convenient.  Elves arrive…four days later goblins arrive.  Nonetheless, we shall sweep them away like the dust they are.  Call out to Rith: Dustpurges shall awaken!

18th of Granite, 1063
Evidently, I was wrong about the elves; the goblins have slaughtered them to the last merchant.  Even the animals were butchered without mercy.  Two dogs, both heavily wounded, were also caught outside.  I feel no sadness at their loss, however.

20th of Granite, 1063
Today is a glorious day for myself, I finally got to see my great creation put to good use.  The foolish goblins were milling about, many in our very courtyard.  When the drawbridge slammed shut behind them, you can be assured that they were intimidated.  Then, the front door burst open, and out stepped Rith the Purger, sunlight glistening off her adamantine armor, with Dustpurges in her hand.  My artifact looked wonderful then, but all the more so when covered in the goblin’s blood.

Rith charged straight out into the mingling goblins.  She was like a force of nature, wielding Dustpurges like the wind itself.  I could hardly see her in the cloud of spraying blood, but every so often a flying limb would tell me that she still had the upper hand.  At her side was her lover, Sakzul.  He kept her back safe, and even though he is not nearly as skilled, he still managed a full eight kills.  Rith, however, cut down twenty four.  When the remaining goblins outside heard the screams of their comrades, they turned and fled to the west.  I had the drawbridge lowered, and Rith chased after them, but they were long gone by the time she arrived.  In all, sixteen goblins escaped, with thirty-two dead.  I wonder if it would be possible to increase that ratio…

4th of Slate, 1063
Unwelcome news today: new nobles have arrived.  A new baron, his consort, and a hammerer have come to our gates, demanding to be let in.  I have complied, though certainly not without grievence.  Though I don’t like the thought of killing any dwarf, I too have been sentenced unjustly, and my receive the wrath of this hammerer.  Perhaps it would be a good idea to introduce him to our golden wall.

I have given all three nobles a room to share for their office, bedroom, and dining room.  They don't really mind, as I had Kithin Akrul, the artifact closet, put in the same room as well.  This keeps them all happy, despite the cramped quarters.  I don't like the idea of great artwork being used to please stupid nobles, but hopefully it will prevent them from doing anything stupid, like giving out pointless mandates.

Some migrants have decided to brave this terrifying place, knowing it may be their tomb.  I was quite happy to hear this.  I have assigned them to the training area I built during my last term, told them the basic training regimen, and sealed the doors.  The two women will be the servants and the men shall become the champions; not that I’m biased, it’s just that babies in battle are never a good thing.  The trainees will be able to sustain themselves perfectly well until they are champions.

10th of Slate, 1063
Yet another child was born today, a girl.  Id the Champion is her mother.  I only hope that the poor child will be able to live through any battles her mother fights in until she is old enough to walk.

23rd of Slate, 1063
Our hammerer has been introduced to the magical lever at the end of the golden corridor.  They became great friends, and now he will stay with it forever.  I had to send in a cleaning crew to get all the blood off the floor.

Work has now started on the four draw-bridges for the western plateau.  There will be one for each of the ramps that we have carved into the Cliffside, and the other two will prevent access from the same level.  Hopefully, they will be able to seal in retreating goblins.  I will, of course, label the levers for use.

15th of Felsite, 1063
Again, the cries of a newborn ring throughout the fortress; Minkot the Carpenter has given birth to yet a girl.  We’re going to have quite the influx of young women in fifteen years.  If there’s a boy born soon, he’s going to have good pickings.

9th Hematite, 1063
A human diplomat was spotted today, but he left as soon as he came within sight of the fortress.  I think they are quite unhappy about the state of their last guild representative.  I’m not surprised no non-dwarf would want to get near here.

12th of Hematite, 1063
A caravan of humans has arrived.  I don’t know if they met up with that diplomat, but rest assured, they too will meet their doom at Skyseal.

15th of Hematite, 1063
A Goblin siege has arrived!  Perhaps the humans are the ones selling the goblins information.  We shall see what happens when the two groups meet.

20th of Hematite,  1063
Again, I was wrong in my assessment of the humans.  The caravan’s guards are killing goblins left and right.  I sent out Rith to finish off the remainder of the siege.  It can’t be said that we are unable to defend ourselves, and have to rely on caravan guards for protection.  Rith, however, proved that we certainly are capable of fighting.  The last few goblins were cut to ribbions.

1st of Galena, 1063
Some of the humans have gone mad in their captivity.  After the goblin siege, only two remain outside of the trade pit, and they lie in the murky pond that they fell into while fighting the green-skins.  They, and a few select others, still survive unharmed and sane, though the ballista has been working full-time.  I seriously don’t know how they do it.

I’ve ordered a hatch to cover up the ramp to the pool, and a new trading depot to be built for when our good dwarven caravan arrives.  With any luck, we should be able to give them a whole bunch of our useless goblin gear.

12th of Limestone, 1063
The Dwarven caravan has arrived.  I sent Rith out to stand guard, and ordered tons of goods to be piled into the trade depot.  As my father used to say, there’s only one way to get rid of useless clutter: sell it to the merchants!

14th of Limestone, 1063
A Kobold thief was spotted trying to escape with a silk sock, but Rith was happy to relieve him of the stolen property, and the little bugger’s life.  This is how things should be.  Good, honest dwarves don’t bring sieges, only petty thieves trying to steal their wealth.

13th of Sandstone, 1063
Trading has been completed; the merchants got well over 500,000 in profit, closer to 600,000 actually.  With any luck, they will bring all kinds of goods next year, with plenty of wagons for our useless junk.

And my notes on everything else that happened:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And the save:
Now for a sweet five hours of sleep.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #100 on: August 20, 2008, 04:45:08 am »

O.k. I have got the save file. I will probably be done in a 4 or 5 days. It may take awhile longer considering the massive FPS problems I am getting.

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  • Bay Watcher
  • Jovian Dwarf
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #101 on: August 21, 2008, 11:18:08 am »

Vabok!!!  ;D  What a way to go  :P

A human in a cage!  Nice!  :)  I like the idea of chaining him up as a guard.  That would be really cool!

On a side note: I've tried building windows around chained up animas with one door as an access for people chaining things to it, it seems to still allow animals to detect invaders, and protects them from injury.  Just so you know.   I half ass tested it, it seemed to work, but the invaders could have been noticed some other way.  Would be a good way of keeping our human slave around...


  • Bay Watcher
  • Royal Hammerer, Smasher of Stupid Nobles,
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #102 on: August 23, 2008, 07:18:35 am »

The Royal Hammerer (myself) has decreed the Bumping of this page to be Mandated and completed now, Page two is no place for Mad ideas (besides i need some place to get rid of the dumber hammerers, Your Golden Wall is Famous among the Royal hammerers as the fact to ones who can't tell a just punishment from a mandate by a stupid noble.)

Keep up The Madness, This is my mandate, Failure will be paid for with 101 days in jail, a boot to the head, and to be used for Royal Hammerers in training as Hammering Practice... *puts a adamaintine seal upon this mandate and hammers it into the forum*
The Worlds Best Trap includes a single left footed -Pig Tail- sock.
Madness? This isn't Madness...This is DWARF FORTRESS.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #103 on: August 23, 2008, 09:21:51 am »

I hate to add a useless comment, but I have to say that collapsing the tower in this game was immensely satisfying.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #104 on: August 23, 2008, 02:49:27 pm »

Ok update time:

Dain's journal of the events during 1064 at Skyseal.

1st of Granite: It seems it is again my turn to rule skyseal. But the sheer mass of its occupants is doing my head in. This is all to complex for a miner, I wonder if I could maybe skim the number here down again. There is nothing wrong with killing a few of these no good immigrants for the sake of my brain. Is there?

2nd of Granite: As a marker for the start of my turn I have ordered Don the weaponsmith to make 7 adamantine hammers, two adamantine short swords and an adamantine axe for Zas. This will strengthen our military force beyond end. I might even order him to make an adamantine pick for me while I am at it.

8th of Granite: The dwarves here aren't listening to me when i tell them to go to the burninator. Maybe they are learning about what happens to those who enter. They tell me that I am a crazed old nobody who has no authority at Skyseal.

10th of Granite: A siege! My plans to deal with the trouble making immigrants have been interrupted by a more imminent goblin threat. I have ordered the front drawbridge to be closed and all warriors line up behind it.

11th of Granite:  What! Close the damn drawbridge you bastard peasants. The goblins have ran straight in and the drawbridge is not closing. I blame the immigrants. I swear when this is done I will kill all those responsible. In the mean time I will just have to watch my back.

13th of Granite: The siege actually went quite well even after the sabotaged drawbridge, thanks to our speedy warriors. They were able to get out and defend Skyseal and prevent the goblins from killing anyone. They really deserve the adamantine weapons they are about to receive. No to killing those immigrants.

14th of Granite: I had an argument with the Count today. He seemed to think that the immigrants deserve no punishment what-so-ever and will live on. I cannot disobey him as to do so will go against the king. Arggh...  If only I could stick this pick in the Counts back.

3rd of Slate: A philosopher and a hammerer have arrived from the mountain homes. Luckily the count does not yet know about these arrivals. Hopefully I can kill the hammerer before he starts paying attention.

8th of Slate: The hammerer was crushed by a drawbridge. How sad.

21st of Slate: I have decided that the only way to gain some leverage on this traitor harboring Count is to create a death trap to kill everyone.

22nd of Slate: I have started digging out my special project. It should be done with-in a few weeks.

16th of Felsite: The digging is done. Now all I have to do is smooth it and set up the floodgates. I can already fell the power surging within me. After this is done I will have ultimate control over Skyseal.

18th of Felsite: An attempt on my life was held today. I was out minding my own business when out of no where a berserk peasant ran at me trying to beat me down with his fists. It was quite pathetic actually as the peasant had no skills what-so-ever. How he thought he could kill me, a legendary miner, is a mystery.  He was screaming at me about not getting any shells. I am betting that the count is behind this attack.


3rd of Hematite: The smoothing and floodgates are done. All I need now are the pumps.

7th of Malachite: The metalsmith is still working on the pump parts, this is taking way to long. Maybe someone is sabotaging this as well. It seems that everyone here is against me. They keep telling me I'm paranoid. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get me. We will see who has the upper hand when this project of mine is done.

8th of Galena: It works! My special project has been finally completed.  I will call it The Flow of Redemption device. I am now supreme ruler of Skyseal and no-one can challenge me!

16th of Galena: I have a grand plan for Skyseal. One that involves everyone except for me dieing. I have decided that everyone at Skyseal is out to kill me. I hear whispers of my name around every corner. I hear them plotting against me, I'm not stupid. The only way for me to survive is to kill everyone. On the 1st of Autumn I will pull the lever that unleashes a torrent of magma into the fortress. By that time I will be locked up in the glass tower with food and drink. I will survive up there while everyone else dies. This should be magnificent indeed.

24th of Galena: The count seemed to have noticed my good mood and took it upon himself to change that. He mandated the construction of 3 tin items. I told him that he would get his wish if he pulls the lever next to the golden bridge. He doesn't deserve to die like a real dwarf. His death will be painless, something an elf or a human would want. Real dwarves deserve to die in pain, you can't get anymore painful then death by magma.

29th of Galena: The count reappeared today telling me that the lever was jammed. Hmmm, maybe I should test this out for myself.

Diary of Count Oltaredan

30th of Galena: I finally managed to kill that psychotic miner today. I had a feeling that he was likely to go berserk and kill everyone at Skyseal. I don't usually like for any dwarf to die especially a skilled one like Dain. However it worth it as his one death was likely to save hundreds of lives.

Note: I could only manage half a year as the FPS was down in the single digits. I give up and will now leave this succession game due to FPS problems. Truly sorry for any inconvenience caused by my departure.

Dain's Vision:
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